Chapter 39

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The Lilypad Contest is coming up, and Dawn wants Mamoswine to learn some Contest moves. But Mamoswine doesn't appreciate Piplup and Pikachu laughing as it tries to get things right. With its feelings hurt, Mamoswine charges off into the forest. Dawn follows it, and the two of them are gone for the longest time. We are about to look for our missing friends when we're stopped by Verona, a forest ranger who forbids people from bringing Pokémon into the area.

It turns out that there is a Tangrowth who swings in and uses Absorb on our Pokemon, then gives them Sitrus Berry in return. When we find Dawn and Mamoswine again, we realize that Tangrowth wants to save a dying tree that's a key part of the forest. Tangrowth absorbs Pokémon energy and leaves berries to help them recover, then uses Growth to heal the tree. Unfortunately, the tree is still dying.

Team Rocket shows up to vacuum up Tangrowth and the other wild Pokémon, but Dawn and Mamoswine take out Team Rocket with Mamoswine's new Hidden Power move. Once Team Rocket is gone, we Pokémone offer to help Tangrowth and Verona identify the spot where all the tree's nutrients are stored. By using Growth on that spot, the tree is saved. Not to mention that our Tangela finally evolves into Tangrowth after learning how to use Ancient Power from the Tangrowth.

Tangrowth: The Vine Pokemon: Grass Type. Evolve from Tangela by leveling up learning Ancient Power. It ensnares prey by extending arms made of vines. Losing arms to predators does not trouble it.

We also stop by a Sinnoh Pokemon Hustle event, and it turns out to be Team Rocket's scheme to steal our Pokemon. However, all the Pokemon they steal are also missing, two thieves have also come to attend and they are the ones who stole the Pokeballs. In the end, we manage to send Team Rocket blasting off and the thieving duo is also arrested.

Then there is another scheme of Team Rocket trying to steal our Pokemon, and this time they manage to take our Glameow.

"Why did they want this Glameow?" Absol is confused.

"We don't know, but we have to get it back." I say.

We send out Staraptor to find it, only to get it empty-handed: no Glameow or Team Rocket in sight. The next day, we try to do it again, and this time we find Team Rocket and attack them, causing their balloon to fall down.

"Team Rocket, give us back our Glameow." Lillie says.

"We don't have it, Meowth took her away from us as well!" Jessie says.

We realize that Meowth is not with them, so we try to locate Meowth instead, and Team Rocket, they are not going to let us beat them for it. When we find Meowth's boat, Meowth manages to deal some damage to our Pokemon because how he falls in love with Glameow, but his dreams are broken after Glameow evolves.

"You evolve, Purugly!" I say as I cheer, Meowth doesn't like Purugly's now demanding and lazy attitude. Jessie orders Meowth to wake up to himself and has her Seviper attack him in response. Absol follows up with a Dark Pulse, knocking Meowth to the ground. Purugly is unimpressed, and she kicks dirt at her pathetic lover before returning to Lillie. Lillie also scans it with her Pokedex.

Purugly: The Tiger Cat Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolved from Glameow at LV:38. It is a brazen brute that barges its way into another Pokémon's nest and claims it as its own.

"You can use more moves, Purugly, use Hyper Beam." Lillie says as the move sends Team Rocket flying again.

"You are doing great, Purugly." I decide to give her some food, but the heavy eater eats it whole and demands for more, much to everyone's amusement.

"I see it! Over there, that's Twinleaf Town!" Dawn says as we are now back in the town for the Twinleaf Festival. As we walk together, Daniel says, "This place sure has a quiet atmosphere."

"Yeah, it reminds me of Pallet Town and Otem Town." I say.

Both Dawn and Tox lead to their house and we are surprised to see the big Mansion. A man is standing in front of the gate and he says, "Mistress Dawn, Master Tox, welcome home."

Tox says, "Sebastian, please inform our parents that we also bring some of our friends here."

"Sure." As the butler leaves. Johanna and Professor Berlitz come to the hall to greet their two children, they also greet us, with her Glameow and Umbreon in tow. Johanna greets Piplup as the Penguin Pokémon tries to greet Glameow, but gets the cold shoulder. He looks hurt but tries again with Umbreon and gets the same response, to which Togetic comforts him.

Dawn shows them her four ribbons, and they are proud of them, we also look at old pictures of Johanna's coordinator battles, and we are also happy to find our Mom in it as well.

"Hey, I know. Mom? Will you have a battle with me? Please Mom!" Dawn asks, and before she agrees, Professor Berlitz stops them and says that they should eat first.

I offer to help Johanna with cooking, and she is amazed by how well he can cook. Glameow and Umbreon enjoy the Pokémon food Lillie prepared, which pleases her since they are picky eaters.

After lunch is done, I go to call Profssor Oak. "So you've been staying at Dawn's house?"

"See, I'm going to train here in Twinleaf Town." I say.

Then after we talk, we also realize that Professor Oak is going to come to Twinleaf Town to give a special lecture and he is also going to bring Eve along as well. As for Lillie, she and Absol are tending the flowers, which also gets complimented by Professor Berlitz. After that, Johanna and Dawn decide to have their battle. They have a double battle and Dawn uses Piplup and Pachirisu against Glameow and Umbreon.

Dawn goes first with Whirlpool and Discharge, creating an electrified whirlpool. Johanna's Pokémon use Quick Attack to gracefully dodge, crossing each other's paths and creating an appeal before stopping in front of Johanna and launching a double Shadow Ball, destroying the Whirlpool and knocking Dawn's Pokémon down. Dawn's Pokémon get up as they invoke their first plan. Piplup fires Bubble Beam. Though Johanna's Pokémon dodge with a synchronized backflip, the attack creates a wall, masking Pachirisu until the last moment and hitting both with a spinning Super Fang.

Dawn celebrates the successful plan, but Johanna makes her pay for her premature celebration by using a double Attract, infatuating both of Dawn's Pokémon before hitting them with a double Swift Attack, knocking them out. Dawn is somewhat upset but accepts the defeat, comforting her Pokémon.

"That was great, Dawn. I am very impressed with your strategy and your bond with your Pokemon." Johanna says.

"Indeed, it also inspires a lot of us as well." Berlitz says. Glameow and Umbreon look pleased as Johanna hugs her daughter.

And when we are busily helping Johanna prepare for the upcoming Twinleaf Festival, we are greeted by my Mom and Eve. Both of them have come with Professor Oak to visit the Twinleaf Festival.

Lillie asks Eve, "Where is Professor Oak? Why isn't he with you guys?"

Eve sighs and says, "Professor Oak is at the marsh, it will be better if you all come as well."

"But the marsh is full of quicksand, are you sure it is a good idea?" Gladion asks.

We all go there as we see Professor Oak being taken by a Quagsire, followed by a Politoed. We use the help of Ash's Croagunk to lead the way. Suddenly he stops, but Piplup keeps walking and falls into quicksand again. Croagunk quickly throws him out of it.

Croagunk leads us to a cave, out of which comes Politoed followed by two Quagsire. Politoed challenges Croagunk into a battle, and in the end, with the evolution of Croagunk, it wins the battle.

"Now you're are a Toxicroak." I say.

Toxicroak: The Toxic Mouth Pokemon: Poison and Fighting Type. Evolve from Croagunk at LV:37. The toxin made in its poison sacs is pumped to the knuckle claws through tubes down its arms.

We walk into the cave to find Professor Oak with a Lombre and two other Quagsire. Professor Oak tells us that Politoed just wanted him to come to give Lombre the Water Stone to get him out of the depression. Professor Oak breaks off a small piece of the Water Stone and gives it to Lombre, who evolves it into Ludicolo and makes it happy again.

Just as we get back, we find that a fake Professor Oak and Eve are on the stage.

"Hey, that's not the real Professor Oak and Eve." Gladion says.

"Yeah, how dare you impose me?" Eve says in anger.

"Excuse me, you are the ones that impose me." The fake Eve retorts, but before things get a little out of track, a young boy from the crowd walks up and says that the real Professor Oak and Eve would be able to help him with his Pokémon, and sends out a Tyranitar. The fake ones turn out to be Jessie and James as they are blasted by Tyranitar.

Eve says, "Professor, let me handle this." Professor Oak nods as she lets her do it. She then walks up to Tyranitar and pulls a thorn out of its foot, making it happy. Dawn says, "Wow, she is so brave in front of the Tyranitar."

"She is dreaming of becoming the Dark Type Trainer, and it is perfect for her to tame a Tyranitar." My Mom says.

We meet Barry on the way, and he challenges Lillie to a battle and she accepts, but before they can battle, they see a Xatu as they follow it to a circus tent. We decide to try out what it is about and they find ourselves smaller than Pikachu, Togetic, Absol, and Piplup. We are having an adventure that connects to their past.

When Barry is trying to chase the Xatu, he bumps into Barry's father Palmer, who also shares the same name as my brother. "Dad, what are you doing here?"

"I am here for the festival, Barry care to explain who your friends are?"

"Oh, everyone, meet my Dad, Palmer. For your information, my Dad is the Frontier Brain of the Sinnoh Battle Frontier, the Battle Tower Tycoon!" Barry says.

"Wait, you're a Frontier Brain?" I gasp.

"Guilty as charged. I hear that you have been challenging them from Scott. I assume mine is the last one?" Palmer asks.

"You bet." I say while showing the four Frontier Prints. Barry says, "No way! You got all the Prints except for Dad's!"

"If that's the case, how about coming over to the Battle Tower tomorrow?" Palmer asks. "You can finally finish your Battle Frontier Challenge."

"That's great." I say.

The next day, we meet up with Scott, who is chatting with my Mom. Scott says, "This is it, eh? The final Sinnoh Battle Frontier that you're waiting for."

"Yeah, and since I know the rules of Battle Tower, it should be easy for me." I say.

Like others, I have to win 48 battles before reaching Palmer, and after finishing them swiftly, I finally reach Palmer.

"I heard a lot about you. You are Ash Ketchum, the one who won 2 Champions and 3 Leagues, right? You are much younger than I thought. So, I'd like you to show me. Show me the bond you've built with your Pokémon. Show me what you've learned through battles with Trainers!"

"You bet." I say.

His first Pokemon is a Milotic, and I go for Pikachu to battle this one. Milotic fires the Hydro Pump that surges toward Pikachu, but Pikachu sends out a powerful Thunderbolt, striking the oncoming Hydro Pump. Then it goes for Quick Attack, and hitting Milotic.

"Aqua Tail!" Palmer yells, and the attack slams Pikachu to the ground, but Milotic is getting hit by the Static ability and paralyzed.

"Great. Now let's finish with Volt Tackle!" I say.

"Dragon Pulse!" Milotic fires another attack, but Pikachu just crashes through and knocks it out in the end.

"That's one win for me." I say.

"Let's see how you face this one. Rhyperior!" When he sends out the Pokemon, I know that it won't be easy to switch out my other Pokemon.

Pikachu goes for Iron Tail, but Rhyperior's Rock Wrecker hits Pikachu as it slams to the ground. Pikachu struggles to get up, but Rhyperior goes for Earthquake that shakes Pikachu, before using Drill Run to finish it off.

I decide to go with Torterra, Barry says, "Ash shouldn't have underestimated my Dad like that.

Torterra goes for Energy Ball, as Rhyperior stands firm and takes it with only minor damage thanks to Solid Rock.

"That's quite an Energy Ball you have there, to Rhyperior it is just a cool breeze. Rock Polish!" Torterra fires Razor Leaf, but Rhyperior dodges quickly, shocking everyone at how fast it moved thanks to Rock Polish. Rhyperior gets close and launches Sandstorm. Torterra stands its ground as the attack surrounds and batters it. Rhyperior launches a Rock Wrecker, harming Torterra even more but isn't enough to take it out.

I have Torterra use Synthesis to heal since Rhyperior has to recharge from using Rock Wrecker. It taps into the healing move since the sandstorm has not blocked out the sun from above. Torterra recovers and uses Razor Leaf to neutralize the Sandstorm.

Rhyperior recovers and charges with Megahorn. Torterra prepares to use Energy Ball, waiting for Rhyperior to get closer. However, when Rhyperior closes in too quickly, he hits Energy Ball with Megahorn, and Torterra is forced to swallow it, giving it some power.

"Now let's try this out! Headlong Rush!" It is basically a Ground Type Close Combat, and in the end it defeats Rhyperior.

"Well done, no one is able to beat Rhyperior easily. Let's see how you face my final Pokemon, Dragonite!"

With the defense lowered, Torterra is defeated by a single Wing Attack, and my final Pokemon is Empoleon. I have Empoleon uses Ice Beam, which deals a lot of damage, and Dragonite uses Dragon Dance and Thunder Wave, giving me status damage while boosting its Attack and Speed. In the end, I have Empoleon go for Wave Crash, defeating him in the end.

"Ash won!" Lillie says.

"Even Dad lost, it is an exciting battle." Barry says.

"Bravo! One day, I imagine my son will come challenge me just as you have. That's something I look forward to a great deal. You will become even more skilled, the very same way your father did. Keep battling Trainers from around the world and keep growing greater in stature!" Then I receive the final Battle Frontier Tower Print.

Scott then registers me into the Hall of Frame and gives him a plague with 5 prints on it. After getting the award, Scott asks, "As the offer I offered you back in the Kanto Region, are you still considering it?"

"Well, my answer is the same one, besides, I still have Sinnoh League and the Grand Festival I have to take on." I say.

"I see. Don't hesitate to call me if you change your mind." Scott says.

Before we are bidding farewell, Palmer says, "By the way, you are challenging gyms, right? Ash? If that's the case, have you gone to the Sunyshore Gym yet?"

I say, "Sunyshore Gym... that's the eastern most gym in the Sinnoh Region."

"I'm sure you'll be giving him a great shock if you try to challenge that gym." Palmer says as we nod. Then both Professor Oak and Eve are going back to Kanto as they bid farewell, while the others also bid farewell as we are heading towards the Lilypad Town for Dawn's fifth ribbon.

Here is a new chapter, and you can see that the Twinleaf Town arc is done. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Espeon, Murkrow, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Monferno, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Purugly, Skuntank, Bronzong, Spiritomb, Gabite, Riolu, Hippowdon, Skorupi, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Lumineon, Snover, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Piloswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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