Chapter 10

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As we continue moving, we are now on Route 20, and that's we find some grass shaking, we decide to check it out, and it appears to be an Audino. Alice says, "Didn't we get a Mega Stone for Audino from Looker?"

"You're right. We can actually use it if we have an Audino." I say. Then we decide to capture the Audino so it will help us with training.

Audino: The Hearing Pokemon: Normal Type. Its auditory sense is astounding. It has a radar-like ability to understand its surroundings through slight sounds.

Then we decide to do some training, with Lillipup evolving into a Herdier after some training.

Herdier: The Loyal Dog Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolve from Lillipup at LV:16. It has black, cape-like fur that is very hard and decreases the amount of damage it receives.

And after we train up with Snivy and Oshawott, the two Pokemon also decide to evolve as well. Although their personalities are actually the same as Servine is still trying to act cool while Dewott still likes to come out of the Pokeball on its own.

Servine: The Grass Snake Pokemon: Grass Type. Evolve from Snivy at LV:17. It moves along the ground as if sliding. Its swift movements befuddle its foes, and it then attacks with a vine whip.

Dewott: The Discipline Pokemon: Water Type. Evolve from Oshawott at LV:17. Scalchop techniques differ from one Dewott to another. It never neglects maintaining its scalchops.

We then arrive at Astilbe Town for rest, and we find a double battle held in the Battle Club between a Trainer's Watchog and Mienshao and another Trainer's Heatmor and Emboar. The two Fire Pokemon win the match, and we find that the trainer is named Shamus.

However, Shamus wants the loser of the battle to hand over one of the powerful Pokemon, we try to stop him, and it is thanks to Don George that the situation is defused. We learn from the trainer that Shamus is the one who started the battle so he will get his hands on the powerful Pokemon.

And when we're having dinner in the Pokemon Center, we also find out that Shamus was Tepig's former trainer. Alice says, "Sorry, but I think our Tepig might be the same Pokemon you have abandoned back in Accumula Battle Club."

"Lucky for you, this guy give you a break." Shamus replies.

"How dare you abandon a Pokemon like that!" Golly demands.

"I do what I want, thank you. It just felt right in time." Shamus replies.

"That's just wrong! You say your sorry right now!" Iris says.

"Not on your life." Then he tries to throw Tepig back to us.

I ask, "Why did you abandon Tepig, what is wrong with you?"

"I left him for his own good. It might not sound right, but forcing a weak Pokémon into battle would be worse than abandonment." Shamus says. "Once I have discovered this Pokemon has no talent in battle, I knew it will be happier to set free."

"And what about the string? Why is he tied up? Not to mention it is on the mouth, you could've starved the Tepig!" Eve says.

"The truth is, I set Tepig free, but it keeps following me anyway." Shamus says.

It is then Don George arrives as he says, "I heard everything, since this is a battle club, why don't we decide this with the battle?"

"Sure, if it's a Double battle I accept." Shamus says. "That is, if you think your unevolved Tepig can beat my awesome fire warriors."

"We will win, and when we do, you have to apologize to Tepig." Alice says.

Servine, who has been listening to us, says, "You're going to use me as well! I'm going to help Tepig no matter what."

"Servine... We'll battle together." I say.

Later that night, we've been searching for Tepig, and once we find him, I say, "We want to train, what do you say?"

Tepig frowns, and Eve asks, "Do you think maybe Tepig isn't over with Shamus? I think he doesn't even want to have this battle..."

"After what that guy did?" Iris asks. "Tepig, you have to realize that there's time you shouldn't be nice."

Servine walks forward and slaps him with a Vine Whip. "Are you going to keep this up? What he said was not true, and you can prove it by battling! Don't you get it?"

Tepig then shakes his head before firing up. "You're right. I'll prove I'm not weak."

The next morning, we have a battle, although Servine is ready, Tepig still appears downtrodden.

Servine goes for Leaf Storm on Emboar, but it dodges. I try to tell Tepig to use Flamethrower on Heatmor, but Tepig can neither bring himself to battle nor dodge a Hammer Arm from Emboar.

"Tepig! What's bothering you?" I ask. "I understand, you can't forget about him?"

Then Shamus laughs, "Whenever I abandon a Pokemon, I always make them think I'm so sad, if not, there's always someone who keeps following me around. All you have to do is to shed some tears to convince them that you care and let you go."

Upon hearing this Tepig becomes immobilized by sadness and breaks down. I say, "Tepig, get up. You called yourself a trainer?"

"Say whatever you want, but power is what counts. Of course I want to find a Pokemon with a tiny little skill."

I grit my teeth and say, "I've had it. We're going to give you a battle you won't forget."

"Ash and Servine might be pumped up, but if Tepig doesn't want to battle, it won't work..." Eve says.

Servine uses Attract on Emboar, leaving him helpless to avoid Vine Whip. Shamus snaps Emboar out of it by having Heatmor use Fury Swipes on its teammate. Emboar recovers from the infatuation and uses Flamethrower while Heatmor uses Fire Spin. Servine dodges, but the two attacks hit Tepig before Servine is struck by Heatmor's Fury Swipes and Emboar's Heat Crash.

"Servine!" Tepig gasps, and she says, "You have to battle, you can't show him you're weak!"

Tepig then decides to use Flame Charge, hitting both Heatmor and Emboar, but Shamus is not impressed. Both Emboar and Heatmor get back up and use Flare Blitz and Fire Spin, respectively. Emboar launches forward, enveloped in blue flame, and is boosted by the Fire Spin spiraling around him.

"Tepig! Dodge it!" I yell, but Tepig is too scared to do a thing, it is then Servine pushes him out of the way and takes the blow, knocking her out.

"Servine! No!" Golly yells.

"You were just great, why don't you take a rest." I say.

"I want to watch, he can't give up for now." Servine says.

It is then Tepig starts to get the determination and also evolves into a Pignite.

Pignite: The Fire Pig Pokemon: Fire and Fighting Type. Evolve from Tepig at LV:17. Whatever it eats becomes fuel for the flame in its stomach. When it is angered, the intensity of the flame increases.

"Even after it evolves it won't defeat Emboar." Shamus says.

"It's time to show them your new move." I say. "Use Fire Pledge!"

Pignite strikes the ground, sending a pillar of fire that engulfs both Emboar and Heatmor, and then it uses Flame Charge to defeat both Pokemon.

"We did it, Pignite!" Both Servine and I hug the Pignite.

After recalling his Pokémon, Shamus walks over to Pignite and apologizes for what he did. He asks Pignite to ditch us and come back to his team, which makes Pignite smile with excitement. Pignite stares at his former Trainer for a moment before using Flamethrower on him, charring him, and turning his hair into an afro.

"You see, Pignite is now our Pokemon and we're the ones who train him to become strong." Alice says.

"I'll remember this!" Then he runs away, and we decide to ignore him and leave.

As we continue on the road, we find Hugh and Cheren. Cheren says, "There you are, I actually have some things to tell you."

"What is it?" I ask, and he brings us to the grass which seems to be darker than the rest.

"See the dark tall grass here? It's rare, but sometimes two Pokémon pop out at the same time. Also, the Pokémon that hide in dark grass are slightly stronger. So be careful if you walk through." Cheren says. "If you're going to challenge the next Gym, it's the Virbank Gym. These might help!"

We are given the Pecha Berries, and I think it is obvious that it is going to be a Poison Gym, considering our Poison Manor is nearby. "Both of you, do your best! If you need anything, call me on the Rotom Phone."

After he leaves, Hugh says, "Cheren sure knows a lot. And he fought those Team Plasma thugs, too... I've decided! I'm going to get stronger than him! You should... Do your best! Fill up the Pokédex and have my back. Got it?"

Then he decides to leave to search for some Pokemon, and to our surprise, we find a Venipede who jumps into my arms. "Wait, Venipede?"

We recognize him as the same Venipede that we met in Castelia Sewers, it has been following us even onto the ship. We are happy at the Pokemon's determination as we decide to capture him.

Venipede: The Centipede Pokemon: Bug and Poison Type. It discovers what is going on around it by using the feelers on its head and tail. It is brutally aggressive.

Cilan asks, "You really are trying to capture all the Pokemon, aren't you?"

"Of course, every Pokemon is our friend after all." I say.

Now we finally arrive at Virbank City, and when we get there, Cilan says, "Virbank City! Such zest! I finally get to experience it firsthand! I can almost taste the passion and creativity."

"Are you feeling alright?" Iris asks.

"For a Film Connoisseur, this city is the best place to go!" Cilan says.

"You mean the Pokestar Studios, right?" I say. "It will be fun to go there, but sorry, that will be after the gym battle. You'll have to wait for more time."

Cilan then suddenly kneels to the ground with anime tears, and we all sweatdrop. Then we hear a commotion on the streets as we decide to check it out. "Roxie, don't try to stop me! I'm off to Pokestar Studios to live up to my true potential! My dream is to be a ship captain and movie star!"

The girl named Roxie yells, "Get real! You're a captain already, aren't you? If that ship doesn't move, you're going to cause lots of trouble!"

"Oh, dear daughter. You split your time between your responsibilities as a Gym Leader and with your band, right? I can do that, too!"

Then he walks off to the Pokestar Studios, and the girl yells, "AAAAAAH! You dim-witted...dense...dumb...daft...dippy...dorky...doltish DOOFUS! Doing double duty isn't the problem! You're causing problems for people! Keeping people from getting where they're going because of sheer selfishness is unforgivable! I've HAD it! I'm going to the Gym!"

After she leaves, Golly asks, "That's the gym leader?"

"She's also a famous rockstar as well." Alice says. "So are you ready to challenge her?"

"Not yet. First thing to do is to go to our Poison Manor." I say. "And that's near the Virbank Complex."

"You said that you have two manors in a region, so this is the second one?" Cilan asks.

"And what about the Dragon Manor?" Iris asks, "You got to have one, right?"

"That's in Galar." I say, much to her dismay. Then we decide to head to the Virbank Complex to rest.

Here is the Virbank City chapter. As for the Starter Pokemon evolving, I was a little disappointed that they didn't do it in the anime for Oshawott and Snivy, so I decide to make them evolve right now. I hope you like it and the next chapter is the gym battle.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Servine, Pignite, Dewott, Patrat, Herdier, Purrloin, Musharna, Pidove, Blitzle, Woobat, Audino, Timburr, Tympole, Sewaddle, Venipede, Tirtouga, Archen, Zekrom, Egg

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Yamask

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn

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