Chapter 14

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Before we head to Route 206, we have a call from our mother that there is a disturbance in the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest that causes the electronics in our house to be corrupted. So we decide to check the haunted house.

Once we get there, we find Gardenia and she says, "Hiya! Were you intrigued by the rumors going around, too?"

"Rumors? What rumors?" Gladion asks.

"You know, people've been talking about the ghost Pokémon of the Old Chateau. I've been hearing rumors about sinister shadows, too. I should check it out myself, but going in there is... ...Well, you know, being that I'm a Gym Leader, I'm always busy. So, since I'm so busy, I can't go in. It's not because I'm s-scared! S-so, good luck with your investigation!"

After that, she leaves, and Dawn says, "Do we really have to go inside?"

"It is fine, besides, there is the famous Old Gateau recipe inside as well." I say.

Just then, the door opens on its own. "If no one's here, who opens the door?" Tox asks.

"You don't think it couldn't be a ghost, could it?" Lillie asks.

When Pikachu and the others rush into the room, we arrive at a kitchen. "Pikachu, guys, you can't run into buildings like that."

"But I swear I saw a microwave moving..." A microwave? And we also notice some sort of generator, and then hear Pikachu using Thunderbolt, and I ask, "Pikachu, you okay?"

"That microwave is not normal! It tries to devour me!" Pikachu says as we look at the microwave with confusion. But because of Pikachu shocking the generator, the lights are now on.

"The power's back on!" Dawn says.

And then an announcement appears, and it just tells us how to make the Old Gateau, so we decide to create these of our own. The ingredients automatically appear in front of us, and Lillie and I decide to work on the Old Gateau while the others are going for training.

As we are working, we hear some screams from the others, and Lillie asks, "Is something going on?"

"I don't know... I mean, we already turn on the lights and Pokemon like Gastly shouldn't have come until night..." I say.

It is then the four of them arrive in front of us, and I ask, "You four look like you've seen a ghost."

"You don't know how right you are!" Tox says. "That's just what we saw!" Dawn adds.

"I don't think Gastly have come until night time." I say.

"But we have been chased by a Mow, a Fan, and a Washing Machine!" Wait, mow? Fan? Washing machine? And Pikachu just shocked a microwave. Lillie takes out the Gateau from the fridge and she says, "Done! Presenting the famous Old Gateau."

And I notice that the fridge transforms, and everyone gasps in horror while Lillie asks, "What? What's wrong?"

"I think I finally understand what's going on." I say with a sigh. "Come on, guys. It's just the Pokemon that's in our phones. Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

When Pikachu attacks the fridge, the Rotom comes out. Lillie says, "So that's a Rotom!"

"I guess this Rotom is a playful one and he is just lonely." I say as Rotom flees while getting back in its Mow Form. I sigh as I look around the area. "I think there is supposed to be an item around here..."

By the generator, I find the book beside the generator and smile, "There it is. Time for you to stop playing."

I open the book, and suddenly Rotom comes back in its normal form. Gladion asks, "What did you do?"

"That's a Rotom's Catalog." I say, "It is an item that can change Rotom's forms of its own free will. I guess this Pokemon is probably why the electronics in our house to be corrupted." I say.

Then I decide to throw the Pokeball and capture the Rotom, and I also bring the Rotom Catalog with me so I can change Rotom's forms.

Rotom: The Plasma Pokemon: Electric and Ghost Type. Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc.

And then the others also taste the Old Gateau and they all like it. And we also decide to send some to our house in Eterna Forest. I say, "Old Gateau can be used to cure any status condition a Pokémon may have, so it is also a great snack."

"I have to agree." Lillie says as we all leave the place before we go to Route 206. In Eterna Forest, Lillie and I also capture a Buneary for the contests as well.

Buneary: The Rabbit Pokemon: Normal Type. When it senses danger, it perks up its ears. On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into its fur.

But just as we are about to leave, we find Dawn and Tox's father there. Dawn asks, "Dad? What are you doing here?"

"Dawn, Tox, long time no see!" Professor Berlitz says as Dawn decides to show him how she gets the first ribbon and how she's going to Hearthome for the next one. And we also show our process, and Berlitz says, "I've come a long way at the behest of the professor to help you on your adventure. That reminds me, I'm here to give you this so you can use it."

Dawn receives an Exp. Share and she is delighted, which means all of her Pokemon can gain experiences. Then he tells us to be safe because the Cycling Road is a downhill path and we might not be able to go back to Eterna unless we fly ourselves back.

There are a lot of trainers training in Route 206, but after we've left the cycling road part, we find Zoey who has sprained her foot. We help her as she introduces us to her new partner: A Shellos. Zoey then tells Dawn that the upcoming Hearthome Contest has a double performance format, which means Dawn has to show off two Pokémon at once.

"So Ash, are you going to participate?" Zoey asks.

"Not this time. I want to see what Dawn can do in this one." I say.

"I see. It is a shame since I want to face you again." Zoey says.

Fortunately, Zoey offers to help Dawn train. First, she shows Dawn some of the combinations she has planned for Glameow and Shellos. Then Dawn tries to develop some combinations of her own with Pachirisu and Piplup, but it's even harder than she imagined. Things aren't any smoother when she tries a double battle with Ponyta and Buneary against Pikachu and Aipom, but all Dawn can do is practice until her team gets it right.

Jessie, now disguised as Jessilina the Coordinator, drops in for a surprise visit and challenges Dawn to a double battle. Zoey's not about to let Jessilina pick on a double battle novice, so she accepts the challenge instead! Injured or not, Zoey still has all her skills intact—her Glameow and Shellos overcome Jessie's Dustox and Seviper with power and style. Zoey's example encourages Dawn to keep on trying, and the two Coordinators look forward to their next meeting at the Hearthome Contest.

While we continue to train our Pokemon, our Shiny Pachirisu's Pickup ability helps us find a Dusk Stone. And after consideration, we decide to evolve Misdreavus first.

Mismagius: The Magical Pokemon: Ghost Type. Evolve from Misdreavus with a Dusk Stone. Its cries sound like incantations. Those hearing it are tormented by headaches and hallucinations.

However, just when we are trying to train with Mismagius, it plays pranks on us and gets us trapped inside illusions. Fortunately, we manage to get out of it and recall this prankster. And the next day, the smell of the Stunky attracts us and both Tox and I decide to capture the Pokemon in the end.

Stunky: The Skunk Pokemon: Poison and Dark Type. It protects itself by spraying a noxious fluid from its rear. The stench lingers for 24 hours.

And now we are in front of the Wayward Cave, and when we get inside, we can't find anything because it is dark. Good thing that I have the Flash HM and I use it to light up the area. There are some Bronzor in the area and both Daniel and I capture one each.

Bronzor: The Bronze Pokemon: Steel and Psychic Type. Implements shaped like it were discovered in ancient tombs. It is unknown if they are related.

As we continue exploring, we find a girl there. "I'm Mira. I was catching Pokémon, and then I got lost... I'm so scared... Please! Please take me to the exit!"

We decide to escort the girl out of the cave, and once we do, she says, "Oh! There's the exit! I want to get tougher so I won't be such a scaredy-cat."

"So why are you in the Wayward cave in the first place?" I ask, and she says, "I was trying to find my Sandshrew. There used to be a school around here that I stayed in."

Then she explains that she and two friends from school had found a Poké Ball with a Pokémon already inside. All three of them decided to take turns feeding, cleaning, and playing with it after school. However, the three friends were separated due to the dam being built and none of them remembered to take the Pokémon with them. She thought there was a shortcut in the Wayward Cave that would help her get to the old school, but it turns out that there's nothing and she got lost.

We all dive underwater and there is a Gyarados blocking our path. We have Buizel and Finneon help us battle the Gyarados, and when we lure it out, Pikachu gives a Thunderbolt as we knock it out so we can go to the school underwater.

We make it further in, only to be stopped by Team Rocket, who uses a Sharpedo mecha to shoot a large Carvanha-shaped missile at us, which gives Team Rocket an opening for Abra. They use a Magikarp-shaped net, entangling both Abra and Mira, who want to save her Abra. Team Rocket is able to escape Buizel and Finneon by shooting Remoraid projectiles at them.

But as we thought she's gone, Mira appears with Abra once more and we notice that they use Teleport to get away. We waste no time getting back into the water and searching again for the Sandshrew. Finally, we come across Mira's secret hiding place and, there, inside the toy-box, we find a Poké Ball. Happily, they swim back up to the surface, where Mira and Sandshrew are happily reunited.

The happiness, however, is short-lived as Abra becomes wrapped by a net that came from out of the blue. Team Rocket laughs, reciting their motto before trying to make their getaway. Mira, thinking she had the upper hand, told Abra to use Teleport. It was to no avail as Team Rocket had made the net Psychic-proof. However, they weren't able to make it Razor Leaf-proof, as seen when I use his Roserade, breaking Abra free from the net.

Angry and distressed, Team Rocket sends out their Pokémon, Dustox and Cacnea, who use Poison Sting and Pin Missile, respectively, on Roserade. Luckily, Roserade is able to dodge it and use Magical Leaf, hitting both of the opposing Pokémon and sending them to the ground. Sandshrew proves its eagerness by asking for a battle. Team Rocket happily obliges by diving right in with Dustox's Tackle and Cacnea's Needle Arm. Sandshrew uses Slash on Dustox whilst Roserade uses Petal Dance on Cacnea. To wrap it up, Sandshrew uses Sandstorm and knocks both Pokémon away. Finally, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to send Team Rocket flying.

After that's done, we bid farewell as we all head to Route 207.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, there are a lot more Pokemon to capture and evolve. I hope you like it.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Nosepass, Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Piplup, Staravia, Bidoof, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Burmy x4, Pachirisu (Shiny), Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos (West), Drifloon, Buneary, Mismagius, Stunky, Bronzor, Finneon, Leafeon, Rotom

Dawn's Pokemon:

Ponyta, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherubi, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Stunky, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzor

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