Chapter 22

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When I go to the Pokemon League, I ignore the staff stopping me and head to the Champion's room where Alder is located. Alder shows up with Marshal and I say, "I've been waiting for you, Alder. You stupid Champion being praised by an equally stupid Pokemon League."

"Bastard! You insult my Master?!" Marshal demands. But Alder just laughs, "Calm down, Marshal. Maybe he's right."

He notices the Pokemon behind me, there are Reshiram, Vanilluxe, Carracosta, Archeops, Klinklang, Zorua, and Tepig. "What a group of nice Pokemon. Each of them is well-raised. Double Battle, how about that?"

"Anything is fine with me." I say.

While I'm battling him, I also see what's going on in the Pokemon League. I was surprised to learn that Zinzolin has entered the tournament, along with Agent Looker, who I thought was in amnesia after everything happened in Hoenn. But he's probably here to arrest the Seven Sages with my Mom's command.

I also have Concordia use Xatu to teleport Hilda away into our castle, so she can learn more about us.

When Bouffalant hits my Vanilluxe with the Head Charge, Marshal says, "This is the Head Charge from a Bouffalant who can derall a running train!"

I say, "You wouldn't use this move if you have ever considered your Pokemon's wellbeing. This move is too powerful, even you would get yourself hurt."

"I see, that's what you thought. The recoil damage can be absorbed by its thick fur. Besides, Bouffalant can take respond from this dangerous order... all because it understands its trainers orders!"

As we continue to battle, Vanilluxe is defeated, and Alder asks, "Four gym leaders went missing two weeks ago. There are rumors that Team Plasma kidnapped them. Is that true? Also, are you one of them?"

"Yes. I am the King of Team Plasma. And it is not four, we manage to find two more and kidnap, so there are six." I say, much to their surprise. After Hilbert get the Dark Stone, Ghetsis already send people to kidnap Brycen and Lenora, which is something that's not surprising.

"Reshiram has chosen me. Just like he had chosen the hero back in the day. He chose me, therefore, I AM THE HERO!"

Then after defeating his Bouffalant, Escavalier, Druddigon, and Vanilluxe, the only Pokemon he has left is Volcarona and Accelgor. But after a harsh battle. Accelgor is the only Pokemon he has left and he defeats Archeops, who defeated Volcarona with an Ancient Power.

"N! Stop it!" I see that Hilbert has arrived, but the Dark Stone is responding to the Reshiram by my side. Alder says, "Hey, Hilbert. I know that I'm behind, but I didn't ask you to help me."

"He can't help you. He hasn't returned the Dark Stone into Zekrom yet." I say. "Also, you seem to be under the impression that Reshiram is my last Pokemon."

Then Tepig appears and Hilbert gasps, "Gigi..."

Their speed is faster than Accelgor, much to their surprise, but thanks to Zorua's illusion ability, Accelgor is eventually defeated by Tepig's Flamethrower.

"Alder... lost..." Hilbert gasps in shock.

"It's over! Never again will Pokémon be made to suffer or be held captive by humans. It's all thanks to my friends! You may have the title of Champion... But you can't stop me with just a title. Your soft heart has left you weak. Years ago, you lost your Pokémon, your partner, to sickness. In order to forget the pain in your heart, you wandered Unova... Who knows how long it's been since you've had to fight with your full strength? I actually kind of like that about you, though. As a Trainer who far outmatches the Champion, I shall issue an order across Unova: Trainers of the world, free your Pokémon!"

Alder widens his eyes and mutters, "I beg you! Separating people from Pokémon... Do anything but that!"

"You and I both put our beliefs on the line and fought with all our strength. And I won. Do not say another word." I say while turning to Hilbert, who is still shocked to see what is going on.

"I've been waiting. In the future I envisioned, you obtained a stone. And, indeed, you have. That Dark Stone... Reshiram is responding to it. Stop. This is not suitable for legendary dragons! From the ground, rise up! The castle of Team Plasma! Surround the Pokémon League!"

Just then, the ground is shaking, and then my castle is starting to rise to the ground, surrounding the Pokemon League. Everyone who just finished the League are shocked to see what is going on.

"Is that... the castle?" Hilbert gasps.

"What has just appeared is Team Plasma's castle. The king's words will resound from the heights to all below. You must come to the castle, as well. Everything will be decided there. Whether Pokémon will be liberated from people, or whether Pokémon and people will live together... We will see whose belief is stronger... And our result will change the world." I say while climbing the stairs to my room.

I also notice that Cheren has arrived, and he says, "Mr. Alder, you're a wreck. It's not fitting for the Champion."

"You did well to get this far." Alder says. "Er... I have to congratulate you."

"I became stronger because I understood what I want to do. Hilbert! Tell N this... Some people grow stronger by being with Pokémon. My Pokémon and I are proof. Together, we learned and became stronger."

"Of course." Hilbert says. Alder says, "I... I lost. I should have been able to demonstrate the bond between me and my Pokémon. That would have shown that brat the worthlessness of his outrageous dreams. So, his convictions were the real thing... Be careful. The ones who change the world are always the ones who pursue their dreams. Hilbert, I ask this of you. Even if Pokémon and people are separated, nothing good will come of it. Please let him know that!"

Hilbert is now climbing up the stairs, and he finds the Seven Sages standing in front of him. Giallo says, "Those in accord with Fate are preserved, and those who rebel against Fate perish."

Bronius says, "When the Way is forgotten, duty and justice appear."

Ryoku says, "One can lose the forest for the trees."

Gorm says, "If you make a mistake and do not correct it, that is a second mistake."

Rood says, "Superior men understand what is right. Inferior men understand what will sell."

Zinzolin says, "There are not two suns in the sky, nor two sovereigns over the people."

"By dethroning the Champion and suppressing the league, we, Team Plasma, have shown our perspective to the masses of Unova. However, the truth alone is not enough. We must show everyone that those known as the Gym Leaders, those regarded as the representatives of their cities, those whom people wish to defeat in order to obtain badges and enter the League... we must show everyone their worthlessness, and if we do, we'll perfect our plans. Please gaze upon them, their despicable forms."

Hilbert is shocked to see the six gym leaders tied up. The Elite Four behind Hilbert is also shocked as they are also angry that they can't do anything, but I already have Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus stop the Elite Four from approaching, and Ghetsis asks Hilbert, "Are you feeling doubts? Will you go and fight the king, or will you stay and save the gym leaders?"

With Hydregion's Tri Attack, Hilbert's Pokemon are now nothing. "You may have your own ideals, but there is still nothing you can do. The remaining Gym Leaders are desperately trying to protect the spectators, and your Champion has just been beaten. Not to mention the Elite Four are battling against the Legendary Pokemon. There is no one left here, no one can resist Team Plasma's powers!"

"And who are you to decide that?" Much to their surprise, some trainers have actually shown up to fight the Seven Sages, and I have to assume they are friends that Hilbert and Hilda made during their journey around Unova. They decide to cover Hilbert while having him reach me in the castle.

When Hilbert finally reaches me, I say, "What I desire is a world for Pokémon and Pokémon alone. I will separate Pokémon from people, so Pokémon can regain their original power."

I move myself from the throne and say, "It's time to settle this once and for all! My determination is absolute! I will prove the value of my beliefs even if it means my Pokémon friends get hurt! Since you've come this far, I believe you are equally determined. If that's so, prove it to me! Show me the depth of your determination!"

Hilbert mutters, "It's finally time, but I can't stop shaking... damn it... I still can't believe this is really happening... I have to fight alongside the Legendary Zekrom to defeat Reshiram and face his partner N... I'm already being overwhelmed by Zekrom and Reshiram's powers. It feels like my mind and body are being crushed..."

When I notice the Dark Stone in his hands, I say, "You came all this way to battle me... But Zekrom is not responding. You haven't yet been recognized as the hero, have you? How disappointing. I actually kind of liked you a little. Through our many battles, I got the feeling that you might be a Trainer who truly cares for Pokémon!"

I shake my head and say, "But I was kidding myself. The idea of Trainers getting to know each other through battles is ridiculous! You have two options. Challenge me to a fight you can't win, or leave this place and watch the birth of a new world where Pokémon are free of people! Reshiram! Come to me!"

Reshiram comes to my side and stands behind me. And it is then the Dark Stone is trembling. "What the..." Hilbert asks.

"Your Dark Stone is... I mean, Zekrom is..."

Hilbert takes a step back as the Dark Stone starts to glow, and now it draws in the aura of the surroundings and converts it into a powerful force, which is... now... being released!

It spins until it takes the form of Zekrom, who shows up in front of me. "Zekrom and Reshiram... They were once one life. One Pokémon. Complete opposites, yet the same. Zekrom and Reshiram are Pokémon that appear before the hero they recognize. Ah... I see. You really are a hero, too. I'll tell you what that Pokémon is saying to you. "I want to be your friend and ally." It plans to team up with you to test that if you are really pursuing ideals. I, also, am curious to see how powerful you are."

"Of course, this will be a one-on-one battle! Reshiram against Zekrom!" Hilbert yells.

"You have to be careful. If you don't listen to the voice of your friend Zekrom, your mind and body will break." I say to him as Zekrom lands the first strike with Dragon Claw, but Reshiram just simply blocks it with Dragon Breath. Then both of them go for Fusion Bolt and Fusion Flare, the two attacks collide and create an explosion.

"Did it work?" Hilbert asks as the explosion causes the smoke to blind his eyes.

"Do you see? You're still not listening to Zekrom's voice." I shake my head as I have Reshiram use Blue Flare, hitting Zekrom. Hilbert is now sweating as he doesn't know what to do.

I'll end the part right here for now. The next chapter will be the conclusion of the battle against Team Plasma. I hope you like this chpater.

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