Chapter 46

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We finally arrive at the Contest Hall, and I say to Dawn, "Sorry, Dawn. But I'm going to win this Grand Festival."

"You may have won 3 Grand Festivals in a row, but I am not going to lose, you know." Dawn replies.

After we enter the hall, we find Nando being interviewed, after he is done, it is our turn, as Nando greets the rest. Lillie asks, "So you also made it to the Grand Festival?"

"Indeed. I also have 7 badges, I need one more to compete in the league as well. It is thanks to you for encouraging me to pursue both competitions." Nando says.

"That is the same as Lillie." Tox says, "Though Ash has 8 badges already."

After the Interview, we're back, and we find Kenny approaching us. "Got you, Dee-dee."

"Hey, Kenny, long time no see." I say.

"I'm going to win this with my great Fusion move. Dee-dee." Kenny says.

"We're the same as well." Dawn says.

Kenny is surprised that Dawn is not trying to say about the name, Dawn says, "I got over that Dee-dee thing a long time ago. And I'm not afraid of Plusle and Minun."

Speaking of the devil, a Plusle and Minum appear and leap onto Dawn's shoulders, giving Dawn a diamond dandruff frizz. And Dawn just didn't show her weakness as she quickly fixed her hair.

"Wait, a minute, aren't these two..." I ask.

"It's my little ones, you know." We turn to see Ursula here as well. "Dawn, I'm counting on you to make me look good today."

After she leaves, Kenny says, "Sounds like you two have a history..."

"Uh... I guess you can put it that way." Dawn says.

And that's also when Zoey arrives. Clasping her hand, the two exchange greetings and talk about fulfilling their promise to meet in the final round of the Grand Festival. Later that night, Dawn stands on a balcony with her Pokémon. She shows her Pokemon all the Ribbon her mother gave her the day she started her journey and says that she wants to honor her mother's Ribbon by winning the next day.

The next morning, we are still training with Togekiss and Gabite, until Kenny approaches us. "Hey, Ash! Where's Dawn?"

"She's been going crazy since this morning, but I'm gonna wait until she has it." I say.

"That's Dawn all right." Kenny chuckles.

Now the Grand Festival is starting, and Marian is now announcing and she says that all of the rounds are going to be Doubles. When announcing the judges, we find that this time the guest judge is the gym leader of Hearthome City Fantina.

"So this time it's Fantina." I say with a smile.

"There's a special judge?" Dawn asks.

"Of course, every Grand Festival has a Guest Judge." I say. "My Mom is the Guest Judge in the Kanto considering that she's also the Kanto Champion."

As the performance round begins, Ursula is the first one as she uses two Eevees and lets them evolve in the middle of the performance, finishing with the Vaporeon and Flareon's performances. I am also surprised because I was also trying to use the Eeveelution for the first round.

Nando uses Kricketot and Altaria. The two start by floating through the air and spinning together and Altaria goes upward using Perish Song and Kricketot remains on the ground and uses Sing. The two combine and make the music notes glow.

Jessilina uses Seviper and Yanmega in the Performance Stage. She has Seviper use Haze to create a circular spiral of smoke around it. She then jumps and flips onto its head without disturbing the Haze. Yanmega uses Sonic Boom and aims it directly at Jessilina, causing a brilliant glow. This attack sheds her original Contest outfit, revealing a brand new one beneath it.

"Our next contestant, we have a Top Coordinator who has won three consecutive victories, please welcome Ash Ketchum!"

I come to the stage and send out Leafeon and Glaceon. The two of them use their Ice and Leaves to make it rain, and then Leafeon uses Sunny Day and melts the ice, making it glow.

Zoey has Lumineon use Aqua Ring and then her Gastrodon blasts out of the tank. Gastrodon uses Water Pulse and it fires at Lumineon and the Aqua Ring bursts into a brilliant light. The lights form into three rings that float over the water's surface, which Lumineon jumps through, as well as Gastrodon. The rings then float closer to the surface and flatten out and shoot up whirlwinds of water. Zoey jumps onto the center and her two Pokémon next to her.

Kenny uses Empoleon and Floatzel, they try to make a Whirlpool rainbow, but it is too powerful as it makes Floatzel collapse.

The final one is Dawn, she uses Rapidash and Quilava. Both of the Pokémon show some fireworks and even make fire wings, causing the judges to look in awe.

Now it is time to see the results of the first round, Dawn, Zoey, Nando, Ursula, Jessie, and I are in the second round. However, Kenny is the one who doesn't make it to the second round.

"Hey guys, congratulations." Kenny walks to us, and I say, "Sorry about your last Fusion move, you trained really hard for it as well."

"But I guess that we didn't focus enough." Kenny says.

That evening, we see that Kenny is already packing his stuff and is now at the main hall of the hotel.

"Yeah. I am going to practice at the next Grand Festival. I hope you can win this festival for sure." Kenny says.

"IT'S DAWN!" Dawn yells, and then they laugh a little before Kenny leaves and bids us farewell.

Dawn is facing Ursula in the battle round, she uses Mamoswine and Pachirisu while Ursula uses Gabite and Flareon. Dawn has been losing points, but thanks to her new move, Ice Chandelier, they defeat Ursula's Pokemon and advance to the next round.

"I lost again... " Ursula says after she is in the makeup room, feeling depressed that she lost to Dawn of all people.

"You know, with your strategy, I thought for a while I couldn't win." Dawn approaches her and she says, "You really are strong, Ursula."

Ursula is surprised to hear this from Dawn, she thinks that she is getting encouraged and she smiles, "You may have won in this festival, even though it is sheer luck. You have to win this till the very end." Ursula says to Dawn, to which she agrees.

After all the rounds, everyone has advanced to the final 8, and Nando is facing against Zoey in the first match the next day. That night, Dawn and her Piplup take a moment to clear their heads on the balcony, thanks to Tox and Daniel, she manages to give her a confidence boost.

As for me, I'm contacting my mother about the progress so far, until I hear the music of the harp. Lillie, Gladion, and I go to investigate and we find Nando playing for dozens of wild Pokémon in the forest.

After noticing us, Nando pauses his rendition and says, "Good evening my friends. I've been making this far in the competition, it is surprising to me, luckily I have my music to calm my nerves."

"I know how you feel." I say, "I actually feel the same way too."

Zoey also greets us and she says, "You know, I really hope you can give me a good battle, Nando."

"Of course." Nando replies. And then they also talk a little about their past experiences before we go to rest.

In the quarter-finals, Nando is facing Zoey. Thinking that Nando may be using Grass or Bug Type Pokemon, we are surprised when Nando summons Lopunny in the battle, not only that, but its performance with Kricketune is like a dancer with a singer. But Zoey, using her Mismagius and Leafeon, manages to overcome it and defeat Nando.

"Looks like we all are destined to face each other." Zoey says to us.

"Yeah. Just who is battling who, we still don't know." I say.

Then the match-up is revealed, I'm facing Zoey first, while Dawn is facing Jessie, much to my surprise she manages to make it this far.

"Looks like we are facing each other first." I say.

"It seems so." Zoey says.

In the battle, Zoey sends out Glameow and Gallade. Ash sends out Gardevoir and Lucario. Lucario uses Aura Sphere while Gardevior uses Psychic to turn it into Aura Shower. Causing Zoey to lose some points. Then Glameow uses Fake Out to prevent Gardevoir from Teleport and Gallade uses Psycho Cut to hit her.

Gallade uses Signal Beam and Glameow uses Iron Tail. The Signal Beam hits Glameow's tail and Glameow spins its tail creating a spinning whirlpool stream of Signal Beam. Lucario uses Bone Rush while Gardevoir uses Dazzling Gleam to do the same. Then they clash with each other, causing them to lose points.

"Time to get serious, should we?" Zoey asks.

"You bet." I say. Glameow uses Shadow Claw with the Psychic to make it bigger, but Lucario uses Dark Pulse and Gardevoir's Moonblast to clash with each other. Lucario uses Metal Sound while Gardevoir uses Disarming Voice to accompany it, causing the two Pokemon to hold their ears. Then the time is up.

"The winner of the Round is, Ash Ketchum, who has 10 points higher than Zoey!"

Zoey recalls her Pokemon and shakes hands with me. "I am glad that I lost to you, which means that I still have a long way to go to your level. But one day, we will be equal."

"Sure. I hope to see the day, too." I reply.

In the next round, Dawn uses Quilava and Lopunny to battle Jessie. She has the advantage after Quilava evolves into Typhlosion and wins. Jessie is raged that she lost, and she yells for her to win.

"Wow, you two are facing each other." Lillie says.

"Yeah. But I am a little worried." Dawn says.

"Why?" Tox asks.

"Considering that Ash has been a three-time Top Coordinator... I am afraid that I can't win." Dawn says.

"That might be true, but he's not invisible. He also loses a lot and you just do not need to worry." Tox says.

And in the final round, Dawn uses Piplup and Togekiss. I decide to go with Togekiss and Absol. Dawn knows that she isn't able to win against me, but she still works really hard by having Piplup holding onto Togekiss' wings and keeps pecking him and making me lose points.

Not to mention that at first, we get a draw, but it's not like the Wallace Cup, we have a 30-second overtime to settle the score, and my Absol is lucky to land the Focus Blast combining with Togekiss' Aura Sphere to finish them off.

"It is settled! The winner of the Sinnoh Grand Festival is Ash Ketchum! His fourth win in a row!" The announcer says.

"Congratulations, Ash. You really are amazing. Togekiss, Piplup, you battle really well." Dawn says.

"If there isn't the overtime like the Wallace Cup, we could've won together." I say, "Sory Dawn."

And then I am handed the Ribbon Cup. Fantina says, "My my Ash. You have made a lot of surprises in the Grand Festival."

"Thanks, Fantina." I say to her.

After getting to the Pokemon Center, we hear the news from Volkner that the gym is ready, and we are actually excited. Then we decide to go outside and we meet Zoey and Nando.

Zoey is going back to Snowpoint City, while Nando is going to get his final badge so that he can face me in the League. After that, we bid farewell as we head back to Sunyshore City by flying.

Here is the Grand Festival Chapter, I know it is shorter compared to the others, but I think this one is already very memorable. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the final gym.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Purugly, Skuntank, Bronzong, Chatot, Spiritomb, Gabite, Lucario, Hippowdon, Drapion, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Lumineon, Abomasnow, Weavile, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Togekiss, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Typhlosion, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Togekiss, Mamoswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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