Chapter 38

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(Lillie's POV in this chapter)

When we are walking through the patch of long grass, we see a town in front of us. Dawn says, "This place is beautiful..."

"Yeah, we're now in Michina Town." Tox says. I look at Ash, and he hasn't been himself since this morning. I'm starting to worry about him, and I say, "Ash, are you alright?"

"Oh, I'm fine." Ash says to me.

Deciding to take the chance to relax, we send out our Pokémon and make the most of the idyllic surroundings. As we are playing in the river, three watermelons float towards us. We look forward to eating them when a boy and a girl come to claim the watermelons, as they belong to them but were washed away when they were left in the river to cool.

Everyone is disappointed, but the two of them make a deal if they win the battle, they can have it. Dawn and Ash decide to team up as they battle and win, in the end, they all eat the watermelons before heading to the ruins.

"Ash... you don't seem very happy the more we come closer to here... Is there something bothering you?" I ask with concern.

"I'm fine, no need to worry." Ash says to me.

Just then, ripples start to emerge from another part of time and space, which causes a spatial distortion to open near us. Everyone holds on to themselves as Pikachu, Piplup, and Absol are about to be sucked.

"Dia, please save those Pokemon!" We hear a voice as we turn around, Dia is in his Dialga form and then he comes to save them.

It turns out that both Mr and Ms. Ketchum are over there. After returning the Pokémon to us, Dia also uses Roar of Time to close the portal. Suddenly, another ripple starts to emerge from the river, and Giratina emerges from it.

"You're not going to escape this time!" It's Gina and she's now attacking Dia.

"Calm down! I already said sorry!" Dia says as he tries to dodge the attack.

"You bet I do! You almost made me lose my job just because I want you to clean up my distortion world! You are going to pay for that!" Gina yells.

As the two are still fighting, Daniel says, "We need to stop them!"

"But how?" I ask.

"Dia! Gina! This is no time for fighting!" My Mom yells, but both of them are acting like rebelling children and they ignore their mother's warnings. Ash's Dad helps Ash's Mom stand still and she says, "Gina's rage is too strong..."

"You two stop fighting now!" I notice Ash rushing towards them, and both Gina and Dia realize that we're here. Gina also notices her parents and quickly rushes to them. "Dad? Mom? Ash?"

"This is no time for fighting. Today is the day, Gina. I need you to bring Serena and Alice here as soon as possible." Ms. Ketchum says.

"Yes, Mom." Then Gina glares at Dia, "You're lucky that Mom and Dad are here, we're not finished yet."

After Gina leaves, the two adults rush to us and I ask, "Ms. Ketchum, what's going on?"

Aurora (I'm going to use their names this time) says, "Long ago, there was a thunder, fairy, and dark creature and their three masters, they changed the fate of this town."

"Yes, you see, it's part of the legend of this town." Adam says.

"And since Ash is here... would you mind coming with us?" Aurora asks.

We all nod, and suddenly another distortion appears and the water spout traps Dia, and the distortion starts to drag it away. Suddenly, another portal appears, and from it emerges Palmer, he uses Spacial Rend to free him and close the distortion.

"Mom, I'm here." Palmer says. "So today's the day, right?"

Today's the day? It seems that the Ketchums have been talking about something horrible today... what is going on here?

After the four of them bring us to the ruins, we are shown the Time-Space Axis, which is used to monitor disruptions in the space-time continuum.

"We've watched the strange mutations in Alamos Town, and when that hole in time and space opened near the glacier." Aurora says. "As you can see, there are a lot of worlds. The human world is supported by Giratina's Distortion World, then the Temporal and Spatial Worlds inhabited by Dialga and Palkia. And there is the Arceus' world."

"Arceus' world..." Ash mutters.

"But you are Arceus as well, right? So what does that mean?" Gladion asks.

"We think that it is Arceus' powers that cause Dia and Palmer's Dark Phases to clash in Alamos Town, and that also causes Gina's Distortion World to be corrupted with dark mists." Adam says, "Most of our family has their Dark Phases destroyed... except for one..."

We realize what they mean as we look at Ash, who says nothing. Aurora says, "We have been using our powers to suppress Ash's memories, but according to the Axis, the Dark Phase of Ash is trying to take control of Ash... and then deliver the Judgment upon the world..."

"But why? Why is Ash trying to destroy the world?" I ask with worry.

Aurora decided to show us some screenshots. "According to the legend of this place, the planet was in serious danger of being destroyed by meteorites. However several Arceus helped to destroy the meteorites, but one of them in the process lost all 18 Life Plates that normally helped it defend against any possible attack.

His death appeared to be inevitable when a man named Damos helped Arceus retrieve the Plates and ensured their survival. At the time Michina Town was a desolate wasteland but Arceus, in gratitude at being saved, used five of its Plates to create the Jewel of Life which helped transform the wasteland into a paradise.

Arceus put his own life at risk to create the Jewel of Life, however, when the day came that Damos was supposed to return it he instead betrayed Arceus and attacked it. He believed that returning the Jewel of Life would doom Michina Town and cause it to return to its previous state."

Arceus is filled with unspeakable fury at being betrayed by Damos after risking its life to help him, destroyed the shrine. But he was injured so he was forced to recover. It was known that after 1000 years, he would return and unleash its wrath upon the planet."

I turn to Ash, who is still silent without saying anything. "I can see why Ash is upset." Gladion says. "He risked five plates to help Damos, but in the end, he gets betrayed."

Dia says, "And unfortunate for us, 200 years ago, we married Damos' bloodline and now we are also the descendants of Damos."

We have been trying to find the Jewel of Life, and we have help from almost everyone on Team Alpha to search for it. And in the end, we finally found it yesterday."

As we get a closer look at the jewel, Dawn says, "Wow, it looks beautiful."

Tox says, "It sure is. What do you think, Ash?"

Ash walks to the jewel, before saying, "Mom, Dad... you say this is the Jewel of Life?"

Just then, Ash is angry and he slams it to the floor, destroying it into pieces. "Ash? What are you doing?" Daniel asks.

"The Jewel of Life is a part of me, it can not and will not break!" Ash yells before using Judgment, destroying half of the ruins.

"A fake..." Aurora is also shocked. "I truly thought it was the real thing all along."

"Then where is the real one?" I ask.

"I won't let you all deceive me anymore!" Ash yells before changing into his Arceus form. My Mom says, "Ash! We had no idea it was a counterfeit, please believe us!"

Adam says, "It's no use... The Dark Phase has controlled Ash... he will attack anyone in sight... even his family..."

Dia and Palmer quickly change into their forms and shield them. "Ash! Calm down!"

"You kept lying to me all this time!" Ash yells back. "You're not getting away with this!"

"You don't want to force us, Ash!" They try to use their attacks, but the Multitype ability causes the attack to be useless. Dia is also hurt as he falls to the ground.

"Come on, Ash! Stop this!" I yell, but he uses Hyper beam on all of us. "Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" I yell, and Ash is shocked as he says, "Damn it..."

"Right, Ash doesn't have his Earth Plate, maybe it will work." I say as I try to use another Thunderbolt, but Ash yells, "Out of my way!"

It is then Gina arrives at the scene, and Serena and Alice are also here. "Serena! Alice!"

"What's going on here? We hear from Gina that Ash is in trouble." Alice says.

"That's Ash over there." I say. "The Dark Phase has taken over him."

"What?" Both Serena and Alice are shocked to hear that. When Palmer is distorting space to stop Ash, he asks, "Dad, should we try to separate the Dark Phase from Ash like you did to us and destroy it?"

"Ash's Dark Phase is too strong, I don't think we will have the chance to stop it like this..." Adam says.

Aurora says, "Looks like we have no other choice. You guys, buy us some time, okay?"

Buy some time? What does she mean? And it is then Dia decides to roar, and I notice that we are all teleported away with Aurora.

"What's going on here?" Tox asks after we seem to land on a not-destroyed Michina building.

"We've traveled back in time." My Mom says. "Back to the day of the fated promise with Ash."

We watch how Damos brings Arceus into the building and then betrays him. "What are you doing?" Ash yells.

As we watch, Alice says, "Serena, Lillie, have you noticed that?"

"Yeah... Damos' eyes, I think he's under hypnosis." Serena says.

"But who did it?" As we are trying to find the source, Ash has been using Judgment and we all fall down. It is thanks to Dia that we have traveled through time again.

Now it is afternoon, and we are surrounded by a group of armed soldiers surrounding us, and the man in the toga appears with his Bronzong and has it use Hypnosis on us. The next thing we know, all seven of us are in a jail cell guarded by an old man.

"Hey! Tell us where we are!" Gladion yells.

"This is the underground prison." The old man says. "And one of Master Marcus' magical creatures just used Hypnosis on all of you."

"Magical creatures?" Daniel asks, "Does that mean Pokemon?"

"That Bronzong." Serena gasps as we all nod.

"But what about Pikachu, Togetic, and Abosl?" I ask.

"Piplup as well?" Dawn adds.

"And what about Ms. Ketchum?" Tox adds.

"They're safe. Ms. Ketchum is speaking with Master Marcus right now." The old guard says.

"So who is actually this Marcus?" Gladion asks.

"Marcus is a backstabber. He used to be an underling of mine, but he tricked me and threw me in jail." We realize that Damos is the one here.

"You're Damos!" Alice asks.

"You all know me?" Damos asks. "You don't seem to be from here."

I decide to say, "We are from the future which is 1000 years later from now."

"The future?" Damos says in a confused tone. I show him the truth by showing him the Pokeball, and Damos starts to believe us.

Gladion says, "We come to the past because we want to tell you about Arceus."

"Arceus? You mean Ash?" Damos asks as we all gasp at the name. "You know Ash?"

Damos explains that in the past, he was traveling through the wasteland that was Michina Town when he witnessed the destruction of the meteor by the Arceus named Ash, and found it when it was nearly killed by losing the Life Plates. After searching the area, he found one of the Life Plates and returned it to the Alpha Pokémon. As a result, Ash began to heal and all the other Life Plates were able to return to their owner, completely restoring his strength. Although Ash was healthy, the same couldn't be said for Michina Town. The land was barren and lifeless and it appeared that Damos and the other inhabitants wouldn't survive the coming winter. Ash, wishing to help the person who had helped it when it was near death, decided to grant Damos the use of its Plates. First, it handed over the Plates that harnessed the power of Ground, Grass, and Water then bound them together with the power of Electricity and then increased their powers with the force of the Dragon and formed the Jewel of Life. With the Jewel of Life, Michina Town was soon flourishing with life. Crops were plentiful and the entire area was a beautiful sight. Ash returned to visit and was happy to see Damos doing so much good, but explained that the Jewel of Life must be returned at the date of the next solar eclipse as its life was in danger while it was parted from any of its Life Plates. Damos then built a shrine to Michina Town's savior and ends the story insisting that he has no intention of not returning the Jewel.

"That sounds like what Ash will do." Alice says as we all nod.

"So I assume you know Ash?" Damos asks.

"We know. And we have three of Ash's girlfriend standing right here." Serena, Alice, and I blush after hearing that.

"But come to think about it..." Gladion says, "We got hypnotized by Marcus and his Bronzong, maybe Damos' betrayal was actually because he was controlled by Marcus..."

"What are you talking about?" Damos asks.

Alice says, "In the future, you have been painted as the evil person who gives Arceus the fake Jewel, and you also hurt him in the process."

"What are you talking about, I won't ever betray Arceus." He says sternly.

"But it is the truth right now. Ash is now destroying our world, that's why we have Dialga's help to transport back in time to prevent it from happening." Daniel says.

"We think we have come to a conclusion that Marcus is the one that forces you to betray Arceus. He uses Bronzong to hypnotize you into doing such a thing to Ash." Serena says.

"There is also Ash's mother, who has come to help us, but she's with Marcus right now." I say.

"Ash's mother?" Damos asks in confusion.

"Right, Arceus is a god, but it is also a Pokemon, he also needs to go through life and death, and now he has a mother in the future and she is also an Arceus as well." Alice says.

Just in the nick of time, a Spiky-eared Pichu that Damos had previously befriended, through the use of the same ability Sheena possesses, appears and gives him the jail cell's keys so they can escape, Pikachu, Piplup, Togetic, and Absol also arrive as we all hug them.

"I am glad you are safe." Lillie says.

"Yeah, thanks to our ancestor." Pikachu says. "We are able to escape as well."

Just as they are out of the jail, they hear the big roar, "You have deceived me!"

"Oh no, the betrayal has started." Lillie says.

"We need to find Marcus!" Damos says.

We rush to see Ash now trapped by the Silver Water as we finally reach Marcus.

"The Jewel of Life is here. But I'm not just gonna give it back to you." Marcus says.

"How could you do this?" Ash's Mom is enraged.

"Many thanks for telling me all about the future, dear. Because now, history's about to change." Marcus says.

"Stop it! All of you!" But just when Ms. Ketchum is about to fall, Damos comes and saves her. As for us, we try to get the jewel back. Damos senses the woman's aura and he asks, "So you're Ash's mother?"

"Yes, and I did something foolish..." Aurora frowns.

"If only I had realized Marcus would betray me this way." Damos says.

While we arrive at where Marcus' at, Serena yells, "You give the Jewel of Life to Arceus right now, or else!"

"It's too late for that. It belongs to us now!" They try to attack us with Heatran and Bronzong, but Pikachu's Thunderbolt along with Absol's Night Slash stops them.

"I'm certain one day you're going to thank me." Marcus says, "Because I'm saving the future."

"Saving?" Daniel asks.

"Arceus will perish here. Which means there won't be a way for Arceus to appear in the future ever again. I'm changing history!"

"Damos, why did you betray me? Why?" We hear Ash yelling, and we continue to fight, with me commanding Togetic, Serena commanding Pikachu, and Alice commanding Absol.

At the same time, Aurora decides to give Damos aura power to stop the Pokemon from attacking, and we also notice some Pokemon are trying to help us stop Marcus as well. With all the Pokemon stop their attacks, they try to reach Ash, but Ash's rage is too strong.

"Now's our chance!" Alice yells as we try to take the jewel from Marcus, and since the Pokemon aren't going to listen to Marcus now, we also free the bindings so they're free.

We try to fight again, and the jewel drops and is about to fall. "Oh no! The jewel!"

I nod to Serena and Alice, the three of us rush to grab the jewel and we all head to Ash's side. Good thing we are aura users and we can use psychic to levitate ourselves. But when we arrive in front of Arceus, we find that the Silver Water is about to drown him.

"Ash?" We ask, but he's not responding, and we also find our body starts to become transparent.

"What's going on?" Gladion looks at his body.

"Our body is disappearing..." Aurora gasps.

Dawn is also shocked, but Marcus just smugly says, "Even if I fail, Arceus will still die, and the future you and your friends come from will cease to exist, which means you are not going to exist as well."

Dawn is scared as she hugs Piplup tightly Gladion, Tox, and Daniel are also looking at their bodies with surprise.

"Ash! You can't die now..." Serena says.

"Yeah, you can't leave the world with us!" Alice says.

"I won't let you..." I try to push the orb to Arceus, but we find that Pikachu, Togetic, and Absol are vanishing.

"Ash... you say that we're going to be together... Was it all a lie?" Serena asks.

"You can't do this to us! You promised that you're going to be a Pokemon Master..." Alice says.

"Even if we're going to disappear now... we will always love you..." Lillie says.

Just then, Damos manages to reach the last spark of life in Arceus' heart, giving it enough strength to reabsorb the Jewel and completely recover. With Marcus's plan thwarted, those who are about to disappear are restored to life.

"Ash!" We all gasp with delight. Ash then asks, "Who are you?"

Serena says, "I'm Serena."

"My name is Lillie." I say.

"And I'm Alice, and these are the partners that we share together, Pikachu, Togetic, and Absol." Alice says.

Just then, the area is about to collapse, and before we all fall, Ash saves everyone with the powers.

"Serena, Lillie, Alice... along with Pikachu, Togetic, and Absol. Are you the ones who saved my life?" Ash asks.

"It wasn't just us. Everybody here did it." Alice says.

Ash looks at everyone, and Damos says, "Arceus, forgive me."

"I already saw it in your heart. It's all right." Ash says. The floor collapses again, and this time Ash uses the power of the Plates to save us from the fall. The cracks are restored, and we're back on the ground. He also breaks all the chains and bindings from the Pokemon around the area.

When we head outside, Ash says, "I have used up all of my strength. So for now, I must rest. Farewell, Damos."

Damos nods, and he turns to us, "Serena, Alice, Lillie, Pikachu, Togetic, Absol...and all of my beloved..." Then Ash leaves and flies away.

And now it is time to go back, and Aurora says, "I think it is time for us to return to the future."

"It's a shame since I want to speak more about it." Damos says.

"We are the same as well." We all nod, and Damos says, "But it's not to be, future children."

And then we are back in the present day, and we are horrified to see what's going on. Ash has defeated Dia, Palmo, and Gina as they are lying on the ground, Adam is the only one who is still fighting Ash.

"Why is Ash still angry?" Gladion asks. "I thought we change the future!"

The three of us rush to Ash and yell, "Ash! Stop it!"

It is then Ash notices us and starts to remember the past. "Serena... Alice... Lillie..."

He floats down while changing back into his human form. Not only that, the history is rewriting as Michina Town is going to be back to normal.

"Ash!" We rushe towards Ash, who is lying down on the floor. Adam also changes back as Adam says, "Well done, you guys, it seems like you did it."

We nod as Ash is going to wake up. "Uh...." When Ash slowly sits up, the three of us immediately give him a group hug, and we each give him a kiss, much to others' surprise, and probably Dawn's jealousy.

"You're here..." Ash says. "From 1000 years..."

"And we're always going to stay by your side." Serena says. "We all love you."

Ash is now blushing as he can't believe that the three girls by his side confess their feelings to him. Just then, Ash notices Adam, Aurora, Dia, Palmer, and Gina are present. He is sweating and he says, "Um...I am sorry..."

"It is fine, we know this will come." Aurora says as she gives him a hug. "I am glad you have Serena, Lillie, and Alice by your side, or else what are we going to do with you..."

Ash lowers his head in shame, but the others just want Ash not to put it in his mind. Then they leave as Tox asks, "Wait, if you returned the Jewel of Life to Ash back in time, then why is Michina Town still flourishing?"

Ash says, "It is not only my powers that make Michina a beautiful town, Damos and the others also devoted their entire lives to make sure that Michina Town remains beautiful."

Also, we find a new monument upon which there is an engraving of all of us as well as a message of thanks from Damos himself. We all begin to cry, now finally knowing the full truth about the ancestor that the Ketchum family are ashamed of.

"Now we should be going, since it is getting a little late." Ash says as it is now only six of us again. Daniel asks, "Ash, what does it feel like when you have your plates back?"

"I don't need to worry about being hit by Pikachu's Thunderbolt." He smirks at Pikachu, who groans at first then jumps to his shoulder.

Arceus: The Alpha Pokemon: Normal Type. It is told in mythology that this Pokémon was born before the universe even existed.

Here is the movie chapter, and I really like this movie a lot. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Tangela, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Espeon, Murkrow, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Monferno, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Glameow, Skuntank, Bronzong, Spiritomb, Gabite, Riolu, Hippowdon, Skorupi, Croagunk, Carnivine, Lumineon, Snover, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Electivire, Magmortar, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Piloswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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