Chapter 12

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On Route 211, Dawn captures a Ponyta because she thinks that it's cool to travel with one, and then we see Alamos Town in front of us, but when we rush there, we find that we come to a large lake with mountains surrounding it, and then Gladion says, "Looks like we're on the wrong shore..."

"And I'm now exhausted..." Dawn mutters.

Just then, a hot-air balloon arrives, and a girl with the Chimchar is the one who gives us a ride. And it is surprising to learn that the girl is also called Alice, considering that we have a friend and a travel companion also sharing the same name.

"We're here to enter the Pokemon Contest held in Alamos Town." I say after we introduce ourselves.

"I work part-time as a hot air balloon tour guide, but I also spend most of the time as a music student." Then she takes out the leaf whistle and makes some music that brings Pelipper, Pidgey, and Pidgeotto to them.

"Wow, is that Oracion?" Lillie asks.

"Oh, so you know the song?" Alice asks.

"We have heard a lot of times when we are little." I say. Dawn notices the Twin Towers and I say, "Those are the Space and Time Towers. The brilliant Godey build this place 100 years ago."

"Yeah, and that's where the Contest is going to be held." Alice says. "But you know about the towers, Ash?"

"Of course, the tower on the right represents time, and the tower on the left represents space." Just then, a disturbance occurs and the balloon gets a little out of control.

"What is that?" Daniel asks.

"I don't know..." Gladion says. "But it is not normal as well."

When we arrive at the town, we attend the festival and have battled some trainers and then playing at the fountain. We also decide to send out some Pokemon, until Gardevoir and Kirlia seem to have noticed some broken pillars.

"This is terrible... who could've done this?" Gladion asks.

"It was Darkrai." A man comes out from an opening. Alice says, "Baron Alberto?"

"It appears there have been recent sightings in town." He says, and we are confused. We know that Darkrai is a nightmare Pokemon, but why would he do such a thing? Baron Alberto brings out his Lickilicky and has it use Hyper Beam into some bushes. A man named Tonio was hit with the attack and comes stumbling out with his computer, and a Drifblim. Baron Alberto thought that it was a Darkrai hiding in the bushes.

"This is my friend Tonio, and he's a scientist." Alice says.

"I was investigating a space-time abnormality that I had detected. Something has happened."

Tonio shows Alice the disturbance readings on his computer, and then studies the broken pillars very carefully. A piece breaks off from the pillars and hits Tonio in the head.

"Alice, you don't have to be so nice to him. After all, my dear, you are going to be my wife, remember?" Baron Alberto asks.

"Excuse me, but I thought I told you no already! Come on, I'm too young to think about marriage." Alice says.

"Sorry, I know this isn't the time or place for that kind of talk." Alberto says. "No that's done, why don't you come to my place so we can have a little dinner?"

Dawn tries to stop him and Alice immediately grabs Tonio's arms, "You see, Tonio's the one I like!"

"Uh? I am?" Tonio is also shocked.

Alberto just laughs before saying, "You have quite a sense of humor, my dear." Baron Alberto says.

"So, this was all just a little joke." Tonio says.

Just then, another disturbance occurs, and Darkrai appears from the shadow and faces us.

"So that is a Darkrai..." Daniel says.

"Yeah, we already know it because Tobias has one." Lillie says.

"Darkrai, are you the one who did this?" I ask.

But before it can answer, Baron Alberto tries to attack him, but Darkrai fires a Dark Void, which Lickilicky dodges, and it hits me as I fall to the ground.

"Hey, guys? Lillie? Pikachu? Togetic? Absol? Where are you?" I am confused as I'm now alone. But then I turn around to see my shadow becoming a giant Darkrai's shadow that surrounds me, and then I see my brother Palmer in his Pokemon form with glowing eyes.

"What's going on? Palmer?" I try to talk, but he suddenly prepares a Spacial Rend and is about to attack me, until Darkrai moves me out of the way, and then Palmer also disappears.

"Darkrai, what is the meaning of this?" I ask. "And why is Palmo attacking me?"

"I don't know, but it is coming..."

"Who is coming?" I ask, "Is it Palmo?"

Just then, Darkrai sinks into the ground and then it tries to suck me in, I also notice that Pikachu is about to get sucked in as well, I try to grab him and I feel a Thunderbolt hitting me, that's when I finally wake up, and I find myself in the Pokemon Center with everyone watching over me.

"Ash, are you okay?" Lillie asks as Absol and Togetic are also worried.

"You were having such terrible nightmares after Darkrai put you to sleep." Nurse Joy says.

"I know that is a nightmare... but every nightmare has its own meaning... I want to know what is going on..." I say while holding my head.

"What did you see?" Lillie asks with worry.

"I think I just saw my brother... he was about to attack me until Darkrai interfered..." I say, much to their confusion.

Then we go to the towers to see the Contest site, and we also look around the interior of the towers. We also climb to the top to play the music, however, the others are really tricky as they leave Lillie and me climbing the stairs while they all get the hot air balloon to the top.

Back outside, we meet the trainers from the festival as they introduce themselves as Maury, Kai, and Allegra. But before we can have a rematch, the disturbance happens once more, and Darkrai appears again.

"Darkrai, can you please tell me what really happened?" I just want to know why is my brother attacking me.

Before he can answer, everyone starts to attack him, but the Pokemon falls asleep when Darkrai fires a lot of Dark Void. Even Buizel, Dawn's Ponyta, Tox's Croagunk, and other Pokemon. We can see the Pokemon spirits flying around, and Alberto changes into Lickilicky.

"What is going on with Baron Alberto?" Gladion asks.

"I don't know, but he turned into a Lickilicky right in front of us." And then the Team Rocket that disguises themselves as reporters brings the real Lickilicky in. Tonio says, "The real world is merging with the dream world. All of those Pokemon are being chased by something sinister, as for Lickilicky, I think he's dreaming that it turns into you. The space beyond us is being acted on by a powerful force, creating a space-time anomaly. we've been witnessing."

"It's Darkrai's fault!" Baron Alberto says. Then it is when the other trainers come and say that we can't get out of town. There is a thick fog covering the whole town. Allegra tries to use Honchkrow's Defog, but it is no use.

Now I realize what's going on, I gasp, "Palmer... my brother..."

"Your brother?" Lillie asks.

Before I can answer, Baron Alberto says that it is all Darkrai's fault and the rest of the town's people go to find Darkrai and leave us alone.

I say, "Darkrai is definitely not the one who did this."

"And why is that?" Tox asks.

Then Tonio decides to reveal about how Darkrai saved Alice when she was little, and how Alice's grandmother opens her heart. After Tonio goes back to the lab and research, he finds something and calls us: A shadow of the Pokemon, Palkia.

"It really is Palmer..." I gasp.

"A Palkia..." Lillie nods. "The Pokemon that rules over space. But why would your brother do such a thing?"

"I also want to know as well..." I say.

Suddenly, we see the clouds turn black and the town is in darkness, and we also see Darkrai battling Palkia.

"It is Palkia!" Tonio says while checking the computer. "The town is floating in another dimension."

Then Buizel and the others come back as Tonio explains that Darkrai's nightmare problem has been fixed. Alice says, "It looks like Palkia's hurt!"

We notice a giant wound on the arm, and I wonder if something is chasing after Palmer that causes him to escape here...

Darkrai hits Palkia with Dark Pulse. Darkrai uses Shock Wave, while Palkia uses Protect to protect itself. Palkia chases after Darkrai around the towers. Palkia uses Aura Sphere, while Darkrai counters with Shock Wave.

Just then, a Draco Meteor attack appears, and it hits both Palkia and Darkrai. "What's going on?"

Then we look up to see Dialga fighting Palkia? Wait, even Dia is here? What's going on? Tonio says, "That's the Pokemon said to govern all of time. Dialga!"

"That means Dia is also here, but why are they fighting?" Daniel asks.

"I don't know... but if they start fighting, it is going to be hard to stop them..." I say.

As they are fighting each other, much of the town begins to disappear completely. Dialga uses Hyper Beam which hits Palkia, and it hits the ground hard as Dialga lands on the ground.

Dialga roars as blue-colored waves spread across the town, shaking the buildings and affecting everyone. Dialga uses Hyper Beam, while Palkia uses Aura Sphere, which creates an explosion that shakes the ground. Palkia and Dialga continue attacking each other with Hyper Beam and Aura Sphere, as one Aura Sphere hits Darkrai at the building with the two towers. Dialga and Palkia face each other, as lightning continues to strike down. Palkia uses Spacial Rend, While Dialga uses Roar of Time which collide and create an explosion that sends strong shock waves through the town. They affect everyone, including Darkrai. Much of the town continues to disappear, as Dialga continues to use Hyper Beam, which hits the ground around some Combee as well. Dialga's Hyper Beam destroys more of the town as well.

"Stop it, Dia! Palmer!" I decide to yell at them, but the attacks are about to hit me, it is then two people manage to bring me out of the way.

"We come just in time, huh?" The one boy says.

"Yeah." The other one says. "Sup, Ash? How are you?"

"What? Dia? Palmer?" I look at the two brothers in front of me in their human forms, and then the two dragons that are fighting. I ask, "What the hell is going on here?"

"It takes some time to explain..." Palmer says. It is then Lillie and the others approach us.

"Dia? Palmer? What are you doing here?" Gladion asks.

"Oh my, it is good to see you guys again." Dia says.

Daniel says, "So if you are here, then who are those two that are fighting?"

Dia rubs his head in embarrassment, "Long story short... our Dark Phases."

Dark Phases? Again? Palmer says, "You know the Team Plasma event and now the Hunter J? Mom and Dad are afraid that something like that is going to happen, so we decide to eliminate our Dark Phases as a family together. Just when the two of us are last, let's say that something has affected them and caused them to start fighting... and they have been doing this since then..."

"Why am I not surprised?" I say with a deadpan tone. "So we will need to eliminate those two?"

"That's right. But with them fighting right now, none of us can actually eliminate them. And you can say how many siblings have tried but failed..."

Tonio says, "According to Goudi, we need the Oracion. That means we might be able to soothe their rage by playing the Oracion on top of the tower."

"Nice job, but we need to be quick. It is estimated that 30 minutes later the town will be turned into ashes." Dia says. "After all, time is money. And unfortunately, I can't slow it down."

"How about you, Palmer? This is your personal space, you could send us out of here, right?" I ask.

"I don't think it is safe to do so because how they're fighting." Palmer says.

"Okay. Then we will go play it." Lillie says.

"Ash, Gladion, can you help us buy them sometime?" Dia asks.

"Sure. Lillie, take my Pokemon with you and go play the music." I say.

"And you too, guys." Gladion says as they nod.

"Okay. Everyone, let's go." Lillie yells as they rush to the tower. The five of us are fighting the two Dark Phases, but just before I'm about to be hit, Darkrai takes the hit instead and starts to disappear.

"Darkrai!" I yell in horror, and now my rage makes me want to destroy the two Dark Phases. It is then we hear the music, and I know that both Lillie and the others must have made it.

The two towers are glowing yellow in color and the music is playing loudly across what's left of the town. Dialga and Palkia stop preparing their attacks and completely calm down, as the townspeople and all of the Pokémon watch and listen. The tower begins to return to its normal state, as some flowers are shown to bloom on it. As the whole tower shines, it forms the shape of a very large yellow bird. Palkia's injuries also heal.

"Now it's our chance." Palmer says to Dia, who nods while they all use Roar of Time and Spacial Rend, destroying the Dark Selves completely. With the copies gone, Palmo uses his powers to send the town back into their own world.

"We did it..." I say as both Gladion and I sit down in exhaustion.

"Ash! Gladion!" Everyone approaches us and Lillie asks, "Ash, Brother, are you alright?"

"We are fine." Gladion replies, then Lillie hugs us and we start to remember Darkrai.

"But Darkrai..." Alice says in a sad tone. "Thank you..."

But much to our surprise, we see a giant shadow on the rock, and when we turn around, we find that Darkrai is still alive, standing on top of the building. We are happy to see him alive, and Dia and Palmer also decide to stay and watch our Contest battles.

During the Contest, we are surprised to find that Maury, Kai, and Allegra also participate in the Contest as well. I use Roserade to pass the first round with a Solar Beam and the Petal Dance combo.

I'm facing Allegra first in the battle round and then Maury in the finals. After winning against both of them, I got the second ribbon. Then both my brothers leave to tell our parents the good news, and that also leaves us another question of what makes the two Dark Phases fight each other.

Here is a new chapter, and this time it is the tenth movie but with my own version. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Nosepass, Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Piplup, Staravia, Bidoof, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Burmy x4, Pachirisu (Shiny), Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos, Drifloon, Finneon, Leafeon

Dawn's Pokemon:

Ponyta, Piplup, Pachirisu, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:


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