Chapter 13

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When we are back in Eterna City, we notice the TV showing Lucian battling Cynthia. Lucian's Bronzong uses its Flash Cannon on Garchomp. Garchomp comes out unscathed by blocking the attack with her fin. Garchomp follows up with Giga Impact, knocking out Lucian's Bronzong and defending Cynthia's Champion title.

The battle is really awesome, and that's when we hear from the others that Cynthia is near the statue of the Almighty One. We decide to rush there and greet her since it has been a while.

When we get there, we find her checking out the statue while having an ice cream? But much to our surprise, Paul is also there.

"It's Paul..." We are surprised that Paul wants to challenge Cynthia to a battle. "It's been a while since I have a real challenge, are you competing in the Sinnoh League now?"

"That's right." Paul says.

"I see... Then I'm assuming that you transferred here from another League. Fine then, I accept your challenge."

"Do you mind if we battle with six Pokemon each?" Paul asks.

"No problem." When everyone is murmuring about how suicidial Paul is, I just want to see how strong they can get.

Cynthia calls out her Garchomp, while Paul chooses Chimchar; a choice that surprises Cynthia, as well as the crowd, due to its disadvantage as a Fire-type. Paul commands Chimchar to use Fire Spin and then Dig. Once hit with Fire Spin, Garchomp also uses Dig under Cynthia's command. Garchomp strikes her opponent underground, knocking Chimchar out. As Paul recalls it, he scolds it for its loss, which doesn't sit too well with either Cynthia or the group.

Paul then uses Weavile, a much better type matchup. He orders a Blizzard attack, and despite being a super-effective hit, it does not faze Garchomp at all. Garchomp then uses Dragon Rush, which causes Weavile to freeze instead of trying to dodge. Paul tells Weavile to use Ice Beam. However, Garchomp dodges the attack twice and slams itself into Weavile, knocking it out cold. Paul then sends out Murkrow. Immediately, he tells Murkrow to use Haze, which Garchomp dodges. Murkrow flies behind Garchomp and Paul tells it to use Sky Attack. Cynthia has Garchomp counter with Giga Impact. After returning his fallen Murkrow, Paul smirks to himself, leaving everyone confused as he has lost half of his team in short order.

Paul calls out his Torterra and starts things off with a Giga Drain. Since Giga Impact left Garchomp unable to move, Giga Drain hits its mark and manages to weaken Garchomp. Torterra follows up with Frenzy Plant, though Garchomp blocks the attack with her fins, much to Paul's astonishment. Cynthia then tells Garchomp to use Brick Break. Garchomp pushes the Frenzy Plant vines away and jumps into the air, hitting Torterra with Brick Break on its head, taking it down and out.

"What can you say? She's the Champion after all." I sigh after seeing how many Pokemon he's lost. Paul says, "I guess that's it."

"Guess so, nice Garchomp. Great battle." Then both recall Pokemon, and some of the people are booing Paul. "Hey! Cut it out, you guys!" I say, as the others are muttering my appearance. "I'll tell you, Paul. It's great."

"Well, I'll work on it and try again." Paul says before leaving, but he doesn't seem go be going to the Pokemon Center. Cynthia says, "Paul, hold it. Bringing injured Pokemon to the Pokemon Center is a trainer's first responsibility, you know."

Then as they get to the Pokemon Center, we finally have the talk with Cynthia." It is nice to see you six as well. I see you're traveling together?"

"Yes, Lillie and I are challenging the gyms while Dawn and I are doing Contests." I say. "Although I want to battle you, but considering the situation now..."

"Indeed. We have an urgent situation over here. I think I'll have to treat the Pokemomn by myself." Cynthia says.

"Then I'll help you as well." Tox says, and she nods, "Good, Professor Berlitz's son might help out as well."

When we get into the healing room, Cynthia treats Paul's Torterra with a Super Potion. She moves on to Chimchar, giving it a pill and encouraging it to rest up.

"Chimchar looks a lot better now." I say.

"I'm done with your Pokemon. Your Pokemon are all well-trained, and I'm especially impressed with your Torterra."

"Torterra is my starter Pokemon, we've traveled a lot, we made it to the Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto leagues, but didn't win any of them. It is also that time I caught Weavile and Murkrow." Paul says.

"What about Chimchar?" I ask.

"After I came back to Sinnoh." Paul says.

When Cynthia compliments Chimchar, Paul complains that Chimchar didn't do well against Garchomp. Lillie argues that he didn't care how many Pokémon got hurt, though Paul defends his training methods. Lillie becomes angrier, saying that he has to support his Pokémon.

"Then I'll get spoiled, and Chimchar is the perfect example. A spoiled Pokemon who doesn't try enough." Paul says.

"But you have to support your Pokemon and that's when they'll support you!" Lillie says.

"Pathetic. You just keep doing this your way, I'll do it my way." Paul replies back.

"So you want to become stronger? Then I'll show you something." Cynthia says as we arrive at the Almighty one statue once more. She shows us the words, "When one life meets another life, something will be born." She claims that before reading the words, she used to train endlessly. Then she discovered that all Pokémon have different personalities and she wanted to get to know all of them.

Just then, we find Team Rocket stealing Paul's Chimchar, and we rush to chase them. "Give Chimchar back, or your be sorry!" I say.

But they try to get away from the hot air balloon, but Paul sends out his Ursaring and tells it to use Hyper Beam. Chimchar jumps away from Team Rocket right before the attack collides, sending them blasting off.

Chimchar falls to the ground, getting injured once more. However, Paul doesn't care, calling Chimchar useless for being captured by Team Rocket. Dawn calls Paul out, though Cynthia is able to stop the yelling, mentioning that what matters now is that Chimchar is okay. She advises Paul to stay the night at the Center, and he accepts her recommendation.

Later, Cynthia and we watch as Sinnoh Now reports that the Lustrous Orb, an item related to the Legendary Pokémon Palkia, has just been uncovered by archaeologists at the Celestic Town ruins.

Ash says, "Oh boy, Palmo is going to be worried about it."

"Yeah. With the Adamant Orb in the Eterna Historical Museum, the only one left is the Griseous Orb." Lillie replies.

"Well, I am going to the Celestic Town for now." Cynthia says. "That also reminds me. Try using this. They should help you on your way."

Dawn receives the HM for Cut from Cynthia, who says, "Cut in the Hidden Moves app allows you to chop down small trees that are blocking your way. Remember, you can use the hidden move Cut from your Poketch in the field. It will let you go places that were previously inaccessible to you."

After we're done, we head to the house and find the Underground Man. He says, "I am the first one to have started digging out the Grand Underground. You can call me the Underground Man. Everyone else does. I'll make a gift of this to you. You hold up your end of the deal and put it to good use."

We all receive the Explorer Kit, and with this item, we can go to the Grand Underground. "Let me mentor you as you become a full-fledged spelunker. Just follow my lead!"

When we head outside, we all use the item to teleport us to the Grand Underground. And just when we land, we find Roark there. ""Hey! guys! Is this maybe your first time here? Welcome to Sinnoh's Grand Underground! This is a network of tunnels, caves, and caverns lying beneath Sinnoh."

"Roark! It's nice to see you... but what are you doing here?" Lillie says.

"That's kind of hard to answer. I mean, you can do pretty much anything you want down here. For instance, you can dig up Fossils and treasure, or you can make your own Secret Base. You should talk to the Underground Man in Eterna City to learn more. I have to get going now. I'll see you around!"

After Roark levels, we decide to look around the area, and we are surprised to see how many Pokemon living there, but they are really aggressive as they will chase us until we leave the cave. "Those Pokemon there sure aren't friendly..." Dawn says.

"But we should also try out the mining." I say as we open the Explorer Kit. We also notice a note. "Digging for Fossils! I've put a sledgehammer and pickax in your Explorer Kit. Use them, and you'll be able to dig out sorts of stuff from the walls- before the wall comes tumbling down, that is! I'm sure you can do it!"

So we try to dig for some items, and much to my surprise, we dig out three kinds of different items, an Armor Fossil, a Skull Fossil, and an Odd Keystone. While others also dig out some shards and rare bones, and even evolution stones.

"Look what I found!" Dawn says as she digs out a giant box. When opening it, there is a statue of a Pokemon.

"I think this is for the Pokemon encounters in those caves..." I say.

"Though I wonder what can we do with this Odd Keystone. I know that's Spiritomb's..." Lillie says.

"Maybe we should encounter one in the future that needs this." I say as we finish playing and head outside.

Once we're done, we head to Team Galactic's Eterna Building, which is blocked by trees. When a grunt approaches us, we are surprised until he says, "Hello! It is me! Me! Hahaha! I have startled you, yes?"

We recognize the voice and I say, "Agent Looker?"

"I am, after all, an officer of the International Police. It is only natural that I be a master of disguise. ...Incidentally, you are first-rate Trainers. Of that, I am very aware. I therefore think you will be OK, but I must warn you to be careful anyway. Also, a word of advice. This building has two stairs. One of them, a trap it must be. But the crooks of Team Galactic, they do not appear, how shall I say, smart. There should be an easy way to tell the stairs apart!"

"I see." Then we battle our way through the building, and after we defeat them, we arrive at the top floor where the commander is located. Like in Valley Windworks, she also seems to have kidnap someone.

"What is it with this Team Galactic? Why did they take our Pokemon? What are they trying to accomplish?" The man seems to be muttering, and we are now facing the purple-haired woman.

"Eh? Did you want something? How silly of me to even ask. You want to free the Pokémon. Fine! I, Jupiter, will deal with you."

She uses two Pokemon, and she has a Zubat and a Skuntank. We have to put up with the stench as we deal with her. And once we're done, she says, "Well, aren't you tough...? It's OK, though. Our official Pokémon-statue investigation is finished. And Mars has collected energy from the Valley Windworks. We're pretty much finished here. I'll let you in on one little thing."

"Oh yeah?" I ask.

"Our boss is researching the myths of ancient Pokémon. With the power of mythical Pokémon, he will become the ruler of Sinnoh... I suggest you keep out of Team Galactic's affairs from now on. This is your last warning!"

Then they escape once more, and we free the captured Pokemon. The man says, "I got my Clefairy back, and it's thanks to you! But that Team Galactic... They said, "Clefairy came from space. Hand it over!" Their logic baffles me still. It's like they are from space! Anyway, they're gone now. Thank you very much! I can't thank you enough right now, but cruise by my Cycle Shop, OK?"

"We will." As we all head to the Cycle Shop, we get to the shop and he decides to offer us the bike to choose from. Once we have the bike, Dawn says, "I'm glad to have a new bike after what happened to my old one."

"Old one?" We are confused, and Dawn says how Pikachu destroyed her bike when they first met, and I groan, "Really? First Misty and now Dawn's? How many bikes are you trying to destroy, Pikachu?"

Pikachu just lowers his head with shame. Dawn says, "But I also remember Team Rocket is after you the same time, so I can let that one slide."

Then we all head to Route 206 since it is a cycling road.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the chapter where Ash and the group meet Cynthia and having another battle against Team Galactic. I hope you like it and we'll be continuing in the next chapter.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Nosepass, Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Piplup, Staravia, Bidoof, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Burmy x4, Pachirisu (Shiny), Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos, Drifloon, Finneon, Leafeon

Dawn's Pokemon:

Ponyta, Piplup, Pachirisu, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:


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