Chapter 22

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While we're waiting for May's arrival, we decide to do some training and our final Burmy evolves into a Trash Cloak Wormadam.

Wormadam (Trash Cloak): The Bagworm Pokemon: Bug and Steel Type. Evolve from female Trash Cloak Burmy at LV:20. Its body, composed of refuse, blends into the scenery so much as to be inconspicuous. This seems to be the perfect way for the Pokémon to evade the detection of predators.

And as we are waiting, we find a Beautifly flying towards us. "It's May's Beautifly!" I gasp as it lands on my head.

"Ash! Reisa! Long time no see!" We are delighted to see May coming towards us.

"It's great to see you, May." I say. Then she also gives us some souveniers, and she also gets to meet our other friends.

"I finally get to meet you all this time, they called you the Princess of Hoenn, right?" Dawn asks.

"Stop it, just call me May is fine." May says with a slight blush.

"And it is thanks to my Dad's cup that we are brought together again." Reisa says. "So are you ready to compete in the Wallace Cup?"

"Yeah, I've been preparing for this for such a long time. And as soon as I heard that it's in Sinnoh, I came here as fast as I could." May says.

"That reminds me, what's Max up to these days?" I ask.

"Right, Max is your little brother, right?" Lillie asks.

"Max is doing great, he's hard at work helping to take care of Dad's Pokemon. Max is always talking about how he learned from you and your siblings, Ash. Dad is as proud as he can be." May says.

"That's amazing, so May, when did you arrive in Sinnoh?" Tox asks.

"Three days ago, there was something I wanted to do before the Wallace Cup started, so I went to Snowpoint City." May then shows us her Glaceon, and we all gasp.

"Your Eevee evolved into a Glaceon!" Reisa says. "But you could have just used an Ice Stone instead of coming all the way to Sinnoh for the Glaceon."

"I think that since I got to Sinnoh anyway, I think it is fine for me with the Glaceon." May says.

"That reminds me, how many Johto ribbons do you have now?" I ask.

"I have three of them. As usual, Drew and Harley are strong as ever, and I couldn't even beat them unless I tried hard." May says.

"It sounds like you worked really hard." Gladion says.

"What about you, Ash?" May asks, and I say, "The thing is... I have 3 Gym badges, 3 Contest Ribbons, and 2 Battle Frontier Prints."

I show them and Reisa asks, "So there is also a Battle Frontier in Sinnoh?"

"And Scott is always on the lookout as well." I say with a slight chuckle.

May says, "I see. That reminds me, Dawn, Ash has told me everything about you, and how you lost the first round twice in a row. I also lost some and why don't we make it a comeback for the both of us?"

"It's a deal." Dawn says.

Just then, we feel hungry, and fortunately, May has a reservation at the popular restaurant in the Valor Lakefront: The Seven Star's Restaurant. We are greeted by the Maitre d'. He leads us to the next set of doors, but a young man bursts out of them and says that he will go and train, and that he will eat there if it is the last thing he does, before running off.

"What's that about?" Dawn is confused.

"That man has lost the battle, so of course he wasn't accepted by the restaurant."

The Maitre d' leads them through the doors to a battlefield and explains that only those who beat the proprietor and his fiancée are allowed to eat at the restaurant. Roman and Kylie introduce themselves, and the Maitre d' suggests that we should battle two at a time and have Tag Battles. May and Dawn decide to pair up, while Reisa decides to pair with Gladion.

After we win three battles in a row, it is finally Dawn and May's turn. But just before they can battle, the waiter comes from the restaurant and yells, "Somehow every piece of food in the kitchen has been stolen!"

"No way..." We gasp, and we can see May flaring and she says, "Nobody is going to steal our food and get away with it."

"One thing that will make May like that is that someone steals her food." Reisa says.

"And there is the 848th time." I say as Reisa asks, "Really? They're still chasing after you?"

"Considering my mom told me that we can kill them once they reach the 1000th time..." I say in a dark tone.

May uses Munchlax to help find, and we find Team Rocket trying to gobble down the food.

"Team Rocket!" We gasp and they manage to make the food empty, and they start with their annoying motto. We also find the fridge and May and Dawn want to deal with them themselves.

After they sent flying, May and Dawn want to do a tag battle while the chef has to reprepare the food, and while we're eating, May says, "So let me guess, if those three are still here, that means they are also attending the Contest as well?"

"Yeah. But I am surprised to learn that Jessie actually got a ribbon fair and square." I say. "They didn't steal it, which doesn't make sense..."

"Maybe Harley did get to her somehow..." May says.

That night, on the balcony, May takes out the half Ribbon and asks, "Hey, Ash. Remember this?"

"Yeah, I sure do." I take the other piece and Lillie asks, "That ribbon?"

"It's a ribbon that signals both May and I draw in a contest." I say.

"It has been my good luck charm and it also shows how I learn from Ash on my journey of becoming the Coordinator." May says.

"I see." Dawn says.

And the next day, we all sign up for the Contest until we find Zoey there. "Zoey!" We are surprised, and Zoey says, "Don't tell me that you're entering the Wallace Cup too."

"Yeah, considering that he is the Hoenn Champion and we did have a six-on-six battle before, he asked me to definitely attend the contest." I say.

Then we also introduce May and Reisa to Zoey. "This is Reisa and May. Both of them used to be my travel companions and they are also excellent Coordinators."

"Nice to meet you." The two say.

"Back at you." Zoey says, "So Dawn, I'm assuming you registered, right?"

"Of course." Dawn says.

And now the performance round has started, May is the first participant to be called on stage. She sends out her Blastoise. She orders Blastoise to use Rapid Spin on the water field and to finish up with Aqua Tail.

The Contest continues with performances from other Coordinators and with Jessilina's turn. She uses Wobbuffet, failing to impress the judges. Zoey's turn comes up revealing she obtained a Finneon who does a fantastic performance making Dawn even more nervous.

I use Buizel and start off by punching the Ele-Seal effect before transitioning into a speedy Aqua Jet. Buizel uses its inflatable collar to make an abrupt stop and then leaps from the pool using Sonic Boom. Ash finishes things off with a Water Gun aimed at the water field, kicking up a huge splash of water for a dazzling display.

Finally, Dawn has used Ponyta to create a fiery performance and sparkles, while Reisa uses her own Milotic to create a performance that is similar to mine. And in the end, all of us have gone through the second round, except for Jessie this time.

That night, I'm standing on the balcony with Lillie, and she says, "The view looks great, don't you think?"

"I agree..." Lillie says.

But just then, we see a projection on the lake and it is similar to the one we saw at Lake Verity. "Another one... like we saw in Lake Verity..."

"Yeah... there are three lakes in Sinnoh... and I wonder if it is related..."

In the second round, my opponent is a person named Kyle, he uses Lanturn while I use Prinplup. It is a tough one to beat, but I still win thanks to some miracles. May is battling Zoey, she uses Beautifly while Zoey sends out Glameow. May wins against her in the end.

Now at the semi-finals, I'm facing Reisa while Dawn is facing May.

"So I finally get my revenge, huh?" Reisa says to him.

"Maybe, or maybe not." I say back.

I send out Meganium while Reisa sends out Feraligatr. Reisa says, "Meganium, it sure has been a while."

Meganium wakes its vines to greet Reisa, and then we start the battle. Feraligatr uses Aqua Tail and spins around, causing Meganium to get hit, but Meganium uses Vine Whip to grab Feraligatr and fires an Energy Ball to hit him. Then Reisa tells Feraligatr to use Ice Beam on the Water and go skating, while I call Meganium to use Vine Whip to crack the ice, making a word on it.

"Nice one, Ashy." "You too, Reisa."

They keep attacking as the time finally up, and I win Reisa 5 points and advance to the finals.

"Well, I guess I still lost." Reisa says.

"But nice battle." I say as we both shake hands.

The next is Dawn and May's battle. Dawn starts off telling Piplup to use Bubble Beam. May tells Glaceon to dodge and use Secret Power. Glaceon glows pink and hits Piplup, who seems to be paralyzed for a bit. May then orders Glaceon to use Ice Shard which has Piplup in a spot. Dawn tells Piplup to go in the water and Glaceon looks menacing at it. Piplup jumps out of the water and Dawn orders Piplup to use Whirlpool. Despite the size of it, May isn't phased one bit and orders Glaceon to use Mirror Coat. The two collide but Glaceon pushes it back at Piplup which sends it flying backwards. Piplup recovers fast and Dawn tells it to use Bubble Beam. Glaceon is hit hard and May loses points.

Dawn tells Piplup to use Peck but May has Glaceon dodge it and use Ice Shard. Dawn counters it by having Piplup block it with Whirlpool. Dawn then has Piplup ride the Whirlpool which gets everyone's attention and applause. May tells Glaceon to use Shadow Ball and Dawn has Piplup dodge. The Shadow Ball hits the Whirlpool and becomes a huge splash of water. Dawn has Piplup use Bubble Beam and Piplup comes through the water and uses Bubble Beam. Glaceon is hit hard, again, and May tells it to use Shadow Ball. Dawn responds by using Peck. When the two attacks hit, the Shadow Ball becomes a wall of purple energy which distracts Dawn and Piplup. May tells Glaceon to use Ice Shard which hits Piplup hard.

"You are also good." May says.

"The same goes for you." Dawn says.

Dawn has Piplup use Whirlpool and May responds with Mirror Coat. Glaceon stands up to it for a while and eventually, Glaceon and Piplup both get hit as a result. The two Pokémon are still standing after being washed back to their places and time runs out. May and Dawn look up to see who won the Cup and the points couldn't be closer... but with just 5 points ahead of May, Dawn advances to the second round.

"Wow... I am facing Ash!" Dawn says.

"Well, good luck. Ash is not easy to beat after all." May says to her.

When the finals are arriving, Dawn and I are now facing each other. I smile and say, "I know you will overcome your loss."

Dawn beams and says, "Yeah. And I am going to win."

She goes for Piplup and I decide to go for Manaphy, and when it appears, everyone is looking in awe. May asks, "Ash has a Manaphy?"

"He got it from an egg in Solaceon Town." Lillie says, and May sighs, Reisa says, "Don't worry, it's not the same Manaphy from Samiya."

"It will be difficult, but Piplup, let's try our best." Dawn says as Piplup nods.

Manaphy starts off with Rain Dance, which causes rain in the field. Piplup uses Whirlpool, and Manaphy gets stuck inside, which causes me to lose some points, but Manaphy uses Psychic to let Piplup join the fun, which also cuts down Piplup's points. Then they dive underwater, Piplup tries to use Drill Peck, but Manaphy uses Acid Armor to dodge.

Manaphy uses Heart Swap, causing the two to switch their bodies, Piplup, who is in Manaphy's body, starts to panic. And Manaphy takes Piplup for a swim, Dawn to lose some points. After changing back, Piplup uses Ice Beam to freeze Manaphy. Manaphy quickly gets out and fires Scald, Piplup uses Water Gun to make it a tug of war. Then the attacks hit both Pokemon, and the time is up.

"The winner of the Wallace Cup is..." Then the results show that both of us are 10 points.

"Unbelievable! They get the same points, which means both of them are winners!" The announcer says, and both of us can't believe it.

Dawn is getting emotional because she can't believe she gets to tie with a three Ribbon Cup owner like me. Manaphy turns to me with a frown, "I am sorry papa."

"It is okay. You did great." I say.

In the audience, May says, "She and Ash are the winners."

Lillie says, "Dawn is really good, especially when Piplup faces a mystical."

Reisa says, "Indeed. She has done what I couldn't do."

Wallace walks to Ash and Dawn, he says, "Usually, we only prepare one ribbon. But since we have two winners, we have prepared two ribbons for each of you."

After we get the ribbons, Dawn is beyond happy as she holds her ribbon.

That evening, May is heading back to Johto, and she promises Dawn to battle again. And Zoey leaves the group before bidding good luck. Reisa also goes back to her father and part ways with them. With them gone, the six of us continue our journey.

Here it is, a surprising ending for the Wallace Cup. To be honest, Pearlshipping is my third favorite shipping, so I let her have a tie with Ash in this chapter. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Eevee, Meganium, Togetic, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Monferno, Piplup, Staravia, Bibarel, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Cranidos, Shieldon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Pachirisu (Shiny), Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos (West), Ambipom, Drifloon, Buneary, Mismagius, Stunky, Bronzor, Spiritomb, Hippopotas, Finneon, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Magmarizer, Leafeon, Gallade, Probopass, Rotom, Manaphy

Dawn's Pokemon:

Ponyta, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherubi, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Stunky, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzor

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