Chapter 26

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While we're heading back to Pallet Town, we encounter a family that's running the special water circus. There is a special egg that May is attached to, and Team Rocket tries to steal the egg, and they are trying to give the egg to a pirate known as Captain Phantom.

The egg is revealed to be a Manaphy egg, and a ranger named Jackie is there to protect the egg from the Phantom because it is linked to Samiya, an underwater city. Manaphy is treating May as its mother, and we decide to go to the ocean temple in Samiya to bring it back there. At first Jackie doesn't want us to come along, but because of the Heart Swap that gives him no choice.

When we get there, we are followed by Captain Phantom and he tries to take all the crystals that provide the air in the underwater city. Everyone is forced to go back, but Manaphy wants us to put the crystal back. I decide to have Pikachu, Absol, May, and Manaphy inside a glass coffin while I put the crystals back. I almost drown because I don't have a Splash Plate, but Manaphy uses Heart Swap to show how everyone is waiting for me to return. That's when I get back up and put the final crystal back.

Just then, I feel a lot of energy and I can actually ride on the beams like I'm flying. I use the power to chase after Phantom, who has Manaphy in his hands. With the help of all the Water Pokemon, the Phantom is defeated and we all get to ride on the beams. However, in the end, May decides to part ways with Manaphy, since he has a duty.

We stop at Terracotta Town, Reisa, May, and Max are heading back to Hoenn by ship here. Serena, Emerald, and I are going to Pallet Town. We notice that there is a festival going on, and we also notice a poster.

"Hey look! There's going to be a Pokemon Contest right here and it's today!" May says.

"Wow... it must be happening because of the festival." Max says.

"I sure want to be a part of it." May says.

"Me too." I say. "I think it is fine that we have a final Contest battle, don't you think?"

Then May and I go to the Contest Hall and register. I sign Pikachu for the first round and Sceptile for the second. May chooses Eevee for the first round and Blaziken for the second. This Contest is special in which only the two highest-scoring contestants in the Appeals Round will move to the Battle Round.

"That's great. That reminds me... May and I never faced each other in an official Contest match because May was defeated before she could reach me." I say.

"Yeah... I wonder what will happen if we finally face each other in the finals." May says.

The Appeals Round begins with the local Nurse Joy as a judge. May takes the stage first with her Eevee. It uses Dig to form several holes on the battlefield. From underground, Eevee launches Shadow Ball through the holes to create a fireworks display, impressing the crowd. Other Coordinators take the stage, some performing better than others.

As for me, Pikachu executes Quick Attack and Thunderbolt to create an electric ring before using Iron Tail to send him bouncing across the field. Pikachu repeats the move to create a group of bouncing electric rings. The Appeals Round ends, and the top two are decided. May and I are the two that advance.

During the break, we decide to have some practice. However, Team Rocket arrives in a giant ship float, attracting the competing Pokémon with food. They capture the Pokémon with a giant net. But they're not going to get away this time and we manage to defeat them and send them flying.

The second round pits May's Blaziken against my Sceptile. We shake hands with each other before we start the battle.

Sceptile opens with Pound, Bullet Seed, and Leaf Blade. Blaziken dodges them all, and Lillie loses points. To make up for it, Sceptile chases Blaziken towards the wall, preventing it from dodging Pound. Sceptile fires Bullet Seed, but Blaziken's Fire Spin neutralizes it and hurts Sceptile. Blaziken attacks with a Sky Uppercut, but Sceptile dodges, taking May's points. Sceptile's Leaf Blade and Pound attack knock down Blaziken, setting points even at the halfway mark. Sceptile follows up with Bullet Seed and Pound. It tries Leaf Blade, but Blaziken dodges. Blaziken attacks with Sky Uppercut, but Sceptile matches it with Leaf Blade, negating both attacks. Blaziken uses Blaze Kick but Sceptile's Pound matches it as well.

With one minute left, the points are identical, but both Pokémon are exhausted. Sceptile activates Overgrow, and Blaziken matches with Blaze. Neither Pokémon can gain an advantage, with moves evenly matched. Sceptile's Leaf Blade and Pound match Blaziken's Sky Uppercut and Blaze Kick. Lillie and May lose points fairly evenly. With ten seconds left, Sceptile unleashes Solar Beam while Blaziken fires Overheat. The attack creates a big explosion that covers the scoreboard. Time expires, but it is unclear who won.

As the smoke clears, both May and I are left with the same amount of points, and the match is a tie. "The judges determined that both contestant's points are even! Nurse Joy?"

"In the rules, both Ash and May are declared the winner!" May can't believe what she's hearing, and I'm smiling at her.

"I... I tied with Ash!" May gasps in disbelief.

"That's awesome... I never tied with Ash before..." Reisa says.

"But that sure is a way to end the contest." Max says.

We are both happy as we shake hands. Nurse Joy says, "I'm sorry, but I never expected this will happen... I have only one Medal here..."

"We know what to do." I say.

"There is only one way to settle this." May says.

May grabs the Ribbon, throws it in the air and I order Sceptile to use Leaf Blade slicing the Ribbon in half so that both of us can share it.

Outside, May says, "There's something I need to tell you first."

"What's on your mind?" I ask.

"I've been thinking about this for a long time. And... I decided to go and enter the Johto Contest by myself." May says.

"By yourself? But what about Max?" Emerald asks.

"Max, I know that when you come along with me, I start to depend on you... you remember the first time we met, right? I haven't gotten the slightest idea of what I want, but now things are different. After traveling around with you all, I know exactly what I want to do. You see, I know there's still a lot for me to learn, a lot of things to see, a new way for my Pokemon to shine."

Max is a little depressed, and Reisa says, "That sounds good to me. And there's Drew, Solidad, and Harley waiting for you there."

I notice Max walking away, so I decide to talk to him. Max says, "Lately, I start to feel jealous of May. See, when you and May are battling back there, I've never seen her so psyched. But all I can do is watch. And I really want to grow up quick so I can do that too..."

"Yeah. I got it. You know that you're going to become a Pokemon trainer. And then you and I will battle. Of course, you just let me know when you're ready." I say.

"You mean... me battle against you?" Max is delighted. "It's a deal!"

"Great. It'll be a good one." I say.

"But I'm going to win, so look out!" Max says, "After watching all your battles, I know all of your tricks and it'll be a walk like a park!"

And the ship is about to set sail, so we decide to bid farewell to the Hoenn natives as we all head back to Pallet Town.

As we walk back to the Pallet Town, I say, "So Serena... now that the journey of Battle Frontier is over... what are you going to do next?"

Serena says, "I'm heading back to Kalos to rest, and then I'll be continuing training with your other Pokemon."

Emerald says, "After the matches, I feel like I also want to challenge the Battle Frontier all by myself as well."

"I see... those are good dreams." I say.

Just then, we find Team Rocket capturing an Electivire. "Team Rocket! You know that you're about to reach the 800th time annoying us..."

"Don't sweat it, Ash." Just then, we're surprised to see Gary arriving. "Long time no see, Ashy boy."

"Gary Oak?" Serena gasps.

"So he's Professor Oak's grandson?" Emerald asks.

Then Electivire frees itself from the net and then sends Team Rocket flying. Gary says, "I got this Electivire from Sinnoh, cool, don't you think?"

"Sure. I bet that Sinnoh has a lot of other Pokemon. So Gary, do you want to have a battle?" I ask.

"No thanks. The Electivire used up too much energy for anymore. But if you want to battle then I'll be at Gramp's lab. So come back later."

"Okay, I'll see you then, Gary."

When we all get to the lab, we find Professor Oak, Lillie, Tracy, my parents, Serena's mom, Daisy, and much to our surprise, Gary and Gladion.

"It's been a while, guys." I say. "What a surprise, don't scare us like that."

"We heard everything, congratulations on winning the Battle Frontier." Lillie says.

I nod while showing the plague with the Frontier Symbols on it, Gladion says, "You did well, Ash."

"Thanks Gladion. How is Silvally?" I ask.

"He is at Aether. He is fine." Gladion smiles.

Serena also greets her mom, and they decide to chat for a while. I say, "So Gary, your Electivire back up to speed?"

"Ready anytime you are." I say.

Then we have a battle outside, with Gary using Electivire and I decided to go with Magmar.

"Magmar! Let's use Flamethrower!" I say, and Electivire counters with Thunderbolt, and both attacks are evenly matched.

"Let's win this. Remember that our parents are watching, Magmar. Use Clear Smog!"

Much to our surprise, Electivire jumps high into the air and lands an Iron Tail, but Magmar uses Flame Wheel to reflect it.

"That Electivire is powerful all right." I mutter. "Magmar! Use Flamethrower again!"

Electivire tries to dodge again, but Magmar decides to go for Low Kick, only for Electivire to be protected by Protect. Electivire goes for Thunder Punch, but Magmar also uses Protect and lands a Fire Punch to knock Electivire out.

"Wow, Ashy boy. I don't know you do battle much better than last time." Gary says.

"Thanks, although I really should find a Magmarizer to evolve Magmar soon..." I sigh.

"Hey, Ash. It's great that you won the Battle Frontier, but that doesn't mean you can just relax. There are a lot of tough trainers in Sinnoh Region as well. Believe me, the world is a big place." Gary turns to Professor Oak. "I will be heading off to Sinnoh so I'll be seeing you later."

"Okay, be sure to take care." Professor Oak says.

I turn to Lillie and say, "So Lillie, about Concordia..."

"Oh, she has returned to me." Lillie says. "But it sure is not easy with the whole Team Plasma thing..."

"Once again, I'm sorry for all the mess that my Dark self created." My father says.

"Don't worry, Adam. Ash can stop them after getting to Unova." My mom says.

"But first, we're going to Sinnoh and I guess it is Lillie's turn to come with me." I say.

Lillie nods and says, "Of course, and you know, there are also some Pokemon who also want to come with you to Sinnoh."

And the ones who are also going are Sceptile, Milotic, Gardevoir, Absol, Aipom, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Sneasel, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Togetic, Yanma, Gligar, Piloswine, Porygon 2, Kirlia, Nosepass, and Dusclops. I say, "Of course, you can all come along."

The Pokemon cheer, and after a good night's rest, Lillie and I bid farewell to everyone, Serena also wants Lillie to help me a lot, glad to see that the two of them are not that jealous of each other.

"The Sinnoh Region..." I say. "I wonder what we'll be seeing there..."

"Yeah..." Lillie says with a smile.

Here is a new chapter, and we're finally finished with the Battle Frontier and N arc. The fifth story is going to be Ash's Sinnoh Story, and as usual, it will be the combination of the Games, Manga, and Anime. I hope you like this chapter.

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