Chapter 48

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We step out onto the bow of our ship as it approaches Lily of the Valley Island, the location of the Sinnoh Pokémon League. Once we dock, we proceed through the village, where many vendors are set up in preparation for the massive event.

We immediately head to the Pokémon Center to register for the League, our friends notice many other Trainers and their Pokémon, all with the same ambition.

"Lillie, are you feeling nervous, since this is your first league?" I ask.

"Of course I am, but I'm also excited about it." Lillie says with a smile.

Then Nurse Joy scans both our Rotom Phones and receives our Trainer data on the computer, officially registering us for the Conference. We then make our way to the Trainer's accommodation. Dawn says, "It's so different here, really different from the Grand Festival!"

"Well this is the Sinnoh League after all. The atmosphere is a lot different here. Not only that, the Trainer's Village has a lot of facilities. For example, the restaurant is all you can eat." We turn to notice Conway in front of us, and we are surprised.

"That is Conway..." Dawn says.

"He must be competing too." I say with surprise.

After we go to our rooms, each of them has 3 beds, Lillie and Dawn decide to share with me while the other boys are sharing one. Dawn and her Piplup instantly take a liking to the beds, as they are comfy and relaxing. We also notice the basket with a note from Professor Oak.

But just then, we find a commotion as Team Rocket is trying to steal Pokemon from the others. "Come back here!" As we try to stop them, we are surprised to see my brothers and sisters, Mark, Minami, Insey, and Trenor, as well as our friends Serena and Alice, arrive with their Pokemon and send them flying.

"You're here!" We are happy to see them, and I am tackled by the hug from Serena and Alice. Mark says, "Of course, we've come to watch your Sinnoh League."

"Although we didn't get to see the Grand Festival in person, you're great." Minami says.

As the others also arrive, they get to greet each other, and Serena says, "So you're also competing with Ash as well, Lillie."

"You bet, we're going to win this for sure." Lillie says with a smile.

"But where's Mom and Dad? Aren't they coming as well?" I ask.

"Don't worry, they will come. It's just that they have something to do in Eterna Forest first." Trenor says.

"That reminds me, Dia, Palmer, and Gina really give you a lot of trouble here in Sinnoh, don't they?" Minami sighs.

"Yeah, but at least they all give me a part of themselves so I can use them for battles." I say while showing the three custom Pokeballs.

Insey decides to tease, "And I hear from Gina that you three have already confessed your feelings, right?" Serena, Alice, and Lillie are bushing as I groan. "Yes, we do, thanks to them helping me get rid of my Dark Phase."

"So this is where you are." Our Mom and Dad finally arrive, and to everyone's surprise, they also bring a girl with them. "Hey, guys..." She says with a slightly nervous tone.

"Is that..." Mark gasps. "No way..." Minami adds.

"Golly!" I rush to her and give her a hug. "You've finally returned to us!"

That's also when my brothers and sisters join me. "Our dead sister has been revived!" Insey says.

"We really miss you a lot..." Trenor adds.

Golly says, "It has been some crazy years... I had a hard time learning everything considering it has been 10 years. But I'm glad to see you again."

My Dad says, "It is thanks to Ash who manages to find her soul from the spirit world that we're able to revive her, and we're also here to watch you and Lillie's League challenge."

"And all of you should give it your all. Your mother wants to come, but she is very busy at the Aether Foundation." My mom says.

"Why are we not surprised." Gladion sighs.

Later at night, the opening ceremony for the Sinnoh League kicks off as all the participating Trainers and spectators gather in the coliseum, watching the torch be lit among the fireworks. Lillie and I look around and notice familiar faces in the competition: Nando, Conway, Barry, and Paul. The main screen shows the first-round pairings, and my first match is against Nando.

Ash and Nando battle first, Nando says, "Ash, although I couldn't battle you at the Grand Festival, I am glad that I can battle you here."

"I am also the same. I'm going to give everything I got." I say.

Later, we all gather as we try to think of a battle strategy to beat Nando. Gladion says, "Nando often uses Bug and Grass Type Pokemon, so Fire, Flying, and Ice Type Pokemon may be effective."

"But don't forget, he also uses a Lopunny during the Grand Festival as well." Tox says.

Then we notice Paul, and I say, "Hey, Paul, you already know what Pokemon you're using?"

"Of course." Paul says. "I look at the options and choose the three best Pokemon."

"You sound really confident, Paul." Lillie says. "But we're not going to lose either. We're going to give it all we got so either Ash or I can fight you in the finals."

"You're both pathetic." He says. "Every trainer who competes here in the Sinnoh League has won 8 badges. Give it all you got means nothing."

After he leaves, Mark says, "Who's that guy?"

"That's Paul, let's say Ash, Lillie, and he doesn't get along well..." Daniel says.

Late at night, I'm thinking about what Paul said, causing me to second-guess my strategy. Frustrated, I step out onto the balcony and begin looking at eight shining stars in the sky to clear my head. After remembering how I get all my badges, I think I know how to beat Nando.

The next morning, Lillie is with me at the lockers, and Lillie asks, "So Ash, what Pokémon are you going to use against Nando?"

"Well, it is a secret." I say. "Even though you are someone special to me, I can't tell you since we are also rivals."

"I guess you're right." Lillie mutters.

Just then, Barry runs by and crashes into me. I yell, "Barry, what's the problem?"

"My problem? You bump into me! But there's no fine. I have been psyched because I'm already chosen the three Pokemon team." Barry says. "I'm going to win today."

After a brief argument, he remembers that he's late for his first battle and runs off.

"I wonder what kind of team Barry will use as well..." Lillie says.

"If you want to know, I can tell you..." Just then Conway appears behind Lillie and it scares her, Lillie pouts and says, "I don't need to know about it." Then Conway slinks away, snickering.

Finally, my battle against Nando is about to begin. Nando starts with Roserade, while I send out Starpator, which is a type advantage over Roserade.

Roserade goes for the Sweet Scent, which Staraptor fails to dodge. Roserade uses Magical Leaf, hitting Staraptor once again. Staraptor falls, and Nando tells Roserade to use Solar Beam.

"Roserade! Solar Beam! Let's go!" As Roserade is preparing to launch its Solar Beam, I yell, "Staraptor! Get up and dodge!"

Roserade launches its Solar Beam, but at the last second Staraptor opens its eyes. The attack hits the field, however, Staraptor has soared high into the sky and is unscathed, which astonishes both Nando and Roserade.

"Alright! Use Brave Bird!" The move knocks Roserade out, but Staraptor is affected by the recoil damage.

Nando recalls Roserade and sends out Armaldo, and it is a Rock Type other than Bug Type, which isn't going to be good against Staraptor. Not to mention that Staraptor is worn out. I have it use Close Combat, but Armaldo suddenly uses Protect, causing Staraptor to fall back. Armaldo follows on with a super-effective Rock Blast, knocking out Staraptor.

"Nando uses Staraptor's weakness against Rock Type attacks, but he simply made a part of his strategy." Tox says.

"No need to worry, the battle is just beginning." Dawn says.

Just then, Barry rushes to them and says, "I just saw the most incredible trainer ever. Talk about strong. This guy beat all of his opponents just using a Darkrai and took the match like nothing!"

"I think you're talking about our father, right?" They notice two girls approaching them. Gladion says, "Verity and Emily?"

"Long time no see, guys." Emily says.

"What are you two doing here?" Minami asks with surprise since the two of them are Cynthia's daughters and also our childhood friends.

"Dad is in the tournament as well. We're here to cheer him on. And is that Ash over there?" Verity asks.

"That's right, he just lost his first Pokemon." Daniel says.

"Okay, Empoleon! I choose you!" I send out the Pokemon and I say, "Now let's show them the new stuff you can do!"

"Make sure you don't let your guard down, Armaldo." Nando says.

Empoleon uses a Hydro Pump, while Armaldo uses an X Scissor to cut through it. Then they both use Rock Blast and Metal Claw, causing the match to become a draw.

"They both have one Pokemon left..." Barry says.

"I have to bet he's going to use a Kricketune next." Insey says. "That's my feeling as a Bug Trainer."

And much to their surprise, Conway also show up and his creep scares most of the people there. He also wins the first round like Barry.

Nando sends out his last Pokémon, Kricketune, and I decide to go with Vespiquen

"Vespiquen... what a fascinating choice."

"I'm going to see a head-to-head battle between two Bug-Type Pokemon! Let's give it all you got and use Power Gem!" Kricketune counters with Silver Wind, the impact sends Vespiquen flying.

"Use Sing." Nando says, and it causes Vespiquen to fall asleep, falling to the ground.

I gasp in shock as Kricketune uses Fury Cutter, which doesn't seem to do that much damage. "Heal Order now!"

Just then, several bees appear and they all wake Vespiquen up. "Now use Attack Order!" I say.

Heracross uses the attack, but Kricketune continues to dodge the attacks from the same bee group.

"Now this is the battle I'm waiting for." I say.

"Something strange is over me... I've never experienced something like this... This is the head-to-head battling Ash is talking about..." Nando says.

Nando then tells Kricketune to use Sing but just as it is about to use the move, I have Vespiquen use Defend Order for the bees to stop the attack, and then using Power Gem, Kricketune is knocked out.

"Nice work, Vespiquen!" I hug the Queen Pokemon, and I also meet up with Lillie, she says, "I won my match, you too?"

"Of course." I say. "Vespiquen is doing a good job."

Nando walks up to me and thanks me for the great battle and then leaves to continue traveling. Soon, is it revealed that Paul is advancing to the next round, and Dawn informs us that Barry and Conway also won their first-round battles.

"Ash, Lillie! Long time no see!" We are surprised to find Verity and Emily. Lillie says, "Verity, Emily, what are you doing here?"

"Our Dad has come to the league as well. He's going for a shot against Mom and he has to win the league first." Verity says.

"And he's used Darkrai to sweep his first opponent." Emily adds.

This gives us a lot of shivers, but als excitement as I can't wait to face him as well.

Everyone passes through the further rounds, leaving 16 left. As it turns out, Barry is facing Paul while Lillie is facing Conway.

"Alright, I am fighting Paul." Barry says excitedly.

"Of all the people, why am I paired with Conway..." Lillie groans.

"I take that as a compliment." Conway appears again and scares Lillie, causing it to bump into Barry. "Hey, what are you doing?" Barry yells back and Lillie quickly apologizes.

When they watch Paul and Barry's battle, they notice that Paul is using an Electivire. "So he finally evolved his Electabuzz..." I say.

"So what's with you and that guy?" Trenor asks.

"Let's say that we have different opinions about training, he also releases a lot of Pokemon that he thinks are not good. Like my Infernape, it used to be his." I frown.

"How come a person be so cruel?" Golly asks with disbelief.

"We recently found out the reason, it is because of his brother's Battle Frontier Challenge. He lost to Brandon and he gave to be a Pokemon trainer and become a Breeder." Lillie says.

"Brandon is strong, can't blame him for thinking so." I say as the others agree. After the battle, it turns out that Barry loses the match and is eliminated from the Sinnoh League.

"Paul. I lost, but I gave it my all. So I can honestly say right here that I have no regrets." Barry says.

"It was a great battle." Paul says.

"You think? That's awesome. Let's battle someday to see who's the world's great trainer." Barry says.

"All right." Then he leaves, and Barry turns to me and says, "It seems the more I battled Paul, the more fired I got. If you fight Paul, I'll be cheering for you."

Then we are going to prepare for tomorrow's battle. Especially Lillie is going to battle Conway.

Here is the first of the three part league chapters, Ash has beaten Nando in the first round, the next chapter is going to be Ash versus Paul and Lillie versus Conway. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Purugly, Skuntank, Bronzong, Chatot, Spiritomb, Gabite, Lucario, Hippowdon, Drapion, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Lumineon, Abomasnow, Weavile, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Togekiss, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Typhlosion, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Togekiss, Mamoswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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