Chapter 4

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"I don't know, it looks like we went the right way." Max says as we are lost trying to find the Battle Factory. May says, "We've better hurry before the sun is setting soon..."

"I'm sure we took a wrong turn here at some point." Emerald says. Right now he has some gadgets with him thanks to Aunt Ilene. There is an E Shooter with the bullets of Serenity, and the Platform shoes and Magic Hands to make it like our size and height."

"No! It's almost here, it is around the corner." Max says as she looks at May's Rotom Phone.

"That's good. Pikachu and I can't wait." I say.

But it turns out that we are lost and we decide to camp out. When we look up, we notice an Articuno flying past.

"Hey, look, it is Articuno!" Max says.

"What?" We are shocked to see the Pokemon flying past us. It is soon joined in flight by a small malfunctioning biplane, but both seemingly crash. We decide to chase after the Articuno, and we arrive at a Pokemon Center.

"No way! There's a Pokemon Center here. I guess it is great that we chase after that Articuno." Reisa says.

"Yeah, we're going to sleep on the comfy bed..." May says.

After we check in, I ask, "So Nurse Joy, I was hoping that you could tell us how to get to the Battle Factory?"

"I assume that you're trying to compete in the Battle Frontier?" Nurse Joy asks. "I am more than happy to tell you how to get there."

But it is already late, so she decides to tell us the next day. As the next day comes, we are surprised to see Scott. "Nurse Joy, why don't you leave it to me? I can get you there."

"It's Scott..." Reisa says.

"Hi, there." I say.

"Well, I see you guys like to get up quite early." Scott says as we introduce him to the others. Then he decides to give us a ride to the Battle Frontier.

It turns out that Scott is every bit as insane a driver as Professor Birch, and he takes a shortcut. Fortunately, we survive the trip. "Are you guys okay?" Scott asks while we are flat like Muk.

Serena groans, "Tell me to not ride in a car again..."

And much to our delight, we are now in front of the Battle Factory. "Awesome... so are you ready, guys?" I ask my three Pokemon and they all nod.

Just then, we hear the noise of an engine. Scott says, "Oh no, not that again..." A large vehicle smashes through the doors of the Factory and nearly runs us down.

"Oh, no. It is out of control! Stop!" They hear a voice from inside the vehicle, I say, "Steelix! Use Iron Defense!" Steelix hardens its body and stops the machine, and then a hatch opens and reveals a man.

"This dumb thing... doesn't listen to a word I say... Thanks, guys! You really save my neck out there." The man says.

"Still working on that thing, Noland?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, and this project is going to be the best one yet." Noland replies. Noland goes on to introduce the vehicle as the Noland J-9, his latest and greatest super-machine. He is interrupted by his assistant Sergio, who runs out and, rather exasperated, asks, "Hey! Boss? Don't tell me you've been playing around with that thing again!"

"I'm not playing, this is my hobby!" Noland says back. Then he introduces his assistant first before he starts to introduce himself.

"I'm Noland, the guy in charge. Which makes me the Factory Head." Noland says.

"Which means he's the Frontier Brain of the Battle Factory." Scott adds.

"That's cool. My name is Ash and I traveled here to challenge the Battle Factory." I say as I step forward.

"I see, so when are you planning on battling right now?" Noland asks.

"Right away, please." I say.

"That's what I like to hear." Noland chuckles.

Then it seems to be the Pokeblock time, and about a dozen powerful-looking Pokémon come running. May's Munchlax also comes out of its Poké Ball to join them in the meal.

"No! Munchlax! Stop that!" May yells as she tries to recall him back.

"That's okay, I've got more than enough Pokéblock here." Sergio says.

"Are all these Pokemon belong to you, Noland?" I ask.

"Sure do. See, the more Pokemon they have, the more battles they can have." Noland says. "And they are also Rental Pokemon for you to pick."

"Rental Pokemon? What do you mean?" Emerald asks.

"In this facility, we won't be using our Pokemon to battle, instead, we let Challengers pick the rental Pokemon to fight." Noland says.

"What? So we have to command Pokemon that we didn't get to bond with?" I ask with confusion.

"Of course, that makes the battle more interesting." Noland says. "To get my Symbol, you'll have to win 41 matches before facing me."

"41 matches?" I gasp before grinning, "I accept the challenge."

Since I have used about 386 different Pokemon, I think I know how to deal with all of them with ease. The Level that I select is 50 and the battles are Single Battles. I decided to pick Skarmory, Ludicolo, and Rhyhorn as my first set and battle the trainers. After defeating the first three Pokemon of the first trainer, May says, "So that means Ash has to battle 40 more battles like this to reach Noland?"

"I wonder how much time is he going to take by doing that..." Reisa says.

"But I still wonder why he should use rental Pokemon instead of the normal Pokemon?" Max asks.

"That's because I want to see trainers with 'knowledge' about the types, skills, and abilities of a variety of Pokemon in order to take on the Battle Factory. The other great characteristic of the battles fought here is trading."

And what he means is that I can try to switch my Pokemon with the trainer that I beat after every battle. For example, I decided to change Skarmory into Illumise because of how it uses Confusion attacks on my Skarmory.

After seven battles are done, I am given 3 Battle Points and I have to drop all three Pokemon and change into three new Pokemon, but more choices can be picked, and I decide to continue going.

"So how many rounds is he now?" May is a little tired, and Reisa says, "Let's see... he's in Round 3 and Battle 3. Although Ash hasn't lost any stream yet, he can only get to fight Noland in the 42nd round, which means he still needs to win 24 more battles."

"It takes 15 minutes for him to win one battle, and he has already fought over 4 hours and he's still not even near the halfway mark..." Serena says.

Emerald says, "But I have to say that Brother Ash is playing smart. He has a great knowledge of the 'order and role' as well."

"Order and Role?" May asks.

"The first Pokemon has the important role of being the lead, footwork is more important in that position since it needs to deal out consecutive damage. The second Pokemon should be the main force of the team, the Pokemon who occupies this spot must be able to use many different types of skills and cope with opponents who have special abilities. And the last Pokemon is the rear guard. It's something like the backup. So it will be better to have a Pokemon with a strong defense in this spot. Having a Pokemon who has strong attacks and good stamina in third position will be reassuring." Emerald says.

"You're right. And since Ash can't switch the order of the Pokemon, those who can't fit the roles will have to let go. To think you know all about it just by watching. That's so cool." Max says.

And after more hours, it is time for the final round, the sixth round, and I already have 29 Battle Points with me now. Once we finish the 41st match, it is finally Noland's turn.

I say, "This is harder than I thought, I think I'm a little sore after all those battles..."

Noland says, "Don't worry, if you want to, I can battle you tomorrow."

"That will be nice." I say.

Then we all go outside since they are going to feed the Pokemon with Pokeblocks. I ask, "Noland, can I have a request?"

"What is it?" Noland asks.

"Can I battle my Pokemon as the final match tomorrow? After those 41 matches, you've already seen what I'm capable of with the rental Pokemon. I want to show you my bond with my own Pokemon." I say.

"Although it is the rule that you have to use the rental Pokemon, I think I want to test the Hoenn and Johto Champion with his true strength." Noland says.

Then I start to wonder what kind of Pokemon Noland will use. Venusaur, the final form of Bulbasaur? Rhyhorn, for a test of power? Machamp, with its Fighting-type moves?

Just then, Munchlax grabs one of the bowls of Pokéblock and runs off into a nearby building.

"Wait, Munchlax!" May yells as she and Max chase after him, and after several minutes, we see Articuno flying out from the Factory.

"Articuno!" We gasp in surprise as the Pokemon appear.

"Well, the secret's out." Noland sighs.

"So that was you who was flying aside Articuno yesterday?" Reisa asks.

"Yeah, I was just doing a night flying." Noland says.

"But the amazing part of it is that you captured Articuno." May says.

"This is a wild Pokemon that we're talking about here. We're just friends." Noland says.

We are confused, and Noland then tells us their story. One night, while he was test-flying his plane, he was quite startled to find Articuno flying alongside him. Then Articuno started having trouble flying. Noland quickly realized that it injured its wing during one of its flights from mountaintop to mountaintop. He got it to land on top of his plane, brought it down, and helped it heal. Since then, it frequently comes to visit him.

"Noland, do you think you can take me up to fly with Articuno?" Max asks.

"I don't see why not." Noland says as he takes him up in his plane. Max invites Pikachu along, and they take to the air. Before long, Noland and Articuno are competing at fancy flying.

While they're watching the Articuno flying, I have some things to do as I leave. After finishing my thing, I come back and Emerald asks, "Brother Ash, where have you been?"

"I had to make a phone call." I reply.

Just then, Team Rocket appears with their new mecha, making a very rapid descent to land near us. After their motto, the trio set their sights on their targets, the Battle Factory's Pokémon.

"Not you again." I groan as I have Absol and Meowsie to attack since Pikachu is with Max. But the mecha takes to the air, grabs about half of Noland's Pokémon, and is about to fly off when Noland rams it with his plane. The Pokémon are released, and the mecha comes crashing down. Then Articuno grabs the mecha in its claws, lifts it off the ground, and throws it high into the air, where an Ice Beam finishes it off.

"They never have a chance with Articuno." Serena says.

And that night, I ask, "Noland, I want to ask if you can use Articuno to battle?"

"Well, what do you say?" Noland asks Articuno, who nods. "We accept. So it will be a one-on-one battle. What kind of Pokemon are you going to choose?"

"I choose one of them up there." I say.

Everyone looks up, and they see two Pokemon large and winged silhouetted against the moon. It is Charizard and Charla.

"It's your Charizard, Ash!" Max gasps, as he wants to meet the Pokemon.

"And Charla as well! So that's what the phone call was about." Reisa says.

"I called Liza from the Charisific Valley and have her send Charizard and Charla over here."

Charizard greets me with the usual Flamethrower while Charla does the same to Serena. I mutter, "Your Flamethrower sure gets stronger..."

"Same here..." Serena adds.

After recovering from the attack, I decide to tell Charizard that we're going to battle Articuno. Charizard is also excited as he and Articuno go for a stare-off.

"So how do you have two Charizard?" May asks.

Serena says, "Charla is actually our Starter Pokemon other than Pikachu. And then Charizard was captured when we were traveling Kanto for the first time."

The next day, Serena and I are training with Charizard and Charla, and after showing some attacks, we finally get to the arena. Noland greets us and says, "Hello, Ash. I had a look at your Battle Swap data yesterday. You seem to have the right idea, but you're still square in your head! Listen up, okay? Knowledge isn't only about reading books or doing desk work. Just doing that sort of thing... It may as well be useless! You have to experience things with your heart and your body, understand?"

"I understand." I nod.

"Good, it's been a while since I have a top-notch opponent, I hope you realize that I won't hold back. I'll be giving this everything I got."

"That's what I'm expecting!" I say.

Noland calls in Articuno, while I send out Charizard. Seeing as the match will quickly into an aerial display, Scott escorts Serena and the others up to the stands for better viewing.

"Now Shake out every last bit of your knowledge and bring it on!" Noland yells as both Charizard and Articuno fly up into the air.

"Charizard! Flamethrower!" I yell, and then it scores a direct hit after overwhelming Articuno's counter Ice Beam. I am exultant that Charizard can stand up to Articuno, but the Legendary flies straight back into the air, not looking any worse for wear.

"Charizard! Hit it with Flamethrower again!" But this time Articuno uses its speed to evade the attack and fly right past the Fire Pokémon.

"Let's go, spin it to a deep dive now!" Noland yells.

"Go! Charge right for it!" I yell.

Articuno uses Mist, which disorientates Charizard, before battering its opponent to the ground. Charizard stands up, shaking its head. It looks up just in time to see Articuno fly straight for it out of the Mist cloud.

"Charizard! Dragon Breath!" I yell, and though Articuno dodges twice, it is hit on the third try. Charizard rushes in to grab its opponent, though Articuno escapes with ease.

"Ice Beam!" Noland calls, and it strikes Charizard on the wing.

"Now! Another Flamethrower!" I command, which Articuno dodges and hits Charizard with a Steel Wing. Charizard falls from a huge height and crashes into the earth again.

"Charizard! Can you get up?" Charizard stands up, growling. It looks battered, but Articuno is still unmarked. Articuno uses a Water Pulse, sending Charizard into the wall.

"Oh wow, that was a direct hit from Water Pulse." Emerald says."

"And supereffective." May adds.

"So Articuno can use Water Type attacks too, huh?" Reisa says.

"And that's not all. Not only is Articuno great, but I think Noland got Ash's number." Scott says. " You have to have a direct hit from a Water Pulse to be effective. But Noland patiently waited for his chance. In the meantime, he uses Articuno's speed and Agility to dodge every one of Charizard's attacks. Then he has a clear shot that really has Charizard have it. That's what I mean. He always move one or two ahead."

"Come on, Ash! You're still in this battle!" Serena yells as Charla also growls.

"Get up! Charizard!" I plead, and Charizard hunches its neck in pain. I know that there is one attack that he can use, but I still think it is too soon to use it.

Articuno uses another Ice Beam. Charizard soars away, though its wingtip is frozen in the process, causing it to lose control. Articuno follows up with Water Pulse, turning the ice into projectile shards. Charizard shields itself with its wings and enters into a steep climb, though its speed is greatly reduced thanks to its frozen wingtips. Charizard launches a Flamethrower to counter, but Noland's Ice Beam and Water Pulse combination still hits its mark.

"If that frozen wingtip isn't destroyed...then Ash is going to lose..." Serena says.

"Yeah..." Max says.

Noland says, "Okay, let's finish this now one and for all. Climb quickly and get above Charizard!"

"Now's the time for that attack." I say. "Charizard! Get above Articuno and use Overheat!" Charizard glows bright red, and the ice on its wing melts.

"I never knew Charizard could use Overheat..." Reisa says.

"He must have learned it in the Charisific Valley." Serena says.

Both Pokémon zoom higher and higher into the air before Charizard releases its built-up Overheat attack. However, the Legendary counters with Water Pulse, which collides with Overheat in an explosion and intense flood of light.

"Steel Wing!" Noland yells, and then Articuno bursts from the smoke and scores a direct hit. Charizard looks tired and very battered, while Articuno is still as strong as ever.

"Charizard won't be able to withstand another direct hit by any attack..." Serena says as Charla looks at Charizard with worry.

I know I can't use Overheat anymore - it lowers the Special Attack stat every time I use it...there is only one chance left to win the battle...

"You have battled bravely, but it's time for me to end the match. Articuno, let's finish it off with Steel Wing!" Noland orders.

Charizard stays unmoving in midair, as my friends watch in anxiety. Right before Articuno can strike, I say, "Grab it now!"

Charizard grabs the glowing wings with its claws, taking both Noland and Articuno by surprise. "Go! Charizard! Seismic Toss!"

Charizard brings Articuno in close and spins downward directly into the battlefield. After the dust cloud settles, Charizard does not move while Articuno struggles to its feet.

Sergio is about to rule Charizard out, but Noland orders him to wait. Articuno then collapses while Charizard manages to stand up.

"Good job! You know what you're doing!" Noland says to me.

"Thank you, Charizard. You give it all you have right there." I say.

"You did too, Articuno. No shame in losing that battle, right?" Noland says. "And as for you, I thought I was going to win but you came behind to beat me. I like your style, Ash."

Then he presents me with the Knowledge Symbol. "This is for you."

"Thanks, a lot. Noland." I say while taking the symbol.

Noland also hands me a Frontierfolio to store all of my future Symbols in. Afterward, Articuno sets off once again, and Charizard as well as Charla head back to the Charicific Valley.

"Next time, I'll come after you hard. No holds barred, understand? You keep up your studies!" Noland says.

"Sure." I say as we shake hands. Scott says, "So Ash, I was thinking about your next challenge. You should try the Battle Arena."

"The Battle Arena? Then it is on to that place to get my second symbol." I say.

Back at Cerulean City, I take part in the Cerulean Contest, I use Clefable to make a Moondance and earn a spot in the contest battles, and then I defeat my opponents easily and get my first ribbon.

Here is the first Frontier battle, it is actually hard to write since I've never played the Battle Frontier in the games before. I hope you like this chapter and the next one will be back to N's point of view.

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