Chapter 3

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When we are on our way to the Battle Frontier, Misty joins us for a while as we are heading to Cerulean City. We decide to stop by at our Rock Manor, and while staying there, Max is eager to see a Cleffa.

But much to our dismay, Team Rocket comes again with their robot and they try to take our Pokemon, but after the robot breaks, it causes Emerald, Misty, Max, and Pikachu to get separated from us. When we find them again, we see them trying to fight Team Rocket and Cleffa, Clefable, and Clefairy all gather to use Metronome to send them flying. Then we decided to watch the moon dance from the Fairy Type Pokemon before heading back to our Rock Manor.

After bidding farewell to Misty, we are now at the borderline of the Rota Kingdom. "Welcome to the Kingdom of Rota." I say.

"Look at all the people around here..." May says. "They are all wearing old-fashioned clothes. I wonder if we can have any..."

"Don't worry, once we arrive at our Fighting Manor, you'll be able to dress up in the old-fashioned costume." I say.

"Where is the Fighting Manor?" When Max asks, Reisa says, "It is closer than you think. Look!"

As we see the Cameron Palace, May asks, "You're kidding... You mean that castle is your Fighting Manor?"

Emerald says, "Interesting, isn't it?"

When we enter the palace, instead of meeting my aunt Ilene, we ask the maids and butlers to take us to the costume room. May asks, "We can pick from any of these?"

"Of course." I say. Then Pikachu, Meowsie, and Absol seem to notice something as I come with the costume of my ancestor Sir Aaron. Then we also decide to dress up the three Pokemon.

"They all look good on you three!" Serena says.

Reisa says, "It seems that the tournament is about to start soon, let's go."

Then we all rush to the battlefield, and Aunt Ilene, the ruler of the palace along with her maid Jenny and her Pokémon Mime Jr., steps out to the royal box seat to officially begin the tournament.

"The Queen looks so pretty..." May says.

"If you don't know, she's Ash's aunt and the youngest sister of Ash's Dad, Adam Ketchum." Serena says.

"So that means she's an Arceus as well?" Max asks.

"Nope. Only Mr. Ketchum is an Arceus." Reisa says.

The matches are quite easy for me, and I eventually win the whole tournament without having to worry about everything. My final opponent has a Weavile, and the person is wearing a knight costume that is covered by a helmet.

"We did it!" I cheer with my Pikachu, who wins the match for me, but I am surprised to find my Mew also there, disguising herself as an Aipom to congratulate Pikachu. The person takes off the helmet and says, "You and Pikachu are the best partners, aren't you?"

"Wait, you're a girl?" I gasp. "My name is Kidd. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Ash." I say. Then after she leaves, I grab the Mew in his Aipom form and ask, "What are you doing here, Mew?"

"I've come here to play, of course." Mew replies to me.

Then we get to the ball and I finally get to meet Aunt Ilene. She says, "Well, as expected from you to win the match, Ash. It sure has been a while since we last met."

"It sure is, Aunt Ilene." I say, then she takes out the scepter and says, "This is the Hero's scepter that belonged to our ancestor Aaron. Now it is your turn to hold this scepter."

I nod as I take the staff, but just when I touch it, I can hear a voice, "Why?"

"Did you say something?" I ask my maid Jenny, who shakes her head.

At the ball, I decide to send out some of my Pokemon and tell them to play in the playroom, since Mew already knows where the room is, so I ask her to take care of our Pokemon. As the winner, I am given the choice to start the dance with a partner, and I decide to pick Serena to dance with me. However, after I start the dance, I have to stay in my seat and it is not fun after all.

But while watching the scepter, memories are flooding into me. And then I realize everything... before I was reborn as Ash Ketchum... I used to be the hero known as Sir Aaron. And this scepter ... I remember there being a Pokemon that I sealed inside.

As the ending is near, Aunt Ilene says, "We will now begin the evening party. The Hero of the Wave will see it off."

I know what this means, I'm going to do the Hero's pose. Just when I do the pose, the fireworks are happening outside, and suddenly my scepter starts to glow, and a Lucario just comes out of it.

"A Pokemon?" The crowd is surprised. Lucario has his eyes closed, and he senses my aura and says, "Master Aaron! Why did you abandon the castle?"

"What are you saying? I didn't betray the Kingdom!" I say back at him.

Lucario opens his eyes and sees that the person in front of him isn't Sir Aaron, but me as Ash Ketchum. Then he soon escapes through the crowd of people, running around through the castle.

"Wait, Lucario!" I yell, and then we decide to chase after him. When we find him in the room which used to be Sir Aaron's room, Queen Ilene says, "Lucario."

The Lucario turns around and gasps, "Queen Rin?"

"I'm not Rin. Queen Rin is my ancestor. My name is Queen Ilene." Ilene says while hugging the Lucario. "You have been asleep all this time."

"I've been asleep?" Lucario says.

"Time has passed." Ilene explains.

"Impossible... This room was ours just yesterday..." Lucario says.

"It might feel like it was yesterday to you, however... For us, it happened long ago." Queen Ilene says.

After taking him back to the throne room, Ilene says, "We heard that you disappeared within the battle. What happened exactly?"

"Two troops closed in on us and attempted to get this castle caught up in the fight. I was sent out as a scout. But... it was already too late to stop the fight."

"Sir Aaron stopped that, didn't he?" Serena asks. "According to the legend, Sir Aaron saved the castle."

"That couldn't... Sir Aaron abandoned the castle and ran! And he sealed me away..." All I can feel is guilt, and I can only frown.

"This might be different from the legend." May says.

"I wonder what this is all about..." Reisa says.

"There's no way to tell the truth now. Lucario. You're free to stay here until you've sorted out your feelings." Queen Ilene says. "The Cameran Palace welcomes you."

"Thank you, my queen." Then I decide to step forward. "Lucario, please listen before you say anything. I want to apologize for what I have done to you, but I can assure you that I wasn't going to abandon the Kingdom."

Lucario turns to me and gasps, "So you really are Master Aaron..."

"Ash? What's going on here?" May asks.

Ilene says, "I should also explain about this. As you can see, Sir Aaron and Queen Rin married and Ash and I are descendants. However, Sir Aaron himself is an Arceus, and after death, Arceus can be reborn. Ash here is the direct reborn of Sir Aaron."

Lucario then asks me, "Why did you abandon the Kingdom, Master?" Lucario asks with tears in his eyes. "Why did you imprison me? How could you do this?"

"I'm sorry, but it will pain you if I tell you the truth." I say.

Before I can continue, Max and Emerald rush in, and Max yells, "We have problems!"

Emerald says, "Mew was here! And she took Pikachu away!"

"What?" I gasp in surprise. "Mew?" Lucario also asks.

"A Pokemon?" Max and Emerald are surprised to see the Lucario.

"This is Lucario, a Pokemon that Sir Aaron had sealed away in the scepter." Reisa says.

"So you have seen Mew? Are you mistaking things?" May asks.

"I saw it too." Then Kidd arrives and she says, "From a tower, I was touring, I saw Mew take Pikachu and Meowth, then it transforms into a Pidgeot and flew away."

Serena says, "Is that our Mew, Ash?"

"It is, I told her to take Pikachu and the others to play... considering that Mew often comes to this Cameran Palace and takes the toys to play." I say while we all head to the balcony. "If I have to assume... the place where they are is over there. The Tree of Beginning."

"The Tree of Beginning?" Max asks.

"The tree is actually a unique rock formation, and supposedly possesses healing powers beyond imagination. It can revive the earth and soothe angry hearts, although it requires Mew." I say. "And I will be going there by myself."

"Won't it be better if we come along?" May asks, but I yell, "Definitely not! If you go there you'll die!"

Everyone is surprised at my outburst, and Kidd comes and says, "Don't be so stingy, I can also lend help as well."

"Wait, I recognize you! You're the adventurer Kidd Summers!" Serena says. "You have been on a lot of major adventure fronts, including deep sea diving in a sub and space travel. It has been an honor to meet you."

"It will be better if we have someone to help out." Reisa says.

"I told you all, none of you are going into the Tree of Beginning!" I say. "I don't care if you're a world-famous adventurer or not, this is related to your lives. If you're a Pokemon, then I'll let you go in there. But if you're a human, you're going to die inside the tree. And by humans, even if you're an Aura User it is the same."

"But..." Serena frowns. Ilene says, "Ash is right. The tree is dangerous for you to enter, it will be better if you stay and let Ash finish the job."

The others frown, but I decide to say nothing as I walk back. Meowsie the Persian, Absol, and even Lucario are with me. And Lucario says, "Master..."

This causes Persian and Absol to be confused, and I say, "Absol, Persian. This is Lucario, he used to be my partner. I'm counting on you to save Pikachu, Lucario."

"I'm only guiding you with Queen Ilene's orders." Lucario says as he leaves. Absol asks, "What's with him?"

"No idea." Meowsie replies.

After we leave, we have to make sure nobody follows us. When we arrive at the cliff, Lucario says, "Master... you haven't told me why you sealed me at this cliff..."

I decide to show him using the Time Flower, and we also watch how I seal Lucario in the jewel and fly off. Suddenly, from the two pathways on the road, the green army charges through the small pathway. Lucario appears horrified and begins throwing Aura Spheres at them, barely missing me in the process.

"Stop! Lucario! These aren't real!" I yell. "Lucario. I only wanted to protect you..."

"Master..." Lucario mutters. But just then, we hear the sound of the Humvee, and we hide behind the rock and find Kidd bringing Serena and the others here. I grit my teeth and mutter, "Why can't they understand? This place is dangerous!"

"What are we going to do?" Absol asks me, and I sigh. "Time to stop them from getting inside. Regirock. I choose you!"

I send out Regirock and I have it used to throw the car and use Hyper Beam at them. Max says, "That's Ash's Regirock!"

"So Ash knows we're here and he tries to stop us from entering..." Serena says as they try to escape by heading inside the tree. I grit my teeth, "Damn it... Why does it have to be this way..."

We decide to follow them and try to protect them from those human-eating cells. At the end of the tunnel, they come to a large cave of ancient Pokémon. Then they decide to continue climbing and heading up, I also notice Team Rocket here as well. I say, "Regirock. Chase Team Rocket away."

After he does, I also send out Registeel, "Registeel. You try to destroy the drones of that adventurer, once you're done, assist Regirock."

As Lucario, Meowsie, Absol, and I continue moving, we manage to reach the top before they do. We find Pikachu and Mew, who are happy to see me again. "Pikachu, Mew. Both of you are making me worried..."

Pikachu and Mew nod as we also notice the others climbing up. "They've better turn back while they can... Regice, help me out."

Then Regice comes out and he is helping me stop the others by using Ice Beam. "Regice..." Serena says. "Regice! Why are you attacking us?"

"Ash's orders, get away from the tree while you still can!" Regice says while firing another Ice Beam. Serena tries to run as Regice chases after them, but much to my dismay, they decide to go into another path that doesn't lead to the exit.

"Don't tell me that they're going to get lost in the tree..." I mutter. "Pikachu, this is Lucario, and he used to be my partner."

Pikachu greets the Lucario, and then we decide to search for the others. And after running through a path, we find Serena, Emerald, and Kidd. "Ash! Pikachu! There you are!" Serena says.

I mutter with anger, "You guys... Didn't Regirock, Registeel, and Regice tell you to leave this place as soon as possible? Why are you still coming here?"

Serena says, "You're not the only one who is worried about Pikachu! We are worried as well."

"Then tell me, where are the others? What happened to them?" I ask with anger, and when we see two cells coming towards us. Kidd says, "Everyone was sucked up by those things..."

"Does that mean Jessie and James are..." I also realize that Meowth is with us. And Serena and Emerald can only lower their heads with a frown. "No way..."

"Thanks to you guys... May, Max, and Reisa are all dead thanks to you stubbornly trying to come here and assist me! Those cells won't work on Pokemon!" I am now yelling with pain in my heart.

Serena and Emerald finally realize my pain, but then the cells also get to them and start to suck them in. "No! Serena!" I yell as I try to grab her. Emerald doesn't seem to be affected and he also tries to help me. It seems like my Dad also transforms him into an Arceus like all the other family members...

After Kidd is devoured, Serena says, "Ash... I'm sorry I didn't listen to you... you're right... we shouldn't have come here in the first place..."

"Serena..." Tears are forming in my eyes as we see her disappearing. "No... Serena... Why..."

"Brother Ash..." Emerald is also frowning, "We're sorry..."

Just then, Mew starts to glow, and the crystals turn green. I realize what's happening and I yell, "Mew! No! If you do that, your health..."

When Serena is back, I am happy to see her back. I hug her as she returns the hug, "Mew told the tree that you guys aren't germs."

"The Tree of Beginning and Mew share their powers and live together in symbiosis." Kidd says.

Just then, Mew falls to the ground and the crystals start to turn red in color. Serena picks Mew up and says, "It's hot..."

"The tree's immune system has gone into shock and the entire Tree has become unstable. Mew and the Tree are connected and if the Tree is destroyed, Mew will certainly die." Kidd says.

The crystals begin to blacken and crumble and parts of the ground collapse. With no time to lose, Mew signals and leads us to the core room. In this room, Lucario looks to the side and notices the gloves. "Master, your gloves..."

I take the gloves and say, "Lucario, I should tell you the true reason why you think I abandoned you."

I activate the Time Flower and activate it. When the pod opens up, they see that Aaron comes to the place. "Come out, Mew!"

A Ho-Oh comes in, revealing itself to be Mew. "Mew. I know that you and this tree are one. Please lend me your power! The aura is with me!" Aaron yells as he starts to transfer his powers to him. Mew stores the power and once enough has been stored, goes to the core to begin the Tree's restoration. In the end, we see Aaron stumble and fall and the scene ends.

"" Lucario is shocked.

"Yes, I sacrificed myself to stop the fight." I say. "I went back to the Hall of Origin until I came back as Ash."

"Master, then let me do this." Lucario, seeing how he can utilize the Aura that Aaron can, declares.

"But then you'll be drained and you will even be gone..." I say.

"I know. Consider this a punishment for doubting you, Master." He goes up to Mew and begins transferring energy, but is soon pulled back.

"My aura is not strong enough..." Lucario says.

"Lucario, step back for now." I say as I already wear my gloves. Serena says, "No, Ash... What are you doing? If you do this, then you'll also..."

"If I don't do this now, the tree will die, and the Pokemon living here will also die. This is another reason why you shouldn't have come here in the first place, and I'll use my life to pay for your mistakes." I say as I start to channel my energy to Mew. Lucario is also doing this with me, and Serena frowns, "Ash..."

But just before we can do it, Lucario suddenly pushes me away. "Lucario?"

"Leave the rest to me!" Lucario says.

"Lucario! No..." I yell in horror, and Lucario completes the energy channeling by himself. Mew swiftly moves to the energy core of the Tree, the stored energy releasing a green light that restores life to the Tree. The crystals turn green and emit bright beams of light across the land as well as in the castle.

"Lucario!" I rush to him, and he's now in pain. I say, "Lucario..."

"Master..." Lucario mutters. I cry in tears and say, "Lucario... I'm sorry... I didn't have a choice but to seal you away. If I hadn't... you would've followed me no matter what... and followed the same fate as me. Meaningless wars... and throwing away lives... I thought just myself would be enough. And now... you're sacrificing yourself..."

"Master... I'm sorry that I doubt you... I was foolish... " Lucario says it again, and I notice that his life is about to fade away. "Lucario... back then, every day I spent with you... was a lot of fun. You are a great Aura user, Lucario..."

"Master... if I reborn again... I promise I will find you..." Then Lucario disappears from our sight, and Serena hugs me from behind as I let out my tears.

After finding others again, they are happy to see us once more. Then Max asks, "Where's Lucario?"

I frown while looking at the sky, "He's... somewhere happy.."

"Did he..." Reisa gasps.

"It can't be..." May gasps.

I sigh before saying, "Aura is with me. I'm sure we'll see him again."

Then we all leave the Tree of Beginning and head to the Cameran Palace for a night's rest.

Here is a new chapter, and we're finished with the Lucario movie. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the Battle Factory.

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