Chapter 49

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After a series of battles, I also manage to get into the quarter-finals, and right now I'm training with Lillie as Bastiodon is battling against Infernape with Lillie commanding it. Lillie says, "Infernape, use Flame Wheel." Infernape uses the attack and then Bastiodon blocks the attack. Lillie orders Infernape to use Flame Wheel again, but this Flame Wheel is larger than usual as it gives Bastiodon a lot of damage.

"Wow, that is not a Flame Wheel, that's Flare Blitz!" I say in awe, "Though we need to be careful since it will deal recoil damage."

Barry asks, "So Ash, are you and Lillie training for a match against Paul?"

Ash says, "I don't know if my next opponent is Paul, right now I want to help Lillie train for the match against Conway first."

Verity says, "Then are you going to use Infernape to battle? Lillie?"

"I don't know." Lillie says.

The battle between Lillie and Conway finally starts and will be taking place on a grass battlefield. It will be a three-on-three Pokémon battle. Conway chooses Shuckle as his first Pokémon. Meanwhile, Lillie chooses Honchkrow.

"A Honchkrow, it is an interesting matchup." Tox says.

"Why isn't Lillie planning to use Infernape now?" Mark asks.

"I think she wants to use speed to shake things up." I say.

Conway starts the battle off by having Shuckle withdraw into its shell. Lillie tells Honchkrow to use Sky Attack, hoping that it would be enough to break through Shuckle's defense. While Honchkrow is swooping down for the kill, Conway tells Shuckle to use Withdraw two more times in order to increase its defense. In the end, Shuckle's defense is too much for Honchkrow, and Honchkrow is sent flying back.

"Come on, what do you expect from a powerful defense?" Conway says. Shuckle then uses Power Trick to switch its Attack and Defense stats. I say, "Oh no... now the attack stat is getting higher..."

Honchkrow then uses Air Slash and Shuckle counters with Gyro Ball, which is able to break through the Air Slash and hit Honchkrow. Honchkrow falls to the ground and, having received critical damage, Lillie recalls it.

Lillie then sends out Mamoswine. Shuckle uses Sludge Bomb but Mamoswine counters with Ancient Power, rendering Sludge Bomb useless. Conway then tells Shuckle to use Gyro Ball again. Gyro Ball hits and causes Mamoswine to step back. As a result, Lillie recalls Mamoswine.

"Though Mamoswine's attack is only half as effective if it ever gets deflected..." My Dad says, "I wonder if she is going for a strategy change..."

For Lillie's third Pokémon, she sends out Gabite. I say, "Gabite... it is going to be a problem..."

"I thought you would have evolved Gabite already." Barry says.

"Well, I think it's level is getting close..." I say.

Conway has Shuckle use Gyro Ball. Lillie uses Gabite's habit of biting things to her advantage, and it manages to catch Shuckle in its mouth.

"Use Sludge Bomb." Conway says and it hits the attack inside of Gabite's mouth, Lillie says, "Quickly, split it out."

But Gabite has other things in mind and it prepares a Draco Meteor. Shuckle is heaved into the air with Draco Meteor. Shuckle crashes to the ground and is rendered unconscious.

"It worked! The Draco Meteor finally worked!" Dawn says.

"Shuckle's part in this battle is not in vain, now I know what three Pokemon you are using." Conway says.

For his second Pokémon, Conway sends out Lickilicky. Lillie tells Gabite to use Dragon Pulse but Lickilicky uses Lick before Dragon Pulse has the chance to be fired. Gabite is treated to a thorough licking while the audience shivers at this disturbing sight. Lillie tells Gabite to escape by using Dig while Lickilicky counters with Power Whip. Power Whip's power reverberates across the battlefield and Gabite is thrown into the air. Before Conway can call any more attacks, Lillie recalls Gabite and sends out Honchkrow once more.

Conway orders Lickilicky to use Power Whip once more but its tongue proved to be too short to reach Honchkrow. Honchkrow then uses Air Slash, which hits Lickilicky right in the face. Lickilicky then uses Thunderbolt, but Honchkrow quickly dodges the otherwise super-effective attack. Honchkrow uses Night Slash to render it unable to battle.

"Yes! Thanks, Honchkrow! We did it!" Lillie says.

"Considering that Honchkrow and Mamoswine are from Johto and Lillie has been traveling with me in that region, it is no wonder that they are working nice." I say.

With only one Pokémon left, Conway sends out Dusknoir and orders Trick Room.

"Trick Room?!" Alice says, and some like Dawn and Barry are confused.

Lillie tells Honchkrow to use Dark Pulse but Dusknoir suddenly appears behind Honchkrow and throws a Thunder Punch. The attack hits and Honchkrow is rendered unable to battle.

"Trick room allows Slower Pokemon to go first. And all Lillie's Pokemon are trained with speed, so she is in trouble. I know this because it is my Mom's favorite strategy." Alice says to Dawn and Barry, causing them to widen their eyes.

I say, "I would have done the same thing if it was my Dusknoir since Dusknoir isn't fast after all."

Lillie sends out Mamoswine once more. She tells Mamoswine to use Take Down but Dusknoir strikes first with a powerful Shadow Punch. This leaves Mamoswine unable to get back up. Lillie tries to switch Mamoswine out but Dusknoir uses Mean Look to trap Donphan on the battlefield. Dusknoir uses Shadow Punch again and knocks Donphan unconscious.

With two down, Lillie has no choice but to send out Gabite again. Trick Room, however, is still in effect. Lillie tells Gabite to use Dig, but Dusknoir's Shadow Punch is able to hit before Gible can escape. As a result, Gabite is hurdled into the ground.

"Gabite, are you okay?" Lillie asks, and much to everyone's surprise, Gabite starts to glow and then it becomes a now powerful Garchomp.

"A Garchomp? No way..." Conway widens his eyes, while Ash and the others are very happy that it finally evolved.

Garchomp: The Mach Pokemon: Dragon and Ground Type. Evolved from Gabite at LV:48. When it folds up its body and extends its wings, it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed.

Dusknoir is ordered to use Shadow Punch once more and reappears behind Garchomp. Lillie then tells Garchomp to turn around and bite the Shadow Punch. Garchomp bites Dusknoir's hand and, as Conway remarks in absolute surprise and shock, eats Shadow Punch. Dusknoir tries to shake Garchomp off but Garchomp uses Draco Meteor to shoot Dusknoir into the sky. Dusknoir lands but is still able to battle. Lillie tells Garchomp to use Dragon Pulse but Dusknoir's Shadow Punch strikes first again. Garchomp, however, hangs strong and releases his Dragon Pulse, which hits Dusknoir straight in the face and knocks Dusknoir unconscious.

"Well, this is the least calculated battle I ever had, but I have gained a new method of battling." Conway says as he leaves.

"Now we all are in the quarter-finals." I say to Lillie.

"Yeah. I am so excited." Lillie replies.

The board then randomizes the next set of battles for the Top 8 contestants and I'm revealed to be facing Paul next. "It is Paul..." I gasp. Then we see Paul and lock eyes with him, then Paul walks off.

Dawn says, "Ash, don't worry, you can win this time."

"I hope." I say.

The next day, Lillie and Tobias have advanced to the semifinals, and the last round of the Quarter Finals is Paul against me. Before the match begins, I manage to take Gliscor back from the training. Lillie says, "You know, Paul takes everything he has learned in battle and uses it to his advantage, that is why he is hard to beat."

"But isn't Ash also doing the same thing?" Barry asks.

My Mom says, "He still needs to look at everything he has been through while on his journey. And this is why he can't hold down his guard even though he might be champion for three regions."

Then we find Dawn with Paul. I say, "Cynthia is going to watch this, so let's make a great battle."

"I'd plan to." Then he leaves.

"I remember... when every life meets another, something will be born..." Dawn says.

"That's the quote that Cynthia told us..." Tox says. "I wonder what that something is..."

Paul says, "Ash, I'll see you on the battlefield."

"Right." I say.

Then it is time for our battle, I decide to go with Pikachu and Paul is sending out Aggron. Aggron uses Metal Claw first, while Pikachu counters with Iron Tail. Then Aggron uses Metal Sound, causing Pikachu to cover his ears and have his Special Defense lowered.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt, let's go!" I'm using my earphones and I call out to Pikachu, and Pikachu manages to pull it off, stopping Aggron as well as causing a little damage. Pikachu then uses the Volt Tackle, speeding towards Aggron. Paul counters with Aggron's Flash Cannon, hitting Pikachu and sending him flying, rolling back onto his feet.

"All right, Pikachu! Time out! You're up next!" I decide to send out Infernape as my second Pokemon.

"Infernape! Let's show Paul how awesome you've become!" I yell.

Paul tells Aggron to use Double-Edge while I tell Infernape to counter with Flare Blitz. The two powerful and dangerous attacks collide. The two are sent backward, and Infernape suffers from the recoil. Unfortunately, Aggron has the Rock Head Ability which cancels out the normal recoil from Double-Edge.

"Aggron, Mega Evolve." Paul says as Aggron starts to change his form.

"Mega evolve so early?" Golly says in shock.

"Well, I won't say he is reckless. Infernape has a Fighting type, Mega evolving Aggron reduce the damage when Fighting moves attack." Trenor says. "Not to mention its ability has changed into Filter, which also lowers the damage taken from super effective hits."

After the two Pokemon clash with each other, I instruct Infernape to use Mach Punch, and Paul orders Aggron to use Flash Cannon, but Infernape lands the fast Mach Punch before Aggron can fire, sending Aggron flying into the wall behind Paul and crushing the surface on impact. When the smoke clears it is unable to battle, giving me the lead.

"Infernape! You did it!" I say.

"It's still early... we still don't know how this battle will turn out." My Dad says.

"Gastrodon! Standby for battle!" So he is going for Gastrodon next, I decide to call back Infernape and go for Staraptor.

"First Pikachu, then Infernape, and Staraptor... I get it now." Paul says.

Daniel says, "Hold on... is Ash going to use the same six Pokemon back in Lake Acuity?"

"That's his strategy." Lillie says. "And Paul should have figured it out by now..."

Gastrodon begins with Muddy Water and Staraptor uses Quick Attack and connects; Gastrodon continues using Muddy Water, circling its head above its body, and clips Staraptor.

"What's going on? Could that be Counter Shield?" I yell in surprise.

"No way!" Dawn says.

"That looks like the Counter Shield technique that Ash used when he battled Fantina!" Barry says.

"And Pikachu did it in the Lake Acuity battle." Gladion says. "So who would've though that he would use a Counter Shield."

"Paul has adapted Ash's battle technique, he took what he saw and made it his own..." My Mom says.

I instruct Staraptor to dive down and use Aerial Ace, but Gastrodon counterattacks with Body Slam, trapping Staraptor with its soft body. Gastrodon then uses Water Pulse and shoots it straight up into the sky, which then picks up speed as it comes down.

"Oh no, Gastrodon will jump away at the last second, and then Staraptor won't be able to dodge it..." Emily says.

Just when all seems lost, I have Staraptor use Close Combat by banging hard into the ground, and lifting him up, which knocks off Gastrodon and he escapes the Water Pulse. Paul orders Gastrodon to use Ice Beam while falling backward, bringing the in-flight Staraptor to a screeching halt and crashing onto the field.

"Man, what a hit. Staraptor! Return!" I recall the Pokemon and then send out Floatzel.

"Number four is Floatzel. Wow, you're pathetic and predictable." Paul says. "So you try to turn the frustration your Pokemon felt when we tied to your advantage now. That's why you're using the same Pokemon this time." Paul asks.

"Yeah. This is what my Pokemon want. We may have tied once, but this is not over! We're going to beat you no matter what!" I say.

Gastrodon uses Ice Beam again and Floatzel uses Aqua Jet, turning it into Ice Aqua Jet to hit Gastrodon. This hits Gastrodon and causes it to jump up and Gastrodon then goes for a Body Slam, and I quickly instruct Floatzel to meet the attack with Ice Punch, causing Gastrodon to faint.

"Now that's two Pokemon down." I say. "But the real battle starts now."

Paul sends out Drapion and attacks with Pin Missile, which Floatzel cancels out with its Counter Shield technique. Drapion then uses Cross Poison, which Floatzel dodges by sliding behind Drapion. Floatzel uses Sonic Boom at Drapion's back, who blocks the attack with its tail. Drapion grabs Floatzel with its tail, twisting around its torso to menace the struggling Floatzel.

When Floatzel tries to use Sonic Boom with his free tail, Drapion just grabs it with a free arm, rendering it useless.

"Drapion's strong, what am I going to do?" Then I have an idea, I instruct Floatzel to puff up the life preserver object on his neck and then let the air out in an instant. After freeing himself, Floatzel uses a Water Gun to lift himself into the air, away from Drapion. With Floatzel still in the air, Drapion uses Toxic Spikes, littering the field with them and poisoning Floatzel. Then, Drapion uses Pin Missile to finish off Floatzel, thus leaving me with five Pokémon.

"Entry hazards... especially with Toxic Spikes..." Tox says.

"Yeah... But Ash can win this!" Serena says.

I know that entry hazards like Spikes and Toxic Spikes aren't going to affect Flying or Levitating Pokemon, so I go with Staraptor. Drapion uses Pin Missile, which Staraptor effectively dodges with its high speed. It then comes down with an Aerial Ace, which Drapion manages to dodge at the last second, and captures Staraptor like it did with Floatzel. Drapion uses Cross Poison on the trapped Staraptor, and then Drapion throws Staraptor onto the ground, poisoning it with the remnants of Toxic Spikes, thus knocking out Staraptor.

"Thanks for battling so hard, Staraptor." I recall the Pokemon and then go for Torterra.

"I thought so." Paul says, much to my shock. Torterra feels the effect of the Toxic Spikes instantaneously. Drapion uses Cross Poison on Torterra, and Torterra sends Drapion away with Energy Ball. He quickly attacks again with Leaf Storm, hitting Drapion again. Paul instructs Drapion to use Pin Missile to counter the Leaf Storm, which ends up neutralizing each other.

Torterra comes out of the smoke with a Headlong Rush but is grabbed by Drapion when he is just about to attack and uses Poison Fang on Torterra.

"How did he do that?" Alice gasps.

Torterra uses Synthesis to gain back some energy and Drapion comes to attack with Pin Missile, again, hitting Torterra and knocking it out, leaving me with three Pokémon.

"Taking out Torterra after it uses Synthesis is really a bad break." Barry says.

"It was almost waiting for Torterra to recover." Insey says.

"He's waiting for the moment to strike and waiting for the moment to destroy Ash's confidence." My Dad says.

I decide to recall Torterra and Paul says, "You still have your Gliscor next, don't you? I think I figured it out, thanks to Aggron and Gastrodon. I purposely let you take down Aggron and Gastrodon, so I can be certain of your strategy and what Pokemon you use. Ever since I sent out Drapion, I have predicted every one of your moves."

"There's nobody like you, that's why I'm going to win this." I say while preparing to send out Gliscor.

"It's the other way around. You may have won three leagues, but I'm going to leave you way behind." Paul recalls Drapion and goes for Ninjask.

Ninjask uses Agility right from the start, I tell Gliscor to relax and use Stone Edge. However, it is easily dodged by Ninjask, still using Agility. Ninjask comes in with a quick Fury Cutter, hitting Gliscor countless times. While falling, Gliscor regains lift and tries to use Fire Fang on Ninjask, but is unsuccessful and Gliscor falls into the field and gains the effect from the Toxic Spikes Drapion left.

"Gliscor, return!" I decide to recall Gliscor, and I go with Infernape, who also gets poisoned by the Toxic Spikes.

I have to get rid of the Toxic Spikes, but I have to turn the field upside down to do it. "Infernape! Use Dig!"

Everyone is questioning my choice, but I say, "Now use Raging Fury!"

Paul gasps in surprise at what I'm doing, and the Toxic Spikes are now consumed one by one, and Ninjask is also damaged. "Well, that takes care of the Toxic Spikes."

"It was a really clever move. Giga Drain!" Paul tells Ninjask to use Giga Drain and begins to sap energy from Infernape. As Ninjask drains away its energy, Infernape scrutinizes Ninjask's movements carefully and lands a successful Mach Punch, knocking out Ninjask.

"Now everything's even." Alice says.

"But Brother can't afford to relax because of the damage Infernape's taking." Minami says.

Paul sends out his next Pokémon, Froslass, I decide to switch to Pikachu. Paul starts things off by having Froslass use Hail, and a thick cold mist soon surrounds the entire battlefield. Froslass begins fading in and out of view, preventing Pikachu from following her movements.

"His Froslass has a Snow Cloak ability..." My Dad says.

"Yeah. But Ash will be fine. We have 2 Froslass who also use the same while training." Lillie says.

"2 Froslass? No way..." Alice says with surprise.

"Yeah." Gladion nods.

I have Pikachu use Thunderbolt, but the Hail severely restricts the attack and it doesn't even get close to its target. Paul commands Froslass to use Ice Shard, which scores a direct hit against Pikachu. As Thunderbolt isn't working, I tell Pikachu to use Volt Tackle, however, he passes right through Froslass without even hitting her.

Froslass uses Ice Shard and I tell Pikachu to watch out and to use Iron Tail, destroying the Ice Shard and elevating Pikachu into the air. He uses Iron Tail again and finally lands an attack on Froslass, sending her flying into the ground suffering major damage from the super-effective hit. Hail finally subsides, leaving Froslass with nowhere to hide.

Paul orders an Ice Beam which hits Pikachu encasing him in ice. Paul tells Froslass to use Ice Shard again, but Pikachu is one step ahead and uses Volt Tackle to escape the ice and hit Froslass before she can even release the Ice Shard. Pikachu suffers recoil from the attack, but it turns out to be worth it as Froslass is left unable to battle, thus leaving Paul with just two Pokémon.

"Wow, they did it!" Daniel says.

"Paul has two Pokemon left. And one of them hasn't even battled yet. Ash's Pokemon have all taken damage." My Mom says.

I decide to recall Pikachu and send back Gliscor, while Paul is also sending back Drapion.

Drapion uses Pin Missile to start things off and Gliscor quickly dodges the attack. Gliscor uses Stone Edge and Drapion uses Cross Poison to neutralize the attack, leaving behind a large smoke cloud in which Gliscor shields itself.

Gliscor uses Giga Impact, and it emerges only to power up and fly back into the cloud. Drapion gets ready to attack, not knowing where Gliscor will come from. Gliscor appears and Paul commands Poison Fang, as Giga Impact scores a direct hit. Drapion turns around to counterattack... only to be shocked that Gliscor isn't there. Paul and Drapion then find that Gliscor used the momentum from the attack to quickly throw itself back into the sky, safe from attack while it recharges from using Giga Impact.

"Gliscor is so cool!" Trenor says.

"Yeah, with the training that he has with McCan, he has been doing a great job." Gladion says.

"Well done, that Stone Edge gets my attention all right." Paul says. "So Pin Missile!"

Gliscor uses its special training to dodge the attack quickly and expertly. It then powers up X-Scissor and flies towards Drapion, but it is subsequently blocked by Drapion's Pin Missile at the last moment, sending Gliscor flying back and landing on the ground. When Paul instructs Drapion to use Cross Poison, I call out to Gliscor to use Fire Fang, and Gliscor is all ready to go. It jumps up, dodging the Cross Poison along the way, and lands a direct hit with Fire Fang. As a result, not only does Drapion suffer major damage but also gets burned.

Paul seems to be angry that he is once again being outmaneuvered. From a combination of the damage it's received, Drapion finally faints, thus leaving Paul with one final Pokémon.

"Alright, Ash only needs to win one more." Barry says.

"This is no time for Ash to relax..." Mark says. "Gliscor's taking a lot of damage for sure."

I'm about to recall my Gliscor, but I realize that his final Pokemon is Electivire, the only Pokemon that I battled before. I know that Gliscor is a Ground Type and Electric moves don't have an effect, Gliscor also wants to stay on the field.

Paul tells Electivire to start by using Thunder and directing it into the ground. Electivire sends its tails into the ground and directs Thunder into it, which sends chunks of the earth up into the air and falling onto Gliscor. I tell Gliscor to use Giga Impact and Electivire blocks the attack with its hands and catches Gliscor with its tails.

"Gliscor! Get out of there!" But Gliscor is unable to do so, Paul tells Electivire to use Brick Break on Gliscor, and it lands on Gliscor's head, causing it to faint.

I decide to send Pikachu back, and Paul tells Electivire to direct Thunder into the ground again. Once again, the ground erupts and rocks are sent flying towards Pikachu. However, Pikachu is ready and uses Quick Attack to dodge the falling rocks, even using some of them for momentum, and lands a direct hit on Electivire causing damage.

However, Electivire recovers and grabs Pikachu with its tails and when Pikachu tries to use Iron Tail, Electivire jolts Pikachu around so that he can't land the attack.

"It looks like you know I'm going to use Thunder." Paul says. "But Pikachu's taking a lot of damage, but Electivire is not. Pikachu is already close to its limits."

Pikachu hits the ground but is able to escape the pseudo-Constrict by Electivire's tails. Paul tells Electivire to use Brick Break, and Pikachu tries to prevent the attack from happening with Quick Attack, but Electivire lands the attack dead-on. The two Pokémon jump back after clearing the impact.

Pikachu goes for Grass Knot, Electivire trips and falls. Paul tells Electivire to use Thunder Punch, and I tell Pikachu to use Iron Tail at the last moment and the two attacks collide together. However, the strategy has backfired on me as Pikachu is left unable to move. Paul tells Electivire to use Brick Break, and as Electivire powers up its fist, I tell Pikachu to try and get away but it's too late as Brick Break lands directly on Pikachu's head, sending him flying.

"Pikachu tried as hard as it could, Electivire is stronger." Golly says.

"But no need to worry, Infernape is next." Lillie says.

I place Pikachu to the ground and I say, "Pikachu, you did your best. I promise the battle isn't over yet. Watch, it's up to you." Then I turn to Paul, "Hey, Paul. The truth is, your strategy made all of the difference and the lineup is better, I'm still going to win this!"

"Then give it your best shot!" I throw the ball and send out Infernape.

Electivire starts things out with a Thunder Punch and Infernape counters with a Mach Punch, and the two attacks collide and neutralize each other. Infernape uses Flamethrower, which is blocked by Electivire's Protect. Electivire uses Thunder to create a Counter Shield around the battlefield, but Infernape uses Dig to travel underground and avoid the attack. Infernape surfaces below Electivire and hits it dead-on, but then takes damage from the poison it received earlier.

Electivire manages to stand up. After yet another blocked Flamethrower, Infernape and Electivire start attacking with Mach Punch and Thunder Punch, respectively continuously. They each land an attack before another Flamethrower by Infernape is blocked by Electivire's Protect. I instruct Infernape to use Mach Punch, but Electivire dodges it and wraps its tail around Infernape's arm. Then Electivire uses Thunder to make Infernape hurt.

"Hang in there!" I yell, and Infernape collapses to the ground when Electivire finally lets it go.

"Poor Infernape..." Dawn says, but Lillie just smiles.

"What is wrong, Lillie? Why are you smiling" Gladion asks.

"The real battle has started now." Lillie says.

"Infernape, now show us your true power now!" I yell as Infernape gets back up and activates its ability, Blaze. Much to Paul's surprise.

"It's Blaze!" Minami says.

"And now it is time for a comeback!" Gladion says.

I order a Flamethrower, and Infernape fires a super-powerful blast at Electivire who tries to hold it back with Thunder but can't stand up to the sheer power. I have Infernape use Mach Punch which hits and sends Electivire flying but it still lands on its feet. Now both fully absorbed in the intensity of the match, Paul screams for a Thunder Punch while I order Infernape to use Flare Blitz. The two Pokémon, battling to the limits of their power, land their attacks against the other which creates a maelstrom of fire and electricity streaming into the sky, illuminating the stadium.

Eventually, Infernape ends up on the other side of Electivire, feeling the recoil from Flare Blitz, causing its fiery crown to do severe damage to Electivire, who, after a delayed reaction, feels the force of the power attack. The smoke clears, but Electivire is still standing and the two Pokémon stare each other down... as do their Trainers as a deathly silence falls over the battlefield. The two Pokémon remain perfectly still for what feels like an eternity... until, finally, Electivire falls and is declared as being unable to continue.

"It is decided! Our final trainer who goes to the Semi-Finals is Ash Ketchum!"

Paul thanks Electivire for its hard work. As Paul is about to say something, Infernape almost falls from sheer exhaustion but is caught by me. Paul walks away relieved as the pairings for the semi-finals are revealed, showing that my next opponent will be Tobias.

"Uncle Tobias?" I gasp in shock after seeing my next opponent.

Later, Cynthia and Goodshow came forward to meet me.

"Mr. Goodshow, nice to see you again." I say to him.

"Indeed I have seen your battle. You did a good job." He says.

Cynthia says, "Ash, Lillie, if you want to find Paul, he is over there." She points as we go to find him.

Cynthia says, "Although Ash and Paul are very different people and may never truly be friends, all their time feuding and battling with each other has created a bond between them that can never be broken. Both have learned a lot from each other and have both become far stronger."

"Indeed, and you can wait to face Ash, too. Cynthia?" My Mom asks.

"Yes. I am eager for the day when Ash, Lillie, or Paul make it all the way to the Champion League so I can face them in battle properly."

Paul is about to leave Lily of the Valley Island when we call out to him. Paul finally admits that Infernape is strong, and we accepts the compliment.

"So you are leaving already?" Lillie asks.

"There is no point for me to stay. I will be heading back to Snowpoint City so I can challenge Brandon again." Paul says. Then the 3 promise to battle once again, to which we all agree.

Here is the second of the three-part league chapters, I don't want to change the battle against Ash and Paul since it is very exciting. In the next chapter will conclude the Sinnoh League starting with Ash versus Tobias.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Purugly, Skuntank, Bronzong, Chatot, Spiritomb, Garchomp, Lucario, Hippowdon, Drapion, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Lumineon, Abomasnow, Weavile, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Togekiss, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Typhlosion, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Togekiss, Mamoswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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