Chapter 11

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After we're out of Eterna Forest, we decide to stop at the Pokemon Center for some training, unfortunately for us, Buizel seems to have a hard time with others. Piplup angrily extends his arm for a shake, but Buizel pushes him away, almost starting a fight.

"Stop this right now!" Lillie breaks them up, but the tension is still high. "Why is Buizel doing this..."

"I think maybe it is because Buizel spends his time training alone. Maybe a good battle will have him feel great." I say. "So what do you say, Buizel? Are you up for it?"

"You bet." He says. I decide to pit Turtwig against Buizel, starting off with a Razor Leaf attack. Lillie commands Buizel to dodge and fire Water Gun, but Buizel instead launches straight into an Aqua Jet attack, hitting Turtwig. Turtwig shakes it off and races forward for a Bite attack. Buizel again disobeys Lillie's order to dodge, instead letting Turtwig bite his arm, leaving it vulnerable to multiple close-range Sonic Boom attacks. Turtwig flies backward, knocked out by the fierce attack.

"It seems Buizel doesn't listen to either a thing you two say..." Gladion says.

We decide to head inside the Pokemon Center to heal up, and that's when we notice a televised battle between a Trainer and Elite Four member Lucian.

"Hey, it's Uncle Lucian." Daniel says. Daniel might be Paldea-born, but Lucian of the Elite Four is the uncle from his mother's side.

"You're right. I think they're broadcasting the Champion League." I say, and we notice Buizel is watching with extreme awe.

"That was cool... the Elite Four really was powerful." Dawn says.

"That was that great, see, I'm still learning. That match taught me a lot." We look at the television and then the real deal shows up here? Daniel gasps, "Uncle Lucian! You're here?"

"Hello to you all." Lucian smiles. "It sure has been a while."

"Yeah, to think we'll be meeting the strongest Elite Four member of the Sinnoh League here. That is quite shocking." I say. Just then, Buizel suddenly wants to challenge him.

"Buizel, don't be so rude..." Lillie says.

"It is fine." Lucian says, "I accept Buizel's challenge. So, Ash, I assume your goal is to conquer the Sinnoh League? And I assume you and Lillie are sharing the same Pokemon?"

"Right." We nod, and then we all go to the battlefield as I am going to be the one commanding Buizel. Lucian decides to go with Bronzong because it is a fitting match. Buizel goes first with Water Gun, disobeying my Aqua Jet request, but Bronzong's Iron Defense nullifies the attack.

"Now, this time I want you to use Aqua Jet!" I say, but Buizel proceeds to fire Sonic Boom, which Iron Defense also stops.

"Why is Buizel keep doing that?" Lillie says with a slightly frustrated tone. Bronzong charges with Gyro Ball, I want Buizel to dodge, but he proceeds to meet the attack head-on with Aqua Jet. Bronzong easily overpowers Buizel, knocking him down.

When he gets up, Lucian says, "Amazing, Buizel took that Gyro Ball and it still got up. Alright, Bronzong, time for Flash Cannon."

Bronzong rotates and charges power, and Buizel tries to stop it with Water Gun, but it fails and the blast knocks Buizel against a tree before letting him fall to the ground. Buizel struggles to get up, but he falls to the ground knocked out.

"I'm terribly sorry, I think I got a bit carried away by Buizel's fighting spirit." Lucian apologizes.

"Don't worry about it, Uncle." Daniel says. "Nurse Joy will help him."

Back inside, Nurse Joy finishes treating Buizel. The Pokémon wakes up, physically okay but very depressed after losing for the first time, especially considering that when we first encountered him, Buizel was virtually unbeatable. Togetic tries to comfort Buizel but without success.

"How about we try to cheer him up?" I ask as Pikachu offers to have a swim with him, but he refuses.

"Hello again, I thought I found you all out here." Lucian says after finding us, and we decide to show him the Buizel. "Buizel hasn't been the same since that battle..."

"I guess that's time. A very important time, too. Buizel standing at a crossroads and he has to make a choice. A choice about what to do with defeat. Buizel can continue to battle like before, or not." Lucian says.

Suddenly, a steel cage envelops Buizel and takes him away as Team Rocket shows up in their balloon, reciting their motto.

"Those guys again?" I groan, Lucian asks, "So they were the famous Team Rocket that I heard about in Team Alpha?"

"Yeah." Lillie says. "And they have been persistent."

"Well, this situation might allow Buizel to redevelop his fighting spirit." Lucian says.

"I'm not sure what you mean..." Dawn mutters.

Buizel snaps out of his depression and proceeds to thrash inside the cage, his anger overriding the pain of loss. Buizel jumps up and proceeds to fire Sonic Boom at the cage. It appears to fail at first, but Buizel keeps firing.

Lillie yells, "Buizel! Don't give up! You've got to do it!"

With Lillie's encouragement, the attacks intensify until the cage shatters. Buizel jumps down as Team Rocket touches down, preparing to battle with Dustox and Carnivine.

"Great, Buizel! Let's go!" I say.

"Hold on, guys. Not so fast. I want to have the honor." Lucian says as he wants to command Buizel this time.

Dustox launches into a Tackle while Carnivine rushes to Bite. I would have Buizel dodge, but Lucian instead has Buizel knock both Pokémon back with Water Gun.

"Buizel did just what Lucian said!" Gladion says.

Dustox's Psybeam and Carnivine's Bullet Seed move in, but Buizel dodges and launches SonicBoom, knocking out Carnivine. Buizel then uses Aqua Jet to knock out Dustox.

"Ash, Lillie. See how this works? Buizel has its own unique battle style, and you must find that unique style and battle if you want to have control of this Pokemon." Lucian says as Buizel fires Water Gun at Team Rocket to send them blasting off.

I compliment Buizel as he marches up to Lucian, wanting to battle again. With our consent, Buizel once again duels against Bronzong. Bronzong launches Gyro Ball, but Buizel obeys Ash's request to dodge before going into Aqua Jet. Iron Defense stops it, but the attack causes Bronzong to spin. Buizel fires Water Gun, but another Iron Defense stops it. Lucian then recalls Bronzong, ending the duel.

"I think that's just enough. Although I can't say you're perfect, but you worked with Buizel much better than you had before. I know you're going to be much stronger in the future. I look forward to seeing how you do."

"Thanks, Lucian." I say as we look forward to battling him again. And while we're training, our Starly also evolves into Staravia after another Team Rocket's failed attempt of stealing our Pokemon.

Staravia: The Starling Pokemon: Normal and Flying Type. Evolved from Starly at LV:14. It flies around forests and fields in search of bug Pokémon. It stays within a huge flock.

Now we finally arrive at Eterna City, and we decide to go to the gym first. The gym guide says, "Hey, there! How's it going, Champ-to-be? Actually, that's what I said to some boy who zipped in here earlier, too! The Gym Leader, Gardenia, is a user of Grass-type Pokémon. It should be obvious, but Grass-type Pokémon really hate fire. They're also at a huge disadvantage against the Flying type, too. Oh, wait a second. I should tell you about the Gym itself first. You can't challenge the Gym Leader until you beat all the Gym's Trainers. It's a bit challenging, but just think of it as good training and go for it!"

"I wonder what that means..." I ask, and then we see Gardenia in front of us. Gardenia says, "Hey, guys."

"Gardenia. You didn't tell us that you're the gym leader before." I say.

"I forgot. But I thought I had given you the badge." Gardenia says. "You also showed me a lot of strong Grass Type Pokemon as well. You deserved the badge."

"But he's not the only one who wants the badge, I also want the badge as well." Lillie says.

"I see." Gardenia says. "At my Gym, no one gets to battle with the Gym Leader-me-until they've beaten all the other Trainers. I'll be waiting for you in the back. Good luck, challenger!"

Then it is time for the gym challenge, and there is actually a maze and Lillie has to find the trainers hidden in the maze. "This is similar to the Eterna Gym if you ask me..." I say.

The first trainer is a Lass named Caroline. She says, "How did you know where to find me? Let's have our battle!"

She uses a Cherubi and a Roselia, and Lillie goes for Yanma and Starly to battle and win the match. "I was going to beat you while you were still in a state of shock..."

After her defeat, she gives Lillie some instructions for the next trainer. The next one is an Aroma Lady named Jenna. She says, "My Grass-type Pokemon can dole out some serious special attacks."

She uses three Budew to battle, and Lillie uses Magmar to defeat them with ease, although the Poison Point ability is a little annoying. "The more beautiful a flower, the faster it withers... "

The third trainer is an Aroma Lady named Angela. "Even when you try to cancel it, you can't hide the aroma of flowers."

She uses a Turtwig to battle, and I am surprised to find a Starter Pokemon being a Gym trainer's Pokemon. But it is still no match for Murkrow. "Just like your inability to conceal your abundant skill."

And the final trainer is a Beauty named Lindsay, she says, "You found me! Of course, I'll battle you!" She uses a Roselia, and Lillie goes for Combee and defeats it with the Gust attack. "Aww, boo! Look - you've beaten me!"

When we finally reach the Battlefield, Gardenia says, "You kept me waiting! When I first saw you, I was convinced you'd find your way to me. My hunch was right on the money. You have a winning aura about you. So, anyway, this will be fun. Let's have our battle!"

"You bet." Lillie says.

"Okay, Cherrim! Let's go!" I am surprised to see that Cherubi actually evolves, and because the field is sunny, it is in the Sunny Form. Lillie decides to go for Staravia.

"Just because you choose a Pokemon that's a Flying Type doesn't mean you're going to win!"

Cherrim launches Solar Beam, but Staravia dodges and uses Wing Attack, but Cherubi dodges and fires Solar Beam, but it fails as clouds now obscure the sun. Cherrim also reverts into its overcast form.

"Oh no! The sun!" Gardenia gasps. "You can't trust the weather, right?"

Cherrim switches to Magical Leaf as Staravia bolts straight up, eventually getting out of range. Staravia turns around and descends slowly with Wing Attack, stunning everyone.

"Staravia is completely out of range now." Gladion says.

Staravia lines up with the sunlight, which returns intensely and blinds Cherrim who is about to transform into its sunny form, rendering it vulnerable to the attack. Staravia follows up with Quick Attack and Aerial Ace to knock out Cherrim.

"Nice turn around with the sun, Lilllie." Gardenia says.

"It's just like you said, can't trust the weather. I learned that from you." Lillie replies.

Gardenia sends out Turtwig as her second Pokemon, and it is no surprise to us.

Staravia uses Wing Attack as Turtwig dodges quickly. Lillie orders multiple Wing Attacks as Turtwig dodges them all.

"Lillie! Come on, change it up!" Dawn yells, but Lillie continues to do the attack.

The tactic grows old and irritates Gardenia, but she realizes too late that Turtwig fell into a trap, backpedaling until it got wedged into a tree. Staravia hits the immobilized Pokémon with Aerial Ace, sending it flying back but not knocking it out.

"Right on the attack." Tox says.

Staravia quickly follows with Wing Attack, but Turtwig's Leech Seed connects and saps Staravia's energy, exposing him to Turtwig's Tackle and knocking him out.

"Awesome, Turtwig." Gardenia says.

"And things are going so well..." Daniel says.

"I guess that's why she's the gym leader after all." I say. "But I'm sure that the attacks Lillie caused has taken the toll."

Lillie says, "Well, Gardenia, this guy wants revenge." She decides to go with Turtwig.

"Oh, so you and Ash share Pokemon. I can see you two grow a nice bond." Lillie and I blush after hearing this.

Lillie's Turtwig uses Tackle, but Gardenia's Turtwig dodges and fires Leaf Storm. Lillie's Turtwig climbs into a tree, dodges, and starts circling Gardenia's. Lillie's Turtwig tries to attack from behind with Bite, but Gardenia's Turtwig fires Leech Seed to drain Lillie's Turtwig of energy, much like before. Turtwig struggles to rise as Lillie quickly orders Synthesis. Gardenia's Turtwig fires Leaf Storm, but Lillie's Turtwig quickly dodges and leaps into the sunlight, fully healing. Lillie's fires Razor Leaf and hits Gardenia's. Both Turtwig rushes each other with Tackle, both hitting and both Pokémon withstanding the attack. Both are exhausted and Lillie's almost falters, but Gardenia's Turtwig crumples first.

"Turtwig! You're great!" Lillie hugs the Pokemon, he nods at her.

"I'm really impressed with the bond you have with your Pokemon, but don't forget, you have more work to do if you want to get the badge." Gardenia says. "It's not the end yet."

Gardenia summons Roserade as her final Pokemon. Turtwig uses Tackle, but Roserade suavely uses Grass Knot to trip Turtwig before using Weather Ball, turned to a Fire-type move with the sunlight, to torch Turtwig and knock it out.

"Weather Ball is an attack that changes the weather... and it is a Fire Type because of the harsh sun..." I say.

"So now we come to the final battle." I say.

"Sneasel, I choose you!" Lillie says as she sends out one of her favorite types.

Sneasel uses Double Team and charges, but Grass Knot eliminates all the duplicates. However, they allow Sneasel to jump over the knot and hit with Crush Claw. Roserade fires Magical Leaf, but Sneasel easily dodges. Roserade grabs Sneasel with vines from its bouquets and throws her down before using Flash to blind the Pokémon.

"Uh oh..." Daniel says.

Sneasel uses Pursuit, but being blind, he simply thrashes about while Roserade steps aside, hitting with Magical Leaf. Sneasel gets back up, still blind and thrashing about.

"Calm down, Sneasel! If you can't use your eyes, then use your ears! Just chill out and listen!" Lillie yells.

Roserade uses another fiery Weather Ball, but Sneasel senses it and allows her to use Beat Up to deflect the attack, and Roserade ends up being blasted by its own Weather Ball. Roserade uses Magical Leaf, but Sneasel regains her sight and uses Icy Wind to block the attack before creating an Ice ring around Roserade.

Sneasel uses Slash to catalyze the attack to converge, hammering Roserade relentlessly. Sneasel quickly follows up with Feint Attack, and Roserade is heaved into a tree, breaking it in the process, before slamming into a wall and fainting, giving Lillie the win.

"You did great, Sneasel!" Lillie hugs him.

"I might've said it before, but you're really tough! Wasn't it hard for you to raise your Pokémon to be so good? I guess that's a measure of how much you love your Pokémon. In recognition of that, I proudly grant you this!" She says while giving her the Forest Badge.

"With the Forest Badge, your Pokémon can use the hidden move Cut outside of battle. Now that you have two Gym Badges, all Pokémon you received in trades will obey you up to Lv. 30." Gardenia adds. "Yup! If there's one thing I can tell about you, it's this! You and your Pokémon are gonna get even tougher, and I mean seriously!"

Lillie nods and then we decide to go west to Route 211 so we can head to Alamos Town.

Now Lillie also has a badge and they capture the Buizel as well as meeting Daniel's blood-related uncle Lucian. I hope you like this chapter and the next one is the Dialga and Palkia movie.

Ash Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Nosepass, Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Piplup, Staravia, Bidoof, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Burmy x4, Pachirisu (Shiny), Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos, Drifloon, Finneon, Leafeon

Dawn's Pokemon:

Piplup, Pachirisu, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:


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