Chapter 15

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When we head to Route 207, we find Lucas as well. He says, "How's your Pokédex coming along? Me? I'm always doing great! ...I wish... But that's not important. Lately, I've been experimenting with a couple of neat tools. I'll share it with you. Choose a hand!"

"Are you serious?" Tox asks as we all pick the left hand, and he says, "Oh yeah. You want the Vs. Seeker. Yup, you know what's important."

And we all receive a Vs. Seeker. He says, "Using that Vs. Seeker, you can find Trainers who want to battle with you again."

Then he notices the Poketch and he says, "I see you also have Poketches too. You can have this too, then. You deserve it for all of your effort."

Then he unlocks the Dowsing Machine in our Poketch, and then he says, The Dowsing Machine is... Just try touching it. It'll alert you if there is an unseeable item on the ground. It's especially handy for finding things in dark caves. OK, keep working on your Pokédex. Professor Rowan is counting on us!"

After he leaves, we all head back to Oreburgh City because I want to revive our fossils. We head inside the Oreburgh Museum, which has been fixed after Team Rocket's attempt of stealing the machine. The scientists recognize us as they agree to help us turn the fossil to Pokemon.

Cranidos: The Headbutt Pokemon: Rock Type. It was resurrected from an iron ball-like fossil. It downs prey with its headbutts.

Shieldon: The Shield Pokemon: Rock and Steel Type. It habitually polishes its face by rubbing it against tree trunks. It is weak to attacks from behind.

And just when we are now at Route 207, we also notice a Shieldon and I ask, "Didn't we just revive a Shieldon?"

"Yeah, and now a real one just spawn it here? What's going on?" Lillie asks.

Just then, a vehicle appears, and we gasp since we can't believe what we're seeing. "That's Hunter J's! They are going to steal the Shieldon!"

We try to stop the two people who try to steal the Shieldon, but as Pikachu fires Thunderbolt, the henchmen send out Golbat that avoids Pikachu's attack and hits him with Wing Attack.

Just then, another electric attack arrives and we hear a familiar voice, "Shieldon! You're okay!"

"Gary Oak?" We all exclaim in surprise, and he says, "No time to explain, guys. Let's go."

We all follow Gary as we leave, and once they're not chasing after us, Tox asks, "So you're here doing Pokemon research?"

"That's right. A lot has happened since I saw you. And it's nice to meet you guys as well." Gary says.

"It sure has been a while." Dawn adds.

We soon arrive at a hidden area, where we are greeted by the wild Shieldons and his sister Daisy, who comes to help her brother with the mission. The Shieldon is playing with the other people as Gary opens his laptop and contacts Professor Rowan as well as Professor Berlitz, also telling him about the hunters. The two Professors also decide to meet up with him in a specific location.

"We're going to have to move soon." Daisy says as we are all on the move. Daisy says, "That reminds me, I heard that you have found the secret location of the Amber Castle?"

"We do, why?" I ask with confusion.

"How big is that Vespiquen? Is that a Titan Pokemon?" I get it now... Daisy is probably here to search for the Titan Pokemon as well. After showing her the footage recorded in the Rotom Phone, she decides to give me two badges this time, much to our surprise. One is the Honey Badge, and one is the Time Badge. After we accept the badges, we decide to continue moving as we notice the truck catching up to us.

Gary has Blastoise use Water Gun and have me use Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, we stop the car, but they send out Golbat to fight. Then Gary sends out Umbreon which uses Sand Attack on Golbat. It responds by using Air Cutter but Umbreon dodges it and hits a tree, causing a swarm of angry Beedrill to come out. Gary recalls Umbreon and Blastoise, and the Beedrill head for the henchmen.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's move!" Daisy says as we all leave.

As we run, Gladion asks, "You know there was a Beedrill nest there, do you?"

"I've been researching every inch of this area and find out which Pokemon lives here. Instead of battling our way out, it's more important to protect those Shieldons." Gary says.

When we traverse a steep mountain trail by walking along the rock face. One of the Shieldon panics and almost falls down dragging the others with it before I quickly grab them by their rope. With the help of the others, we manage to pull the Shieldon back up.

Just then, we are stopped by a girl riding on the Metagross, and we are shocked since that's not Hunter J, but Elena? Dia's girlfriend and Jane's younger sister?

"Elena? What are you doing here?" Lillie asks.

"So you are the ones who stopped my sister last time, I should have known. It's Hunter E and there's no escape." E says. "Hand over the Shieldon."

She attempts to use her capture device but Absol stops her with Psycho Cut. She responds by sending out Bronzong which uses Extrasensory on Absol.

"Give it up, you can't beat me." E says.

I grit my teeth and Gary and I decide to take care of E while the others get away with Shieldon. Gary sends out Blastoise again which uses Hydro Cannon, but Metagross counters with Hyper Beam.

But just then, a Shieldon is exposed and E fires the Cement Beam, capturing it. "No! She froze it!" We gasp.

"Absol! Use Dark Pulse." I command, but Bronzong blocks it. "Use Hyper Beam and Flash Cannon." E says, and we respond ordering Pikachu to use Thunderbolt while Blastoise uses Hydro Pump, but E's Pokémon's attacks overwhelm ours and they escape.

"Our mission is complete. Take it away." E says as they try to take away the Shieldon, but both Gary and I decide to do the same trick of holding onto the undercarriage. The vehicle arrives at the base, and I send out Staravia which flies away, unseen by E, to find the others. The vehicle then enters the base while E's client in a helicopter is seen preparing to land. Inside the base, I use Magneton and Nosepass to sabotage the base.

After we get out of the base, we also attack the henchmen with the two Pokemon. "I don't think so, well not for long." E says as she prepares to send out her Pokemon, but the client informs her the deal is off to avoid being arrested, as Officer Jenny is nearby.

E grits her teeth and says, "We have no business here. Withdraw at once." I try to chase them, but Gary stops us and he says that Shieldon is back. "Stay away from me and J or else."

When others arrive, we also notice that my Mom, Dia, and Elena arrive along with the Professors. Dia asks, "Where's E?"

"She escaped. But she didn't take the Shieldon." I say. "Let me guess, not just Jane but you as well, Elena?"

"And it is a pain in the ass." Elena mutters.

"I just hope that they'll be eliminated soon..." My mom sighs.

Suddenly, Magneton and Nosepass start to glow, it becomes bigger and turns into Magnezone and Probopass.

"What, they evolved!" Dawn says.

"This is very cool." Lillie says.

Magnezone: The Magnet Area Pokemon: Electric and Steel Type. Evolved by level up at a special magnetic field. It evolved from exposure to a special magnetic field. Three units generate magnetism.

Probopass: The Compass Pokemon: Rock and Steel Type. Evolved by level up at a special magnetic field. It exudes strong magnetism from all over. It controls three small units called Mini-Noses.

"It is said that these two specific Pokemon can evolve in the environment of Mt. Coronet...So the saying is true at all." Professor Rowan says.

Gary and Daisy thank us for the help, telling us that we'll be friends to the end. Later, we say goodbye to the others as we depart on their road into Mt. Coronet.

When we enter Mt. Coronet, we are surprised to find a blue-haired man standing in front of us. He also seems to have the Team Galactic uniform and he says, "According to one theory, Mt. Coronet is where the Sinnoh region began. In a newly created world... A world where only time flowed and space expanded... There should have been no strife. But what became of that world? Because the human spirit is weak and incomplete, strife has appeared... This world is being ruined by it... I find the state of things to be deplorable..."

Then he just leaves, and Tox asks, "What's with that guy?"

"Judging by the uniform, I have to say that he's also a member of Team Galactic. And if this is the same situation that I have in Hoenn... he is no doubt to be the boss..."

"The boss? And we just let it go like that?" Daniel asks.

"As long as they don't attack, we don't do a thing." I say as we all head through the Mt. Coronet. And when we go to Route 208, with the help of Pachirisu's Pick Up ability, this time we manage to get a Dawn Stone. Kirlia has been waiting to evolve for a long time, and this time he gets the chance to do it.

Gallade: The Blade Pokemon: Psychic and Fighting Type. Evolve from male Kirlia with Dawn Stone. A master of courtesy and swordsmanship, it fights using extending swords on its elbows.

"And now we have Gallade, we can also Mega Evolve our Pokemon!" I say while taking out the Galladite that I got from Professor Cozmo back in the Hoenn Region, and Gallade is happy to have it. We also meet the Berry Master and have an app known as the Berry Searcher in the Poketch.

We finally arrive at Hearthome City, and we find a Buneary and a woman rushes to us. "Oh, thank goodness that you happened to be there! If it weren't for you, who knows how far away my Buneary could have run... Baby Buneary, back into the Poké Ball you go!"

After she recalls the Buneary, I ask, "Who are you?"

"I'm Keira! I'm a Pokémon Contest Judge. Be sure to drop by the Contest Hall so I can thank you properly!" The woman named Keira says, and Dawn asks, "Wait, she's a judge?"

"Strange... I've never seen her before..." I say as we decide to head to the Pokemon Gym. We find Nando there and he says, "Greetings, my dear young friends. Regretfully the gym leader is not here."

"Are you serious?" We gasp in surprise as we also notice Nando having a Kricketune. Lillie asks, "So you're here for a Gym battle, too?"

"Yes, and I thought I would team up with my Kricketune, but the gym leader is not home. Fortunately, I hear that there is a Pokemon Tag Team Tournament."

We learn that it is a tournament where skilled Trainers pair up to compete in several rounds of Tag Battles, so we all decide to register. Nando also decides to enter the Pokemon Contest, and on the way, they also meet up with Zoey.

As for us, we decide to head to the Contest Hall, and we find a strange woman with a Kalos accent in front of us. She says, "Oh, I'm so sorry! Please excuse me. Are you entering a Contest?"

"Well, I'm not, but Dawn is." I say. After we introduce ourselves, she says, "Oh my! The Ash Ketchum who is a Top Coordinator. Incidentally, Fantina, the Hearthome Gym Leader, also happens to be a Contest expert. And you may ask yourself, how do I know this? Well, I am Fantina!"

"So you're the gym leader! We're here for the Gym battle." I say.

"Well, you may challenge me, but not yet! You must become much stronger. Then, you may challenge me!" I get it, she's just like Norman, who wants us to gather a few badges before we can challenge her.

"I see. Then after we have four badges, we'll challenge you." I say as she nods before leaving. But when we enter the hall, we are surprised to find Keira with someone that we're surprised to see.

"Mom?" Dawn and Tox gasp in surprise.

"Oh, hi, Dawn, Tox." Johanna says.

"Wait! No! Really?! Johanna is your mom? So you might be a Contest star?!" Keira asks.

Johanna looks at Dawn and says, "Oh, I don't know about that."

"No need to worry, Mom. I'm here for my second ribbon of course!" Dawn says.

"Though I'm surprised you know each other." Johanna says.

"Oh, yes, that's right! I need to thank you for earlier. Please take this Accessory." And she gives us the Glitter Powder, much to our surprise. "Put that Accessory on your Pokémon before a Contest. It will lend a nice touch of sophistication and glamour. I'm a Contest Judge, so come join us for a different kind of fun. If you're unsure of yourself, we also offer practice sessions. OK, Johanna, I'll see you!"

After she's gone, Tox asks, "So Mom, what are you doing here?"

" I got bored, so I came out to Hearthome for a little vacation. I'm just as surprised to see you here, my dear! Now go enjoy the Contests, honey!"

"You bet." Then Dawn decides to go to the backstage as she seems to be confident. Then Zoey comes and greets us, and she apologizes that the Hearthome Gym Leader isn't there, and we understand how she wants to battle us after we get four more badges. We also tell her that we're going to enter the Tag Team Tournament.

The next day, the Hearthome Contest begins, and we also notice Keira with the judges as well. The Performance Stage begins with Nando as the first contestant, using his Sunflora and Kricketune. Sunflora's Grass Whistle and Kricketune's Sing combined with Nando's harp captivate the audience with beautiful music. The performance gets Zoey's respect as Nando earns high marks.

Other Coordinators take their turns, as Dawn is still confident despite many high-experience Coordinators. Her turn arrives as she takes the stage with Pachirisu and Piplup. Pachirisu launches Sweet Kiss while Piplup encases the attack with Bubble Beam. Pachirisu uses Discharge as Piplup uses Whirlpool, the electricity causing the whirlpool to dissipate in a flash of sparkles.

Jessie takes her turn, sending out Mime Jr. and Cacnea. Cacnea uses Needle Arm, which Mime Jr. Mimics before using Tickle on Jessie as both Cacnea and Mime Jr. hug and tickle Jessie, spinning her around the stage. We are actually creeped out with the performance, and Cacnea then fires Pin Missile, which Mime Jr. mimics, into the sky and creates fireworks.

Jessie gets a very high score as Zoey then takes the stage with Glameow and Shellos. Shellos fires Mud Bomb as Glameow's Iron Tail breaks the attack. Glameow taps into Secret Power, which creates a paralyzing light as on the stage. Glameow then prepares Shadow Claw to create a sparkle from the Secret Power. Shellos then launches Water Pulse, surrounding Glameow as it uses its claws to split the Water Pulse, causing the water to then rebound on itself and create a dazzling sparkle. Her performance also gets a great score.

The first round ends as the results are calculated. The results are then announced as the eight Coordinators are posted one by one. Nando and Zoey take the top two and three. The eighth Coordinator to advance to the Contest Battles is not Dawn, but Jessie.

"Wait, Dawn doesn't advance?" We gasp in surprise, but Johanna sighs, "These sorts of things happen."

"I'm sorry to let you down, but you did all you can do." Dawn says to her Pokemon while lowering her head. I say, "Dawn, you already did a good job."

"Yeah, remember, you were in sync with Piplup and Pachirisu with the whole performance." Lillie says.

"Okay, then why did we lose?" Dawn asks in a bitter tone.

"Dawn..." Before Zoey can say anything, Dawn says, "Don't worry, you don't need to say anything."

She is clearly upset and she runs out of the room. The match is over with the winner being Nando. Johanna decide to leave Dawn alone and head back to Twinleaf Town, and she thinks that having Zoey talking to her is better than having Dawn talking to her.

Here is another chapter, and I decide to put Elena, Jane's sister, as a hunter just like her sister in this Sinnoh Arc, and don't worry, it is the Dark Phase. The next chapter will be the Hearthome Tag Battle Tournament.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Piplup, Staravia, Bidoof, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Cranidos, Shieldon, Burmy x4, Pachirisu (Shiny), Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos (West), Drifloon, Buneary, Mismagius, Stunky, Bronzor, Finneon, Magnezone, Leafeon, Gallade, Probopass, Rotom

Dawn's Pokemon:

Ponyta, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherubi, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Stunky, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzor

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