Chapter 50

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The next day, I'm now facing against Tobias, the husband of Cynthia and also one of the strong battlers in Team Alpha. Tobias is standing on the other side of the field and says, "The time has come that we will battle each other, Ash."

"I know, and since you are a former Champion, I need to be careful of you and I don't want you to hold back." I say back to him.

Tobias sends out Tyranitar first, and the Announcer says, "What is this? Tobias, who usually starts with a Darkrai, has sent out Tyranitar?"

Barry says, "What is up with that guy?"

"He is here to test Ash, so I guess he doesn't want to show off his Darkrai this early." Lillie says.

"Lucario, I choose you!" I send out his Lucario, and then the battle starts. Tyranitar uses Rock Tomb, trying to lower Lucario's speed, but Lucario uses Extreme Speed to dodge it. The Lucario uses Aura Sphere, which hits Tyranitar super effectively. Lucario also uses the chance to defeat Tyranitar with a Metal Claw.

Tobias sends out Metagross next, and I immediately recall Lucario and send out Rotom.

"So you have caught yourself a Rotom?" Tobias asks.

"Of course, in the Old Chateau near our Grass Manor." I take out the Rotom Catalog and say, "Now change into Heat Form!"

Then Rotom changes its form and everyone is shocked.

"How come a Rotom do that?" Barry yells. "Isn't that illegal?"

"Well, there are no rules that a Pokemon can't do that. Ash really has some cool Pokemon." Verity says. "But I wonder how Dad's going to beat that."

Metagross uses Zen Headbutt, but Rotom dodges and uses Overheat, causing a lot of damage to Metagross. Then he changes into Wash form and uses a Hydro Pump, blasting Metagross into the wall and letting him faint.

"You have fought very well, now my next Pokemon. Salamence!" Tobias says.

I recall Rotom and send out Abomasnow. Abomasnow starts with his ability, Snow Warning, then uses Wood Hammer. Salamence flies high and dodges the attack, then flies down and gives a Dragon Claw, which hurts Abomasnow. It also uses a Flamethrower, causing me to recall Abomasnow and send out Togekiss. Togekiss defeats Salamence with the Sky Attack and Aura Sphere Combo.

"So far Ash hasn't lost one Pokemon while Tobias has lost three." Gladion says.

"But now the battle is getting started." My Mom says.

Tobias says, "Ash. I see you are a strong trainer. Show me how are you different from the other trainers, go Darkrai!" Tobias sends out his Darkrai, causing the crowd to gasp.

"So you come, Darkrai. Togekiss, return for now. Lucario, I choose you!"

Tobias tells Darkrai to use Ice Beam whilst I have Lucario use Aura Sphere and the two attacks collide. I then command Flash Cannon, but Darkrai intercepts it with a Dark Void putting Lucario straight to sleep.

"Use your aura and use Close Combat!" I yell as Lucario attacks Darkrai, but he quickly rebounds and knocks out Lucario with a Dream Eater attack.

"Return, Lucario. Rotom, I need your help!" Rotom shoots a Thunderbolt. Darkrai intercepts it with Dark Pulse and causes a huge explosion which sends Rotom flying back and knocking it out.

"Ash isn't doing well..." Lillie says in worry.

"He has to defeat Dad's Darkrai if he wants to win." Emily says.

I decide to send back Abomasnow, it uses Focus Punch to land a hit, but also being defeated by Dark Pulse. And now I realize I have to use my older Pokemon in order to have the chance to win.

"Now I should take out one of my best battlers. Sceptile! I choose you!"

When the Pokemon is out, Mark says, "Alright! Sceptile is going to win this for sure."

Darkrai fires an Ice Beam, but Sceptile dodges and uses Quick Attack, which Darkrai also avoids. I then order Sceptile to use Leaf Storm but Darkrai dodges and hits with Sceptile with a close-range Ice Beam. Sceptile is hurt and stumbles, allowing Darkrai to land a Dark Void and put Sceptile to sleep. Darkrai then attacks Sceptile with Dream Eater which hits Sceptile and causes him to react in pain from the attack.

"Sceptile, please wake up! I know you can do it!" I yell.

He suddenly wakes up immediately in response much to Tobias's surprise and shock. Ash tells Sceptile to use Leaf Blade, and Sceptile strikes hard on Darkrai, finally managing to take the Pitch-Black Pokémon out of the fight.

"This is the first time Darkrai has been out of the battle! With only 2 Pokemon left, what will Tobias do?"

Tobias recalls Darkrai and says, "I must say, Ash. You have done a good job. Let's see if you can keep surpassing me."

Tobias sends out Deoxys, much to the crowd's shock as this is his second Legendary Pokemon in the team. I know how troubled this Pokemon is, so I say, "Sceptile, take a rest for now. Togekiss. I am counting on you."

Togekiss uses Steel Wing, but Deoxys changes into Speed Forme and dodges it. Then it uses Psychic, which hit Togekiss. Togekiss uses Dazzling Gleam, which hits Deoxys. Deoxys uses Extreme Speed, but Togekiss flies into the sky and uses Protect to block the move. Then Deoxys fires Flash Cannon while Togekiss uses Moonblast, the two attacks combine each other and send the waves back knocking out both Pokemon.

"Tobias has only one Pokemon left." Tox says. "Ash can win this."

"You all think Darkrai is Tobias's strongest Pokemon, but you are wrong." My Dad says.

"Really, then what is it?" Barry asks.

Then Tobias sends out Latios, much to everyone's surprise.

"A Latios... well, Sceptile, I choose you!" I decide to send back Sceptile.

I tell Sceptile to use Leaf Blade on Latios, but Tobias is ready for this and commands a Giga Impact from Latios who is far faster than Sceptile. Latios hits Sceptile in mid-air, knocking it out in one hit, to my shock.

"One hit KO?" Minami asks.

"Sceptlie is already tired, so it is no big deal." Mark says.

"I wonder what Ash will choose." Dawn says.

I recall Sceptile and smile, I know that he's going to use Latios, and that's why I have this Pokemon I got from my Dad. "Tobias, how about we make an Eon Dragon Battle? Latias! I choose you!"

After the Dragon Pokemon appears, everyone is amazed. Barry says, "Ash has a Latias, too?"

"Latios, too. He caught the siblings when we were at Hoenn." Alice says.

Both Pokemon Mega evolve and soar through the sky, and then they clash with each other with their Dragon attacks. In the end, Latios is hit by Draco Meteor and reverts back to his original form.

"The winner of the match is Ash Ketchum! He has successfully defeated 3 legendaries and advanced to the finals!"

The crowd cheers as I give Latias a hug. Tobias walks towards me and says, "Thank you for an amazing battle, Ash. I enjoy it a lot."

I reply, "Thanks, I couldn't have done it without my Pokemon's help."

In the audience, my Mom smiles and says, "Ash has grown up..."

My Dad agrees with my mom, "Indeed. He has passed Tobias's strength."

Barry says, "Ash really did it, the battle makes me all pumped up!"

Dawn says, "You are right. Ash really outdone himself."

"Though it is quite sad to see Dad lost, but what a battle." Verity says.

Cynthia is watching in the stands and she says, "Well done, Ash. Not even I can beat Tobias' full strength, and yet you prove that you can do it."

Lillie also defeats her opponent and advances to the finals, where she will be facing me in the finals.

The next day, we are facing each other. I say, "Lillie, I never have thought that we will be facing each other for now."

"Yeah. We both share our Pokemon, and we train together, but we never thought we would face off against each other in this stadium." Lillie says.

Then the referee tells them to call out their Pokemon. I send out Drapion while Lillie sends out Mamoswine. Drapion uses Toxic Spikes to make the field poisoned, which is something that Paul did in my match. Mamoswine uses Earthquake to hit Drapion. Drapion manages to stand still and uses Hyper Beam, Mamoswine does the same, and then both Pokemon are knocked out.

Then it is Espeon versus Leafeon. Espeon uses Trick Room to be faster than Leafeon, and this is a strategy that she learned from Conway.

"Now they have been using the others' strategies to their advantages..." Dawn says.

But Leafeon manages to win using Solar Beam and Sunny Day. Lillie recalls Espeon and sends out Magmortar. With its fire type, he defeats Leafeon. The Trick Room is still on, so I sent out Steelix.

"Just how did Ash manage to get a lot of weird Pokemon?" Barry asks in shock.

"That was really old, Ash got it in the Rock Tunnel back in Kanto." Serena says.

Steelix uses Iron Tail to beat Magmortar, so Lillie sends out Torterra. Torterra and Steelix fight hard as the stadium is shaking every time they clash. Then Steelix is defeated by Fissure. I send out Yanmega as my fourth Pokemon. Yanmega uses Double Team and Sonic Boom to get Torterra knocked out. Lillie sends out Vespiquen, trying to use Defense Order to raise its Defenses, and whenever I use a move, it will recover using Heal Order. Eventually, Yanmega is tired and is knocked out by Hurricane.

I decide to go with Dusknoir, Lillie uses the same trick again and again, and Dusknoir is eventually tired.

"What is Ash doing, doesn't he learn from the last battle?" Tox asks.

"I think I know what he is aiming." Golly says.

After Dusknoir is knocked out by Attack Order, Vespiquen also faints.

"You use Destiny Bond, right?" Lillie asks.

"I am sorry, but that was my plan all along." I smile.

Then we both nod at each other and send out Pikachu and Togekiss.

"Their final Pokemon are Togekiss and Pikachu, both Pokemon have fought hard in the previous battles, now what will happen?"

Pikachu says, "I never thought we would be facing each other in the finals."

"Me too." Togekiss says.

Both Pokemon fight hard and not hold back, until a Moonblast and Electro Ball have covered the field in smoke. After the smoke clears, Pikachu and Togekiss are panting.

"Nice battle." Pikachu says.

"Same too." Togekiss says, and much to everyone's surprise, they both faint at the same time.

"Unbelievable! The match is a Draw, which means both Ash and Lillie are the winners of the Sinnoh League!"

Everyone cheers, and Goodshow says to Cynthia, "Looks like you're going to have two challengers facing the Elite Four."

"Indeed. But it is fine since this is the first time we have 2 winners." Cynthia says.

After getting the league trophy, we are happy as we go outside. The others come to us and Gladion says, "Well well, looks like we have 2 winners."

Verity says, "Congratulations. It is better than we hoped."

We thank them, Barry says that he won't lose next time and promises to have another battle in the future. He bids farewell to us. Every one of our family also leave until it is back with the six of us again.

The Sinnoh League ends here. And I decide to let Ash and Lillie both League winners of Sinnoh. The next chapter will be Post Game Content.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Purugly, Skuntank, Bronzong, Chatot, Spiritomb, Garchomp, Lucario, Hippowdon, Drapion, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Lumineon, Abomasnow, Weavile, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Togekiss, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Typhlosion, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Togekiss, Mamoswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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