Chapter 11

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When we finally arrive at the Virbank Complex, we arrive at our Poison Manor. When we get inside, I'm immediately tackled in a hug by Muk.

"It's nice to see you again, Muk... but you're making me uncomfortable..." I sweatdrop.

Then after him, Gengar also comes to play pranks on us, and then some other Poison Pokemon are here. Cilan says, "You sure have a lot of Poison Pokemon."

"I know." I say. Then we are surprised to find four people greeting us, Dad, Dia, Palmer, and Gina. I say, "It is nice to see you again."

"We heard what Giovanni has done and we came here as quickly as possible." Gina says. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"Don't worry, it is thanks to Alice and the others that I'm fine now." I say.

After introducing Iris and Cilan, Iris says, "You have a really nice family. It makes me jealous."

"Yeah, we actually have a lot of family members." Golly says.

"But for some reason, I think all of you are quite familiar to me somehow..." Cilan asks. "But I think it must be my imagination."

"This place might be our Poison Manor, it is also a place is also a hospital for Pokemon who are injured and wounded." I say. But then, I notice the hooded figure around the house and the next moment I see her disappear.

Dad asks, "Something wrong, Ash?"

"Dad... you see..." I decide to explain the hooded figure who saved me back when Team Rocket controls me, and I ask, "Do you know who the person is?"

My Dad is also confused, "So you're saying that there is another person who arrives to save all of you, but she's wearing a hood? I don't think I know about this..."

Dia says, "What kind of Pokemon did she use?"

"A Lucario." Golly says, "And nothing else. She was also worried when she learned that Ash was in danger... it had to be someone who was close to us..."

I was thinking that it might be my Mom, but my Mom is already dead and if she's alive, why didn't she tell us and what's her deal? My Dad then asks, "So Ash, how many badges do you actually have with you right now?"

"I only got the Basic Badge, apparently Striaton Gym and Nacrene Gym are no longer operating, and Castelia Gym suffered from Team Rocket's attack that needs to be fixed."

"I think we heard about that from Burgh." Palmer says. "But Virbank City has a gym now, right? Maybe you should challenge it."

"Palmer's right, also, since it is a Poison Type Gym, it might be tough for you." Gina says.

"Poison sounds great for me." Golly says. "Though Eve and I are going to capture some Pokemon."

"Then we'll meet up here once we finish our work." Then the four of us are heading to the gym. We find that the gym entrance is located in an alleyway. "It says the Gym entrance is right here." Cilan says.

"That's it?" Alice asks.

"No question... this is the entrance to the Virbank Gym." As we enter, we find that there are only stairs and some posters, so we head down and find the gym guide standing at the doorway.

"This is a Pokémon Gym, and it's also a rock club! The Gym Leader and the others are practicing inside, but please feel free to challenge all of them! The Trainers in this Pokémon Gym all use Poison-type Pokémon! Grass- and Bug-type attacks don't work well against Poison types, so be careful! Also, if your Pokémon are poisoned, their HP will keep decreasing. Watch out! And you should know that Poison-type Pokémon can't be poisoned!"

And when we open the door, we find the music so loud and the crowd is cheering. Cilan yells, "This is louder than a Hyper Voice..."

"What did you say?" Iris yells.

"So you're my next challenger?" Roxie spots us and asks.

"I am." I step forward.

"How's it going, you're looking at the Virbank Gym Leader, Roxie." Roxie says.

"My name is Ash and I'm from Pallet Town!" I say.

"That's in Kanto! It is also where I got my Koffing and Grimer." Roxie says. "You want to challenge me, then you'll have to battle my two bandmates first."

"Bandmates?" Cilan is confused.

"Come on, we're one of the Unova's famous pop band! Give it up for "Koffing and the Toxic!" The crowd is cheering and she continues, "Virbank Gym is not only a gym, but it is also a live concert stadium, we all jam here with great battles and tunes."

"Well, that's not going to bother us. I know how it feels to be in a band, just one band member short right now." I say.

"Sorry that I'm late, the gym is hard to find." It is then that Reisa arrives, and Cilan asks, "Reisa?"

Iris asks, "What are you doing here?"

Alice says, "We called her here, since it is time to show what the Colors Band are made of."

Then the three of us put on our masks and we also start the music, and Roxie says, "What do we have here, the worldwide famous band, "The Colors!" Now that's what I'm talking about!"

Iris asks, "What the hell... Ash, Alice, and Reisa form a band as well?"

Cilan says, "This sure is really beyond my expectations..."

The one playing the drums is Roughneck Nicky, and he says, "Get in my way, and I'll knock you out! Stay out of my way... and I'll knock you out, too!"

While the music is going on, we also have our gym trainer battles, and he uses Grimer and Koffing, while I use Woobat and uses its Psychic moves to defeat them in the end. "I'm the one who got knocked out! That was exhilarating!"

The next gym trainer is Billy Jo, the band's guitarist, she says, "I can always be straight, and honest with myself whenever I'm playing the guitar or having a Pokemon Battle!"

She uses Venipede and Koffing, while I use Pignite to defeat them with Fire Pledge. "Argh! The happy times always end so quickly!"

And that's when Colors Band finishes the song, and the crowd is really hyped. Roxie says, "That was some cool moves you have there, it seems we really have ourselves some rivals. Now let's see how two bands face each other through this gym battle!"

"I'm here for my second badge, and as the Champion of four regions, I won't lose that easily."

"So you're the famous champion who wins four leagues." Roxie says, "But that doesn't mean you can just win my gym badge this easily."

"The harder the better." I say.

"Then how about this? Your Pokemon must be in the top shape. Bring it on, using all six of your Pokemon!"

"All six?" Alice asks.

"And I'll use three of mine. That makes three against six!" Roxie says.

"But isn't that an unfair advantage?" Reisa asks.

"Don't worry about me, it's my gym and my rules." Roxie says. "Now Get ready! I'm gonna knock some sense outta ya!"

Roxie decides to send out Koffing as her first Pokemon, and the crowd is hyped. I say, "That Koffing is fast..."

"How does it move like that?" Iris asks.

"I don't know, but that kind of speed will be hard to deal with..." Cilan says.

"Since I'm having my Unova Pokemon, so I'll show you what I have. Archen! I choose you!"

The band rocks out before the battle begins, and the crowd chants my name. With Roxie's group playing the music, the three of us are also trying to do the rock music battle against them as well.

"Let's start with Sandstorm!" I have Archen go with the move to cause steady damage to Koffing.

"You really you can chill out Koffing's moves? Your strategy is clear fuse! Use Clear Smog!" The attack blows away the Sandstorm and deals considerable damage to Archen.

I have Archen uses Ancient Power, but Koffing deflects with Gyro Ball and strikes Archen for super-effective damage.

"Poor Ash, where's that confidence? If you're not going to bring it then I'll do it!" Koffing uses Sludge Bomb and Archen counters with Dragon breath, Koffing follows up with a Gyro Ball, which Archen attempts to defend against with Sandstorm, but Koffing breaks through and knocks Archen out.

Reisa says, "This is not good, Ash has his first Pokemon down."

"But Koffing takes a lot of damage, so it should be better." Alice says.

"Is my Koffing really strong to you, Ash?" Roxie taunts, I say, "I like strong, it's the perfect way to win my gym badge."

The next Pokemon is Woobat, and she says, "Think you can handle Koffing's Speed, do you?"

I have Woobat start off with Heart Stamp, which does considerable damage. Koffing proceeds to use Will-O-Wisp, but a cleverly executed Gust from Woobat blows the wisps back at Koffing for a lot of damage.

"I don't think Koffing is very pleased about that." Cilan says.

Woobat uses Air Slash, but Koffing easily dodges and follows up with Sludge Bomb. The smoke clears and it appears that Woobat has been poisoned.

"Now for a little poison payoff." Roxie smiles.

"Woobat! Hang in there!" Iris yells.

"Woobat! Let's wrap this up!" I say, Koffing uses Clear Smog to ramp up Unfezant's damage. I want to consider substitute, but Woobat wants to continue battle.

"Good, then use Assurance!" I say, and it clashes with Koffing's Gyro Ball and is knocked back. Woobat tries once more, but this clash renders it unable to battle.

"What a hot air battle." Billy Jo says.

"But that Koffing came on top as usual." Nicky says.

"Looks like our challenger's having a bad day, you know." Roxie says.

Reisa says, "Ash, Alice. I think we need to change a song if we want to keep this up. It is obvious that you're struggling to beat her first Pokemon."

"You're right. A change of song means a change of strategy. Sewaddle! I choose you!"

Much to everyone's shock, I send out a Sewaddle. Cilan says, "This is a surprise, what in the world is Ash planning?"

"A Grass and Bug Type that puts you in a total disadvantage, desperate are you?" Roxie asks.

"Let's start with Struggle Bug!" I yell, and the attack hits Koffing, lowering its Special Attack.

"That's all you've got? You're never going to beat Koffing." Roxie says as she commands for a head-on attack with Gyro Ball, but Sewaddle ensnares it in his String Shot.

"Now that's what I called the swing!" Reisa says. Koffing tries to use Sludge Bomb but misses when Sewaddle begins swinging it around. I have Sewaddle reel it in and finish with Struggle Bug, knocking it out of battle.

"You are awesome, Sewaddle!" I say.

Alice says, "Know it. Sewaddle puts Koffing into a close range hit so that it can't dodge the attack."

"You rocked hard, Koffing. Winning with a bad matchup, I'm impressed. I can see you have the spirit to win, but so do we. So now it's time for us to turn our energy up to 11! Whirlipede! Let's go!"

Whirlipede is next, and I decide to have Sewaddle stay in. It goes for Razor Leaf, but the move hits with no observable effect.

"What a waste. Whirlipede! Use Toxic!" It is then the toxic hits, and Sewaddle is poisoned. Badly poisoned and nearly unable to stand, Sewaddle fires a Struggle Bug which Whirlipede dodges, and Roxie orders a Rock Tomb, trapping Sewaddle in rocks. It then launches a Sludge Bomb that hits Sewaddle head-on, knocking him out.

"So Ash, when Roxie's in serious mode, it gets intense." Nicky says.

"Only three Pokemon left, can't wait to see Whirlipede rock their world, just like that Sewaddle." Billy Jo says.

"Only three, you mean I still have three. I believe in my Pokemon and I know how they will help me get my second Unova Gym Badge!" I say.

My fourth Pokemon is Pignite, and it has a type advantage over Whirlipede. I decided to go for Flame Charge as the first move.

"So you want Pignite to cause damage but also raising the speed at the same time. I don't think so!" Whirlipede counters with Screech, and the sound waves end up being disruptive enough for Pignite to break Flame Charge. Pignite fires Flamethrower, but Scolipede dodges again and poisons Pignite with Toxic.

"Stay strong and use Fire Pledge!" I yell, and the attack manages to hit Whirlipede and knock it out.

"We did it!" Alice says.

"Now that was a show that nobody will forget." Roxie says.

"Only one Pokemon left, it's three against one." Reisa says.

"I won't be so cocky if I were you. Look, your Pignite is not exactly having a party." Billy Jo points out and I know that the poison effect is trouble.

"Here! A present!" Just then, Roxie tosses Pignite a Pecha Berry, curing him of his poison. We are confused, and she says, "It wouldn't be fun against a poisoned opponent when my third Pokemon's energy level is at 120% This is rock and roll! And you got to pay hard if you want to play hard."

"And we accept the challenge." I say.

The crowd is now cheering louder as Reisa says, "Iris and Cilan! Do something, we can't let them outcheer us!"

"Don't worry, we have an idea." Iris says as she runs off with Axew.

"For my final Pokemon, I'm rocking this house tonight!" Then they start to overpower us with music, and she sends out the final Pokemon: A Grimer.

I order another Flame Charge, but Roxie orders Grimer to dodge, which it does by jumping into the air and lands on Pignite, sending its weight down on Pignite.

"Pignite! No!" I yell. Grimer grabs Pignite from underneath it and uses Mud Slap on it, which is super effective.

"You can do it, Pignite! Use Flamethrower!" But Grimer jumps again, but this time Pignite uses Rollout, crashing into the Grimer.

"Let's wrap this up with Fire Pledge!" "Don't let it use that move!"

Grimer is trying to extend its body to stop the Fire Pledge, and then it uses Mud Slap again.

"Now this is what I call party time! Let me hear you say yeah!" Billy Jo rouses the crowd again, and Reisa says, "Where are the fans of the Colors Band? Cheer loudly for us!"

Cilan notices that Iris having a ceremonial drum and gasps, "Iris, what are you doing?"

"Cheering for Ash, what do you think?" Iris asks.

I have Pignite use Fire Pledge again, but this time Grimer uses Rock Slide, knocking Pignite out of the battle.

"You see, Poison type moves aren't the only tunes I play. And this way, I won't have to use a single one of them."

"Don't you dare go easy on us, I know you're strong, so by defeating you will be worthwhile for me." I say.

"I like how you think. Let's turn this up to 11!" Then I decide to go with Tirtouga. I order a Mud Shot, but Grimer once again dodges in the same way.

"Now that's the kind of gig I can get into big time!" Roxie says.

She orders another Rock Slide, but Tirtouga counters with Brine, canceling it out. I order Ancient Power, but Grimer responds with Gunk Shot, launching a trash bag that meets Mud Shot head-on. The trash bag bursts to release poison-coated garbage, striking Tirtouga and poisoning him as well.

"It's been poisoned..." Reisa says.

"Let's end this, finish with Venoshock!" Grimer shoots out the green goop, which deals heavy damage to Tirtouga and faints him.

"This is not good..." Alice says. "Venoshock's damage doubled when the opponent is poisoned."

Roxie says, "With one Pokemon each, looks like we're going for the last song!"

"Yeah, but now we're even and this is fine for me." I say. "I've been through a lot, so there's no way I can lose. Pikachu! You're up!"

Pikachu jumps into the field, and Roxie says, "So the cute Pokemon you brought all the way from Kanto is your last?"

"But that cute Pokemon is strong." I say back.

Roxie begins by ordering Mud Slap, but I have Pikachu dodge the attack. "Now use Quick Attack!" I yell.

Pikachu uses Quick Attack, hitting Grimer in the face. Grimer tries to attack again, but Pikachu dodges and fires a Thunderbolt to knock Grimer over.

"Now's our chance! Use Iron Tail!" I yell, but Roxie has Grimer dodges the attack and Pikachu lands on the ground hard.

"Okay, use Gunk Shot!" Pikachu is cornered by the flying exploding trash bags, and Roxie calls for Grimer to grab Pikachu and pin him to the ceiling before releasing, letting Pikachu plummet into a range of Body Slam and unable to counter.

The crowd cheers Roxie on as I falter unable to think of a way out. Reisa says, "Come on, Ash!"

Alice says, "Yeah, you're not going to lose now."

Then Grimer orders for another Gunk Shot, poisoning Pikachu.

"Pikachu's poisoned. I guess it's going to end the same way with Tirtouga." Roxie says.

"Don't give up! Let's go! You're just getting started!" "She's right! You're going to win this with your spirit!" We notice that Cilan and Iris are trying to cheer us up. And we are now turning the music louder.

Roxie orders Grimer to use Venoshock. Grimer tries to attack, but suddenly Garbodor gets surrounded by electricity and becomes unable to use Venoshock which shocks Roxie.

"Pikachu's ability is Static, which means your Grimer is paralyzed when it hits Pikachu with Body Slam!" Alice says.

Pikachu fires a Thunderbolt which Grimer unwillingly takes. Roxie calls for Venoshock. Grimer attacks, but I order Pikachu to use Electro Ball. Grimer's Venoshock is unable to stop Electro Ball until the attack finally hits Grimer, knocking it out.

We cheer with the win, and I also rush towards Pikachu, who is still poisoned. Roxie sighs, "Sigh! What are you doing losing, Roxie?! Well...I guess that means you're strong! This stinks, but I gave it everything I had, and I feel revitalized and refreshed now!"

Then she gives Pikachu a Pecha Berry to eat, and that's also when my bandmates, Iris, and Cilan rush to us. "You did it. That sure is an amazing battle." Reisa says.

"Like a secret ingredient: Pikachu's Static brought at home. Congratulations on a tough provoking battle." Cilan says.

"Thanks, we can win because of you guys cheering me on." I say.

Alice asks, "But what's with your faces painted up?" Then they start to chuckle a little. The crowd is also cheering for us, and Roxie says, "Here! Proof that you beat me!"

I get the Toxic Badge from her and she continues, "Two Badges! Now Pokémon up to Lv. 30, even Pokémon you got in trades, will realize how good you are and won't ignore your commands! Your Pokémon WANTED this win! Keep on going on like this, and do all sorts of stuff!"

"Of course!" I say with a smile.

And that's the end of the Virbank Gym chapter, which is the same as the anime but with different Pokemon. I mean, Ash doesn't have a Roggenrola yet and some of them are still unevolved. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the Pokestar Studios.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Servine, Pignite, Dewott, Patrat, Herdier, Purrloin, Musharna, Pidove, Blitzle, Woobat, Audino, Timburr, Tympole, Sewaddle, Venipede, Tirtouga, Archen, Zekrom, Egg

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Yamask

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn

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