Chapter 5

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When we arrive at Route 203, we head to the Route 203 so we can get to Oreburgh City. We find Barry and he says, "Hey! Dawn! Tell me you got a little tougher!"

"Why don't you say it first?" Dawn asks with slight annoyance.

"Me? Do you even need to ask? Of course, I got tougher! Come on! Let's battle it out!" Barry says.

"No thank you, I really don't want to battle..." Dawn says.

"Then how about I battle you?" I ask, and Barry says, "You? That's fine for me. Just because you're a Champion doesn't mean I'm going to lose!"

He uses two Pokemon, a Starly and a Chimchar. When he sends out Chimchar, Dawn has to stop Piplup from trying to fight the Chimchar. Gladion says, "Looks like your Piplup has some issues."

"Well, both Barry and I got the Starter Pokemon at the same time. Back then those two run away because Chimchar stole Piplup's Pokemon Food, or that's what I heard from Dad." Dawn says.

All I need is to use Finneon to defeat both Pokemon with ease. Barry says, "Waah! What do you mean I lost?! Well, that's it! That's the last time I'll ever lose! I'm going to be the world's toughest Trainer, and you know it! The first thing to do is take on the Oreburgh City Pokémon Gym! I'm gonna toughen up for that, totally!"

Then he runs away, and we sigh. Lillie says, "He sure is a weird person..."

"Talk about it..." Daniel says.

There aren't any new Pokemon for us to capture in Route 203, so we head inside Oreburgh Gate. And just when we're inside, we find a Hiker and he says, "Oh, lookie there! You've got a Poketch! Hmm... You're still a pretty new Trainer, aren't you?"

"Well, only Dawn is new." Tox says.

"But it's all good! You're a new fellow friend of Pokemon! So let me make a gift of this HM to you!" Great... another HM for Rock Smash? Dawn is the one accepting the Rock Smash.

"You can try to register the HM on the Hidden Moves app on the Poketch, which is something you can't do on the Rotom Phone. Use Rock Smash from your Poketch, and a wild Pokemon will get rid of boulders on your path! But to use this hidden move in the field, you'll first need the Gym Badge from Oreburgh City. I'm looking forward to seeing your growth."

After he leaves, I say, "That will be convenient if we can just use the HM from the Poketch instead."

"Yeah, so how about you register all the HMs first?" Lillie asks as I do it all on the Poketch.

We finally arrive at Oreburgh City, and Dawn says, "It sure looks like a great place for both of you with the first Sinnoh Gym battle."

"Also a great place to get our first badges." Lillie says.

When we arrive at the gym, we find Barry again, and he says, "Hunh? Oh, it's you, guys! You finally got here? You're slow like always. You're so slow, the Gym Leader's long gone now. He said he had to go... Uh... Oh, yeah, to Oreburgh Mine! I got my Badge already, so it's no big deal to me, but..."

"Don't worry, we'll go to Oreburgh Mine to find him." I say as we all head there. On the way, we find a commercial that the next Contest will be held in Floramora Town, and the Fossil Restoration machine in the Oreburgh Museum is also stolen.

We then quickly head to the Oreburgh Mine, and we find Roark there. "OK, stand back and watch this. Using the hidden move Rock Smash, a boulder blocking your way..."

Then he has Cranidos using the attack and smash the rock. "Fallen boulders need to be smashed so they're out of the way. If you could get the Badge from the Gym in town, you'd be able to do this too. Of course, you'd have to beat the Gym Leader first. That'd be me!"

"Of course, we're looking for you. We want to have a gym battle with you." I say.

"I see. Let's go to the gym and we'll have a match there." But just when we get there, we find an Aerodactyl rampaging in the city. And it attacks the museum and the Fossil Pokemon is heading out.

"The ancient Pokemon is on a rampage..." Daniel gasps.

Then we rush to the Fossil Restoration Lab and Roark says, "You've got to let me handle this! Cranidos will help us!"

Then we also try to help out, and Cranidos uses Flamethrower to distract them so I have Absol use Night Slash. After defeating them, suddenly, three mechanical hands grab Kabutops, Armaldo, and Roark's Cranidos.

Why are we not surprised, it is Team Rocket and they are the ones who stole the Fossil Restoration machine. And it is then the Aerodactyl comes and fires a Hyper Beam, freeing the fossil Pokemon and also hitting Team Rocket's machine.

Cranidos is now fighting Aerodactyl, and with the help of Togetic and Lapras, Aerodactyl is then captured by the lab scientists. Team Rocket is now back on their feet as they try to run away with the machine. Cranidos teams up with our Magneton and gets the machine back while finishing with Zen Headbutt and Magnet Bomb, sending Team Rocket flying.

"What a powerful Cranidos. Roark, I would like to battle that Pokemon." I say.

"Oh? And what kind of strategy are you going to use against it? I'm looking for it." Roark says as he heads back to the gym first. But just after we finish healing and heading there, we are surprised to see Paul there.

"It's Paul!" I gasp in surprise.

"Do I know you?" He asks, much to our annoyance.

"So you're here for a gym battle, too, am I right?" Lillie asks.

"So what?" Paul asks.

Then Roark comes and says, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. I'm Roark. The gym leader. Nice to meet you."

And it turns out that Paul already has reserved the match before us, so Roark is going to battle him first. Watching the match is getting our nerves, whenever Paul loses one Pokemon, he always says that they are weak or useless. Even Paul wins the gym battle, he just walks away with the badge.

"That guy..." I say.

"Ash, calm down. Right now just focus our gym battle." Lillie says.

"You are right." I sigh.

And while Roark is going to heal his Pokemon, we find Paul has already released the Pokemon because he's weak.

"You released the Azumarill because it's lost?" I demand.

"That's as good as Azumarill will gonna get." Paul says.

"You could've trained it, you know!" I say.

"No, that one was a lost cause. And I thought you want to win." Paul says.

"I do, but not the way you're doing it!" I say, and Paul just leaves.

Then we head to the gym, and we find the gym guide who says, "Howdy! How's it going, Champ-to-be? That's what I said to a really impatient boy earlier, too. The Gym Leader is a user of Rock-type Pokémon. Well, listen. Rock-type Pokémon really hate water, all right? They're also weak to Grass-type moves. Gee, they sure have weaknesses! But don't think it will be easy. You don't get to be a Gym Leader without covering for weaknesses. Going after a Rock-type Pokémon with a Fire-type Pokémon won't be easy, either. That's all the advice I can give. Thanks for listening!"

After listening to the advice, we start our battle and the first trainer is Youngster Johanaton. He says, "You avoided the long way around? Let's see why you do that!"

"I just want to have a battle." I say. He uses only one Pokemon and is a Geodude, just like Hoenn or Kanto. I go for Piplup, using the Bubble Beam to defeat it with ease. "Now I understand why you decided to battle with me."

Then the next trainer is a youngster named Darius, and he says, "Only those who want to win can challenge a Pokemon Gym!"

He uses two Pokemon: a Geodude and an Onix. I go for Sceptile this time to sweep through the team. "Gggh... This is humiliating!"

Then we finally reach Roark, and we're battling on the same battlefield that he battled Paul. I notice both Dawn and Lillie are in cheerleader outfits and I blush a little.

"What's with the outfits?" I ask.

"It's Dawn's idea. We're going to cheer for you." Lillie says.

"Thanks." I say, both of them look really nice on those outfits. I'm glad I didn't have a nosebleed right now.

"Welcome! This is the Oreburgh Pokémon Gym! I'm Roark, the Gym Leader! I'm but one Trainer who decided to walk proudly with Rock-type Pokémon! As the Gym Leader, I need to see your potential as a Trainer. And, I'll need to see the toughness of the Pokémon that battle with you!"

As the battle begins, Roark sends out Geodude first while I go with Piplup. Piplup starts with Bubble Beam, but it is deflected perfectly by Geodude using Hidden Power. Piplup is sent flying, and Roark uses this to his advantage to tell Geodude to use Rollout to attack again. Geodude does so, smashing right into Piplup and sending it flying again. Piplup smashes right into the ground and is declared unable to battle by the referee.

"No way, Piplup lost to the Rock and Ground type?" Dawn says as her Piplup looks worried.

Gladion says," Just like Paul's battle, Roark has let his Pokemon trained to deflect Water Types."

"Piplup, you did great. Have a good rest. Turtwig, I choose you!" I recall Piplup and send out Turtwig. And with a Razor Leaf, Geodude is out of the battlefield.

Roark then sends out his next Pokémon, Onix. I have Turtwig to use Razor Leaf again, but Onix dodges and uses Iron Tail. Turtwig dodges, but Onix uses Stealth Rock, much to my shock.

"What is Stealth Rock?" Dawn asks.

"It is a tricky move, when you send out the Pokemon to the field, the Pokemon have to get some damage first before the battle begins." Tox says. "Not only that, the damage will vary as Flying, Fire or Ice will take more damage because they are weak to Rock."

"So Ash can't easily switch out Pokemon..." Daniel says.

I am not afraid of that move, so I have Turtwig finishes Onix with a Vine Whip.

"It has been a good battle so far, think you can take down the next Pokémon like you did earlier? Cranidos!"

Cranidos uses Iron Head first. Turtwig tries to dodge, but he is hit. Then Turtwig uses Leech Seed, trying to suck its energy, but Turtwig is defeated by Rock Tomb and Stone Edge.

My final Pokemon is Crystal Steelix, Roark sees it and says, "I have seen a Shiny Pokemon before...but I have never seen a Crystal sure full of surprises, Ash."

"Thanks. But he is not a pushover." I say.

Cranidos tries to use Headbutt, but Steelix uses the chance to grab Cranidos and wrap it. Not long after, Steelix uses Crunch on Cranidos, causing him to faint.

"W-what? That can't be! My buffed-up Pokémon!" Roark says. I hug Steelix for the victory, and Roark recalls the Cranidos and says, "You were strong, and I was weak. That's all there is. According to Pokémon League rules, I have to give you our Gym Badge since you've beaten me, the Leader. Here's your official Pokémon League Coal Badge."

I take the badge and Roark says, "Having that Coal Badge means your Pokémon can now use the hidden move Rock Smash outside of battle."

"That's good to know." Then Lillie also comes and congratulates us. Then Lillie also asks for the Gym battle, and Roark agrees to have it tomorrow.

The next day, Lillie is the one on the battlefield as Roark says, "Well, well. Ash did give me a great battle yesterday, I wonder what you can show me?"

"We'll see about that." Lillie says with a smile.

Roark decides to go with Onix first this time, Lillie says, "So Onix is up first. You're ready to go, Pikachu?"

Pikachu jumps from my lap and then rushes to the battlefield, finally having a chance to battle with Lillie.

Pikachu uses Quick Attack, but Onix quickly uses Slam. "Come on, Normal Type attacks are not going to cause damage to Onix."

"I'm not using it to cause damage." Lillie says, "Pikachu, dodge and climb onto Onix now!"

Pikachu quickly dodges the attack and climbs onto Onix. Onix uses Screech to get Pikachu off, but it fails. Onix tries to shake Pikachu off, but it holds on tight.

"You can do it, Pikachu! Use Iron Tail and give it your best shot!" Pikachu quickly uses Iron Tail and hits Onix.

"Right on target." Gladion says.

"And it is a strong hit, too." Daniel says.

Onix uses Double-Edge, but Lillie tells Pikachu to spin, avoiding the attack, and Pikachu uses Iron Tail. Onix dodges the move, and then Onix slams Pikachu right down to the ground. Onix uses Stealth Rock. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and destroys every rock near it. It also hits Onix badly. Lillie tells Pikachu to use Iron Tail. Roark told Onix to use Screech, but before it got a chance, Onix was hit, knocking Onix out.

"Alright! Pikachu! Way to go!" Lillie cheers.

"That pressure sure brings it over the top." I comment, and I can see that Buneary is blushing around Pikachu... I wonder...

"That was quite an impressive move you just made. It blew back all that debris and pulled back Onix's Stealth Rock at the same time. And I don't need to tell you how difficult that is to cause Onix any damage at all."

"Thanks for your kind words." Lillie says.

"But that's behind us now. Geodude! Let's go!" After sending out the second Pokemon, Lillie says, "That Geodude sure is something. Pikachu, you take a break."

Pikachu rushes back and Lillie sends out Aipom.

Aipom uses Swift on Geodude. It doesn't hit it because Geodude uses Rollout. Aipom uses Double Team and Geodude hits the wrong copy. Aipom uses Focus Punch, but Geodude blocks the attack. Geodude uses Seismic Toss and Rollout on Aipom, but it dodges the Rollout.

"Aipom too?" Roark asks after seeing Aipom using the same move as Pikachu. Aipom uses Focus Punch again and knocks Geodude out.

"Alright Aipom! Way to go!" Lillie says.

"That's two wins in a row!" Dawn says.

"No doubt that Lillie and our team do really well as well. But... both Pikachu and Aipom are exhausted after all that intense battling." I say.

"It's true." Gladion adds, "Even if Lillie has a 2-0 win now, there is still Cranidos."

"Lillie, most impressive. The way you take a serious disadvantage and turn it around is greatly noted. Great strategy, but remember you haven't won until you beated my third Pokemon as well."

"I know, and I'm ready too." Lillie says.

"Time will tell the tale. Go! Cranidos!" The final Pokemon is Cranidos.

Aipom uses Swift, but it doesn't affect Cranidos at all. Cranidos uses a Headbutt, but before Aipom can dodge it, it is hit and knocked out. Lillie sends out Pikachu again. Lillie tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, but Cranidos dodges and uses Zen Headbutt. Pikachu tries to jump away but is hurt by the Zen Headbutt. Pikachu uses Quick Attack. Cranidos is about to use Headbutt, but Pikachu jumps away. Cranidos throws Pikachu off with its tail. Pikachu uses Iron Tail and Cranidos uses Zen Headbutt. Cranidos uses Zen Headbutt one more time and Pikachu is knocked out.

"Even Pikachu can't handle Cranidos?" Dawn says in a shocked tone.

"Wow, it is very amazing..." I say.

Lillie takes a deep breath and says, "Milotic, you are up!"

Cranidos uses Zen Headbutt on Milotic, but it uses Surf to wash it back. Then Milotic uses Ice Beam, which is deflected by Flamethrower, Cranidos tries to use Head Smash, but Milotic uses Dive to dodge it and hit Rampardos with a Wrap, causing it to get trapped. Then Milotic finishes it off with the Iron Tail.

"Milotic! We did it! You are so awesome!" Lillie hugs Milotic.

"She really did it! She won the Gym battle!" Dawn says.

Roark says, "The way you adapted quickly to change conditions is amazing. So, here is the proof of your Oreburgh Gym victory. The Coal Badge."

Lillie takes the badge and thanks him. And just when we bid Roark farewell, we head outside to find Barry, who crashes into me once more.

"Thud! Whoops! Ash and Lillie! You got the Gym Badge, huh?" Barry asks.

"Of course we do." I say.

"Eterna City is the next place with a Gym that gives away Badges, right? So, yeah, I went to Route 207, but you can't go there without a Bicycle. I made my team battle and toughened them up, so it wasn't a waste. So, I'm going back to Jubilife City. Next stop, the Eterna Gym Badge! Ten seconds before I dash! Nine... Bah! Who's got time to count?!"

And then he rushes away, we sigh before also leaving Oreburgh Gate and head back to Jubilife City.

Here is a new chapter and in this chapter, Ash and Lillie get their first Gym badge. The next chapter will be the meeting of a certain Hunter.

Ash + Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Nosepass, Roselia, Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Piplup, Starly, Bidoof, Kricketot, Shinx, Finneon

Dawn's Pokemon:

Piplup, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:


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