Chapter 25

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Two days after the battle, I meet up with the Shadow Triad with Anthea and Concordia. Dia says, "We have managed to save our father's dark self, which is something that we're not a pleasure to do."

"I see... although his words still sting, but it is for the best. Two years later, we'll eventually deal with him. But before that, I want you three to stay by his side and make sure he doesn't do something as big as this one until two years' time."

"We understand." Gina says as they all leave. Concordia says, "So we just need to find the other six sages..."

We head to Route 18, where Rood is located. And it seems that Hilbert and Hilda are also there, perhaps working with Mr. Looker to arrest them. Rood says, "It smells of the sea here. This place has the same ocean smell as where I was born..."

"Grandfather... I still can't believe that you're a part of Team Plasma..." Hilbert says. "I know you tell us that you're just spying because of the request of Team Alpha, but still..."

"Ghetsis wandered the lands of this world all over, collecting knowledge of all kinds while searching for like-minded people. From the moment we met, he understood what I desired." He turns to them. "The ability to understand the minds and the needs of others... This is an ability that everyone needs to survive. My lord N is a kind and excellent person who understands the hearts of Pokémon. But, conversely, perhaps his ability to understand the hearts and feelings of people is not developed enough."

He sighs, "But... Even that was part of the perfection of Ghetsis's plan. When it comes to Ghetsis, I cannot separate the truths from the lies. Someday, if my lord N develops the ability to understand the feelings of people as well as Pokémon, I would like us to gather again. More than anything, I want to see N confront Ghetsis."

"We will like to see that as well, Grandpa..." Hilbert says.

Looker says, "Ah... And now, about Team Plasma... I am an officer of the International Police, and there are so many things you must tell me at once!"

"If that is what you desire..." Rood says with a nod.

"Accept my thanks! Now, Ghetsis notwithstanding, there yet remains but five of the Seven Sages still at large. What is it they are thinking, what it may be they are hoping, this is the information I pursue! Until we meet again!" And then Looker brings Rood into custody, and Hilda says, "So what is going to happen with Grandpa?"

"Don't worry, he will get out. I'm sure of it. Right now there are five more to find." Hilbert says.

In Dreamyard, Gorm decides to jump-scare both Hilbert and Hilda. Gorm says, "Were you surprised? Oh, Trainer-who-destroyed-our-castle, I was quite surprised by you!"

"So you're here.. Gorm..." Hilbert says.

"If you surprise them, both Pokémon and people leave themselves open. While they're in a state of surprise, they can't use their powers like they normally would. Our intention was to surprise people by making our castle appear and showing off the legendary Pokémon... At that moment, we planned to deeply impress people's hearts with the awesome power of Team Plasma and the brilliance of our new world."

"But that doesn't seem to work." Hilda says.

"Now that I've seen the strength of spirit in you and the Gym Leaders, I wonder how effective that strategy would have been, after all. Maybe that strength of spirit is what's needed to take Pokémon to the next level? Hm... I'm sorry to have wasted your time with this silly conversation." He looks up in the sky and says, "My lord N's dream... You were the one who put a stop to that. Please don't ever forget that."

Looker arrives and says, "Regarding Team Plasma... I am an officer of the International Police, and you must satisfy the request for certain information!"

Before Gorm follows Looker, he says, "Musharna is said to appear here. Its Dream Mist makes you see dreams, but they are nothing but illusions. The dreams you realize with your own abilities are the real dreams."

Looker says to the two, "Accept my thanks! Now, Ghetsis notwithstanding, there yet remains but four of the Seven Sages still at large. They are thinking-upon what topics? They are hoping upon what chances? This is of the utmost urgency! At once! On the way!"

In the Relic Castle, Ryoku is the one there and he says, "I was planning to catch the Pokémon called Volcarona that lives in this Relic Castle and present it to Ghetsis. But the Shadow Triad said that Ghetsis has gone somewhere, right?"

"Yeah... it is obvious that they're hiding." Hilbert says.

"The Seven Sages... We always said we were complete when the seven of us were together. Now I don't know the meaning of those words anymore. I guess I don't mind, even if we were being used, but the dream is over." Ryoku sighs. "This Relic Castle and our own castle are both crumbling... But what's different is that this Relic Castle is the remains of a civilization. And our castle left nothing behind..."

Looker appears once more, and he says, "Indeed! I am an officer of the International Police, and I demand to hear all you know about Team Plasma!"

"Understood. But we don't know much about Ghetsis or our lord N! We haven't even figured out if they are father and son..." Ryoku says. which is obviously a lie.

"Many thanks! Now, Ghetsis notwithstanding, there yet remains but three of the Seven Sages still at large. What is it they are thinking, what it may be they are hoping, this is the information I have need of. Until we meet again!"

Zinzolin is in the Cold Storage, I wonder why he likes to stay there... he says, "So, you returned? You're an odd Trainer. All right. I've got time enough to satisfy your curiosity."

He walks back and forth and says, "...Breathing. Having a heart that beats. That is a simple existence and nothing more for a living being. That may be the definition of living, but I don't think that defines life. The experiences of joy and suffering are a vital part of being alive. Ghetsis gave me the sensation of being truly alive... What did he mean to accomplish? That isn't what's important. Right now, I'm shivering. I'm suffering, but I'm alive."

"So is that why you're walking around?" Hilda asks, annoyed at what he's doing.

"Pokémon and people live by being together and relying on one another. That might be how you feel. If that's so, is it necessary to separate people and Pokémon? By talking to you, I've discovered that there's much I need to think about... My lord N said that he wanted to make Pokémon perfect... But, even if the relationship between Pokémon and people stayed as it now is, Pokémon can aspire to perfection..."

Looker arrives and says, "On the topic of Team Plasma... I am an officer of the International Police, so you would be wise to share all you know."

Zinzolin says, "It's too cold and I'm already tired of shivering in here. If you'll give me some time to think, I'll tell you what I know. So...take me with you."

"Thanks many times over! Now, Ghetsis notwithstanding, there yet remains but two of the Seven Sages still at large. The thoughts they are contemplating, the hopes they are anticipating, these-these are what I want to know! Until our next meeting!"

Bronius is the fifth one, and he's in the Chargstone Cave. "When I saw you in Castelia, I did not care about your existence. Here in the Chargestone Cave, Ghetsis tested your ability... Once more, we will test you to learn what it is you are. Team Plasma, come out!"

Then he wants Team Plasma to battle the two of them, after defeating them, Bronius says, "The Pokémon of our Team Plasma are also fighting for their Trainers. It was so obvious that I overlooked it... Thank you for reminding me of that."

"No problem..." Hilda says.

"Pokémon do their best for their Trainers even when they are injured. I wonder whether my lord N understands what that means?" I of course understand what that means, it is just that I have to act for my father's sake.

"Regarding Team Plasma... I am an officer of the International Police, and you must supply the information I request!" Looker arrives and arrests Bronius.

"Those who left Team Plasma and are behaving with respect and understanding toward Pokémon... Them, please forgive! However, those who won't interact with Pokémon in a kind and honest way... Even I will never forgive them!"

"Truly, I thank you! Now, Ghetsis notwithstanding, there yet remains but one of the Seven Sages still at large. Their innermost thoughts, their uttermost hopes... These I must and shall discover! Once more, a brief farewell!"

And the final sage member is Giallo, who is resting on Route 14. "Greetings to you, strong Pokémon Trainer who came to Dragonspiral Tower. Are you not making friends with Zekrom?"

"Zekrom has left, he is now with N." Hilbert says with a sigh.

"There is a saying... If somewhere in this world there is someone who understands you, it feels like that person is right beside you, even if you're as far apart as the end of the land and the top of the sky. As my lord N and his Pokémon understand one another, so, too, do you and your Pokémon understand one another. The legend of Unova is about Pokémon and people working together to build a new world! The message is that simple and that strong. If changing the world makes you a hero, anyone can become a hero. As each of us changes what is in our power to change, so the world itself changes."

Looker comes and he's going to arrest the final member. Giallo says, "Indeed, I shall. Team Plasma changed me, but it could not change the world. I'm looking forward to seeing how you lot will do."

"Thank you a lot! Eh, Hilbert, Hilda... On a topic I must speak to you. Having received such a report, of someone far from here, who has seen a person like N and...two dragon Pokémon. I am on my way to verify the veracity of this information. We will meet again one day!" Looker then finally leaves.

With six of the Seven Sages at the back of the truck, I decide to show up as myself. Looker says, "Well if it isn't Ash, how are you?"

"Hello, Looker. I'm here for a special reason." I take out the letter and say, "My Mom is now busy at the moment, so she wants me to give you the letter."

Looker looks at the letter and he widens his eyes in surprise. "I understand... if she really wants to do that, then so be it..."

Then Looker opens the truck and says, "Our boss decide to let all of you go. You are all free now."

The six sages are confused, and when Looker leaves, Rood says, "Thank you for getting us out of trouble, but why will you do such a thing?"

I say, "I already know about my Dad, or should I say Ghetsis. That's also the reason why I'm here."

After seeing Reshiram and Zekrom, Ryoku asks, "Are you perhaps... Lord N?"

"Yes, I was asked by my Mother to become a person known as N. And it was also in the plan that I was found by Ghetsis and become the King of Team Plasma." I say. "I know all of you used to be members of Team Alpha, and you also want to eliminate the Dark Self of my father that's known as Ghetsis."

The six sages then bow and Bronius says, "But we failed, Ghetsis has escaped custody because of the Shadow Triad."

"No, the plan is still in motion. Right now my Mom wants you to escape to the other regions, or stay here and hide from the public. After two years, it will be my turn to defeat Ghetsis."

The six sages nod as they prepare to leave, I stop Rood as I say, "Rood. I want you to help me one thing."

"What is it?" Rood asks.

"Two years later, I'll be back in Unova, and I want you to help me take care of this Zorua before I officially add him as a member of my team." I say.

"Of course." Then Rood carries the Zorua, who doesn't seem like he wants to leave me. I say, "Zorua. Don't worry. I will be back. Be a good boy and don't cause any trouble for Rood, okay?"

Zorua nods as I turn to Anthea and Concordia. "I'm now heading back to Kanto and reuniting with my original self. I suggest that you all do the same."

They nod as I ride on Zekrom and leave the Unova Region. Reshiram also wants to accompany until the end.

And that's the end of the Black and White chapters. The rest of the story regarding Unova will be in Part 6 of Ash's Story.

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