Chapter 34

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When we arrive at the town named Squallville. We notice a Yanmega and a Wingull racing for a ring in the sky, I say, "Wow, it is the PokeRinger."

"What's PokeRinger?" Dawn asks.

"I participated in one back in the Hoenn Region, and that's when my Taillow evolved into Swellow." I say.

Then I explain the PokeRinger competition. Yanmega gets the ring first, dodges the Wingull, and places it on the goal, winning the match. Yanmega's Trainer is actually James as he snubs his practice partner before walking away. We meet up with James, which spooks him at first, but James maintains his disguise and tells us about the upcoming PokéRinger competition.

"I want to partake...but I don't have any Flying Type Pokemon..." Dawn frowns.

"The same here...the only ones with the Flying Type Pokemon are Ash's and Lillie's Pokemon." Gladion says.

"Then I want to take part it." Lillie says. "Can I use Staravia for this one?"

"Sure." I say.

Fireworks start as the competition prepares to get underway, we are amazed at the size of the crowd. Gladion says, "It seems like the winner is made an honorary citizen of the town."

"And the second prize is the large amount of Pokemon food." I say, noticing how much it can feed their Pokemon.

The first match starts with Lillie against Taylor. The others watch from the stands as the ring balloon is deployed, as well as Lillie and Taylor's balloons to the set elevation. The round starts as Lillie sends out Staravia while Taylor summons Skarmory. Both race to the ring as Staravia gets it first, racing to the goal. Skarmory fires Swift, which hits and causes Staravia to drop the ring. Skarmory steals it and goes for the goal as Staravia tries to catch up. Skarmory turns around and executes a Fury Attack. Staravia dodges continually, eventually causing Skarmory to drop the ring, allowing Staravia to steal and bolt. Skarmory gets ahead and uses Sand-Attack to blind Staravia before launching Air Cutter. Staravia is unable to dodge, but a wind gust pushes him out of the way. Staravia recovers as another Air Cutter heads toward it. Staravia gets closer before using Aerial Ace to dodge and race to the goal, planting the ring and giving Lillie the first win.

"Nice job, Staravia." Lillie congratulates him, he nods back in agreement.

The second match reveals the four-time defending champion Provo. His opponent surprises everyone as Paul's name is announced.

"It's Paul." We all flinch as we see him walking past us. Lillie says, "I didn't know you're in the competition."

"Yeah, so what if I am?" Paul asks.

"You could at least say hi." I say. "Look, the next time we battle I'm not going to lose."

The round starts as Paul deploys Honchkrow while Provo calls on Dragonite. Honchkrow goes first as Dragonite fires Dragon Pulse. Honchkrow dodges and gets the ring as Dragonite turns and uses Fire Punch, missing. Dragonite hits with Dragon Rush, causing Honchkrow to drop the ring into free fall. Both race for the ring, Honchkrow getting it first and racing to the goal. Dragonite attempts another Dragon Rush as a wind gust kicks up. Paul has Honchkrow ride the wind and land a Sky Attack, which knocks out Dragonite thanks to Honchkrow's Super Luck Ability. Paul wins that round with only one strike, which makes Lillie slightly uneasy.

Steveland's Skiploom fights against James's Yanmega. The round starts, but neither makes a move at first, waiting for the wind to kick in. James predicts a wind from above, but instead, it comes from below and confuses Yanmega. Skiploom rides it and grabs the ring, heading for the goal. James then predicts an upward current and tries to have Yanmega ride the wind, but his bad judgment takes its toll as a downward current makes Yanmega plummet toward the ground. This helps Skiploom easily win the match for Steveland.

"Nice battle." James says to Steveland, "I was so used to the winds in Hoenn that I didn't predict the Sinnoh winds that much."

As they see the two shake hands, I say to Tox, "Now I feel a little bad if he still is in Team Rocket. Considering there are less than 100 times before we're going to kill them..."

"I know how you feel..." Tox says.

The competition jumps ahead as the final match comes down to Lillie and Paul. Lillie looks forward to battle while Paul is silent.

The final round of the PokéRinger competition starts with Lillie summoning Staravia and Paul choosing Honchkrow. Staravia gets the ring first. Honchkrow uses Sky Attack while Staravia counters with Brave Bird. The attacks create a huge explosion, but Staravia takes damage and goes into a free fall, Honchkrow emerging relatively unharmed and rushing with Night Slash.

"Dodge it with Quick Attack." Lillie says before it heads to the goal.

Honchkrow fires Dark Pulse, hitting and Staravia briefly loses the ring, quickly grabbing it and bolting to the goal. A strong gust of wind halts Staravia as Honchkrow rides the wind, powering up Aerial Ace. The attack misses as Staravia tries to overcome the repulsion but to no avail. Honchkrow continues to put pressure on Aerial Ace, eventually striking Staravia and knocking the ring out of Staravia's beak. Honchkrow takes possession of the ring. Both bird Pokémon exchange glares before racing towards the goal. Staravia goes into Aerial Ace, but Honchkrow moves aside, the attack passing harmlessly.

"Come down with Quick Attack." Lillie yells quickly, as Staravia steals the ring right out from Honchkrow's beak. While Staravia races towards the goal, Paul orders Honchkrow to strike with Sky Attack, hitting Staravia. As he attempts a follow-up Night Slash, Lillie has Staravia retaliate with Quick Attack. However, Honchkrow anticipates this, dodging the attack and striking with Night Slash, sending Staravia to the ground, though he still holds the ring.

"Wow, Paul sure knows how to predict the Quick Attack." Dawn comments.

"Yeah, Staravia may not be able to match Honchkrow..." Daniel says.

"Staravia, please get up." Lillie tries to encourage him, but Paul snubs him before ordering a finishing Sky Attack.

Staravia seems immobile as Honchkrow bears down, but Lillie's encouragement gets him back into the air. Staravia spreads his wings before he begins to glow, starting the evolution process. His wings and tailfeathers grow as the evolution completes with Staraptor ready to fight.

"Wow, it evolves." I say.

Staraptor: The Predator Pokemon: Normal and Flying Type. Evolved from Staravia at LV:34. The muscles in its wings and legs are strong. It can easily fly while gripping a small Pokémon.

Staraptor growls at Honchkrow, Not backing down, Paul has Honchkrow use Night Slash, both of the Pokémon's wings glowing. Staraptor easily dodges the attacks, but Honchkrow eventually lands a hit and Staraptor loses the ring. Both go after it, repelling each other before Honchkrow stalls Staraptor with a Night Slash. Staraptor quickly races towards Honchkrow, gets parallel, and proceeds to attack with close-range strikes.

"That is Close Combat." I say as Staraptor pushes Honchkrow back with a wing strike.

"Yeah, Fighting Type move is better for a Dark Type like Honchkrow." Tox says.

Excited, Lillie has Staraptor go for the ring. Staraptor grabs it and races for the goal. Honchkrow tries to hit with Night Slash, but Staraptor dodges, gets behind, and attempts Brave Bird. Honchkrow turns around and hits with Sky Attack, the two moves creating a powerful explosion and sending the ring away. Both Trainers order their Pokémon after it. Honchkrow gets farther ahead and is almost to the ring, but Lillie shouts to Staraptor to get that ring. Staraptor races forward and unexpectedly swat the ring with his wing before Honchkrow can close its beak, sending the ring onto the goal, making Lillie and Staraptor win the PokéRinger.

Back on the ground, Paul scolds Honchkrow, telling it they lost due to its slow reactions before recalling it and then after a quick glance at Lillie, leaves. Afterward, Lillie poses for a picture with Staraptor as she gets a plaque and the prize of Pokémon food.

"There is a lot of food so we can feed everyone." I say as I send out all of my Pokemon, and all the Pokemon eat the food. Dawn says, "That sure is a lot of Pokemon to feed..."

"Yeah...I don't think the food is enough as well." Gladion says.

At sunset, as Paul leaves the area, we try to tell him that the Starly he thought was worthless evolved into Staravia and is now a powerful Staraptor. Paul can only respond that he considers it to have taken far too long before walking away.

Lillie is upset at this response, but Tox says, "It is just Paul's way."

"Yeah, Ash, Lillie. You'll do great in Snowpoint Gym." Dawn cheers them and we are more certain than ever we'll win now we have Staraptor in the team.

As we travel through the forest, Dawn stops at a spring by a river to refill her water bottle. A wild Aggron suddenly attacks her, and she falls into the river. When we find her again, we find Team Rocket trying to attack both Mamoswine and Aggron. And we are happy to see how Mamoswine listens to Dawn and how they win against Aggron and send Team Rocket flying.

We are resting at the Pokemon Center until we see a poster of the Battle Hall's Fashion Show. So we all go there and watch it. The model on the stage is named Argenta, and the outfits that she wears cause us to stare in awe.

"Wow... she is pretty good." I say.

"Yeah. I want to meet her." Dawn says.

"Of course you can." We turn around to see Scott behind us and greets us.

"Scott? Why are you here?" Lillie asks.

"You're right here in the fourth Battle Frontier Facility, the Battle Hall. As you can see, Hall Matron Argenta is the Frontier Brain." Scott says with a smile.

"That's really nice. I can get my fourth Frontier Print." I say.

When we follow Scott to the backstage of the Battle Hall, we manage to meet Argenta and she says, "I'm happy to see you come to my facility. However, it is going to take you a long time to reach me."

"So how are we going to challenge you?" I ask, an Argenta says, "There are 10 battles for each set, and if you can get to the 10th battle of the 18th set, that's when I'll face you."

10th battle of 18th set? That means Ash has to battle 179 battles to reach you?" Lillie asks.

"Yes, but don't worry, the battles will be one-on-one, and there is also a ranking system, with the first two battles easy until it gets harder." Argenta says.

I nod as I decide to get to the challenge, and I am surprised to find that I can choose one of the 18 types to battle. So I decide to go with Normal first and use Croagunk to battle.

While I'm battling, Scott explains, "In the BattleHall, the challenger chooses the opponent's Pokemon's type and fights an one-on-one battle. Each type has 10 ranks. As you know, there are 18 Pokemon types."

"So Ash is choosing Normal Type, and I think Croagunk is a good choice." Lillie says.

After Normal is done, there is Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Fairy, Psychic, Ice, Dark, and the final one I choose is Dragon, since it has the most base stats.

"Wow, I can't believe Ash is so patient at this. If it is me, I will not fight after the 50th round." Dawn says.

"Yeah. He finally is going to fight Argenta." Gladion says.

And now I'm facing Argenta, and she says, "My Battle Hall allows Trainers to mount challenges with their one favorite Pokémon. I imagine there were tense moments getting here with your chosen one. But understand that one shines the brightest when a challenge is overcome. I am Argenta, and I am your final and most daunting challenge. I dare you to overcome my challenge."

"Sure, I will."

The Pokemon I'm using for Dragon is Froslass, and it helps me defeat the previous 9 Dragon Pokemon, even some Steel or Rock Types that cause some trouble. Argenta's final Pokemon is a Dragonite.

Froslass has used Icy Wind first, Argenta says, "Hmph. You must have intentionally picked Dragon Type to your Froslass' advantage, but don't think that you can win over a "Rank 10" Pokemon with just a type advantage."

Dragonite tries to go with the Steel Wing, but it is a good thing Froslass has the Babiri Berry to weaken the damage, so that Froslass can defeat it with Ice Shard.

"A good Trainer doesn't force their favorite on anyone. A good one keeps with their favorite without drama or fanfare. That is how I see it, at least. And, by the way, I see it, you're an excellent Trainer!" She says to me and gives me the print.

Scott says, "So that leaves only 1 more facility and you can win the Sinnoh Battle Frontier."

I say, "Yeah. I can't wait to face it."

Then we bid farewell and head towards Snowpoint City.

Ash has finished the 4th Battle Frontier, which means there is one left and I hope you like it.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Tangela, Lapras, Eevee, Meganium, Togetic, Espeon, Murkrow, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Monferno, Prinplup, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Glameow, Skuntank, Bronzong, Spiritomb, Gabite, Riolu, Hippowdon, Skorupi, Croagunk, Carnivine, Lumineon, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Electivire, Magmortar, Yanmega, Leafeon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Piloswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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