Chapter 6

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When we are back at Jubilife City, we stumble across a man that we aren't expecting to see. "Agent Looker, is that you?"

The said man flinches before turning around. He says, "Ash Ketchum. Nice seeing you here after the Team Plasma thing."

"Team Plasma?" Daniel asks, "What's that?"

I say, "A team in Unova. So what are you doing here? Another International Police business?"

"Wait, you mean this guy is a member of the International Police?" Dawn asks.

"...Heh. You claim you were only making conversation, do you? But, I know better not to believe that. No, no, no. You recognized right away that I was someone extraordinary. That is why you spoke to me, is it not? Your power of observation is fearsome! Quite admirable, you are! Now that my cover has been blown, let me introduce myself. I am a globe-trotting elite of the International Police. My name... Ah, no. I shall inform you only of my code name. My code name is Looker. It is what they all call me. Incidentally, is the saying, 'Don't be a thief!' familiar to you?"

We sweatdrop and I ask, "Was that the thing my Mom asked you to say?"

"Unfortunately, there are apparently those who do not heed those words. In Sinnoh, in fact, there are criminals stealing the Pokémon of others. I have, therefore, been on the lookout for characters arousing my suspicion. Anyway, I have a request. If you were to see me again, I ask that you not talk to me, for I am on duty. ...Actually, yes, yes, you may speak to me. You must. Not because I am lonely, no, no! You must inform me of bad guys! You must inform me of any happenings!"

Then he just leaves, and Gladion says, "So care to tell us about Team Plasma?"

"Team Plasma is a group led by my Dad's Dark Self, Lillie and I went undercover for 5 years and it is thanks to Hilbert and Hilda that they are defeated." I say.

"Wait, you undercover Team Plasma for five years while doing all those things at the same time?" Tox asks.

"Yeah. And that also reminds me, your grandfather Gorm was also one of the members." I say, much to Tox and Dawn's surprise. "No way..."

"Yeah, but remember Team Plasma is not like Team Rocket, they are not all evil." Lillie says. "They care about the Pokemon and they just want their best."

And then we find Professor Rowan and Lucas confronting two people with green hair.

"Ah, you guys. Impeccable timing, as always." Professor Rowan says. "These miscreants are babbling utter nonsense that I just can't stomach. Show them some manners, if you will."

"Oh, Professor, must you be so difficult? We are approaching you strictly as businessmen." "All you must do is provide us with all your research findings. In return, we'll see to it that your assistant doesn't become collateral damage."

"What are you doing with our brother?" Dawn demands and Lucas says, "They've not done anything yet. Join me and battle these guys!"

We battle the two Galactic grunts, and they use Zubat and Wurmple, much to our surprise. After defeating them with ease, they are shocked and one says, "You leave us no option. We will retreat for now."

"Because Team Galactic is benevolent to all, we shall leave." Another one says before leaving.

Professor Rowan says, "So... They call themselves Team Galactic, do they?"

"I guess so." I say, "So what do they want with you?"

"When Pokemon evolve, they seem to release some sort of energy. I believe it's a mystic power far beyond our control. But Team Galactic seems to be trying to harness that power for something... Anyway, well done! All of you battle quite capably. Seeing you Trainers battle side by side with your Pokemon only makes me more confident in my decision to entrust you with a Pokedex."

Lucas says, "Did you know about this? The professor studies about the evolution of Pokémon, too. According to his research, 90% of all Pokémon are somehow tied to evolution! I guess that means some Pokémon must undergo weird evolutions. So... Let's keep working on our Pokédex project for the prof!"

"You bet." Lillie says as we bid farewell to the others. Just then, a girl comes to us, and she says, "Whooa, what was that just now? That was amazing! Those guys looked awfully scary, but you sure showed 'em! Whew, that was like a breath of fresh air!"

"Um... who are you?" Gladion asks.

"Anyway, my name's Bebe, and I work as a system administrator in Hearthome City east of here. Now, as thanks for putting on such a good show, I'll let you access Pokemon Boxes from anywhere!"

So she is the Bill or Lanette of this region... and she gives Dawn the storage access just like we have. After we're done, we head to Route 204.

On Route 204, we meet a Pachirisu who is causing us trouble due to its energetic attitude. Dawn has captured him with the help of the others. But she has decided to release it, which turns out to be a mistake. But Pachirisu helps us defeat Team Rocket, and he rejoins Dawn's team.

After getting past the Ravaged Path, which is a small cave that is located on Route 204, separating Jubilife City from Floaroma Town, we are now at the north side of Route 204. The Pokemon that can be countered are actually different in the south and the north sides, I wonder why.

But just we are training with Gardevoir, we notice a Salamence flying towards us. There is a woman on top of it and she says, "Target identified."

"Who are you?" We demand, but she sends out Ariados and shoots String Shots at us. She says, "I'll take Gardevoir!"

"Gardevoir! Teleport away now!" I yell, but she just smirks and says, "You should be grateful, Gardevoir. Your beauty will be preserved for eternity."

Much to our horror, just when Gardevoir reappears, the person shoots out some sort of beam and now Gardevoir has turned into a stone.

"Gardevoir! No!" We gasp in horror as we see her calling others to take Gardevoir away. The minions have come with the truck and Gardevoir is in a capsule as they are taken away.

"That's my Gardevoir! Give it back!" We break free of the String Shot and chase after the truck. "Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu tries to attack the truck, but it doesn't seem to bridge. The same person with the Salamence appears in front of me and says, "An impressive Thunderbolt."

"You can't just steal my Pokemon!" I say back.

"That's quite a Pikachu you got there. It'll get a good price." Price? So she must be one of those notorious hunters. And she sends out a Drapion

"I love to see Pikachu's other moves. So bring it on." I have Pikachu use Volt Tackle, but Drapion just quickly dodges it.

"Marvelous, no doubt you will earn quite a lot." Then she fires the cement beam at Pikachu, turning it into a stone.

"No! Pikachu!" I yell.

"Pikachu's fine. I protected my investments." Then she tries to tie me again, but it is not going to affect me. "Pikachu! You can't do that!"

"Ash!" The others arrive at me and Lillie asks, "What happened?"

"She also got Pikachu!" I say with anger. We continue to chase and we also find that Team Rocket is also trapped with the String Shot, but we decide to ignore them and we notice that they have escaped to the giant airship.

"They're gone..." Dawn says. But just then, my Mom and another person rushed towards us.

"She got away again!" My mom grits her teeth.

"Mom? And Jane?" We are surprised. Jane is Chairman Rose's first daughter, and they are from the Galar Region. "What are you doing here?"

"When we heard she was here, we come as soon as possible." My Mom says. "But it's too late, she didn't get your Pokemon, right?"

"She took Gardevoir and Pikachu." I say. "But who is she?"

Jane says, "That was my Dark Self. You see, our family is also aura users with the Dark Phases, when we try to clean our dark selves, they escape and I know that mine is known as J and now has a fearsome reputation of a Pokemon Hunter."

"Seriously? Another Dark Phase problem?" Lillie groans. "And I thought Team Plasma was enough..."

"But what is a Pokemon Hunter?" Dawn asks.

"They catch Pokemon just so they can turn them around and sell them for money." My Mom explains.

"Not to mention she stole one of the products of my Dad's company, she can turn any of her projects into cement." Jane says. "This is my problem and I'm going to fix it."

We are also furious and I say, "I swear, we're going to eliminate her so that she won't steal another Pokemon. And we're going to take Pikachu and Gardevoir back!"

Gladion asks, "So do you have any clues of where J went?"

Jane says, "After trying to chase her for months, I can say for sure that after she gets a Pokemon, she makes her leave in her airship. The only thing I can do now is to track my aura..."

Daniel says, "I wonder... if we can predict the next place she'll show up..."

Lillie says, "Maybe Kirlia can help us after all."

I send out Kirlia, and after learning his sister being stolen, he is furious and I say, "The person who stole Gardevoir looks like Jane here. We need to know where she'll hunt for the Pokemon next."

Kirlia uses Future Sight and we find a small house with a waterwheel, right near the river, down at the end of the woods. But Kirlia falls to the ground and I ask, "Kirlia, are you okay?"

"I'm fine... they can't take my sister away..." Kirlia weakly says.

When we get there, we find that J is trying to get an Abosl. I yell, "J! Give me Pikachu back now!"

"Oh, you." J mutters, and it is the same time that both my Mom and Jane arrive. "I finally found you again. You're not getting away this time."

"I think I should commend you for trying to follow me all this time. Salamence, Hyper Beam!"

When Salamence is trying to attack, I have Absol use Dark Pulse, J says, "Maybe this Absol is better than the other one."

And then she fires the same weapon at my Absol, much to my horror, and they are also trying to leave. "You're not taking one of my Pokemon as well!"

Lillie and I try to grab onto J's truck, and we also notice Team Rocket also there. James says, "That hunter has stolen poor Meowth as well."

The others aren't fast enough as the truck is getting into the plane and now we're all inside.

We manage to sneak into the base with Team Rocket, and we decide to split up and find the stolen Pokémon. I send out Sneasel to help out, and she has already found where the Pokemon are. But just when we are trying to follow Sneasel, we are stopped by a Drapion.

"Lillie!" We gasp as the Drapion grabs Lillie.

"Following me this far is brave indeed. But now that you're here, I can't allow you to leave." Sneasel uses Fury Swipes to break Lillie out, and I say, "We're going to get my Pokemon back out! Rhydon! Come out and help Sneasel!"

After sending out another Pokemon, J says, "They're not worth a thing. Do whatever you like."

Drapion uses Poison Sting, but Sneasel and Rhydon counter with Icy Wind and Rock Blast, but their attacks don't damage the Ogre Scorpion Pokémon. Drapion hits both Pokemon with Cross Poison.

When Team Rocket arrives, it seems that we're cornered. But we find a vent as we go inside. I recall Rhydon because he's too big. But Sneasel goes for Powder Snow, taking them out.

After we find the room where Pikachu, Absol, Gardevoir, and Meowth are, we rescue them but end up cornered by J's henchmen. One of J's minions sends out a Golbat. Before Golbat can attack with its Steel Wing, I have Pikachu use Volt Tackle. Golbat gets back in the air and uses Supersonic, but Absol hits Golbat with a Psycho Cut. The attack also destroys the airlock, causing the air to rush out of the room.

"Return!" I recall Sneasel and I send out Murkrow and ask him to tell my Mom where we are. Then we feel that the pod is detached, and just as we are about to land, I say, "Gardevoir, Teleport us away now. We'll do it as well."

Then we manage to teleport away, and it is also then my Mom, Dawn, and the others arrive. "Are you two okay?"

"We're fine." Lillie says.

As for J's henchmen, my Mom and Jane manage to tie them up, and now taken away. As for Team Rocket, this time they don't bother us and they have already left. I say, "We're sorry that we let her get away..."

"But how cruel can she get? And to think people like that actually exist..." Dawn mutters.

"It was my fault... if we're careful enough, we won't let our Dark Selves escape like this..." Jane says while gritting her teeth. My Mom says, "Don't worry, we will capture her one of these days. Right now we should interrogate those guys to know more about J. Nobody gets away with it forever."

Here is a new chapter, and this marks Route 204 along with the famous Hunter J's debut appearance. And J is another Dark Phase that is on the run like Ghetsis. I hope you like this chapter and the next one is Floramora Town.

Ash + Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Nosepass, Roselia, Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Turtwig, Piplup, Starly, Bidoof, Kricketot, Shinx, Finneon

Dawn's Pokemon:

Piplup, Pachirisu, Buneary

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:


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