Chapter 47

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As we are back in Sunyshore City, we get to Cyrus' house, and a woman says, "A long time ago, there was a boy named Cyrus who lived here. He seemed to shun others, and he preferred the company of machines. He was a brilliant student, I recall. I often wonder what became of him."

We are sad because of what we know about Cyrus now, and now he's in prison while the others are still hiding from sight according to my Mom. Then we finally arrive at the newly-made gym, and this time Volkner prepares the gym trainers and some new gimmicks for Lillie to go through.

"Hey, there! How's it going, Champ-to-be? Let me check out your Trainer Case. Let's see how many Badges you have. One, two, three... Woah! Wow! You've already got seven! That means if you can beat this Gym Leader, you're on your way to the Pokémon League next. That also means this is the last time I get to give you advice. This is it, kiddo! Listen carefully... one last time! The Gym Leader here is a master of Electric-type Pokémon! That's all I have to say! The rest is up to you!"

Now Lillie walks towards one of the gear, and she steps on the green button to rotate the gear's pathway, and he continues to rotate until he reaches the first trainer. A School girl named Tiera. "Can you make it to the Gym Leader? You sure now?"

She uses a Pachirisu, so Lillie goes for Gastrodon, using a Mud Bomb to take it out of the battle. "The gears spin round and round... I spin down and out..."

After entering the next room, she rotates the gears so that she can move up the ladder and down. Then she meets School Kid Forrest. "This is the toughest Gym in Sinnoh. That's why I'm here - to learn the best battle techniques around!"

She uses two Pokemon, a Magneton and a Mr. Mime. The last one is surprising to her, but she uses Steelix to knock both of them out with Steel and Ground moves. "You're tough."

Then she continues to rotate until she meets the Guitarist Jerry. "I want to win! I channel that desire through my guitar!"

He uses two Luxio and a Magnemite, and all of them are defeated by Torterra's Earthquake. "We couldn't win... No encores for us..."

Then they continue moving until they reach the Poke Kid Meghan who is guarding the door. "Look at the way I'm dressed. Can't you see that I'm hard-core?"

She uses four Pikachu, and Lillie has to defeat them with Skuntank, something that Pikachu feels slightly offended by. "I was being serious! Don't laugh at me! I mean it!"

Now there is still one more room, and there is a Guitarist Lonnie. "Whether you're a Trainer or a guitarist, it takes dedication to improve your mad skills!"

He goes for a Raichu, so Lillie goes for Torterra again, using Headlong Rush to defeat it with ease. "My skills seem to have let me down. I must have been out of tune!"

She tries to navigate the gears again, and she reaches the sixth trainer. An Ace Trainer Destiny. "I'm not just looking for tough Trainers to battle. I've been battling here because I want to feel the rush!"

She goes for Kadabra, Electabuzz, and Raichu, so Lillie goes for Absol to defeat all three of them with ease. "Your power is so shocking, it's made me go numb."

After climbing the stairs again, she reaches Guitarist Preston. "Spark! This is what our Gym Leader did to the Gym out of boredom!"

He uses two Pokemon, a Bibarel and a Luxio, so Lillie uses Infernape this time and defeats the two Pokemon with ease. "Spark..."

And the final trainer is Ace Trainer Zachery. He says, "Wow! I'm surprised you've come this far, but you'll have to turn back. There isn't any chance that you could ever beat me!"

He uses four Pokemon, a Steelix, a Medicham, a Magneton, and an Electabuzz. All four Pokemon are defeated by Gastrodon in the end. "What makes your Pokemon so special?"

Then we finally reach Volkner and meet him and Flint. Volkner says, "Welcome back, today is a great day for a battle. Let's give it all we got, agreed?"

"Of course." Lillie says, "I've been looking forward to it."

Like mine, it is a four-on-four battle, and this time Volkner's Raichu manages to defeat Carnivine with the Signal Beam, but Lillie has Torterra uses Earthquake to knock it out.

At the same time, we also hear from Flint that Volkner's return has attracted a lot of challengers, but he already decides to let Lillie have the first go.

"Now we're both having one loss. I'm going to get my 8th badge no matter what." Lillie says.

"Hope you ready, this is going to be different." He sends out Electivire, although I'm not happy that I didn't get to face this Pokemon, but I can see how my Pokemon go with it.

Lillie starts by ordering a Leaf Storm from Torterra; however, Volkner has Electivire use Fire Punch to burn the leaves up.

"Now that's a gym leader's strategy..." Tox says. "Volkner skillfully uses an attack move as a defense."

Flint says, "And he's getting started."

Lillie tells Torterra to use Leaf Storm again and Electivire again uses Fire Punch to burn the leaves up, but this leaves its midsection exposed and Torterra uses Energy Ball in quick succession and manages to score a direct hit.

"Now use Headlong Rush!" Lillie commands, and Torterra is charging at Electivire, but much to her surprise Electivire uses Ice Punch and makes a clean hit. Torterra, being a Grass and Ground type, gets frozen quite easily and is blasted back to the ground. The utter power manages to take Torterra out, leaving him unable to battle.

"Now I wonder if Volkner has it learn Ice Punch to counter the Ground Type Pokemon..." I say.

"He's the gym leader, after all, winning against Volkner is not a walk in the park." Gladion says.

Volkner says, "Lillie, the transition you made from Leaf Storm to Energy Ball is really well done. It's like I can feel your spark. I'm thrilly enjoying our battle."

Then Lillie decides to go with Pikachu, who rushes to the field. Lillie has Pikachu begin with Quick Attack and Electivire counters with Fire Punch. Pikachu dodges and uses Thunderbolt, which does nothing to Electivire.

"It didn't do a thing..." Lillie realizes that Electivire has Motor Drive instead of Vital Spirit. Volkner commands an Ice Punch, and Pikachu dodges again.

Lillie orders an Iron Tail attack, but Electivire quickly dodges and starts to run around the battlefield at high speed.

"That's fast..." Lillie says.

Electivire goes for Fire Punch, Pikachu tries to dodge but Electivire is too fast and Fire Punch scores a direct hit.

"Those Fire and Ice Punches are actually tricky..." Daniel says.

"As long as Volkner uses those moves, Lillie can't get close." Tox says.

Electivire is then told to use Ice Punch and it hits. However, luck is on Lillie's side as Pikachu's Static Ability is triggered, paralyzing Electivire. When Electivire retracts its arm away it notices the static on its arm as does Volkner. Realizing what that just was, Volkner orders Ice Punch. Electivire then tries to run up and hit Pikachu with Ice Punch, but it becomes fully paralyzed, allowing Pikachu to dodge.

Another Ice Punch is attempted before Pikachu uses Iron Tail to counter and when the attacks meet, Electivire receives another dose of static, leaving it stumbling. Volkner calls for another Ice Punch, but Lillie, knowing that Electivire is now far slower than before, calls for another Iron Tail attack, which hits Electivire in the face and knocks it out, giving Lillie the victory.

"You did it, Pikachu!" Lillie cheers.

"Nice work. It sure is fun, this is how battling ought to be." Volkner says.

"But Volkner hasn't shown his true power yet." Flint says.

Volkner's third Pokemon is Jolteon, Lillie says, "Jolteon... there's no way I'm going to lose this battle."

Then Lillie decides to recall Pikachu and sends out Infernape. Infernape starts with a Mach Punch, which hits and sends Jolteon flying however it uses Thunderbolt mid-air which hits Infernape and leaves it shocked.

"No Infernape!" Lillie yells.

"I told you, Volkner's just getting warm up." Flint says.

Then Volkner has Jolteon use Shadow Ball and Infernape recovers in time to dodge. Volkner commands more Shadow Balls, and Jolteon starts to fire them rapidly. Lillie tells Infernape to hit back with Mach Punch, and Infernape manages to counter all the Shadow Balls which cloud the entire battlefield with smoke.

Volkner tells Jolteon to jump and use Shadow Ball, and Lillie tells Infernape to use Mach Punch. Infernape jumps after Jolteon and makes a direct hit, slamming Jolteon into the ceiling. Infernape then lands back onto the ground while Jolteon falls and crashes to the ground and it then reveals that Infernape's Mach Punch had managed to knock it out, allowing Lillie to claim his third victory.

"Infernape, way to go!" Lilllie says.

"Now it's Lillie three to two!" Dawn says.

"So who would ever think you make me have my fourth Pokemon now..." Then he sends out Luxray, like the one he used against me.

Lillie recalls Infernape and sends Pikachu back out, hoping that he's recovered from the battle against Electivire. Lillie starts with Quick Attack, but Luxray uses Shock Wave, which hits and sends Pikachu flying.

"Shock Wave again..." I say. I know that Volkner's Ambipom has been doing that a lot when we battled. Lillie orders an Iron Tail, which hits Luxray hard. Pikachu uses two more Iron Tail attacks, and both make direct hits and Pikachu begins to corner Luxray. Volkner responds with a Thunder Fang attack from Luxray. Luxray grabs Pikachu's tail with the Thunder Fang and Pikachu takes the hit hard and slams against the ground. As Pikachu struggles to get up, Luxray uses Shock Wave, which sends Pikachu flying against the wall, knocking him out.

"Now they both have one Pokemon left." Dawn says.

"Whether we win or lose, I'm sad that this is going to be the last battle." Volkner says.

"I'm going to give it all we got." Lillie says.

"Lillie is battling really well, especially against an expert like Volkner." Flint says.

"For sure." Gladion says, proud of his sister.

Lillie sends Infernape back out against Luxray. Infernape uses Flamethrower while Luxray uses Shock Wave, and the two attacks collide. Infernape uses Mach Punch, but Luxray uses Double Team and creates a series of clones. Infernape hits a few of the clones and Luxray comes out and bites Infernape with Thunder Fang, which hurts him badly. Infernape responds with a Mach Punch but Luxray dodges Infernape and strikes back with another Thunder Fang attack, causing even more damage.

"So Infernape's Flamethrower is countered by Luxray's Shock Wave. Then Infernape's Mach Punch is effective on Luxray's Double Team." I say.

"And on top of that, Luxray manages to attack Infernape in close range. That's Volkner when he means business." Flint says.

Luxray uses another Shock Wave as a finisher, but Infernape jumps to dodge. Luxray also jumps and uses Thunder Fang, managing to get another hit and sending Infernape into a fall. Luxray prepares for another Thunder Fang, but Lillie tells Infernape to use Dig. Infernape escapes underground; however, Volkner is prepared for this and tells Luxray to use Iron Tail, which smashes the battlefield and forcibly removes Infernape from the earth, shooting the Flame Pokémon into the air before he plummets toward the ground.

"Infernape! No!" Lillie yells.

"I regret doing this. Luxray! Use Thunder Fang and let's wrap this up!" Volkner yells.

"Infernape! Get up now! You can do it!" Lillie begs.

Just then, the power is out again, and I ask, "Is Team Rocket trying to steal the Tower again?"

"I don't think so, after that, I've already raised the security... they shouldn't be able to get the tower again." Volkner says.

Much to our surprise, Infernape begins to start glowing and his eyes become completely red. Lillie says, "No... not now..."

Flint says, "That's gotta be Blaze, Infernape's ability when it is taken major damage and all of its strength has gone. If Infernape takes one more move, it's over. But on the other hands, all of his Fire moves will be supercharged. This is going to be the best for the both of them."

I say, "But the problem is that when he activates the Blaze, he will obviously go into Raging Fury... I was shocked when he was a Monferno, he could use that move..."

"Raging Fury?" Flint asks with surprise. "That's sounds awful."

"And it could happen again. What are we going to do?" Dawn asks.

Infernape fires a massive Flamethrower without Lillie's command, which glances past Luxray and causes damage to the wall. Infernape then starts to use Flamethrower on the ceiling, causing rubble to come close to falling on us.

"Infernape! Snap out of it!" Lillie yells. Infernape slowly turns around and starts to walk toward Lillie dangerously while growling. Pikachu prepares to fight Infernape off, but Lillie says, "Stop, Pikachu, wait!"

She turns to Infernape and smiles, "We're cool, right? You know I believe in you."

Infernape responds to this by smiling, indicating he is fully in control of Blaze at last. "Now Infernape! Let's get it go with Raging Fury!"

Thanks to the power-up from Blaze, Raging Fury is far more powerful and sends Luxray back, and Volkner commands Luxray to use Thunder Fang. Infernape withstands the attack and uses the move again which scores a hard hit on Luxray.

Luxray decides to go for another Iron Tail, but Infernape snaps out of Confusion quickly and goes for Mach Punch, which hits Luxray before Iron Tail can land a hit, causing even more damage.

"Let's wrap this up! Use Flame Wheel!" Infernape powers up and slams Luxray hard into the wall, finally knocking it out.

"You're the best, Infernape!" Lillie hugs the monkey Pokemon, and that's when the lights are back on. Lillie receives the Beacon Badge, the final badge that she needs for the Sinnoh League.

"Thank you for a wonderful battle, Lillie." Volkner says. "Both you and Ash help me remember how battles can be fun."

"And we'll be rooting for you all the way." Flint says. He also tells us that the Sinnoh League will begin in a month on Lily of the Valley Island and that a ship to the island will soon be departing from Sunyshore Port.

As we are at the port, we are surprised to meet Kenny. He's training with the Olivine City Gym Leader Jasmine.

"It's Jasmine!" I gasp as we all greet her.

"Oh my, Ash, guys, it has been a while." Jasmine says to him.

"Yeah. Same here." I say. "I still remember my first Ribbon Cup was awarded by you after all."

Then Kenny goes to face Dawn, he compliments her for earning second place. I ask, "So what are you doing here? Jasmine?"

"I came from very far away because I wanted to get stronger. On the way, I met all sorts of people with their Pokémon... They all looked like they were having fun. I felt happy seeing it." Jasmine says. "And Irena is helping me with the gym right now, so you don't need to worry about that."

"It sure has been a while since we saw her." I say. "It will be fun to have a rematch with her in a Contest Battle."

Kenny asks, "So Dawn, what's the plan from here on out?"

"Right now I'm cheering Ash and Lillie on with the Sinnoh League." Dawn says.

"And after that?" Kenny asks. "There's still a lot more time, so are you going back to Twinleaf Town or are you going to continue your journey?"

"I... haven't even thought about it yet." Dawn says.

Just then, Team Rocket appears again, and this time they try to take Kenny's Floatzel. But Flint comes and saves Floatzel with Magmortar's Overheat, also sending them flying.

"It's Flint! What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I want to see you guys before you leave and continue your journey. After all, you're the ones who get my buddy Volkner back to his electrifying self." Flint says.

Then Jasmine decides to talk to Flint, and she wants to battle him, and Flint accepts the battle. In the end, Flint is the winner even though Jasmine is using Steelix.

Kenny says, "Dawn... Will you go on a journey with me together after the Sinnoh League is done?"

Dawn is surprised, and it seems that Kenny is trying to confess his feelings to her. But in the end, Dawn decides to refuse his offer and wants to cheer for us at the Lily of the Valley Conference before deciding her future plans, but knows that she'll continue her campaign to become a Top Coordinator, and as long as they share the same goal she knows she and Kenny will meet again.

And before leaving, Jasmine decides to give Dawn a present, which is actually another HM for Waterfall.

And there it is, we have Sunyshore Gym done, and I hope you like it as the next chapter will begin the Sinnoh League.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Purugly, Skuntank, Bronzong, Chatot, Spiritomb, Gabite, Lucario, Hippowdon, Drapion, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Lumineon, Abomasnow, Weavile, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Togekiss, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Typhlosion, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Togekiss, Mamoswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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