Chapter 14

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Since there is a Contest held in Castelia City, I decided to enter it with Gardevoir, Whimsicott, and Espeon to make a Psychic nad Fairy show. And all three of them show their beauty and gives me the win of my third ribbon with ease.

Now we're in front of the Castelia Gym, and when we enter, we are surprised to find what happens to the gym. It is now filled with String Shots. The gym guide says, "Hello! You're probably tired from wandering all over the crowded streets of Castelia City looking for Team Plasma and the Gym Leader. The theme of this Gym is none other than cocoons! You head upward by going inside the cocoons and traveling up the threads! The threads are definitely connected to Burgh...eventually!"

As we get close to the cacoon, we're sucked inside until we are out in another one. "Is this the gym challenge?" Alice asks.

"It sure is a sticky one..." I say.

The first gym trainer is Harlequin Clarence. "What do you think? This Pokemon Gym... What should I say? Isn't it full of... outrageous and mysterious charms?"

He uses two Sewaddles for the gym, while I go with Tranquill and defeat the two of them with ease. "You've got quite a bit of charm yourself, don't you?"

And after we continue moving, there are also some Harlequins jumped out from the cocoons to scare us. The second gym trainer is Harlequin Jack. "When the cocoon breaks open, the one that pops out is - moi! On that note, have a battle with moi!"

He uses a Combee and a Swadloon, and this is a surprise to Iris and Cilan because they haven't seen Combee before. I use Archen this time and use Rock moves to defeat both of them. "... That's right. I was taking a nap inside the cocoon! Hiding makes battle instincts dull, you know."

Then he moves out of the way so we can get sucked inside and find the third trainer, Harlequin Gary. "You thought you could get through here? Think again! Or so you thought! I'm just blocking your way!"

He uses a Sewaddle, Combee, and a Dwebble, so I go with Tirtouga and Tranquill to defeat all three of them in the end. "My, my... Aren't you a bit too strong?"

And we get to the final gym trainer, a Harlequin named Anders. "You're just one step away from being able to challenge Burgh! But, before that, I have to try to stop you!"

He also uses Dwebble and Swadloon, and after defeating him, he says, "Your battling style is almost as artistic as Burgh!"

Now that we're done, we are sucked into the last cocoon, and when we're out, we finally get to the studio where the family is waiting for us. "Hey, Burgh!"

"Good work back there in the sewers. My Bug-type Pokémon have been scurrying with excitement about getting to battle you. I'd say my Bug-type Pokémon are pretty great! C'mon, let me brag a little! Dwebble's round little eyes are cute! It's resilient and reliable! My ace is Leavanny! It's really the best! I think it's so sweet how it makes clothes for other Pokémon out of leaves. Of course, I'm really proud of all of my Pokémon! Well now... Let's get right to it!"

Shelly says, "Dad surely likes to brag about his Pokemon, isn't he?"

Mancy says, "But you have to admit that his Pokemon are strong and not easy to beat."

It seems that the battle is a four-on-four battle, and Burgh says, "It's a gym leader's duty to show you my choice of Pokemon first. And that choice is Dwebble!"

The first Pokemon is a Bug and Rock Type, and Iris comments on how its back looks different from Cilan's. "Pignite! I choose you!"

I decide to go with my Fire Type Pokemon first. Pignite attacks first with Arm Thrust, but Dwebble dodges it. Pignite tries again, but Dwebble uses Dig to avoid it and strike Pignite.

When Dwebble follows up with a fast X-Scissor and hits Pignite, Alice says, "That's fast..."

"Dwebble is so quick on its feet." Eve says.

"The rock that my Dwebble's carrying is special. It weight less than most Dwebble. That's why it moves so fast, with such grace."

Dwebble uses Protect to nullify Pignite's Flamethrower before launching X-Scissor, to which Pignite responds with Arm Thrust.

"Now finish this with one hit! Flame Charge!" I yell, but another Protect stops it. With Pignite close, Dwebble uses Rock Wrecker to take out Pignite.

"A close range Rock Wrecker..." Cilan says. "Effective."

"Do you think he purposely lured Pignite in?" Golly asks.

"Sure... he was just waiting for Pignite to get close. That's Burgh's style." Mancy says.

"So tell me what's your next Pokemon, Ash?" Burgh asks.

"Bug-type battle then, Venipede! I choose you!"

After the Venipede appears, Burgh asks, "Is that the Venipede from before?"

"Yeah! The one we met in the sewers. And I'm really grateful for what you did." I say.

"But this is a gym battle, and I'm not going to hold back." Burgh says.

Venipede goes for Poison Sting, but Protect once against stalls it. Dwebble charges with X-Scissor, but Venipede uses Rollout to dodge the attack.

"Great moves!" I say.

"I must say your rolling is just beautiful. Just like a Bug Type. My heart belongs to them."

Protect stops Venipede's Bug Bite counterattack before firing Rock Wrecker. Venipede once again uses Rollout to dodge and retaliate with Poison Tail, but Protect once again stops it.

When Dwebble fires another Rock Wrecker, Venipede uses Gyro Ball to stop it. Venipede's Rollout hits before Dwebble can use X-Scissor, which separates Dwebble from its shell.

"Now's your chance, Ash!" Alice yells.

"Venipede! Rollout!" Then Venipede continues to attack Dwebble with the attack before finishing with Poison Tail, knocking it out.

"That was well done. That Venipede of yours is impressive. Now for my next Pokemon, Karrablast! It's your turn!"

As the Pokemon appears, I decide to use Venipede. I have Venipede uses Poison Sting, but Karrablast dodges and goes for Aerial Ace, hitting Venipede.

"Venipede!" I yell, and Burgh continues to have Karrablast attack with Aerial Ace and Struggle Bug, but much to our delight, Venipede is evolving into a Whirlipede.

Whirlipede: The Curlipede Pokemon: Bug and Poison Type. Evolve from Venipede at LV:22. It is usually motionless, but when attacked, it rotates at high speed and then crashes into its opponent.

"Ah, a Whirlipede, it is one of my favorite Bug Type Pokemon." Burgh says.

He has Karrablast uses Aerial Ace again, but this time I use Iron Defense to block the attack, and then finishes with a new move Steamroller, which hits hard.

"Nice job, Ash. Your Whirlipede's pure heart has touched me." Burgh says as he sends out his third Pokemon, which is a Shelmet. Shelmet goes for Curse, which boosts the Attack and Defense while lowering the speed, and I have Whirlipede uses Steamroller once more, hitting Shelmet.

"I like your Whirlipede's iron heart." Burgh says as he commands Bug Bite, but it is countered by Iron Defense. I have Whilipede that uses Steamroller, but Shelmet goes for a Mega Drain, draining the energy of my Whirlipede.

"Now let's finish it with Struggle Bug!" Then my Whirlipede is defeated in the end, I recall my Pokemon and say, "Well, there is another Bug Type you can face! Swadloon! I choose you!"

After the Pokemon appear, Burgh says, "What do you know, your Sewaddle is also evolved! Excellent."

Shelly says, "Finding a Swadloon in the forest means that the trees there are actually healthy and strong."

"But this is a gym battle, so battle you I will!" Then I have Swadloon uses String Shot, but Shelmet goes for Mega Drain again. The attack manages to hit Swadloon, stopping the String Shot.

"Let's show your new power! Energy Ball!" I yell.

The attack hits Shelmet and sends it back. "Great job! Let's wrap this up! Use Tackle!"

Swadloon uses a Tackle to knock Shelmet out of the match.

"Great job, Swadloon, that means one more and we win!"

Swadloon nods, and Burgh decides to take out the Pokeball, "Mmm... I've got a bad feeling about this! Could I be in trouble? For the Guardian of the Castelia Gym! Come out! Leavanny!"

As the final Pokemon appears, I have Swadloon fire an Energy Ball, but Leavanny uses Protect to stop it before using String Shot to cover Swadloon.

"You're going to use Razor Leaf on yourself!" I say, Swadloon fires Razor Leaf on itself, breaking the strings but inflicting residual damage on itself.

"It takes a lot of courage to do that, you know. But no matter! Leaf Storm!" Swadloon is unable to dodge a powerful Leaf Storm and a follow-up Hyper Beam, finally taking it out of the match.

"And now, Ash! It's time for your fourth and final Pokemon." Burgh says.

I have one in mind, but Dewott pops out of the Pokeball. "Dewott? Do you want to go? Sorry, but I already decided on my next Pokemon. Maybe another time."

I recall Dewott and Absol is the one battling the final Pokemon.

"Absol is a rare Pokemon in the Unova Region, but in a gym, you can never be certain of what a trainer will use. Therefore, I make it my business to learn every Pokemon!"

Absol fires a Focus Blast, but Leavanny simply ducks to avoid it. Leavanny uses Protect to stop Absol's Psycho Cut before retaliating with Leaf Storm, but Dark Pulse cancels it.

"Oh, String Shot!" Just then, Leavanny uses String Shot to wrap and impair Absol. When Absol tries to dodge another Leaf Storm, it is unable to move quickly and gets hit.

"Absol! Trying using your cut moves to break the thread!" Absol tries to use Bite to break the threads, but it's no use. Absol gets knocked around by another Leaf Storm, and the strings impair Absol's Psycho Cut accuracy as well. A Hyper Beam attack once again knocks Absol about the stadium.

"It might be best to just give up." Burgh says.

"I'm not giving up." I say.

When Burgh orders another Leaf Storm, I decide to have Absol dive into it while spinning. The attack weakens the strings enough for Absol to shake off.

"Your self-sacrificing attack style has caught me off guard." Burgh says.

Burgh tries to slow Absol again with more String Shot, but Absol is good at dodging. It is then the portals are opening and I say, "Now the Future Sight has activated! Let's go!"

The attack then crashes into Leavanny, taking it down. "We did it!"

Shelly says, "Looks like Ash really defeated Dad."

"Indeed. He must be one of the best challengers that Burgh has faced." Mancy nods.

"Oh hoo... You are very strong indeed! I guess it's no surprise I lost. Here! Take this Insect Badge! I think it'll suit you!" Burgh says as I take the badge.

"Ooh! The Insect Badge suits you even better than I thought it would! If you have three Badges, Pokémon up to Lv. 40 will obey you, including traded Pokémon." Burgh says.

Now I have three badges, we then bid farewell to Burgh and leave the gym.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the Bug Type gym and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be Route 4 and some things to do.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Servine, Pignite, Dewott, Watchog, Herdier, Liepard, Musharna, Tranquill, Blitzle, Woobat, Audino, Timburr, Tympole, Swadloon, Whirlipede, Whimsicott, Tirtouga, Archen, Zekrom, Egg

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Yamask

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn

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