Chapter 12

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When we are outside, we find a man who seems to be a scout and he says, "Hey, you! I felt like you were something special during your battle with Roxie. Please come with me to Pokestar Studios!"

"Pokestar Studios! We're finally going there!" Cilan says.

"You're going to Pokestar Studios?!" It is then Roxie comes out of the gym as well. "OH! I forgot! The old man! I have to get him back to work as captain!"

After she leaves, I say, "Well, we're going there tomorrow. It's already late after all."

Reisa says, "Thanks for inviting me to the band, you don't mind if I stay with you guys for the night at the Poison Manor?"

"Not at all." Alice says as we all head back. Eve and Golly are already waiting for us and Eve asks, "So how's the gym battle?"

"It's actually tough, but I still win it." I say. "So what kind of Pokemon do you get?"

"Just two Purrloins." Golly says. "But we don't mind."

"So where's Dad and the others?" I continue to ask, and Eve knows that Cilan has a slight grudge against the Shadow Triad, she says, "Left for business."

"I see." Alice says.

The next day, we all head to the Pokestar Studios, and we find Mr. Tom Stu-Deeoh Wood talking to the scout that we met yesterday. "Hm... I see... That kid sounds promising..."

"Indeed... And that kid should be here any moment!" The scout notices me and says, "Oh! And look who should appear!"

When Mr. Wood notices me, he says, "So you're saying that the person you scouted yesterday is our famous movie star Ash Ketchum? Welcome back to the Pokestar Studios, Ash."

"It's nice to meet you again, Mt. Wood." I say while shaking hands with him. Cilan asks, "You are a famous movie star, Ash?" Cilan gasps.

"Well, I did take part in some movies." I say. The scout says, "I'm sorry that I didn't recognize you in the first place, but if you insist, may I show you around the area?"

"Of course you can. Alice and Eve already know about what's inside, so it will be new to the others." I say.

Then Mr. Wood leaves because of other work, and the scout is now taking us and he says, "That's my boss for you, he's always busy. First, let me tell you briefly what Pokestar Studios is all about! Pokestar Studios was built for making films - it's a movie metropolis! Many films are made and released right here!"

Then we get to see the theater, where the films are shown. Movie fans from all over also gather there. We look inside and we find Roxie's Dad there.

"Oh, if it isn't the scout himself! Thanks to you, I've made my movie debut!"

"Wow: I'm glad to hear that!" The scout says.

Then we also introduce ourselves, and I also tell him how I defeat Roxie yesterday in a gym battle. "You beat Roxie, I see. You must be a pretty good Trainer. Oh, you know what? They're releasing my movie now! Are you thinking about making a Pokestar Stdios debut, too? Then, I do insist you watch my movie in order to gain acting tips from a professional such as myself."

He's been in one movie and now he called himself a pro? I've been in 10 or more movies and even get an award, what makes me then? Cilan says, "That sounds like a good idea!"

We decide to watch the movie, and we had to buy the tickets and then show the movie. So he's picking the Brycen-Man series... but it doesn't seem to be that appealing as I can see some of the movie fans are sleeping throughout the movie. Not to mention what the hell? The bad guy wins in the end? This is not the movie supposed to go.

The scout says, "I hope you had a good time! How did you enjoy the movie?"

Roxie's dad is not that happy, and he says, "Ha ha ha. I've always dreamed of making my debut on the silver screen... Now I've fulfilled that dream..."

"What are you saying?" The scout asks.

"Different people have different talents. I knew it all along. But I see my daughter striving to balance the responsibility of being a Gym Leader while pursuing her own dream of being in a band. Although I'm a father, I really wanted to pursue my own long-held dream... If you stop pursuing your dreams, your life might as well be over, right?"

I say, "That's not true, people make mistakes and that's how we'll grow. It is not over for your life."

The man sighs, "I'm going back to my duties as a ship captain for now. Someday, I'll return to the screen! Until that day comes, I'll leave all of the starring roles to you!"

After he leaves, we decide to go to the Filming Studio. Cilan says, "Is this really the filming studio?"

"Of course, this is where we film our movies." I say. "There are 11 movies for beginners, and if you're extraordinary, you get to meet Mr. Wood and find the own scriptwriter and act in a much bigger movie."

"That's so cool. Can we watch some of your movies?" Golly asks.

"If that's the case." I look at the timetable and say, "Looks like my own Brycen Man is about to be on air."

Then we decide to watch the whole film as we head back to the theater. Cilan is really excited to see my performance in the movie.

A place of never-ending smiles! Everyone's ideal place to play! The amusement park!

But a threatening shadow looms over this happy place... The stage is set for trouble...

However! It's darkest just before dawn! A hero has appeared on the scene! And that hero's name is... The Riol Kid!"

The bad guy in the film, Brycen-Man, has Pawniard to destroy the streets and attack people. "Go, my Pokemon! Unleash your power! Destroy everything in this amusement park!"

"Hold it right there!" The hero in the film, Riolu Kid, arrives in time.

"Wh-who are you?" "The Messenger of Truths and Ideals, the Riolu Kid enters! Stop right there, Brycen-Man! I cannot allow your mischief!"

"The amusement park... It is merely a moment of a dream... It is the shape people's ideals have taken... I have no use for such ideals..."

I command Riolu to use Force Palm, and that move destroys Pawniard in one hit.

"Hey, what's going on? Is this one of those hero skits?" The crowd is surprised. Brycen-Man says, "A single hit to KO my Pokemon... You're pretty good, Riolu Kid! Despite that, however...You will get down on your knees before me when I end you with my dark, secret arts! Prepare to be finished!"

I laughs before saying, "Bring it on, then!"

"Well said! My dark, secret arts enter! Take them and be gone!" He sends out Vullaby next, and he laughs, "Mwahaha! I will end you now, Riolu Kid!"

He goes for Feint Attack on Riolu, which is not super effective. I say, "Finish that with Ice Punch!"

"Ice Punch!" Brycen-Man is shocked as the Ice Punch hits Vullaby, knocking it out and also hitting Brycen-Man to the ground.

"Arrgh...Braving my secret arts to take out my Pokemon with one hit..." Brycen-man yells.

"Don't you get it, Brycen-Man?! This is an amusement park filled with the ideals of people! Be on your best behavior and go home!"

"Very well... I shall pull back today. You may be the Messenger of Truths and Ideals. But I am Brycen-Man, the Masked Man of Reality and Phantasm. Mark my words, Riolu Kid."

After he leaves, the crowds are cheering for me. "Wow, he's so cool! I love the Riolu Kid!"

I mutter, "Brycen-Man, the Masked Man... What is he planning to do...?"

Teaching Brycen-Man, the Masked Man, a lesson, the Riolu Kid saved the amusement park. Having spoken in a daring tone, Brycen-Man disappeared into thin air... To protect the truths and Ideals of Unova, go on, Riolu Kid! Fight on, Riolu Kid!"

"That is better than the one with Roxie's Dad." Iris says.

"Indeed. You really show the Brycen-Man some great moves." Cilan says.

"Well, this was actually filmed a long time ago, it's my debut. Serena and I also filmed more movies after that, maybe we can show you some other time."

As we are back in Virbank City, we find Roxie and Hugh facing Team Plasma grunts. Roxie says, "So, are you guys Team Plasma, then?"

"That's right! We're Team Plasma! Two years ago... We were betrayed by the man we respected as our king and hero! So our conquest of the Unova region ended in failure!" Me betrayed? They said like I'm on Team Plasma's side this whole time. "However! We'll never give up! We will persevere! We already have another plan in motion."

Hugh yells, "Shut it! You guys are the worst! You talk about saving Pokémon, but you're just Pokémon thieves! Don't think I'll ever forgive you!"

"In the ranch, we got chased by Lillipup... " "And now we're getting involved in trouble. This kinda stinks." "Well, it's OK, isn't it? If we steal their Pokemon... OK, kids, when you're ready, give it your best shot!"

They try to battle us with their Patrats, and Hugh yells, "I'll crush you and your new plans! I can never forgive Team Plasma!"

"And we're not going to let Team Plasma continue what they're doing." I say as we battle the grunts with our own Patrat, and it evolves into a Watchog in the end.

Watchog: The Lookout Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolve from Patrat at LV:20. When they see an enemy, their tails stand high, and they spit the seeds of berries stored in their cheek pouches.

"I can't believe kids like these caught us off guard! Tch... Let's run!"

They try to run away, and Hugh mutters, "Tsk! What a bunch of creeps!"

Roxie says, "Split up! You, go check Route 20!" Before she leaves, she says, "If I'd lost, my precious Pokémon would've been taken! Thanks, you guys! Use this!"

Another HM for Cut? I have no use for that so I decide to give it to Golly. Hugh says, "That's... a Hidden Machine, right? It's Cut! Pokémon that know Cut can use it even when they're not in battle to cut down small trees! Oh, but more importantly, let's go after Team Plasma! C'mon! We're splitting up and searching Route 20!"

We're back at Route 20, and we look for Team Plasma grunts until we find them near a ledge. "Yeesh! I really hate it when people won't let things go!"

We battle her Purrloin and I go for Sewaddle, and much to our delight, our Sewaddle evolves into a Swadloon and finishes with Energy Ball.

Swadloon: The Leaf-Wrapped Pokemon: Bug and Grass Type. Evolve from Sewaddle at LV:20. Forests where Swadloon live have superb foliage because the nutrients they make from fallen leaves nourish the plant life.

"Now that I think about it... If I run this way, no one can help me! I have to head toward the ocean! So, with that in mind... I'm going to flee again! Good bye, Virbank City!"

The grunt also runs away, and Iris yells, "Hey! Get back here!"

We also find Hugh and he says, "Well, they're really good at running, anyway... Still, she just said something useful! They must be moving around by boat! Castelia City has a big port... I wonder if they are headed there. OK! Let's go back to Virbank and look for someone who looks like they know a lot about ships. If I remember right, there was a place to board boats on the docks."

We all head to the docks, and then we find Roxie and her father talking in front of the harbor. Roxie says, "I thought your movie was pretty good."

"So you saw it..." Her father says, "That movie was...No, it wasn't the movie. It was me. I was so excited that I didn't really become Riolu-Man! Acting like that won't thrill or excite anyone..."

"C'mon! Don't get down! You can keep trying while you continue on as captain! As long as you don't cause anyone trouble, I won't get mad. I don't know how the Pokéstar Studios people feel about that, though!"

Then Roxie notices us and says, "Oh... Did you hear us? Well, it looks like everyone from Team Plasma got away... I don't feel really good about it, but at least they're gone. Oh! There was a lot of ruckus, but you can sail to Castelia City now!"

After she leaves, her dad says, "OK! I guess I'll do my best as a captain! I'll excite and thrill everyone by barreling through rough waves!"

Then we are going back to Castelia City, and I ask, "So Hugh, what are you going to do when you're in Castelia City?"

"I'm going to look for Team Plasma! I can't forgive those guys!" Hugh says. "Hey, captain! Show us that ship you're so proud of!"

"Of course, please step this way." Then we are on the boat as we head to Castelia City.

Here is a new chapter, and the Pokestar Studios part is done. I hope you like it and we're going back to Castelia City in the next chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Servine, Pignite, Dewott, Watchog, Herdier, Purrloin, Musharna, Pidove, Blitzle, Woobat, Audino, Timburr, Tympole, Swadloon, Venipede, Tirtouga, Archen, Zekrom, Egg

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Purrloin, Yamask

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Purrloin

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn

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