Chapter 9

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"Hey, look, there is a Castle!" Dawn says while pointing at the castle on the hill. We also notice the castle and I say, "You're right... I wonder what is a castle doing here on Route 205..."

"Maybe we should check it out." Lillie says as we all head there.

"Ash, something wrong?" Tox asks.

"I feel that this SUV is familiar..." I say, but then a butler comes and he says, "Welcome to the Battle Castle. Are you guys challengers?"

"Battle Castle?" We all ask with confusion, and Lillie says, "We just stumble across here, is the owner here in the castle?"

The butler says, "I see. Well, since you come all the way here, please come in."

And just when we get inside, I am surprised to see who's there. I gasp, "Scott?"

"Well look who we have here. Ash Ketchum, it is nice to see you here." Scott says.

"You know this guy, Ash?" Dawn asks.

"Yeah, this is Scott and he's the owner of the facilities known as the Battle Frontier Facilities." I say.

"And Ash here is the first one to complete all 7 Facilities in the Kanto Region. He's so talented that I also offer him to become a Frontier Brain." Scott says. "If you're here, then you must be also interested in the Sinnoh Battle Frontier as well."

"There are also battle facilities in the Sinnoh Region?" I ask.

"You're here in one of the 5 facilities, the Battle Castle." Scott says. "You have your Frontier Pass with you, right?"

"I do. So does that mean I can also challenge the Battle Frontier here as well?" I ask.

"Indeed." Scott nods, and it is then a woman comes with the same butler. She says, "Welcome to the Battle Castle. I am the owner, Caitlin."

Both Lillie and I recognize her, Lillie says, "Wait... are you the Psychic Type Elite Four member of the Unova Region, Caitlin?"

"What? An Elite Four from Unova?" The others are also shocked, and Daniel is the most shocked compared to us because he wants to be the strongest Psychic Type user.

"Why yes. I was just trying to take a nap until Darach brought me the news." Caitlin says, "It sure has been a while since this place has a Challenger."

So that means she's not only the Elite Four member but also the Frontier Brain? It is a pleasure to battle the Elite Four member, and I say, "My name is Ash Ketchum and I want to challenge the Battle Castle."

Caitlin looks at me and says, "Have we met before? I somehow feel that you're familiar..."

"Well, I think this is the first time we have met." I say, I wonder if a psychic like her can see through my disguise as N, the King of Team Plasma...

"Very well. Darach, explain the rules to them." Caitlin says.

"Right, young lady. Here in the Battle Castle, you will be battling 7 battles in a row, and when you'll be facing me, the Castle Valet, in the 7th set."

"Wait, we're not battling Caitlin but you?" I ask, and Caitlin says, "Ever since I've become the Elite Four, I sometimes won't be staying here in the castle, which is why my butler Darach here will be the Frontier Brain instead."

That sounds understandable, and after picking the three Pokemon, Darach says, "Ash, as per the rules, I have for you 10 Castle Points, known as CP, that can only be used here. Please choose what you wish to do. You may heal a Pokemon or rent an item for it."

So this time we have these Castle Points, and after seeing what I can do with them, I am surprised that, with 50 CP, I can also skip a battle. I wonder if I can save the CP first.

Then as my first battle begins, I go with Togetic, Sceptile, and Gardevoir. The three of them manage to give me my first win. Darach says, "That was quite a battle. This might make Lady Caitlin, who had been looking on."

We notice that Caitlin is watching my battle, obviously that she wants to see what I can do. That's why I can't lose. I'll show her by defeating her valet. Sometimes I spend some CP for my Pokemon to add levels while sometimes I use it to look at the opponent's strategy, and now it is at my 4th battle and 5th round.

"Darach, give that person his castle points." Caitlin says.

"Understood. Ash, bravo. A fantastic victory, to be sure. Lady Caitlin has instructed me to award you 26 CP."

Right now my BP is 85, Darach asks, "So what is your decision? Will you use your points, or will you save your points?"

"I decide to save my points, please." I say.

Gladion says, "Strange, why is Ash not trying to spend the Castle Points?"

"With that amount, he could've just skipped a battle." Scott says. "Perhaps Ash has something on his mind."

It is true that the more I spend the CP, the more options that I can get, but my goal is the Rank Up. And after my seventh win of the fourth round, I decide to spend the 100 CP on ranking up.

"I see... so with the Rank Up, Ash will have more options to choose in the Battle Castle." Scott says. "Now Ash's in Rank 2, which means he can check the moves, or rent more items."

"But I think Ash wants to do more..." Lillie says as I continue to save until I reach 200 CP so that I can use it for Rank 3 items. After arriving at the Final Round of the 7th set, I'm now facing Darach.

"Welcome. I am Darach, as you know, and I am the Castle Valet. Lady Caitlin, my employer, is not one to accept defeat willingly. However, for a reason I'm not at liberty to disclose, she cannot battle. Consequently, I will do battle in her ladyship's place. ...Let me assure you that you won't be shortchanged by facing me. En garde!"

I smile as he goes for Gallade first while I go with Togetic. Togetic dodges a Psycho Cut attack and leaps behind Gallade in order to restrain its elbows. But Gallade extends its blades outwards to make Togetic tumble over.

"That Gallade is strong... it can extend his blades at will..." Daniel says.

"There is no way that I will allow myself to be defeated in front of my lady! I, Darach, will definitely win! Please watch, my lady Caitlin!" Darach yells.

"Togetic! Return for now." I say as Togetic flies back and I send out Sceptile.

"You can't beat me, Darach, with ordinary means!" He switches out to Houndoom, much to my shock. Houndoom survives the Dual Chop with Focus Sash, It then charges forward to deliver a Fire Fang. But I quickly switch back to Togetic and defeat Houndoom with a Dazzling Gleam.

Darach responds by calling out his Staraptor. It immediately dodges Togetic's Moonblast with a Double Team. "That's Double Team! YOu won't land a hit that easily. On the million-to-one chance that you do, it can recover its health using Roost!"

I say, "That might be true. But I can still do it no matter how many times." I return Togetic and send out Sceptile. It keeps using Cut and X-scissors to defend the moves, but it ends up a draw as Staraptor uses Brave Bird while Sceptile uses Solar Beam.

As Gallade takes the field once more, I send out Gardevoir. Gallade tries to use Night Slash, but I tell her to dodge by using eye contact, much to the others except for Lillie's shock. And then Gardevoir finishes Gallade with a Moonblast after dodging the Close Combat from Gallade.

Darach kneels to Caitlin and says, "I lost... I lost in front of Lady Caitlin..."

"Utterly. You lost because you were under the impression that he couldn't manage his CP, so go reflect on your mistakes." Caitlin says, "And you still haven't finished your job yet."

Darach nods before turning to me. "Ash, you are truly in possession of a superlative talent! I drew on every reserve of experience and etiquette handed down through our heritage of glorious servitude. But even then, I failed to fend off your inspired and inspiring challenge. You have earned the Castle Print."

Instead of Symbols, this time it is a Print. Caitlin says, "That is the proof that you have conquered one Facility of the Battle Frontier. Every trainer who is victorious against a brain receives one."

Scott says, "And I am sure you have a VS. Recorder with you, right, Ash?"

I take it out and Scottjust helps me place the sticker on it, and as usual, Scott is going to wait for us in the next facility. This time without Max, I am not sure where the other four facilities are located. But I also have Gym Battles and Contests to do, so we should worry about that later.

We finally arrive at Eterna Forest, and Lillie says, "You know, we do get some honey from the old man, how about we use them on the trees?"

"That sounds like a good idea." When we spread the Honey on the trees, Aipom just wants to lick the Honey. I say, "Aipom... this isn't for you..."

"Look! It's a Burmy!" I say after spotting the Pokemon wanting to reach the honey but failing. It is also then we find a woman with a Chansey comes and uses Attract, Burmy is hit and she says, "It's working! That means you're the kind of Burmy that we're waiting for!"

And then we see her capturing the Burmy, which is not good since I want to capture a Burmy too... after we introduce ourselves, she says, "Hello, my name's Cheryl, and I'm also known as a Treasure Hunter. I'm sincerely glad to meet you. May I ask a big favor of you?"

"Sure, what is it?" I ask.

"I want to get through this forest, but I'm afraid of doing it alone. I've heard that there is a sinister group of people called Team Galactic. I think there'd be safety in numbers. Please, may I go through with you? I'll keep your Pokémon in perfect health."

We are glad to have someone to help us, and after we agree, she decides to prepare some tea for us and tell us about the Enchanted Honey. It is said to be sweeter than any other honey. Cheryl pulls a map out from her bag and explains that deep within Eterna Forest is a secret place called the Amber Castle, known to have Enchanted Honey.

"It all sounds so exciting and mysterious." Dawn says.

And then she calls out her newly-caught Burmy, and asks for it to evolve into a Mothim, hoping its sense of smell will guide her directly to the Amber Castle.

"But wait, if you need a Mothim, why don't you just catch a Mothim in the first place?" Lillie asks.

"My grandfather used to say all roads lead to Burmy. I got three Burmy so far, but..." Then she throws three Pokeballs and three different forms of Wormadam appear. "See, they all are female and evolve into Wormadam."

We decide to give Cheryl a helping hand and call out his Turtwig to battle Burmy. Cheryl starts off with a Tackle, but Burmy simply bounces off Turtwig. Turtwig replies with its own Tackle, but the attack is too powerful and knocks Burmy to the ground. Burmy gets to its feet, but trips as it tries to use Tackle again. Its leafy cloak falls off, and two leaves cover Turtwig's eyes. Turtwig panics, and accidentally Tackles Burmy, who loses.

At the same time, Lillie seems to have found 4 Burmys near the tree with the honey that they're spreading, and she decides to capture them and finds that three are female and one is male.

Burmy: The Bagworm Pokemon: Bug Type. To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves.

"I think Turtwig is acting a little rough..." Dawn says.

"Maybe we should use a weaker Pokemon?" Daniel asks, "Like Kricketot?"

"Good idea." I say as I send out Kricketot to battle. Kricketot goes for a Tackle, which Burmy takes weakly. Cheryl tells Burmy not to give up, and use Tackle, and Kricketot takes damage.

Just then, Team Rocket appears and they capture Burmy. "That wasn't nice, who are you?" Cheryl asks.

"They're Team Rocket." I say. They also want to take the Enchanted Honey for themselves. I have Togetic use Fairy Wind, but Jessie has her Seviper use Haze to make a clean getaway. Then I decide to have Yanma search for Burmy, after a while, Yanma finds them and leads us to them.

Cheryl pleads with Team Rocket for her Burmy's return, but Jessie and James are determined to settle things with a battle. Seviper and Carnivine are sent out, Yanma and Kricketot all use Bug Bite, though Team Rocket's Pokémon move out the way in time. With the battle raging on, Brock and Cheryl rush over to collect Burmy, though Meowth and his sharp claws are waiting.

Cheryl calls on Chansey, taking care of Meowth with a Double Slap. After taking care of Wobbuffet, Burmy makes its break for freedom, bowling Meowth over in the process. Meowth retaliates with Fury Swipes, but he and Wobbuffet are struck down by Burmy's Hidden Power.

It is then both Kricketot and Burmy evolve, and Cheryl has Chansey and Mothim use Egg Bomb and Psybeam to knock Seviper and Carnivine out. With Team Rocket now in a heap, I have Kricketot use Fury Cutter and send them blasting off.

Kricketune: The Cricket Pokemon: Bug Type. Evolve from Kricketot at LV:10. It crosses its knifelike arms in front of its chest when it cries. It can compose melodies ad lib.

Afterward, Mothim picks up a scent, so we follow after it in the hopes of discovering the Enchanted Honey.

I'll end the chapter here, and Cheryl has appeared just like in the Anime. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the Eterna Forest exploration.

Ash + Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Nosepass, Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Piplup, Starly, Bidoof, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Burmy x4, Pachirisu (Shiny), Buizel, Shellos, Drifloon, Finneon

Dawn's Pokemon:

Piplup, Pachirisu, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:


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