Chapter 23

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As our battle continues, I notice that Looker and Cedric Juniper have come with the hot air balloon as they try to assist Hilbert, Hilbert is also trying to communicate with Zekrom, wanting to know why he chooses him.

When they send out Croagunk and Emboar, I don't like any interference as Reshiram uses Blue Flare to send them back. Hilbert says, "Thanks for your efforts, but those kind of attacks won't be effective here."

Then Zekrom suddenly goes for a Bolt Strike on Reshiram, and then I can see the mood change from Hilbert. "Let's go! Let's get serious! Zekrom!"

"You... did you..." I gasp. "Did he hear Zekrom's voice? I see... so you have finally earned the right to be Zekrom's hero of 'Ideals'."

I have Reshiram use Fusion Flare, and it seems that Zekrom can't take another hit. But much to my dismay, Reshiram also can't take another hit as well. Both of them are in the Overdrive state, and then we decide to strike Fusion Bolt and Fusion Flare at the same time.

In the end, Reshiram falls to the ground after the attack. I say, "Reshiram! Hang in there!"

During the battle, I can see that the Seven Sages are struggling against the trainers, and in the end, they manage to free the Gym Leaders as well.

I grit my teeth, but Reshiram responds to me and starts flying back up, that's when the Elite Four manage to come through and Hilbert accidentally falls onto their Golurk. At the same time, I'm pretty sure that Hilda has met Anthea and Concordia.

"You finally woke up. Hilda." Concordia says. "I'm Concordia."

"And I'm Anthea. This is N's room." Anthea says.

Hilda is surprised to find herself in my room, and Anthea says, "Do not worry, we mean you no harm."

"I was the one who teleported you here." Concordia says as she shows Gigi the Tepig to her. "Just after he defeated Alder, he released all of the Pokemon who had followed him until now. However, only this little Tepig returns to the castle and stays in this room."

"You said that this is N's room, right? Who are you?" Hilda asks.

"We are companions who have taken care of him. He was brought up with Pokemon... Pokemon that were betrayed, mistreated, and hurt by said people."

"He never took a step outside this room until he was crowned. Ever since he was a child, he possessed a special ability that allowed him to hear the voices of Pokemon."

"But he upset people with behavior that suggested he could talk to Pokemon. He was called a freak and was kept isolated from others. The one who took custody of him was... Ghetsis. He took N as his own son."

That was a made-up story, but why not? Since we are all made up as well, might as well make it believable. "Day after day, year after year, Ghetsis deliberately brought only abused Pokemon to N, obliging him to listen to their voices."

"When he released all his Pokemon, he told Tepig:"

Following the path of battling or the path of acting is something you have to decide for yourself. For that, all of you, if you find a human you want to stay with, it's okay. That's what I said to them.

"Did N really say that?" Hilda asks.

"Ghetsis' teachings nurtred N's strong district against humans, so N made 'Pokemon Liberation' his own personal duty. Before his coronation, his beliefs never wavered. After he was crowned the newly king, N went out to the world in order to seek the 'Truth' That's when N met the 'Ideals'"

"An unsolved formula, no, in fact, the formula was easy to solve. But the solution was something he did not desire nor wanted to admit. A formula he was unwilling to solve."

At the same time, we find that the Seven Sages have escaped the trainers, much to my delight. And in the end, Tepig decides to join Hilda while coming to stop me.

Zekrom is getting tired, and Hilbert asks, "How! How is it possible that Reshiram still has this much power?"

I am also surprised, and I was also shocked when I see two Reshiram by my side. I know that one is Zorua's Illusion, but why? I already told him to find another trainer, but why does he come back?

It is then Zekrom goes for Dragon Rush, slamming me and Reshiram to the ground. I'm truly been beaten... and the first word I can only mutter is, "Why..."

When Zorua returns back to its normal self, I ask, "Why did you do this? I released you, so why?"

"Maybe it wants to stay by your side. Isn't that right?" Hilbert walks to me and asks. I realize how much this Zorua likes me, and I say, "Yes, it's just as you say. It wants to be by my side. That's what it wants and that's why it stayed. But it was too rash for you to go and take Reshiram's form like that. Don't do it again..."

I turn to Hilbert. "Reshiram and I were beaten. Your ideals... Your feelings... They were stronger than mine, it seems... Zekrom and Reshiram... Each of them choosing a different hero... Is that even possible? Two heroes living at the same time— one that pursues ideals and one that pursues truth. Could... could they both be right? I don't know. It's not by rejecting different ideas, but by accepting different ideas that the world creates a chemical reaction. This is truly the formula for changing the world."

"After all of that, do you think you're still worthy of sharing the name Harmonia with me? You good-for-nothing boy!" I widen my eyes and see Ghetsis storming in here.

"Father..." I mutter weakly.

"To start with, I spurred N into pursuing the truth. The reason we reawakened the legendary Pokémon now was to give MY Team Plasma more power! Power to control the fearful masses! That at least was well done. After saying you had to put your beliefs on the line and battle to see which one chosen by the legendary Pokémon was the true hero... You lost to an ordinary Trainer! There is such a thing as being too stupid! Add it up, and you are nothing more than a warped, defective boy who knows nothing but Pokémon..."

I don't know why... maybe because he's still my Dad? Even though this is his Dark Self, but does he really think of me that way? A wraped, defected boy? Ghetsis turns to Hilbert, "I never would have thought the legendary Pokémon would choose a Trainer like you! It caught me completely off guard. This doesn't change my goal. My plans have not been disturbed! In order to rule this world utterly, in order to manipulate the hearts of people who know nothing, I will have N be the king of Team Plasma. But, for that to work, you- since you know the truth- You must be eliminated!"

It is then Cheren and Alder have arrived, and Cheren asks, "Rule the world? Wasn't Team Plasma's goal to liberate Pokémon?"

"That was just a convenient lie that I needed to create Team Plasma. Use your head. What's to be gained from letting go of useful things like Pokémon? Certainly, manipulating Pokémon helps people expand their possibilities. That much, I can agree with. So it naturally follows that only I should be able to use Pokémon!"

"You fool! That's a ridiculous idea!" Alder yells.

"You can say whatever you want. A Pokémon, even if it's revered as a deity, is still just a Pokémon. Hilbert, so what if it chose you! That doesn't mean you're a threat. Come on! Now you'll face ME in battle! I can't wait to see the look on your face when you've lost all hope!"

"Hilbert!" I yell in horror.

"I won't allow anyone to stop me! No matter who does what!" Ghetsis exclaims, and he sends out six Pokemon, a Cofagrigus, Bouffalant, Seismitoad, Bisharp, Eelektross, and Hydreigon.

Hilbert sends out his team of six, which are Musharna, Galvantula, Samurott, Braviary, Carracosta, and Volcarona, he mutters, "Those Pokemon... all of them have a type advantage over mine!"

"You've always been a thorn on our sides, I naturally gathered as much information as I could on you and your Pokemon. Do you understand? The fact that you defeated N, as I said, Team Plasma needed N to become their 'king', it was necessary to capture the hearts of the people. If it was known that the king was defeated, it would not bode well, correct? Fortunately, the conclusion of the battle was inside this castle, so the only ones who witnessed it are the only people here."

"Why you..." Cheren mutters.

"N is invincible... not only did he prove victorious over Alder, but he also did so in the clash between the Black and White Dragons. And so people will have him in high regard and see him as a true hero. They'll say that we must be connected with our Pokemon's hearts to reach the top positions in Unova, just like the king, thus, we will coexist in prosperity. In the end, the only ones left with Pokemon will be me and Team Plasma. This is the 'true' world that I seek to create."

"You've gotta be kidding me. N's own Ideal is different from yours as you can get! Did he even know about your disgusting plan?" Hilbert asks.

"No, until now. He was merely the plan's ornament." This only causes Hilbert to yell in anger, "Ghetsis! I'm going to bring you down!"

And much to everyone's surprise, Volcarona creates a giant fire sea that traps all the Pokemon and each of Ghetsis' Pokemon are fainted in the end. Ghetsis is surprised and he says, "What?! I created Team Plasma with my own hands. I'm absolutely perfect! I AM PERFECTION! I am the perfect ruler of a perfect new world!"

"Now, N... Do you still think Pokémon and people should be separated?" Alder asks me, and I just stay silent without saying anything.

"Mwa ha ha! Since I couldn't become the hero and obtain the legendary Pokémon myself... I prepared someone for that purpose-N! He's nothing more than a freak without a human heart. Do you think you're going to get through to a warped person like that?!"

Just then, Hilbert is enough as he has Carracosta use Rock Tomb to trap Ghetsis inside of the cage made of rocks and also use Musharna to use Hypnosis to make him fall asleep.

"Alder, it's a waste of valuable time listening to him ramble on. He is the one without a human heart!" Cheren says.

"You're right. He's truly pitiful." Alder says. "N... I'm sure you have much to think about. I know you were not pursuing the truth because of Ghetsis's manipulation, but because your heart was truly inspired. That is why you were able to meet the legendary Pokémon!"

"But...I have no right to be the hero!" I mutter.

"Is that so? What you and the legendary Pokémon are going to do from now on... That's important, wouldn't you say?" Alder asks.

"Acting as you understand... Up till now, we've been fighting each other over our beliefs! Yet, despite that... Why?!" I ask.

"N, even if we don't understand each other, that's not a reason to reject each other. There are two sides to any argument. Is there one point of view that has all the answers? Give it some thought." Alder says to me.

Then Alder and Cheren bring Ghetsis out of the castle, and Hilda also rushes into the castle. "I'm so worried about you, Hilbert..."

"Hilda... Let's head back down. I think they're the ones who really need saving. They've been lied to by this fake 'liberation'."

I mutter, "Wait, please stay with us a little longer..." The two of them look at me with surprise, and I say, "Gigi... you're here with them."

"That's right. Your companions Anthea and Concordia sent me to your room, and I met her there."

"I see... do you understand Gigi's true aspirations?" I ask.

"I do. She wanted to try battling and chose for herself what she wants to do. So, thank you, N. I can clearly hear her voice now." Hilda says.

I smile and say, "To think we can have a conversation like this is strange... but the truth is... this is what I've always wanted."

Hilbert says, "Us talking like this is a good thing, you know. Back when we first fought in Acuumula Town, Musha ate your dreams. I saw an image of you peacefully sleeping with Zorua and Darmanitan, ever since I saw that, despite everything since then, I thought that you couldn't be a cruel person. That you're really a kind person who honestly cares for Pokemon's feelings. That's what I believe in.

"When I first met you in Accumula Town. I was shocked when I heard what your Pokémon was saying. I was shocked because that Pokémon said it liked you. It said it wanted to be with you." I say. "I couldn't understand it. I couldn't believe there were Pokémon that liked people. Because, up until that moment, I'd never known a Pokémon like that. The longer my journey continued, the more unsure I became. All I kept meeting were Pokémon and people who communicated with one another and helped one another. That was why I needed to confirm my beliefs by battling with you. I wanted to confront you hero-to-hero. I needed that more than anything."

I decide to pick up Zorua, who looks at me with confusion, and says, "There's no way a person like me, someone who understands only Pokémon— No, actually... I didn't understand them, either. No way could I measure up to you, when you had met so many Pokémon and were surrounded by friends... The Champion has forgiven me, and... What I should do now is something I'll have to decide for myself."

When Reshiram is also up again, I say, "Hilbert, Hilda! You said you have a dream... That dream... Make it come true! Wonderful dreams and ideals give you the power to change the world! If anyone can, it's you! Hilbert, Hilda! Well, then... Farewell!"

And much to our surprise, just when we leave, Zekrom is also coming with us, and Hilbert and Hilda can only watch us leave the castle.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, this marks the end of the N's Castle part. The next chapter will be back to Battle Pyramid where Ash and Brandon fight.

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