Chapter 31

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Since we learn that the next Contest is going to be held in Chocovine Town, we decide to do some training, and Dawn is having some problems with Piloswine, who only wants to eat Poffins instead. So I decide to have my own Piloswine help out, it learns Ancient Power that stops him from rampaging after the Poffins are gone, and my Piloswine evolves first into Mamoswine.

Mamoswine: The Twin Tusk Pokemon: Ice and Ground Type. Evolve from Piloswine by leveling up learning Ancient Power. Its impressive tusks are made of ice. The population thinned when it turned warm after the ice age.

Because of some problems, Team Rocket tries to do another scheme to steal Piloswine, but Dawn's Piloswine also learns Ancient Power and evolves, even though it sends Team Rocket flying, it still has trouble listening to Dawn's commands.

The gym leader Byron has returned, so the six of us come and we learn that Byron is arguing with his son Roark. We decide to talk to Roark, and he says, "The real reason why I come all the way here is to ask him to make it back home for his and my mom's anniversary."

"So your father's from Oreburgh City, then?" Gladion asks.

"He is, originally he was the gym leader there, that was right around the time I was assigned the operation and the Oreburgh Mine..."

Then he reveals Byron leaves Oreburgh for Canalave City since the Pokémon League asked him to take over the Gym there. He also states that Iron Island will be a good place for him to find more Fossils. He leaves Roark in charge of the Oreburgh Gym where he was formerly the Gym Leader. He also leaves his wife behind in his move.

"I know Iron Island has a lot of fossils, but is that the training it's all about?"

"I'm sorry to have you wait like this, but I don't want my Dad outfossiling me." Roark says.

Then we decide to watch Roark and Byron battle. Roark starts the fight by having Rampardos repeatedly using Zen Headbutt, while Byron instructs Bastiodon to counter with Iron Defense. Ash notes how powerful Zen Headbutt looks, and Brock replies that he thinks Byron actually has the upper hand. Byron instructs his Bastiodon to use Flamethrower, which Rampardos dodges.

Roark has Rampardos use Head Smash, which Byron combats with Iron Head. Roark then has his Rampardos use Flamethrower and Byron counters with Flash Cannon. After the collision, Bastiodon seems to have the upper hand.

However, Team Rocket comes and tries to steal the Fossils, so we decide to work together to attack the mecha. And it is also then that our Cranidos and Shieldon evolve in the same time and send them all flying.

Rampardos: The Head Butt Pokemon: Rock Type. Evolve from Cranidos at LV:30. Its powerful headbutt has enough power to shatter even the most durable things upon impact.

Bastiodon: The Shield Pokemon: Rock and Steel Type. Evolve from Shieldon at LV:30. Any frontal attack is repulsed. It is a docile Pokémon that feeds on grass and berries.

The Fossils were also launched but not as far and as they fall back down near the group Roark and Byron are both worried about the safety of the Fossils. After they have landed the pair goes to make sure they are safe.

Byron then shows Roark his most prized Fossil, a Fossil of a Sunkern leaf. Byron and Roark make amends, and then we can finally get our Gym battle.

Back to the start, we meet the Gym Guide and he says, "Hey, there! Champ-to-be! The Gym Leader here uses Steel-type Pokémon. Steel-type Pokémon have high Defense, so you'd have to hit them hard!"

The first Gym trainer is a Black Belt named Ricky. He says, "Steel represents an unbending spirit! If you never give up, the path to victory reveals itself!"

He uses Steelix so I go with Gastrodon, with its Mud Bomb attack and Mud Slap, Steelix can't attack Gastrodon and is defeated. "I never gave up, but still I failed to win..."

The second trainer is Worker Gary, "A Pokemon Gym isn't only about seeing how tough your Pokemon happen to be. It's so much deeper than just that. It's a test of you as a person."

He uses an Onix and a Magnemite, though Onix is not quite a Steel Type, but I still defeat them with Gliscor's Earthquake attack. "That move was devastating."

Then we notice some panels, and when I step on them, it gets me upwards at high speed. "Wow... that sure is dangerous..." I gasp.

The third trainer is a worker named Jackson, "Up and down you go on the lifts. Me? I like to battle!"

He uses two Magnemite and an Onix, so I go with Lapras this time since he wants some actions, and he uses Hydro Pump and Sheer Cold to defeat his Pokemon. "You've got me feeling down!"

As we continue, we find a dead end and we have to go back down the lift and head right to the next lift, which leads us to Ace trainer Cesar. "An ace has the knowledge and experience of battling at high levels. I'll demonstrate the means with a noob like you."

He uses a Skorupi, a Steelix, and a Scizor. Skorupi is surprising to me, so I go with Magmortar and use Lava Plume to defeat them. "Wow... I'm in the mood to sing a lullaby..."

There are also lifts that reach right or left, and we reach Worker Gerado. "Pokemon and people have worked together for many years. Let us show you an example of that history."

He is still using Magnemite and Onix, so we just defeat him with Monferno's Mach Punch. "A spectacular loss! But it's still a loss!"

The sixth trainer is a Black Belt David, he says, "Aiyaah! We're coming out swinging with super-heavy judo chops!"

He goes for Onix and Steelix, so I go back with Gliscor to defeat them, Gliscor surprises us by learning Crab Hammer, which gives us a lot of advantages. "That was... a complete testing!"

And we finally reach the final trainer, Ace Trainer Breanna. "By focusing on only one type, you can really see the strengths and weakness of that Pokemon."

She uses two Bronzor and an Azumarill, the last one is a surprise to us, but Pikachu decides to handle this one because there aren't Ground or Electric Types. And after defeating her Pokemon, she says, "My focus was too narrow-minded..."

The next elevator reaches us to the battlefield where we were yesterday. Byron says, "You've defeated my son. But that's no surprise. He still has much to learn. In place of my son Roark, I, Byron, will take your challenge!"

"Dad..." Roark groans a little.

The gym battle is 3-on-3, Byron says, "If you think this is a walk in a park, I got news for you!"

Byron summons Bronzor while I summon Monferno. Roark says, "I know that Monferno..."

"Monferno used to be Paul's, but now it's on my team." I say.

Monferno immediately jumps up and fires Flamethrower. Bronzor stays in place and resists the attack thanks to its Ability Heatproof. "It has Heatproof... I was hoping for a Levitate..."

Monferno repeats the attack as Bronzor uses Rain Dance to change the weather and weaken Monferno's Fire-type moves. Monferno Digs as the Rain Dance wears off.

"All right! Jump out!" Monferno comes out and fires Flamethrower, but Bronzor uses Gyro Ball to dodge and hit, knocking Monferno down. Monferno gets back up as a second Gyro Ball comes about.

"Monferno, Flame Wheel, go!" I yell. Monferno meets the attack head-on with Flame Wheel. The collision creates a huge explosion, bringing both Pokémon down.

"Monferno! Stand up!" I yell. "Show them what you've made of, Bronzor!" Byron adds.

Though both struggle to get up, Bronzor collapses, unable to battle. Noticing Monferno's fatigue, I recall Monferno from the field.

"You didn't win, but it is a great battle." Byron says. "Excellent defense, Bronzor."

"The Battle is just getting started." I say.

"I'm not finished yet! I love Steelix!"

He goes for Steelix, I decide to go for Mantine. Daniel says, "As a Water Type, Mantine should have the advantage."

"But the advantage over types is not always victorious." Gladion says.

Knowing about Steelix's strong defenses, I hesitate to make a move, Byron says, "Getting a least scared of my Steelix's defense, aren't you?"

"Not a bit!" I say back.

"Then get your attack! Make a move!" Byron says. I have Mantine use Water Pulse as Steelix uses Screech to both repel the attack and stall Mantine.

"That's the same strategy with Roark!" Dawn gasps. "I guess Roark really takes from his father..."

Steelix uses Bind to ensnare Mantine before using Iron Tail to toss Mantine and slam him to the ground. When the dust clears, Mantine still stands, but he collapses unable to battle.

"Mantine, you alright?" I ask, and the Pokemon nods. I recall him and have him a good rest.

I send back Monferno once again to battle. The Playful Pokémon fires Flamethrower immediately, striking and causing Steelix to falter. However, Monferno staggers, still reeling from the first round.

"Strong defense! Alright, Steelix! Use Iron Tail!" Monferno back-flips to dodge. After a brief hesitation, he digs into the field, but Steelix uses Iron Tail on the battlefield to force Monferno.

Steelix tries to bind Monferno, but it dodges before digging again. Steelix repeats its attempt, forcing Monferno out and attempting another Bind, but Monferno dodges again. Steelix tries to follow up, but the ground near Steelix caves and throws the Pokémon off balance, due to Monferno's digging.

"This is it, Monferno! Mach Punch, go!" Monferno punches on Steelix's face, knocking it out.

"Yes, I can see how you manage to win the badge from my son, but you're not going to win against Bastiodon!"

I remember how Bastiodon stopped Rampardos's Head Smash and notice Monferno's declining energy. I just have to finish this quicky.

"Monferno! Flamethrower!" I yell, but Bastiodon's Iron Defense easily deflects the attack before it counters with Metal Burst, blasting Monferno against a rock. Monferno struggles to rise, but he falls back down, unable to battle.

"I love defense! And I Bastiodon too!" He yells.

After recalling Monferno, I decide to call my final Pokemon, Gliscor. Lillie says, "Gliscor... Ground Type should have giving it some advantages."

Gliscor gets behind Bastiodon and uses Steel Wing, but Bastiodon uses Iron Defense to repel.

"Now Gliscor, come from behind again and Fire Fang, go!" But Bastiodon's Flash Cannon hits Gliscor and halts the attack.

"Time to shift from defense to offense! Iron Head!" While Gliscor hits the turf, Bastiodon charges with Iron Head. Gliscor quickly flies up to dodge, but Bastiodon comes back around and tosses Gliscor up with a second Iron Head. Bastiodon succeeds with a third Iron Head, keeping Gliscor suspended.

"This is it, Bastiodon! Flash Cannon!" Bastiodon fires Flash Cannon, but Gliscor spreads its wings to dodge before jumping on Bastiodon's back, grabbing its horns, and landing a Fire Fang.

Bastiodon tries to throw Gliscor off but Gliscor hangs on and repeats Fire Fang. Bastiodon tosses it off and fires Flash Cannon, but Gliscor uses its tail to trip Bastiodon and causes the attack to miss. Bastiodon and Gliscor are both exhausted.

They're both running out of gas, the last hit will decide the outcome. Bastiodon charges with Iron Head. Gliscor uses X-Scissor to stop Bastiodon, but it fails.

"Gliscor! Take cover, quick!" Gliscor tries to cover behind the rock, so Byron has Bastiodon smash it. It does so, but Gliscor manages to fly up at the last moment. Bastiodon fires Flash Cannon, but Gliscor dodges and uses Sand Attack to cloak the area before hitting with a close-range Fire Fang. The explosion tosses both Pokémon aside, but Bastiodon falls, unable to battle.

"You were strong enough to take down my prized team of Pokémon. In recognition of that power, I give you this: the Mine Badge!" Byron says as he gives me the badge. "Having the Mine Badge enables you to use the hidden move Strength anytime outside of battle. And you now have six Gym Badges. That means all Pokémon up to Lv. 70 will obey you without question."

And then it is Lillie's turn, but the first Pokemon that he's using is different from mine. Byron goes for Magneton, so Lillie goes for Gastrodon East Sea.

Gastrodon decides to start with Muddy Water, but Magneton just uses Discharge to break through the Muddy Water. Lillie yells, "Now use Mud-Slap!"

The attack manages to hit one of Magneton's eye, but there are still two and they use Magnet Bomb to hit Gastrodon. "Metal Sound, go!" Byron says, and Magneton is keeping Gastrodon in one place, and then it goes for Flash Cannon to give Gastrodon a lot of damage.

"Gastrodon! I know you can do it. Earth Power!"

The attack hits Magneton, and eventually, it is unable to battle. The next two Pokemon are Steelix and Bastiodon, and Lillie's other two Pokemon are Magmortar and Ambipom, both of whom fight very well.

"You sure worked hard, it's not easy to beat Dad. And your Pokemon is hard-trained as well." Roark says to both of us. Byron also gives Lillie the Mine Badge.

I'll end the chapter here, and the next one is going to be the Iron Island Chapter.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Rhydon, Tangela, Lapras, Eevee, Meganium, Togetic, Espeon, Murkrow, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Turtwig, Monferno, Prinplup, Staravia, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Cranidos, Shieldon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Glameow, Stunky, Bronzor, Spiritomb, Gabite, Hippopotas, Skorupi, Croagunk, Carnivine, Lumineon, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Electivire, Magmortar, Yanmega, Leafeon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Rotom, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Piloswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Stunky, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzor

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