Chapter 24

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We finally arrive at Pastoria City, and when we get there, we decide to head to the Great Marsh. Lillie says, "It seems like the Great Marsh is like the Safari Zone."

"You're right about that." I say. "It's been a while for me to play the Safari Game."

We all decide to try it out, and we receive the Safari Balls like usual, the game's over when we are out of balls or 500 steps. Before we go in, I decide to use the binoculars on the second floor.

"What will that do, Ash?" Dawn asks.

"Trying to find the Pokemon so that I won't waste any steps." I say while using the Poketch to circle the locations. "Okay. Now I'm done."

We head to Area 2 to get a Carnivine, Area 4 for a Croagunk, and Area 5 for a Skorupi. Once I'm finished, I decide to show the three Pokemon I capture to them.

"Wow, most of them are Poison Type Pokemon." Tox says.

"Yeah." I say.

Skorupi: The Scorpion Pokemon: Poison and Bug Type. It grips prey with its tail claws and injects poison. It tenaciously hangs on until the poison takes.

Croagunk: The Toxic Mouth Pokemon: Poison and Fighting Type. Its cheeks hold poison sacs. It tries to catch foes off guard to jab them with toxic fingers.

Carnivine: The Bug Catcher Pokemon: Grass Type. It attracts prey with its sweet-smelling saliva, then chomps down. It takes a whole day to eat prey.

After we're done, we head to the Pastoria City Gym and start our gym challenge. Lillie is going first this time, and the gym guide says, "The Gym Leader Wake... Uh, I mean Crasher Wake, is a master of Water-type Pokémon. I'd say you've got guts if you try to face down Water types with Fire- or Ground-type Pokémon! But that part I'll leave up to you! Go and have some good battles!"

The gym challenge seems interesting, and right now the pool is not full, so Lillie can walk through some of the parts. She can try to press buttons and some of them raise the water level while some of them empty the pool instead.

The first gym trainer is a Tuber named Jacky. He says, "My body isn't the only thing I work on toughening up here. I also work on my Pokemon and my spirit!"

He goes for Buizel, so Lillie goes for Plant Cloak Wormadam and defeats it with Razor Leaf. "Wow, Trainer! You just might be tougher than our Gym Leader!"

"Seriously?" Lillie asks with a sweatdrop. Then she drains the water to go to the next trainer, a Fisherman named Walter. "I have mastery over the incredible power of water. You won't win!"

He uses only a Barboach, so Lillie wins this one as easily as the previous one. "But the kid wins anyway! I'm just bowled over!"

She raises the water and head to the third trainer, a Sailor named Damian. "I've traveled all over the globe while raising Pokemon. This is the Gym I've chosen. You'll find it a handful for sure."

He uses two Wingulls, so Lillie decides to go with Pikachu this time to battle, and Pikachu is doing a great job in the gym match. "You! You're a kind of top-class tough!"

With the water rising, Lillie finds the fourth trainer, a Tuber named Caitlyn. She says, "I want to become a strong Trainer like Crasher Wake!"

She uses an Azurill and a Marill, so Lillie goes for the new capture Skorupi to battle, and with the Poison moves like Poison Fang, it defeats both Pokemon with ease. "You're too much."

The gym trainers here are more than the last one, and she already gets to the fifth gym trainer, a Fisherman named Erick. "I've landed the most fish Pokemon in the world. I'm next!"

He uses a Goldeen, a Barboach, and a Gyarados. Lillie decides to go with Rotom's Mow Form, which has both Grass and Electric Type to deal with the disadvantages. "Being number one in the world doesn't mean a thing..."

After lowering the water again, she reaches the final gym trainer, a Sailor named Samson. "Like the raging sea, I crash down and wash away everything before me! That's just how I roll!"

He goes for three Pokemon, two West Sea Shellos, and a Wingull, so Lillie uses Pikachu again and defeats the three with ease. "That wave didn't even wash my hands..."

By getting to the highest level, Lillie finally reaches Craser Wake. "Welcome! I don't get challenged very often! The glory you are now beholding is the Pastoria Gym Leader! That's right, I'm Crasher Wake! My Pokémon were toughened up by stormy white waters! They'll take everything you can throw at them and then pull you under! Victory will be ours! Come on, let's get it done!"

"Sure, I'm Lillie and I'll be battling you for my fourth gym badge." Lillie says.

"A little girl, eh? I like your determination." Wake says.

It will be a three-on-three match, Wake sends out Gyarados while Lillie sends out Magnezone. Gyarados uses Flamethrower first, Magnezone uses Iron Defense to block it, and then uses Thunderbolt. Gyarados is hit, but it doesn't show any hurtness. It uses Dragon Rage, but thanks to Steel Type, it doesn't hurt much, and Lillie wins with a Zap Cannon.

The next one is a Quagsire, much to Lillie's shock. Quagsire uses Earthquake, and Magnezone tries to use Magnet Rise, but it is too slow, and Magnezone is knocked out. She recalls Magnezone and sends out Wormadam Plant Cloak. Wormadam uses an Energy Ball, and Quagsire dodges by jumping into the river. Then it goes up and uses Ice Beam, which freezes Wormadam. Wormadam gets out and uses Bug Buzz, which hits Quagsire, she uses the chance to use String Shot, which binds Quagsire, and then finishes off with Energy Ball.

His final Pokemon is Floatzel, Floatzel uses Ice Beam and this time knocks Wormadam out. She sends out Leafeon this time. Leafeon uses Solar Beam, but Floatzel reflects by using Sonic Boom. Then it uses Ice Punch, which Leafeon dodges by Double Team. Then Floatzel uses Rain Dance to block the sun, letting Leafeon lose the chance to use Solar Beam, but it uses Leaf Blade and hits Floatzel, and then uses Energy Ball to finish Floatzel.

"It seems the undertow pulled me under... But I had a great time battling with you! You've earned this!" He gives her the Fin Badge, she says thanks to him. "You need that Fen Badge to use the hidden move Defog outside of battle."

"So is my turn to battle now?" I ask, and he says, "Sorry, but I got some urgent business I have to attend to today, battling the little girl there is enough for today. But if you like, you can all come with me. What did you say?"

And we all follow him to the Great Marsh, and we learn that there is a Pastoria Croagunk Festival held today. Tox wants to attend the competition with Croagunk, so we decided to help him out. And of course, Team Rocket has to cheat their way by painting Meowth into a Croagunk, but the judges somehow give it a pass.

Then it is the Brick Breaking challenge, and Tox's Croagunk manages to break all the bricks, which is actually an amazing performance. Although I feel sorry for Meowth, he doesn't even get any bricks at all.

Tox is now having Croagunk battle the previous king's Croagunk. It is tied, but Team Rocket really has to bring in the robot to ruin the party. They try to steal the crown, but with the help of Nurse Joy and her Croagunk, the robot is broken and all the Croagunks are free and we can send them flying with Absol's Snarl attack.

In the end, Nurse Joy's Croagunk becomes the winner of the festival, and everyone agrees with the outcome.

While training for the gym battle, Buizel is pumped up to battle Floatzel because it's his evolution after all. And Crasher Wake comes and says, "So Ash, are you all set?"

"The whole team is set and ready to go, right, guys?" Everyone nods, except for Buizel. Dawn says, "You see, the truth is Buizel got upset with Pikachu and it turned into a fight..."

Then Crasher Wake walks to Buizel and says, "I like that face. You like to battle, do you?"

Then he also sends out Floatzel, and Buizel is a little nervous, but he is getting pumped up and he is not going to lose.

In the gym, I also defeat the gym trainers and now we're on the battlefield. Crasher Wake sends out his Gyarados and I send out Pikachu.

"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!" Pikachu makes the first move with Thunderbolt which hits Gyarados, and it appears that it's going to take serious damage. However, Gyarados seems hardly phased.

"Gyarados must have a lot of stamina to take Pikachu like that..." Gladion says.

"Your strategy to use Electric Type Pokemon is correct, but Gyarados is going to take that down! Let's go!" Wake yells as Gyarados charges up and uses Dragon Rage. Pikachu counters with Iron Tail and the overhand strike allows him to soar into the air, reaching apex right above Gyarados. Gyarados goes for Pikachu with Bite but to Crasher Wake's surprise as Pikachu falls, I have him use his growing momentum to go into Volt Tackle. Pikachu collides with Gyarados' face and Pikachu stands out as the winner.

"Great job, Pikachu." I say.

"The way you use the speed and Gyarados' fall was incredible!" Wake says. "Time for our next battle, Quagsire! On the water!"

I decide to return Pikachu and go for Roserade. "Excellent strategy for using a Grass Type on Quagsire. After you."

I decide to go with Magical Leaf, but Quagsire uses its slim body to dodge into the water. "They're trying to attack underwater... Roserade, dance around to distract Quagsire!"

Roserade nods as she dances around. Wake says, "Wow, would you look at that speed...but none of that will help one bit if against Quagsire."

Quagsire uses Sludge Bomb and sends Roserade flying backward. Quagsire jumps up and uses Ice Beam. After initializing an Ice Beam, Quagsire uses Sludge Bomb but I call back Roserade.

"Smart, that was an excellent decision." Wake says.

"That Quagsire can use Ice Beam... very clever." Lillie says. "I mean it works well on Grass. But this puts pressure on Ash."

I go with Buizel since it is my final Pokemon. Buizel is trying to have a fight with Pikachu, and I say, "Buizel, you're fighting Quagsire now."

Buizel focuses on Quagsire and goes for Sonic Boom, Quagsire seems to not have even felt the attack and Quagsire charges up for Ice Beam. Remembering the combination they used in the Wallace Cup, Buizel uses Aqua Jet as Quagsire releases the Ice Beam. Buizel goes head-on toward the Ice Beam and is able to create Ice Aqua Jet which strikes Quagsire directly knocking it out.

"That was fantastic!" Daniel says.

"They put together a great combination." Tox nods.

"Wow... and now he just needs to beat Floatzel." Dawn says.

"Nice Ash, you really give me an enjoyable battle. Your speed and combinations are first-grade, you have my respect." Then he sends out his final Pokemon, Floatzel.

Buizel charges with Aqua Jet, but Floatzel inflates its sac and deflects Buizel's attack.

"Oh no... Floatzel's defenses are too tough..." I mutter.

Buizel uses Water Pulse but Floatzel blocks it by merely punching it. Floatzel uses Razor Wind and Buizel is thrown into the water.

"That was a double-bladed Razor Wind..." Gladion says. "This is going to be tough."

Buizel gets out and uses Water Gun but Floatzel blocks with its left fin. Buizel charges at Floatzel but Floatzel dodges and punches it into the water. Floatzel uses Bulk Up and swims after Buizel. Buizel uses Sonic Boom and Floatzel uses Razor Wind. Buizel continues to swim away but Floatzel is gaining up on it.

"Buizel! Think of the water as your friend and then attack!" I say.

"In and out of the water, now let's see which trainer has the better connection with their Pokemon."

As Floatzel gets closer, Buizel inflates its sack, stopping suddenly while Floatzel zooms ahead. Buizel scores a direct hit at Floatzel's exposed back with Aqua Jet. Then, Buizel uses Water Pulse, and a geyser of water is pulled upwards with the attack, pinning Floatzel against the Gym ceiling.

"Don't count your winning just yet. Use Ice Fang!" Wake commands.

Floatzel uses Ice Fang to get out of it and Buizel uses Sonic Boom. Floatzel dodges and uses Ice Fang. Buizel bites the Ice Fang after it hits and uses Water Pulse. Floatzel inflates its sac and sends the Water Pulse back at Buizel. Buizel gets knocked back and is confused. Floatzel uses Razor Wind and Buizel tries to use Aqua Jet but only turns around.

Buizel is then knocked towards us, and I say, "Damn it... Water Pulse can cause Confusion. How about a short rest? Pikachu, ready to go?"

Pikachu jumps to the field and I want to finish this battle right now. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and Floatzel uses Whirlpool. The attacks collide and electrified droplets of water fall, shocking Buizel out of its confusion. Pikachu uses Volt Tackle but Floatzel stops that with Razor Wind, sending him flying in the air. Floatzel jumps up and uses Ice Fang. Pikachu falls backward and recovers a little bit after the attack only to find out that Ice Fang froze part of his back.

"Ash, let me battle now! I am not going to lose this time. Pikachu is in trouble and I'll handle the rest." Buizel says.

Then I agree with Buizel and send Pikachu back, as Pikachu and Buizel pass each other, they high-five and Buizel uses Water Gun to break the ice off Pikachu's back.

"Thanks a lot, Buizel." Pikachu says as he nods.

Buizel jumps and uses Aqua Jet and Floatzel uses Ice Fang. Both Pokémon fall back to their places and Floatzel uses Razor Wind. Razor Wind hits and creates a cloud of smoke. Floatzel jumps up but as the smoke clears, Buizel is nowhere to be found.

"Buizel..." Lillie says in a worry. But suddenly, a figure jumps out of the water, releases a Water Pulse, and defeats Floatzel.

"Buizel evolves!" Dawn says in shock.

"Wow..."Tox says.

Floatzel: The Sea Weasel Pokemon: Water Type. Evolved from Buizel at LV:26. Its flotation sac developed as a result of pursuing aquatic prey. It can double as a rubber raft.

"Witnessing the evolution underwater is something to see." Wake says. "They're quite a team."

And when we head outside, Buizel and Pikachu are now making up, and Wake gives me the Fen Badge.

Here is a new chapter, and the next chapter will be more about traveling and maybe the Giratina movie.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Lapras, Eevee, Meganium, Togetic, Espeon, Murkrow, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Monferno, Piplup, Staravia, Bibarel, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Cranidos, Shieldon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherubi, Shellos (West), Ambipom, Drifloon, Buneary, Mismagius, Stunky, Bronzor, Spiritomb, Hippopotas, Skorupi, Croagunk, Carnivine, Finneon, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Magmortar, Yanmega, Leafeon, Gliscor, Gallade, Probopass, Rotom, Manaphy

Dawn's Pokemon:

Ponyta, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherubi, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Stunky, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzor

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