Chapter 27

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On the way, we meet Scott with his SUV, he says, "Since the next facility is nearby, how about I take you there with a car?"

I pale and say, "I... I think I'll just walk there instead."

"I don't think it is bad at all." Tox says as he and Dawn go on, Daniel and Gladion also do the same, I quickly drag Lillie away from the car because I don't want her to experience the cruel driving from Scott. After that, the car arrives and the four people are seen almost fainting in the car. Dawn says, "Okay...I regret it..."

"Totally...that sure is a wild drive..." Tox says.

Once everyone is used to it, Scott shows us the frontier as he says, "This is the Battle Factory in the Sinnoh Region."

"A Battle Factory, huh..." I mutter, "The Battle Factory is the first Facility that I face in the Kanto Region. But I have to assume that the Frontier Brain is not Noland?"

"Of course not." Scott says as he takes us in and we see a lot of machines. Tox says, "Wow, it really is a factory."

"Oh, Scott, how are you ?" A man comes out and greets them.

Scott says, "Still inventing some works, huh? Thorton?"

He introduces himself to them and vice versa. Thorton says, "So you are the challenger, huh? Ash Ketchum?"

"Yes. And I am here to battle." I say.

"I know you have already beat the Kanto Battle Frontier, unlike that one where you have to reach the last of the 6th round to meet Noland, you'll have to reach the last of the 7th round to meet me. But the rules are basically the same, so I don't need to explain." He says.

And because of the experience in the Kanto one, I swiftly go through all 48 battles with ease. Dawn says, "So what kind of battle did Ash use in the final of the Battle Frontier in Kanto?"

Scott says, "Instead of using the Rental Pokemon, he wants to battle Noland with his own Pokemon, because he is obviously wanting to battle an Articuno."

"Articuno? You mean the Legendary Pokemon?" Daniel asks. "And you say Ash won that as well?"

"Of course." Scott says, "He is a formidable trainer after all."

After the last battle, I'm now facing Thorton in the final match. Before the match start, he is using a device.

"Bzweeeeep! Sorry, don't mind me. What I'm using is an invention of mine. It's my data-analyzing machine It's telling me what you've rented for this match. I see! You've rented Qwilfish, Kadabra, and Loudred. I have to say, that's a good setup. Like, say, 93 percent?"

"93?" I raise an eyebrow, I wonder how he has chosen that number. "Oh, don't let that number concern you! All righty, let's get going!"

I use Loudred and Thorton uses Tyranitar. Loudred uses Stomp but is overpowered by Tyranitar and thrown backward.

"Are you trying to pin it down with this? I don't think you'll win in a contest of strength, you know." Thorton says. After more fighting, Loudred uses Roar, sending Tyranitar back and replacing it with Ledian.

"You've made me angry! How dare you force it to come back! Ledian, confuse it with Supersonic!" But then, Loudred is unaffected due to its Soundproof Ability.

"So what moves will unaffected by Soundproof?" Dawn asks Lillie.

"There are a lot. Like Perish Song, Round, Uproar, Boomburst..." Lillie explains, making Dawn dizzy.

Ledian then uses Focus Punch, knocking out Loudred and switching back to Tyranitar. I send out Kadabra and it uses Psycho Cut.

"Are you crazy? Psychic moves don't affect Dark Types." Thorton laughs.

"Didn't you notice the sparkle in Kadabra's eyes?" I ask with a smirk.

"Of course, Miracle Eye, it is easy to a genius like... Oh no!" Thorton finally realizes that Kadabra uses Miracle Eye.

Thorton compliments my tactics against his rented Tyranitar, which then continues to Kadabra, being damaged by Tyranitar's Ability, Sand Stream.

"So are you going to switch out?" He asks me. "Your Pokemon will be affected by the sandstorm anyway."

"I won't switch out." I say while Kadabra punches Tyranitar in the stomach, fainting it in the process.

"Geez, you're strong, huh? Maybe my analysis was incomplete around 87%? I know all 13 strategies I can use against you. Okay! Now I know 100%, Ash Ketchum!"

Thorton continues making strategies and chooses to send out Ledian, while I do the same and send out Qwilfish. Qwilfish continues to use Rollout, but Thorton switches Pokémon again and an Ursaring appears.

"I have used Agility and transferred that speed by using Baton Pass." He says.

Ursaring uses Earthquake and knocks out Qwilfish. Thorton sends out Ledian again, but it is poisoned and is knocked out. Kadabra and Ursaring battle in a boxing match. Kadabra drops its spoon in the end.

"I have won." Thorton says.

Scott comes and says, "Well, look closer."

Thorton realizes that Kadabra has used Drain Punch to recover his health and knocks Ursaring out.

"Hmm... I got handed the loss here. It's not making me happy at all, losing." He gives me the Factory Print, which is my third print.

"Even though I'm not happy, I did glean some useful data, I suppose. That makes me glad I battled you. So, did you get to like those Pokémon you rented? As a Factory Head, it would sure make me happy if you did. Next time, come back with different rental Pokémon."

"I will, Thorton." I say. Then we head outside the Factory and then part ways with Scott and Thorton.

After we part ways again, we find a grandma named Wilma and she is tutoring her Altaria the move Draco Meteor. After introducing ourselves, we learn that she can only teach Dragon Type Pokemon the use of Draco Meteor. And all we can see is how the field is destroyed because of that move.

"It is awesome if we can see how the Draco Meteor is tutored." I say, and it is then we notice something coming, and it turns out to be a Gible. "A Gible!" I say.

"This Gible lives in the Wayward Cave and I think he comes here because he's interested in all of you."

Then Gible tries to bite my head, and Togetic and Piplup are trying to stop the Dragon Pokemon, only for Gible to chomp on Piplup's head instead.

"Ash! Are you okay?" Lillie asks.

"I'm fine. But I think Gible wants to learn Draco Meteor." I say.

Gible then shoots one but fails and it lands directly on Piplup. Dawn asks, "Piplup! You alright?"

"I don't think that is a Draco Meteor..." Wilma says.

Then we decide to train the Gible, and his second attempt also fails and strikes Piplup.

"What's the big idea? Why am I always being hit?" Piplup yells.

"I guess we have to boost Gible's energy once more." I say, but then Gible decides to chomp my head, but thanks to Grandma Wilma she manages to stop Gible.

Then, out of the blue, giant boulders begin falling from the sky and send the group scattering, Daniel asks, "Is that Draco Meteor?"

"No, that is just rocks." Wilma says. But in the midst of the confusion, a bubble comes down and traps Altaria. Team Rocket fly into view and reel in their catch. They introduce themselves to Wilma and then fly off in their balloon while the fallen boulders erupt into colored smoke to seal the getaway after Pikachu's and Piplup's Thunderbolt and Bubble Beam fail to break the bubble trapping Altaria.

Lillie and I are the ones who pursue them, while the others are helping Wilma move forward due to her old age.

"Looks like we're going to lose them..." I say in frustration, but then we find Gible popping out of the ground in front of us.

"Gible, do you know where they are?" Lillie decides to ask, but Gible ends up leading us to a berry bush. So I call out Drifblim for help while we continue on foot. Coming upon a huge cliff, we are forced to climb it.

Lillie starts to fall and I yell, "Lillie!" But Lillie sends out Magnezone and catches herself. I also fall, but catch sight of Gible's dorsal fin as he races up the cliff-side. I manage to grab onto the fin and zoom up to the top.

"That was great, Gible, thanks!" I say as Lillie also catches up. "Gible, see you later."

We rush to find Drifblim trap in the net, so we free it and we try to find where Team Rocket has gone. The others also arrive and they are sad to learn Team Rocket escapes. Just then, we spot the failed Draco Meteor, and it can only be Gible.

"Piplup, are you okay?" Dawn yells after the meteor hits, Piplup mutters, "Not again..."

We arrive and find that Gible is already fighting Team Rocket, and we decide to finish the job by sending Team Rocket flying with Gible's successful Draco Meteor.

"We did it! Gible. You're great out there." I say.

Gible is happy at the comment, but when he tries to use the move again, it crashes solely into Piplup once more.

"Why did I have to suffer this..." Piplup mutters and faints once more.

Then we decide to bid farewell to Grandma Wilma, who gives us directions to Celestic Town. And as we continue, we arrive at a small village, and I feel like someone's poking my leg.

"Hey, Absol, did you just poke my leg?" I ask, and Absol shakes its head. And it is then Gible appears and bites my head.

"Gible? What are you doing here?" Lillie asks.

"Maybe he wants to join you since you did manage to help him learn Draco Meteor." Tox says.

I decide to throw a Pokeball, but Gible devours it. It is then Officer Jenny arrives and asks, "So is this your Gible?"

"Well, you see..." Gible is just nodding which confuses Officer Jenny that it is mine. Gible tries to bite Officer Jenny's head before leaving.

"I was just trying to catch that Gible but no luck, so it is still a wild Pokemon at this point." I say.

Then Officer Jenny shows us how the fountain and the other things are destroyed because of Gible's chomp. When we try to scold I'm, it tries to eat a bench. "Gible, you're causing a lot of trouble to the other people, so don't do that again." I say.

But Gible just bites my head before leaving, and we try to chase after Gible before we hear Barry, "Ash! Get out of my way!"

And then we bump into each other, and Barry says, "What's with you, Ash! I'm fining you for getting in my way!"

"You're the one that slams into me!" I say.

Then he wants to have a battle, and he has already reserved a battle with Fantina. And just when he tries to find the bike, the Gible has eaten the bicycle, leaving only the rubber tires, infuriating him.

"What a piece of work, have you ever heard of training your Pokemon to have some manners?" Barry asks me.

"It's still a wild Pokemon." Gladion replies.

"It's wild, if that's the case, I'm going to capture this Gible." Barry says.

"No way! We found it first so I get the first shot!" I say.

Then he already sends out Monferno, having it use Mach Punch, Gible dodges before retaliating with Rock Smash, but Monferno dodges and hits with Acrobatics, following with a Flamethrower that sends Gible flying.

"Gible!" I try to chase after the Gible, and we find it clinging to a tree branch on a cliff, struggling not to fall.

"I'll help you get out of there, Gible!" I try to climb down, but a rock crumbles and he goes into a free fall. Gible notices and grabs me out of the air, struggling to keep both of us from falling.

"Wow, Gible..." I say. "You're doing this for me?"

I get up onto a nearby ledge and pulls Gible to safety. Gible bites on my head as the others look down from the top of the cliff.

"Ash, are you okay?" Lillie yells.

"I'm fine. Can I count on you, Gible?" I ask, and Gible races to the top of the cliff. "Awesome job, Gible."

Team Rocket shows up with another mecha and takes Gible, reciting their motto. Gible tries to bite the arm, but it is highly reinforced. The mecha fires smoke to cover their escape. We pursue., and the mecha reaches a ravine, but manages to jump across. Pikachu jumps onto my shoulder as I sprint, jumping the ravine. I fall short but manage to grab ahold of the opposite cliff face, climbing to the top. Team Rocket grabs us with the mecha as the others catch up, heading to a nearby bridge.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that Gible is a Ground Type Pokemon and Electric moves won't have any effect. Gible, hang in there for a little longer. Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

It works since the mecha is not able to block electricity, freeing us. Pikachu then frees Gible with an Iron Tail. Meowth tries to activate another mecha ability, but the electric attack terminally damages the mecha, causing it to disintegrate and blasting them off for good.

After others arrive, I say, "So Gible, I'll ask again, do you want to come with us?"

Gible nods and this time I throw a Pokeball and capture the Pokemon.

Gible: The Land Shark Pokemon: Dragon and Ground Type. It nests in small, horizontal holes in cave walls. It pounces to catch prey that stray too close.

It is then Barry catches up, and he yells, "Hey! Exactly what are you doing, Ash? If you remember I was the one who want to catch that Gible! I'm fining you for that so you better pay up!"

"The truth is Gible likes Ash that much it follows him all the way over here." Lillie says.

Then Barry understands and he wants to battle with Gible against his Monferno. Monferno goes for Mach Punch, Gible tries to counter with Rock Smash, but Monferno easily pushes Gible back. Both Pokémon repeat their attacks, this time getting a more even match. Gible jumps to dodge Acrobatics, but it gets hit anyway. When Monferno uses another Acrobatics, Gible digs to dodge it before following Monferno and jumping up to hit with Rock Smash, but a Mach Punch tosses Gible back.

Gible then attempts a Draco Meteor without my order, scaring Piplup into hiding behind a tree. The meteor falls and descends towards Monferno, which it knocks aside, unintentionally into Piplup.

"Why is it only me..." Piplup mutters.

Monferno goes for Flamethrower, but Gible fires Dragon Pulse, and Gible is exhausted and slumps as Monferno knocks out Gible with Flamethrower.

"Finally, we beat Ash!" Barry cheers.

"Are you okay, Gible?" I hug him and say, "You battle really hard. Don't go overboard next time and listen to my command, okay?"

Gible nods before trying to bite my head, and Barry celebrates his win as he holds up his ticket to challenge Fantina, but Gible bites his hand and eats the ticket.

Here is a new chapter, and the Gible episode is now moving forward to now because why not? Wilma can be found on Route 210 despite the need of Rock Climb.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Lapras, Eevee, Meganium, Togetic, Espeon, Murkrow, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Turtwig, Monferno, Piplup, Staravia, Bibarel, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Cranidos, Shieldon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Shellos (West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Stunky, Bronzor, Spiritomb, Gible, Hippopotas, Skorupi, Croagunk, Carnivine, Lumineon, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Magmortar, Yanmega, Leafeon, Gliscor, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Rotom, Manaphy

Dawn's Pokemon:

Ponyta, Swinub, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Stunky, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzor

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