Chapter 23

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Our Bug Type Pokemon have been evolving a lot during these days, our Yanma finally learns the move Ancient Power and evolves into a Yanmega, and our Combee also evolves into a Vespiquen and learns a lot of Order moevs.

Vespiquen: The Beehive Pokemon: Bug and Flying Type. Evolve from female Combee at LV:21. When endangered, grubs from its six-cell honeycomb strike back. There is only one in a colony.

Yanmega: The Ogre Darner Pokemon: Bug and Flying Type. Evolve from Yanma by leveling up learning Ancient Power. By churning its wings, it creates shock waves that inflict critical internal injuries on foes.

However, it turns out that we're not the only ones with the Yanmega now, since Team Rocket also has one, but they are no match for us as well.

Then we decide to train and we meet up with Paul again because Gligar accidentally slams into Team Rocket's balloon. When Monferno notices Paul, he quickly hides behind me.

"So do you have your Pastoria Gym challenge yet?" Lillie asks.

"I can't imagine some coordinator like you would care about the gym battles." Paul says. "I saw the Wallace Cup."

"I enter the Wallace Cup because the Contest master Wallace wants me to. He thought it will help my Buizel's battle skills." I say.

"Remember the reason I enter the Tag Battle Competition in Hearthome City? You give me a hard time for getting my Pokemon a real shape after the real battle. But that's what you've pulled in the Wallace Cup! You get it?"

"What did you say?" I am now furious. "The only thing I try to do that in the Hearthome Tag Battle is to win, the only thing you're working on is how you force your Pokemon to become stronger!"

"The fact that I win it, and join a Contest proves how strong you aren't." I glare at him, how dare he say that?

"Look, all of us have the same goal of winning the Sinnoh League someday, and we all want to beat the Sinnoh League Champion Cynthia, too!"

"You're point?" Paul asks.

"After you battle Cynthia, you told me to do whatever I want. To battle my own way, and that's what you told me that you're going to do, too!" I say.

"I guess I said that." Paul says.

"Ever since that time, I have been thinking more and more about how to become strong, that means believe in my friends, I trust and love them!" I say.

Lillie says, "Did anything Cynthia say mean anything to you? Paul?"

"That's not my thing." Paul says. "We're wasting our time."

Then he tries to walk away, but Monferno rushes up and Paul says, "So you have evolved... fine by me. How's a three-on-three sound?"

The battle begins with Gligar against Gliscor. I have Gligar use X-Scissor, however, Gliscor pounds back with Knock Off. Gligar begins to cry on the ground before I tell it to try Sand-Attack. Gligar gets up and starts to throw sand in Gliscor's face, but the Fang Scorpion Pokémon is unaffected by the attack. Paul commands Gliscor to use Guillotine, and I tell Gligar to counter with Steel Wing but it's no good as Gliscor scores a direct hit and slams Gligar into the ground, knocking it out.

"You did your best, Gligar." I say.

"Now might be the perfect time to tell Gligar that the loss is the trainer's fault." We glare at him as he sends out Ursaring next.

Monferno volunteers to fight next. The battle begins with Monferno's Flamethrower. Ursaring uses Focus Blast. Monferno uses Dig. Ursaring uses Hammer Arm on the ground, unearthing Monferno and knocking him into the air. Monferno dives down with a Flame Wheel, but Ursaring catches him. Ursaring uses Secret Power at close range. Due to the mysterious power of Ursaring's Secret Power attack, Monferno flinches and can't attack.

Despite encouragement from us, Ursaring uses Hammer Arm on Monferno, burying him in a pile of rubble. Just then, Monferno suddenly does something that shocks us. Dawn asks, "What happened?"

"That's not possible... it's Raging Fury! A move that only the evolved form of Monferno, Infernape, can learn!" I gasp. "And with the ability Blaze to power it up... this is no good!"

"So he is finally awake..." Paul says.

"Monferno! Raging Fury!" I say, and the attack. Ursaring is ordered to use another Focus Blast, but Monferno smashes through it and collides with the Hibernator Pokémon, knocking it out.

"That was probably the most powerful Fire move I've ever seen." Paul says.

Even though he won the battle, Monferno's fury appears to be rising. Lillie says, "Raging Fury is like Outrage! Once it starts, it's hard to stop!"

"Monferno! Stop it!" Monferno instead powers up and charges at me, who is just barely able to get out of the way. Monferno goes for Paul who is able to narrowly avoid being hit.

"The fire!" Daniel gasps as Piplup uses Whirlpool and Shellos uses Water Gun to put off the fire.

"Monferno! Stop!" I say while hugging Monferno, "Stop! It's over! There's no reason for your rage!"

Monferno shows no sign of calming and bites me in the shoulder causing me intense pain. Dawn says, "Raging Fury... what a terrible move..."

"Monferno isn't supposed to learn that move until it evolves into Infernape... that's why it can't control it." Lillie says.

After a while, Monferno finally stops its Raging Fury and is now frightened. "Monferno, you are great, I guess you surprised us by using that power you got."

"You think you'll be able to control that?" Paul asks.

"Who knows, I sure don't know yet. I know Monferno can." I say.

"Spoken just like a fool. Once you two can figure out how to control that flame, we'll battle again." Then he leaves.

The next day, Gligar has been depressed about the loss, and he keeps faltering away by clinging onto me whenever he loses the battle, I say, "Gligar... what are you thinking? You have to stop crying and toughing it out."

Then Gligar suddenly flies away, and we find him with Gary, much to our surprise. "It's the poetry guy's grandson!"

We all fall to the floor anime-style, and Gary says, "You really like to call me that ever since we're kids, huh?"

"Gary, why are you here?" I ask.

"I was going to Lake Valor to check out the Legendary Pokemon you guys saw." Gary says. "So what's up with this Gligar?"

"This Gligar has been mine since the Johto League. We were doing some training." I say.

"Let me guess, Gligar fled the middle of the training?" Gary asks.

"How did you know that?" Lillie asks.

"Just call it a good hunch. It seems your training has been a little bit to be desired, Ashy Boy." I groan at the nickname. "So do you want my help?"

"Thanks, but no thank you." I try to get Gligar to leave, but he refuses. Dawn says, "Maybe you should have Gary's help instead?"

"Fine." I sigh after Gligar refuses to train. Then with Gary helping us out, Gligar has been faltering away once more.

Gary asks, "We got a problem all right. How much battling does Gligar have?"

"Not much." Daniel says. "Gligar just got beaten badly with a Guillotine from a Gliscor. Maybe that's why Gligar's so scared now."

"Yeah, makes sense. I know, we'll evolve Gligar." Then he takes out a Razor Fang, and he says, "We'll evolve Gligar into Gliscor using this and I think it will improve Gliscor's ability and we can put the breaks on all of that fear."

"Thanks." But when Gligar wants to take it from me, I decide to stop him and say, "No, Gligar. Even if you hold it now there is no use. You have to wait until night time."

Gligar frowns as he really wants to evolve, and that's when Team Rocket appears with their new Gliscor balloon.

"Don't you guys ever be tired of being lame?" Gary asks with dismay, and they try to take Gligar, I'm not leaving Gligar alone as I also grab onto the balloon. The others are trying to chase after us, but Team Rocket attacks them to make a getaway.

Then we are both caged up and while we wait until they are filling their stomachs and falling asleep, we decide to break the cage. "Face the bar and use X-Scissor."

But Gligar can't break through the cages and his claws are hurt. I try to take a shot by using Extreme Speed on the cage, and after several times, Gligar seems to be encouraged and he also wants to help. Together with the two of us, we finally escape the cage.

We try not to wake them up and arrive at the bridge, but it is broken and just when we go to the middle, it breaks and we're falling. Good thing I'm still grabbing the rope, and I'm now trying to get back to the cliff.

"I'm telling you that you got to stop worry." I say. "Now first thing first, we have to figure out how to cross."

We find a nearby tree and I have Gligar use Steel Wing to knock down the tree, the first time is a no-go because of how sturdy the tree is, but after some encouragement, Gligar finally breaks the tree and we can cross.

"You did it, Gligar! And now it is night time, you can use the Razor Fang to evolve!" But just before I can give him, Team Rocket's balloon already appears in front of us.

"Alright jail breakers, we'll take it from here." "It's back in the jail box for you."

"Can't you guys take a rest?" I say with annoyance.

"And miss messing with you?" Then they try to do the same trick to catch us, but I quickly throw Gligar down. I also try to climb back up, but I also fall as well.

Since Gligar is still a Flying Type, he notices me falling and wants to catch me. I yell, "Gligar! Heads up! The Razor Fang! Grab it!"

I throw the item and Gligar evolves into Gliscor and saves me before I land the ground. "Thanks, Gliscor, what a catch."

Gliscor: The Fang Scorpion Pokemon: Ground and Flying Type. Evolve from Gligar by leveling up holding the Razor Fang at night. It observes prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops!

Team Rocket tries to get Gliscor again, but this time the X Scissor manages to destroy the machine. It is then the others arrive. Lillie says, "Is that Gligar?"

"Yeah, it evolves into Gliscor." I say.

"Awesome! I can see how strong it is looking now." Gladion says.

Then they try to attack again, only to be deflected by X-Scissor, and then it uses Steel Wing to destroy Team Rocket and send them flying. But after that, it lands on me just like it used to.

"Guess old habits die hard." Lillie sighs.

Then we thank Gary and before he leaves, he says, "That reminds me, my sis wants you to have this, don't know why."

Then he gives me a badge known as the Fissure Badge, and we thank him as he goes to Lake Valor while we're heading to Pastoria City. And before we reach it, we also capture an East Form Shellos because it is blue.

Shellos (East Sea): The Sea Slug Pokemon: Water Type. Found in abundance on seashores bordering cold waters. When pressed upon, the Pokémon will secrete from its body's surface a purple fluid that will stain one's clothes.

We also arrive at a house known as Dr. Footstep's house. And we meet Dr. Footstep, who says, "Pokémon are quite easy for me to read. I need only to see their footprints, and their innermost thoughts are revealed to me! Oh? You are skeptical of my claim? Then, let your Pikachu walk in front of me, right here. From its footprints, I will determine how it feels about you."

We try to do that, and the same for Absol and Togetic, and since we all have close bonds, so we are given the Footprint Ribbon. Then we bid farewell and enter Pastoria City.

Here is a new chapter, and we're done with Route 213 and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be the Great Marsh and Pastoria City.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Eevee, Meganium, Togetic, Espeon, Murkrow, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Monferno, Piplup, Staravia, Bibarel, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Cranidos, Shieldon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos (West), Ambipom, Drifloon, Buneary, Mismagius, Stunky, Bronzor, Spiritomb, Hippopotas, Finneon, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Magmarizer, Yanmega, Leafeon, Gliscor, Gallade, Probopass, Rotom, Manaphy

Dawn's Pokemon:

Ponyta, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherubi, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Stunky, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzor

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