Chapter 21

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When we arrive at Route 214, Lillie feels a strange aura and we find an injured Riolu on the road. We also meet up with a top ranger Kellyn, who comes in time to stop Pokemon Hunter J's minions from grabbing Riolu themselves; he uses his Vatonage Styler to recruit nearby Bug Pokémon to halt the thugs' kidnap attempt.

Now that everyone can relax, he explains that Riolu hails from the Paradise Kingdom, where it uses its special Aura powers to serve as the kingdom's guardian. Those powers strike a chord with Lillie, who's able to sense mental images of Riolu's past. Riolu was kidnapped from its kingdom and is now on Pokémon Hunter J's target list, so Kellyn, together with Pokémon Ranger Solana and Officer Jenny, is here to save Riolu and get it back home. As proof of his good intentions, he brings Riolu a wooden carving made by the old man who raised it.

Hoping to evade Pokémon Hunter J, Kellyn teams up with us to escort Riolu downriver toward a waiting recovery team. It's all for naught, though, as Pokémon Hunter J and her Salamence attack, forcing everyone to scatter. Lillie and I manage to rescue Riolu and its prized carving from the water, but we wind up lost on a riverbank and cut off from the others, with Pokémon Hunter J's goons already searching the forest around us.

We make a break for it, only to be spotted. Pokémon Hunter J coolly decides to flush us out into the open by burning down the forest around us, and we escape the flames only to find ourselves cornered by J and her Salamence. We aren't able to stop them as they take Riolu away. We try to sneak on the ship once more, but after the last time and what happened to her sister, she already knows we're going to do it. They eject us from the ship in mid-air and we are saved by Kellyn and the Staraptor that he uses the styler on.

Lillie can use aura connection with Riolu to sense its location, so we saddle up on some Dodrio and sets off in pursuit, hoping to intercept Hunter J before she can hand off Riolu to her client. We reach Hunter J's rendezvous point, but we're too late: the client has already gotten Riolu, and he leaps on a Fearow and takes off with his prize! While the others hold off the client's troops, Kellyn, Lillie, and I spur on their Dodrio in pursuit.

Kellyn's Dodrio leaps onto Fearow to bring it down, yet it still doesn't convince the client to give up Riolu. He flees into a cave and blocks the path behind him, not realizing that Kellyn can recruit a Donphan to clear the way and Lillie can use Aura to find Riolu. The client is finally cornered and knocked out by Pikachu's Volt Tackle, his men are subdued and put in custody. As for Pokémon Hunter J, she escapes to hunt another day, but Riolu is safely headed home to the Paradise Kingdom.

While the group is eating lunch, Piplup accidentally knocks a piece of food out of Pikachu's paw with its flailing arms. We follow the two Pokemon and we find a trainer beside my Pikachu and Dawn's Piplup.

"Pikachu! Hey, we've been looking for you." "I told you not to go far." Lillie says. And then the trainer says, "Back off! I found it first, search for your own!"

The trainer calls on his Raichu, and I yell, "Pikachu! Heads up and use Iron Tail!"

Pikachu then uses the move and both sides prove evenly matched.

"That Pikachu is powerful, how about a trade? My Mareep for your Pikachu?" He asks.

"Sorry, I'm not trading Pikachu." I say. "So why do you want Pikachu so much?"

"Easy, I already have a cool Pichu and a Raichu so I also want to make friends with a cool Pikachu. I want a full power of evolution set." The trainer says.

"So why don't you get your Pichu to evolve and get over with it?" I ask.

"No way, then I have to find a Pichu again." He says. "How about we have a battle, if I win, then Pikachu will be mine?"

"I refuse. Pikachu is mine and I am not going to give it away as well." I say.

Right before the battle starts, Pikachu taunts the trainer named Sho and his Raichu, ordering them to go first. Angrily, Sho calls for Raichu to use Iron Tail. Pikachu puts his training into practice and spins to dodge it. Again, Raichu uses Iron Tail. However, Pikachu spins around on the ground, dodging several blows. Finally, one of Raichu's Iron Tails hits Pikachu before tossing him into the air.

With Pikachu freefalling, Raichu charges forward with a Volt Tackle. Pikachu counters with an Iron Tail, landing safely on the ground. Raichu comes at Pikachu with another Volt Tackle, though Pikachu uses his spinning technique to evade it and the follow-up Iron Tail onslaught. With Raichu now tired, Pikachu retaliates with a Quick Attack which pushes Raichu back. Raichu comes back with an Iron Tail, though Pikachu leaps overhead and lands a blow with his own Iron Tail. Raichu unleashes a Thunder attack, but Pikachu speeds by and uses Volt Tackle. Raichu takes the hit and quickly stands to its feet.

Sho then orders a Hyper Beam, and Raichu again pins Pikachu to a tree with its tail. Pikachu counters with a Thunderbolt, cutting the damage sustained in half. With Raichu needing time to recover, Pikachu slams it with a Volt Tackle and Iron Tail combo. Raichu sustains the blow and rushes in for another Volt Tackle.

Raichu is still able to get to its feet, and counters with Volt Tackle. Pikachu also uses Volt Tackle, resulting in an explosive clash. With both sides proving evenly matched, Sho calls for an Iron Tail. Pikachu returns the favor, adding a spin to his attack to toss Raichu into a tree. Raichu recovers and then replies with a Hyper Beam again, but its tail misses Pikachu.

My Pikachu then uses the energy from the Hyper Beam to jump into the air and begins to spin while readying an Iron Tail attack. Pikachu slams directly into Raichu to win the match.

"Wow...that seems to be my spinning is quite useful." Dawn says.

"Yeah, told you that it is going to work." Daniel says.

Afterward, Sho finally recognizes my strength and promises to give me a great battle the next time we meet.

And when we finally continue moving, we find Grotle and Piplup missing and we search the trail to find a Hippopotas trapped. We try to save him and climb down the cliff, with the help of a rope onto the ledge where Hippopotas is. We try to reassure Hippopotas, but he is too frightened and bites my hand. I call Togetic and ask him to comfort Hippopotas, and it is successful.

We try to offer him some food, and then we also learn hat he's lost, we decide to help him find his family, but we are trapped by Team Rocket as they try to capture our Pokemon once more. But thanks to the Yawn attack from the Hippopotas, we manage to escape them and even blast them away. But Dawn is also hit by the attack as she falls asleep.

"What are we going to do now?" I ask.

Tox says, "She has Ponyta, no problem." Then she is being carried by her Pokemon as we continue forward. But as we are crossing the bridge, Team Rocket shows themselves again and they fall into the water because of their stupidity. Tox also blasts them off with Croagunk's Poison Sting.

As we dry out the Hippopotas, we quickly heal him as it is weak to water due to the fact it is a Ground Type. We finally reach the large desert, where we spot recent Hippopotas footprints. Aside from the sand dunes, nothing is in sight. Hippopotas then call out to its friends, resulting in plenty of Hippopotas popping out of the sand.

"That is great, Hippopotas, you are finally back home." I say, but the Hippopotas want to go with us. So Lillie decides to capture him.

Hippopotas: The Hippo Pokemon: Ground Type: It enshrouds itself with sand to protect itself from germs. It does not enjoy getting wet.

As we send it back out, I say, "It is good to meet you, Hippopotas."

Just then, the Hippopotas uses Yawn again, and this time we all fall asleep.

When we continue, we also evolve two of our Burmy, which become a Mothim and a Wormadam in a Plant Cloak.

Wormadam (Plant Cloak): The Bagworm Pokemon: Bug and Grass Type. Evolve from female Plant Cloak Burmy at LV:20. The cloak fashioned from plant matter has merged with the Pokémon and is now part of the body, like fur or skin.

Mothim: The Moth Pokemon: Bug and Flying Type. Evolve from male Burmy at LV:20. It does not keep a nest. It flies over fields and mountains in constant search of floral honey.

We also stop by the Ruin Maniac's Cave, and he says, "Everyone calls me a Ruin Maniac. I don't care what they call me. I'll just keep on chipping away at the rock wall little by little. Do you know why? I'm a Ruin Maniac who is fascinated by the Unown."

Then we decide to help him dig until reaching the Solaceon Ruins, and on the way, our second Burmy evolves into a Sandy cloak Wormadam.

Wormadam (Sandy Cloak): The Bagworm Pokemon: Bug and Ground Type. Evolve from female Sandy Cloak Burmy at LV:20. Its earthen skin is reasonably hard—it has no problem repelling a Starly's pecking.

And we also find a Magmarizer on the ground, so we decide to use it to evolve Magmar into Magmortar, which is actually quite cool but not useful for the next gym.

Magmortar: The Blast Pokemon: Fire Type. Evolve from Magmar by trading with Magmarizer. It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees F from the ends of its arms. It lives in volcanic craters.

Then we arrive at Valor Lakefront, and we notice on the TV that Wallace is here for the Wallace Cup, which is held in Valor Lakefront. "Uncle Wallace is here in Sinnoh?"

"It sure has been a while since we last saw him." I say.

Just then, a Feraligatr bites my head, and everyone is shocked. "Ash!"

I manage to get out of the jaw and I say, "It's you?"

"Geez...Feraligatr, you run off again..." Just then, our friend Reisa has come. "Reisa! Is that you?"

"Hey, guys. I know that I'm going to see you here." Reisa says as we share a hug. "So these are your new travel companions, huh?"

"Long time no see." Tox says. "What brings you here?"

"I am here with my Dad because of the Wallace Cup." Reisa says.

"Wait, you're also entering the Wallace Cup as well?" Lillie asks.

"Of course, the Wallace Cup ribbon can be used in every region and I'm going to get it for my Grand Festivals.

"So where's your dad by the way?" Gladion asks.

"He is by the lake training with Milotic." Reisa says. "I'll show you there."

As we follow the drifting fog and a melodic voice, we manage to get to Wallace.

"Dad, Ash is here, too." Reisa says to him, Wallace turns and sees me and smiles.

"Hi, Ash. So you are here to challenge the Wallace Cup?" Wallace asks.

"You bet I am." I say after we all greet him. "If I win this ribbon, then I am going to have four in the Sinnoh Region."

"That sure is quick, to have three ribbons already." Reisa says.

"And how about your gym challenge? I am sure you want to face Cynthia, right?" Wallace asks.

"Yeah. Lillie and I both have three badges." I say.

"So you're challenging the gyms as well? That's new." Reisa says.

"Well, I got three badges, the same as Ash." Lillie says.

"I'm not the only one who's going to take part in the Wallace Cup, Dawn here is also the same." I say.

"I'll be honored to have one of Johanna's children enter, in fact, do you mind showing me some of your contest moves right now?"

Dawn is hesitant at first, which causes Reisa to ask Lillie, "What's wrong with her?"

"Well, she recently has lost two contests in a row, and both of them are in the first rounds." I say.

"Wow...that is even worse than me and May..." Reisa mutters.

I decide to have a contest battle with Dawn, as I send out Buizel and Dawn chooses Piplup. Dawn is nervous to battle in front of Wallace, and Wallace says, "That is a nice Buizel you have here."

"Well, at first he didn't listen to us, thanks to Lucian he managed to listen to us in the end." Lillie says as they nod.

Wallace watches the short match carefully and claps and praises them after. "Since Buizel is fond of battles, it will be interesting to see its moves in the contest battle."

Reisa says, "Yeah, I think that his unique style might come from his training. After all, it is Ash that we are talking about."

In the end, Wallace also praises Piplup's moves and says that Dawn has clearly spent time polishing them. However, he tells her that she may be focusing too much on well-rehearsed moves, and suggests keeping it more natural. He recommends she play with her Pokémon more often, and Dawn realizes that this is the missing aspect of her training.

Then Team Rocket arrives with their disguises, instead of trying to ruin, she asks if we can see Wallace's performances. And I'm also shocked to learn that she actually gets one ribbon. Of course Reisa and Wallace haven't seen through their disguises, and I'm not one to do it until they try something fishy.

Wallace and Milotic put on a performance to show what a day of relaxing and playing can do for Pokémon. Milotic uses Safeguard to surround itself with a green light. It follows up with an Aqua Ring and water bubbles circle it. It then uses Dragon Pulse, the water bubbles disperse and it flies around us. Milotic finishes with Twister, whipping up wind and water around itself for a powerfully dramatic end.

"That was really awesome." Daniel says.

"Yeah. That is what Uncle Wallace can do." Lillie says.

"Actually, compared to Aurora, this is actually nothing." Wallace says as we also nod.

Overnight, we watch Marian interview Wallace on TV back in the Pokémon Center. Dawn thinks she still has a long way to go before being able to appreciate what's truly special about her Pokémon.

"Dawn, you should relax, maybe listening to what Uncle said really helps you out." I say as she nods.

Just then, Nurse Joy comes and she says, "Ash, there is a call for you from the Snowpoint City."

"Huh? Snowpoint City?" I'm confused as I get the call, but I am delighted to know who the call is and she's also coming here. After I rush back, I say, "Guys! May is also coming to the Wallace Cup as well!"

Reisa is shocked and asks, "Seriously? She is here, too?"

"Who is May?" Tox asks.

"She is our travel companion in Hoenn and Kanto. She is also a Coordinator like Reisa and I." I say.

Dawn hears it and then says that she wants to see her, and we agree to meet her the next day.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, there are more capture and more things and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be the Wallace Cup.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Eevee, Meganium, Togetic, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Monferno, Piplup, Staravia, Bibarel, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Cranidos, Shieldon, Burmy, Wormadam x2 (Plant, Sandy), Mothim, Pachirisu (Shiny), Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos (West), Ambipom, Drifloon, Buneary, Mismagius, Stunky, Bronzor, Spiritomb, Hippopotas, Finneon, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Magmarizer, Leafeon, Gallade, Probopass, Rotom, Manaphy

Dawn's Pokemon:

Ponyta, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherubi, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Stunky, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzor

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