Chapter 4

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When we arrive at Jubilife City, we meet Lucas there. Lucas says, "Hey, guys! How many Pokémon have you caught?"

Dawn says, "Look, Lucas." She shows her new Buneary, and Tox also shows his Croagunk. "Woah, both of you already have another Pokemon with you! In Jubilife City, there's the Trainers' School. Oh yeah, Barry went to the Trainers' School earlier. OK, see you around! Work hard on your Pokédex!"

"Who's Barry?" After Lucas leave, Lillie asks.

"Barry is our neighbor and we have been friends since." Dawn says. "Let's go find him to see what he's up to."

When we arrive at the Pokemon Trainer's School, I bump into a person and he says, "What won't you watch where are you going? I'm going to give you a fine! You got 10 seconds to pay off!"

"Barry!" Dawn and Tox exclaim, and Barry says, "Dawn! Tox! Did you come to study, too? I went ahead and memorized everything that was up on the blackboard. After all, it's the Trainer's job to avoid having their precious Pokémon hurt in battle, right?"

"Well, we kinda heard that you're here... And then you just bump into Ash..." Tox says.

"Wait, you're the Ash Ketchum? The one who beat three Leagues and also won against two champions?" Barry is shocked after seeing me, I say, "Yeah, that's me..."

"And you're here that means you're going to challenge the League, too! I'm not going to be defeated by you! Oreburgh City is where I should be going next. There's a Gym, so it'd be perfect for raising the Pokémon I just caught. Well, I'm on the road to becoming the greatest Trainer of all time! See you around!"

After he leaves, Lillie says, "What a strange guy..."

"I agree." Dawn says.

After we leave the school, we find a lot of people training for the Contests. There are 3 more days before the Contest is happening, and Dawn seems to be looking for something.

"So what are you looking for?" I ask.

"A Poketch Shop." Dawn says. "I want to get myself a Poketch."

"But why have a Poketch while you have everything you need on the Rotom Phone?" Lillie asks.

"That's because Poketch is much more convenient than the Rotom Phones with the need for settings and other stuff. It is a little hard to find the apps in the Rotom Phone when they're messy." Dawn says.

"I guess that's fair." Gladion says.

When we go to the local store, the staff tells us that it is empty, and we notice Team Rocket trying to scam people with the fake Poketchs. Well, we don't know they're fake at first since we thought they probably stole those from the Poketch company, it is until a Shinx appears in the park and tells us that it is fake by knocking it into the water. The Shinx seems to be wild, but he has been taking a liking to us and I notice that he's following us.

We find the true Poketch Company's president, and he says, "Oh? I have to assume you're Pokemon Trainers? But you don't have a Poketch, yet?"

"We got those fake ones..." We show him the item, and he nods. "You see, I invented, and now manufacture Poketches. Not only that, I'm now conducting the Poketch promotional campaign! I don't know who in the right mind will sell you those, but they don't seem like our own Poketches."

"We know. So how are we going to get the real Poketches?" I ask.

"All you have to do is find three clowns in Jubilife City. If you can find them... I'll give you all your very own Poketches."

And with the help of Shinx, we find the three clowns. "Hi! I'm a Poketch campaign clown! Let's 'rollout' my question! Does a Pokemon grow by defeating others and gaining Exp. Points?"

"Of course they do." Dawn says.

"Ding-ding! You're absolutely correct! Pokemon grow stronger by defeating other Pokemon in battle. Some Pokemon even change into a different Pokemon through a process known as Evolution. Here you go! Your Poketch Coupon!"

Then we get the Coupon 1. Then we find the second clown. "Just like Pokemon, do the moves of Pokemon also have types?"

"These questions are actually easy." I say as we answer the correct one.

"If a Pokemon's type matches the type of the move it uses, that move is made much more powerful!" Then we receive the Coupon 2.

The final Clown's question is "Can Pokemon hold items?"

After answering the correct answer, he says, "A Pokemon may hold a single item. Some items become effective as soon as they are held by a Pokemon. Berries are eaten by Pokemon as necessary during battle."

After we get all three coupons, we give them to the owner and he gives us Poketch, six to be exact. And we can actually add the Apps to make it even more versatile. When we try to check the friendship of Dawn and Piplup, we are surprised to find that their friendship is actually low.

"What's going on?" Dawn asks in shock. "Why is my friendship with Piplup so low..."

"Don't worry, it will go up before you know it." Daniel says, trying to cheer her up. That night, we find that the Pokemon are now acting strangely, and that also includes the Shinx that we befriended earlier.

When we rush outside, we find the owner of the Poketch, and he says, "Hey kids! Those fake Poketches start playing the sound of the Psyduck and I think it has been using Hypnosis."

"I know Team Rocket is up to no good again..." Lillie mutters. When we follow the Pokemon, we find a giant cage, and Team Rocket shows up and closes the door. They try to escape with the big box of Pokemon, but we have Piplup and Pikachu use Bubble Beam and Thunderbolt combination, but Meowth launches two arms from the balloon, trapping Pikachu and Piplup inside glass capsules.

"Absol! Save Pikachu by using Dark Pulse!" "Buneary! Use Ice Beam!" We try to switch Pokemon, but both attacks can't reach Team Rocket. "Don't give up, keep it up! You two!"

But the two Pokemon then use harder and eventually hit Team Rocket. The attacks also shorts out the rocket boosters, stopping them. As the balloon starts to descend slowly, Piplup and Pikachu are released from their capsules and start to fall. Togetic manages to save Piplup, though Pikachu continues to plummet.

I run and dive to try to catch him, but misses, and Pikachu hits the ground hard. I ask, "Pikachu, are you okay?"

Pikachu nods and tells me not to worry, Team Rocket's balloon lands, and the Pokémon walk out of the damaged container.

"They must have all snapped out of the hypnosis!" Then the Pokemon all start to run away, and Shinx rushes to us. "Shinx, we're glad you're okay." I say.

But Team Rocket breaks out of the ice and jumps to the ground, set on getting revenge. They send out Seviper and Carnivine. Carnivine, of course, bites onto James's head. Team Rocket orders Seviper and Carnivine to use Poison Tail and Bite, respectively. Dawn decides to retaliate and has Piplup use Peck and Buneary to go in for a Dizzy Punch. Seviper and Carnivine are knocked back.

Lillie says, "Shinx, use Spark on Pikachu." Then Shinx uses the attack to recharge Pikachu, and when Meowth extends his claws, Team Rocket and their Pokémon all jump towards Pikachu. A Thunderbolt, Dark Pulse, and Dazzling Gleam send them all flying.

Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy arrived shortly after, saying that they got there as fast as they could. And the Shinx wants to join our team, so we capture the Pokemon.

Shinx: The Flash Pokemon: Electric Type. Its forelegs have a muscle-based system of generating electricity. Its body shines if endangered.

After the problem is solved, the owner thanks us as we decide to prepare for the Contest. And while we're at the gate that leads to Route 218, we also find a fisherman and he says, "An Old Rod is a good thing! You think so too, am I right?"

Then he gives Dawn and the others some Old Rod. I don't need it because I already have it. And when we try fishing at Route 218, Lillie captures a Finneon.

Finneon: The Wing Fish Pokemon: Water Type. The way its two tail fins flutter while it swims has earned it the nickname "Beautifly of the Sea."

Inside the Jubilife Pokémon Center, Dawn shows off her new dress to her mother, who is on the video phone.

"Thank you, Mom. I really like this dress." Dawn says.

"No problem." Johanna says. "Though there should've been a choker in that box."

"I didn't see a choker..." Dawn says, and just then, a Glameow approaches them with the choker on the tail. Then the Glameow's trainer comes and says, "There you are."

"Are you the one who found this?" Dawn asks.

"It was on the floor in the dressing room. Matching that with the owner is a breeze. She's the only girl with the complex that she's wearing something that will go with it." The girl says.

Then when Dawn tries to tell her mother that no need to worry, we notice that the girl has already left.

Then we decide to train with our Pokemon with the Contests, and Lillie asks, "So Ash, who are you going to use in this contest? I think every Pokemon has potential."

"Well, Aipom wants to do it this time." I say as the said monkey Pokemon climbs onto my shoulder and confirms it. She performs a Double Team and Swift combination to create a large glowing star and then lands on her tail.

"That is a good-looking move you have there, Aipom." I say.

"But did you register for the Contest yet?" Gladion asks as we pale.

"Oh no! I totally forgot!" Dawn and I yell in horror as we all rush to the Contest hall. Fortunately, the concierge helps me update the Contest Pass to Sinnoh Contests and gives Dawn one, she also gives us more seals for the Pokeballs.

"Looks like I got another seal for my collection." I say as I take out the seal case, then Dawn notices it and says, "Wow...Ash. Where do you get those seals?"

"Well, consider that I partake in 3 regions and my mom is the founder of the Contests. Not to mention that one of our friends also gave me at my Seventh birthday."

Tox says, "It sure brings back old memories."

Daniel says, "But those are so cool, so what seal are you going to use?"

"It's up to Aipom to decide." I say as Aipom chooses his own seal.

The next day when the Contest begins, this time the announcer is the third of the three siblings... Marian. I think this is the first time I see her considering that I met Lilian in both Kanto and Johto while Vivian was in Hoenn. However, I notice that Dawn is late as I can't see her in the waiting room.

"I had a lot of trouble with my hair, but Zoey, the girl who we met before, helped me with it." Dawn says after she arrives at the waiting room.

In the Appeal Round, the first Coordinator is actually the same girl, Zoey.

Zoey calls out her Misdreavus, which appears in the middle of a cloud from a smoke Seal. Its silhouette can be seen as Zoey tells it to use Double Team, before dispersing the doubles and the smoke with Confuse Ray. Zoey finishes the appeal with Misdreavus using Shock Wave to create large waves of electricity spreading outwards towards the edge of the Hall.

Next, it is Jessie's turn. She calls out Carnivine, which appears from behind her with a heart Seal. Jessie throws her "lollipop", which splits into many smaller ones before Carnivine breaks them all with Bullet Seed. Jessie then tells it to use Bite, and it does, on her head. Jessie panics at first before playing along with it.

"That's gotta hurt... but talk about dedication." Gladion says.

"As long as she doesn't cheat again, I guess it is fine." I say.

Lillie says, "For that I have to agree with you. But it seems that you're next, Ash."

"Yeah. Pikachu, Absol, Togetic, watch me win this, okay?"

The three Pokemon all nod as we go to the stage.

"Our next contestant, please welcome Ash Ketchum! Who has won 3 Grand Festivals in the past 2 years!" Everyone cheers as I enter the field. I call out Aipom, which then uses Swift to break the stars from the star Seal on her Poké Ball. Then she uses Double Team, before using a spinning Focus Punch to hit all the doubles. She finishes by landing on her tail.

"The next one is Dawn Berlitz! It is her first doubt!"

When Dawn goes to the stage, she is a little nervous. But she gets her act together and calls out Piplup. Piplup uses Bubble Beam to keep the bubbles from the Foamy Seal suspended in the air and stores up energy for a powerful Peck, before proceeding to pop all the bubbles.

"Dawn, you were awesome." Lillie says.

"You should feel pretty good." Tox says.

"I guess I should be, but..." Dawn then kneels to the ground with a tired tone. "I'm just so relieved that it's finally over."

"It's too soon to be relieved, isn't it?" Zoey says while helping her up. "We still got to meet in the finals, right?"

Then it is time to announce the battle round, and Zoey, Jessie, Dawn, and I are 4 of the 8 that advance. "Congrats."

"Zoey, the way you do that looks easy, it's no wonder you already got a ribbon." Dawn says.

"Well, there is a Top Coordinator beside you." Zoey says as we shake hands. "Ash Ketchum. It's nice to meet you in person."

"Same here, and thank you for helping Dawn out there." I say.

"I heard that you also do gyms, too. But can you tell the difference between Contests and Gyms?" Zoey asks.

"That sure is a good question, before I became a trainer, my mom taught me everything about it. And considering that there are also gym leaders who are top coordinators, there is nothing to be worried about." I say.

"I see. I will also be looking forward to battle you." She says as she leaves.

Dawn now faces Zoey in the quarter-finals. Dawn sends out Buneary while Zoey sends out Glameow. Buneary uses Ice Beam, but Glameow uses Shadow Claw to block the attack and Dawn loses points. Buneary uses Bounce, and Glameow jumps with its tail, soaring above Buneary and using Fury Swipes. Glameow uses Iron Tail, but Buneary blocks with both her ears, taking Zoey's points. Glameow spins its tail, spinning Buneary and sending her flying. Buneary uses Ice Beam again, but Glameow dodges. However, the attack creates an ice field around Glameow, causing it to slide. Buneary uses Dizzy Punch and Bounce, landing multiple attacks due to the ice. With thirty seconds left, Buneary uses Dizzy Punch again. Glameow uses Shadow Claw to attack the ice and sends shards against Buneary, stopping the attack. Glameow springs up with Iron Tail and knocks Buneary down. Time expires and Zoey wins the round.

"Don't be sad, Dawn. You have done a good job." I say to her.

"Yeah, but still, I lost." Dawn says.

"Losing is nothing to be ashamed of. What matters is what you learn from the loss." I say.

In the semi-finals, Zoey faces Jessie. Only one minute is left, and Zoey has the lead, but Carnivine has Glameow wrapped. Carnivine tries to Bite, but Glameow's Shadow Claw strikes back and frees itself. Glameow attacks with Fury Swipes. Carnivine fires Bullet Seed, but Glameow dodges and uses Iron Tail to empty Jessie's points.

"How can I lose!" Jessie storms off angrily.

I say, "So I am facing Zoey..."

Dawn says, "I am sure you will win this."

I go for Roselia while Zoey sends out Glameow. I have Roselia use Solar Beam, which Glameow cut in half with Shadow Claw, causing both to lose points. Then Zoey is the one who keeps losing points as I finish off with a Venoshock on the poisoned Glameow.

"It is settled! The winner of the Jubilife Contest is Ash Ketchum!" Then everyone cheers for me as he gets his first ribbon.

"I can see why I lost the battle. You really are a top coordinator." Zoey says.

"Thanks, but we will be facing each other soon." I say.

"Yeah. And I am not going to lose." Zoey vows.

Back outside, I'm tackled by Lillie for his win, and then we all cheer up Dawn so that she can do well next time.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Ash gets his first Ribbon and I hope you like it.

Ash + Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Nosepass, Roselia, Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Piplup, Starly, Bidoof, Kricketot, Shinx, Finneon

Dawn's Pokemon:

Piplup, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:


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