Chapter 10

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We are pursuing the Mothim until we find a tree with a spot of honey, snacking along with a Caterpie and Ledyba. Dawn says, "Hold on, this place looks petty familiar to me."

"You're right, isn't that the tree that we placed on before?" I ask.

"Since it is getting late, I think we should postpone the search for tomorrow..." Lillie says.

"So camping?" Cheryl asks.

"Better than that, we can go to our Grass Manor." I say. Unlike before, all of my travel companions know about our manors. So I don't need to explain everything to them. Once we head to the Grass Manor, we decide to take a rest.

The next day, we set off and Cheryl notices that Mothim is quite excited. As we head to the forest, Cheryl is trapped by the vines and I have Sceptile use Leaf Blade to break the vines, but then a bunch of Kakuna fall out of the tree.

"We should leave before they even evolve into Beedrill and chase us." Tox says as we quickly leave the area, and just when we continue searching, we find that we're back at our Grass Manor.

"I don't think the Amber Castle is close to our manor..." I say.

"So where is the Enchanted honey?" Cheryl asks Mothim, and it starts attacking my Vileplume.

"Vileplume! Stop it!" I say as Vileplume uses Venoshock to attack Mothim back. We sigh as Tox says, "At least we're not going to smell something horrible from Vileplume."

"Oh! You're a cutie!" Just then, we are surprised to see a woman rushing to us, and she seems to have a liking to Sceptile. "Is this your Sceptile?"

"Yeah." I say. "Thanks."

After introducing ourselves, she says, "My name is Gardenia. I'm really into Grass Type Pokemon. That's why I came out here." Gardenia says.

"Well, I guess you're lucky to be in our Grass Manor. I have a bunch of Grass Types resting here." I say.

"Really! I know, how about a battle? Sounds good?" Gardenia asks.

"Sounds good to me." I say.

"But Ash, we're right in the middle of our search." Lillie says.

"It's okay. You go ahead and have yourself some time." Cheryl says.

Daniel says, "Besides, the Eterna Gym Leader is a Grass-type user, so it would be a good practice for Ash."

When we get to the Battlefield, we are surprised to find that my Mom is already back after her search for Hunter J, which seems to be harder than she thought. After hearing that I need to use the Battlefield, she agrees to let us use it.

"You're going to see just how great my Pokemon is! Three on three?" I ask.

"That's fine for me." Gardenia says while sending out Cherubi, and I decide to go with Turtwig.

I start with Turtwig's Tackle attack, scoring an easy hit and following up with Razor Leaf. Cherubi runs around wildly to avoid the attack. But I notice what she is doing and try to use Iron Tail, much to Gardenia's shock. I use the chance to defeat the Cherubi by using a Slam attack.

"You caught me of guard by that Iron Tail, but here is my second Pokemon. Turtwig!"

I decide to show off some speed with a fast Tackle attack. At the last second, Gardenia's Turtwig dodges the attack, shocking us. I try to repeat another Tackle, but again, Gardenia's Turtwig dodges, sending my Turtwig crashing into a tree. Gardenia orders Turtwig to fire a Leech Seed, impacting and constricting mine, and draining energy. Turtwig is helpless against Gardenia's Turtwig, which uses a speedy Tackle attack to send mine against the tree and knocking it out.

"Looks like Gardenia's Turtwig is stronger than Ash's..." Cheryl says.

"And that was swift as well..." Lillie says. "I wonder if Ash can win this battle..."

I send out Sceptile to battle next. Even if Turtwig is fast and uses Leech Seed, Sceptile is too powerful for Turtwig to handle as he finishes him with a Fury Cutter.

"Man, but at least I have battled a Grass Type. Now, Roserade!" Gardenia sends out her last Pokemon.

"Sceptile, return. Roserade, I choose you!" I send out my own Roserade, and she is delighted.

"Man, you are so interesting to have a lot of interesting Grass Types!" Gardenia says.

"Wow, she is almost crazy." Cheryl says.

"I wonder if she will faint if she knows that Ash has a Celebi." Lillie whispers to Tox.

"Maybe." Tox replies back.

Roserade uses Petal Dance, while the mine uses Pin Missile to block it. Then mine uses Poison Jab, which damages Gardenia's Roserade a lot. Gardenia doesn't want to give up, she asks Roserade to use Synthesis, but the mine uses Rain Dance to block the sun, causing it to fail. Then mine finishes it off using Dazzling Gleam.

Wow, I can't believe I lost so badly." Gardenia says.

"It is fine, Ash is already a champion level." Lillie says.

"Oh, so you are the one who has won 3 leagues. I am glad that I have battled you and your amazing grass types." Gardenia says.

"I can say for sure that she's a tough one." My Mom says.

"That reminds me, Mom, do you know about the Amber Castle?" I ask, and we decide to stay one more night and Cheryl explains about the search for the Enchanted Honey.

"My grandfather didn't find the honey, so I wanted to fulfill his wishes to find the honey." Cheryl now mentions the reason. Then my Mom says, "If that's the case, the Combee are connected to the honey.

"And I know a place where Combee usually form the Combee wall." Gardenia says and she also wants to take us there.

We nod as they rest for now, and then the next day, we notice some people with bandages in front of our house. We realize that they're Team Rocket, and are they trying to become a Mummy to scare us? Because that doesn't work.

But once James sends out Carnivine, Gardenia rushes to hug the Pokemon and says, "You gorgeous Grass-type! You raised it well! How about a trade? Your Carnivine for my Bellossom!"

"Of course not. Carnivine is my partner." James says, and the Carnivine goes back to hug James.

"Gardenia, you don't want to mess with those guys! They're Team Rocket and they're bad guys!" Dawn says.

"That can't be true! There's no way a Grass Type Pokemon trainer can't all be that bad!" Gardenia says, which drops everyone's jaws. Gardenia tries to offer a Victreebel in return, but that brings up memories of his Victreebel.

"Now hear this, we have an Enchanted Honey to get and we have to take the Mothim!" James snaps out of his reminiscing and then he has Carnivine use Bite, but Gardenia gets in the way, Carnivine biting down on Gardenia's head. So James quickly has Carnivine release her.

Then Jessie sends out Seviper and James sends out Cacnea. Gardenia instantly hugs up to Cacnea, asking it to use Pin Missile on her back. Jessie gets impatient and has Seviper use Poison Tail. Gardenia snaps out of it and sends out her Turtwig, having it bite Seviper's tail. Cacnea attempts Pin Missile, but a Leaf Storm sends Cacnea flying up and into the Meowth Hot Air balloon. Team Rocket gets in the balloon and uses a mecha arm to grab Mothim. Turtwig uses Leech Seed to break the arm and free Mothim. Pikachu fires Thunderbolt at the balloon and sends Team Rocket blasting off.

"Because of you, my Mothim was saved. Thank you for helping us, Gardenia." Cheryl says.

"No problem." Gardenia says. Mothim is about to take flight again, and before we go, my Mom decides to give me an Eevee, saying that she saved this little one during the mission, so I get this and we bid farewell to her.

Once we finally reach a place where we can see a lot of grass-type Pokemon and flowers, Dawn says, "This place is beautiful..."

"I know, right?" Gardenia says.

Then the Pokemon start to gather around them and Lillie pets a Cherubi, who squeals in happiness, then both she and Dawn captured a Cherubi of their own.

Cherubi: The Cherry Pokemon: Grass Type. Sunlight colors it red. When the small ball is drained of nutrients, it shrivels to herald evolution.

Just then, a Nuzleaf comes to them and gives Gardenia a message. Gardenia nods and then she says, "Sorry, but there's been an emergency and I have to leave now."

"All right. Good luck. And thank you for helping us." Lillie says.

"I am sorry for not accompany you now. But Ash. Consider this a thanks for the battle yesterday." She throws a small box at me and leaves with the Nuzleaf.

Everyone is confused at the box and Dawn asks, "So what is inside?"

"I have no idea." I open the box and much to my surprise, it is actually a gym badge. "A Gym Badge?"

"And it is the Forest Badge." Cheryl says. "The badge that you get after you beat the Eterna City Gym!"

"So that means Gardenia is the Gym Leader of Eterna Gym? And the match yesterday is counted as a Gym battle?" Gladion asks.

"Then we still need to go there because Lillie needs her badge as well." I say as I put the badge away.

We finally find the Combee and then we follow her, and then we end up near a waterfall with many Combee walls around. I say, "I can smell the honey nearby. It's over there!"

This causes others confusion and Dawn asks, "I didn't smell anything."

"Me neither." Lillie says, "But I guess it really is nearby."

While we are walking in the tunnel, we see some angry Combee flying past, Tox says, "Something is wrong..."

We try to see what's going on, only to find Team Rocket digging the holes and disturbing the place.

"It's you three!" And the Combee are all glaring at them.

Team Rocket call out Seviper and Cacnea. Cacnea uses Pin Missile and Seviper uses Poison Tail to attack the Combee, and the Combee counter with glowing beams of light, but they are really upset that they even attack us.

"We have to stop them! Mothim! Use Supersonic!" Cheryl says as Mothim stops their attack, I say, "We should try to find another path."

Dawn says, "Yeah. Piplup, let's stop that awful Team Rocket with Whirlpool!" Piplup then uses the attack to send Team Rocket away, and we find another path and reach Amber Castle. Honey is actually flowing everywhere.

"Unbelievable..." Dawn says.

"Wow... it's just like I imagine." Cheryl says.

"Look! There is a Vespiquen!" I say as the Vespiquen demands, "Who are you and why are you here in my castle?"

"Vespiquen, forgive us for forcing our way in here and starting with you and all the Combee." Cheryl says, thinking that the Vespiquen aren't happy about their coming. "My grandfather dedicated his entire life trying to discover whether or not you exist. You must believe me. He and I are not going to take your precious honey from you."

Suddenly Team Rocket breaks through the roof of the Castle and performs their motto. Determined to make off with the honey, Team Rocket calls on Seviper, Cacnea, and Carnivine and orders them to use Poison Tail, Pin Missile, and Bullet Seed respectively.

"We have to stop them, but I am afraid that the castle will be destroyed..." Tox says.

"What should we do now?" I ask, just then, a female Combee decides to use Bug Buzz to attack the trio, causing the castle to crack. Then more Combee tries to attack and causes the honey starting to leak.

"No! The honey is going anywhere!" Dawn says. And Team Rocket is trying to load buckets with honey, much to the Vespiquen's anger. Dawn sends out Buneary, which uses Ice Beam to seal the cracks in the walls.

"I'm afraid that this is only a short term... the ice will quickly melt." Lillie says. "We have to think of another way."

"We have to permanently repair the castle walls with rocks." I say as I have Steelix help out, and I turn to the female Combee, "Can you convince your family that we want to save your castle?"

The Combee nods as she tries to explain everything and not let the Combee attack us.

Then Dawn sends out Pachirisu to use Sweet Kiss to confuse the Team Rocket's Pokemon, causing them to try to leave, only to be surrounded by the Combee and Vespiquen uses the Attack Order on them. Meowth quickly pulls out an umbrella, which Team Rocket hides behind. However, Vespiquen uses Power Gem, sending Team Rocket blasting off through several floors of the cave.

Once they are gone, the Combee manages to convince the others to help us seal the cracked walls, and they manage to do it in time before the ice melts. The Vespiquen goes towards us and says, "I thank you for saving our hive."

Then she hands us each an Enchanted Honey, fulfilling Cheryl's quest. Then we all have a taste of the honey and we appreciate it.

"You two." Vespiquen calls out to Ash and Lillie. "My child wants to go with you. I want you to take care of her." We nod as we take the Combee with us.

Combee: The Tiny Bee Pokemon: Bug and Flying Type. It collects and delivers honey to its colony. At night, they cluster to form a beehive and sleep.

Back outside, we are about to reach the exit. Cheryl says, "Oh! There's the exit! I'm so relieved... We finally got here. I would've never been able to get through this by myself. Thank you so much, guys!"

"No problem." We say as we bid farewell to Cheryl. But before we leave, we also notice a house in front of us. Lillie says, "This house..."

"A house filled with Ghost Type Pokemon, the Old Chateau." I say. "It's not important right now. But this is."

I point at the Moss Rock, and Gladion says, "That is a Moss Rock."

I send out Eevee and let it touch the rock, and then it evolves into a Leafeon in the end. I say, "Our sixth Eeveelution."

Leafeon: The Verdant Pokemon: Grass Type. Evolved from Eevee by leveling up near a Moss Rock. Just like a plant, it uses photosynthesis. As a result, it is always enveloped in clear air.

Then we decide to head out of the Forest and continue on Route 205.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, we finally finish Eterna Forest. The next chapter will be Lillie's Gym Battle.

Ash + Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Nosepass, Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Piplup, Starly, Bidoof, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Burmy x4, Pachirisu (Shiny), Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos, Drifloon, Finneon, Leafeon

Dawn's Pokemon:

Piplup, Pachirisu, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:


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