Chapter 19

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When we enter the gate, we are confused as to what we're seeing. Golly asks, "What is this place?"

"This is actually new to me..." Alice says.

"Hmmmm... What should I do? I can't possibly manage everything." We find a businessman who is muttering.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Hello! Welcome to Join Avenue! We don't have anything yet, as you see, so it's just an avenue at this point. Oh, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself. I am the owner of Join Avenue. My dream is to go around the world building avenues that bustle with lots of people. The problem is... I have no one I can trust to manage the avenue."

"So this is going to be an avenue of some sort... interesting." Cilan says.

"Something just struck me! You seem to be a Trainer traveling around, aren't you?" The manager asks, and I say, "Uh, yeah, I am."

"You naturally meet people from all over this region, don't you?" "I guess?"

"I know it seems sudden, but will you manage the avenue for me?" We are shocked to hear this, and then he starts to ask me a lot of surveys. After I'm done, he yells, "I knew it! You're the one! Who else could be so well suited to managing the avenue?"

A worker says, "Sir! It's almost time for your next appointment..."

"Oh, I almost forgot. My assistants! You heard me. I must leave now, so please support our newest manager." The owner says.

"Yes, sir! Please take care of yourself." When the owner leaves with some of the assistants, we are approached by two ace trainers. "Pleased to meet you! How should we address you?"

"Just Ash is fine..." I say.

"Now that you are the one to manage the development of the avenue, please turn it into a wonderful attraction where many people visit. I'll explain how to develop the avenue, so please talk to me when you are ready."

Alice says, "This is really going to be a big deal... I mean, you're now a manager of an avenue?"

"I think maybe I need Dad to help us out..." I say with a sigh. "Considering that managing business is something that he likes to do."

The avenue develops as we communicate with more people. First, we need to invite visitors to be residents of the avenue, so they set up shop here. Recommending these shops to visitors raises not only the shops' popularity but that of the avenue as well. More popular shops will have a wider selection of products. I decide to call Gina and asks her to help me out, and she actually agrees to help out, much to my delight. Then we all head to the Nimbasa City.

"We made it! We're finally here!" Cilan says.

"There are a lot of places to explore here." I say, "The Ferris Wheel is actually my favorite place to stay in."

"That looks very fun." Eve says.

When we decide to rest at the Pokemon Center, and Cilan decides to bring us there by taking the Battle Subway. Cilan refers to himself as a Metro Connoisseur, and is particularly excited to see an old double train carriage on display.

As we are riding on the subway car, we find that the subway is stopped for some reason. "Is there an accident?" Golly asks.

We look out the window and we find a train passing by. Cilan says, "I've never seen that train before... that's quite unusual..."

"Do you think it is those Ghost Trains that we saw from the movies?" Alice asks.

Then we find the Subway bosses, Ingo and Emmet, walking towards us. "Ingo and Emmet!" Cilan says. "Those two are the bosses that run the subway system!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're sorry for the delay. We'll resume the subway service." The announcer says as the train moves again.

When we arrive at the station, we meet the two people. Emmet, Ingo, and Cilan recognize each other from a previous Subway convention and become reacquainted, finding out what each has been doing since they last spoke.

"So is there a problem with the train?" Iris asks.

"There is. We've met a lot of cases of the unusual train sightings that we're not able to identify so far." Ingo says.

"The Ghost Train? That we just saw?" I ask.

"Precisely. The Ghost train unexpectedly appears from the train station, and we're forced to stop because we don't want any unnecessary collision." Emmet says. "But it is like the name implies, they vanish in thin air."

"Just a second... I've never seen a train like that before. But there's no doubt about it, it's like a real train. So how come it just vanishes?" Cilan asks.

"I'm afraid we've no idea." Ingo says.

Then we decide to go to the Pokemon Center, which is actually quite big compared to the other Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy says that's due to it being very busy, plus it offers many exclusive Pokémon services, including massages and special baths. Cilan also notes that this Pokémon Center is home to a Poké Ball vault, known to contain powerful Pokémon.

After our Pokemon go to the massage room, we decide to have some lunch. Suddenly, we find that the power in the Pokemon Center has been cut off, and we hear police sirens as we rush outside.

"Nurse Joy, what's going on here?" I ask.

"Apparently something happened to the Driftveil Drawbridge. And with all communications in Nimbasa City down, Officer Jenny said that there could be trouble. So we should be careful."

I know for sure that I have Zorua messed with the Drawbridge once, but he shouldn't have done it again. Cilan is quick to draw a connection to the other strange occurrences including the ghost train, and realizes that those responsible must be after the Pokémon.

"Wait, if what you're saying is true..." Golly says. "Then there is probably one team who could've done this..."

"Team Rocket..." I say. "They sure really like to cause trouble..."

We try to push to the vault, and we find that all the Pokemon are gone and the air vent is open. "Team Rocket must have escaped from here." Alice says.

"Let's go." Then with Nurse Joy informs Officer Jenny about what's going on, we all rush into the air vent and arrive at the subway tracks. And we find Meowth in front of us.

"There you are, Team Rocket!" I say, and they start to make their motto once more.

Jessie tries to attack us with Woobat's Air Slash, I block the attack and say, "You think those weak attacks are going to hit me, try again."

But they try to escape on the Ghost train, and we try to chase after them, only to find that the train is gone. Golly asks, "Our Pokemon has been taken. What should we do?"

"We should go to the Subway Control room. We should be able to find where the Ghost Train is moving."

We then find Ingo and Emmet and tell them about Team Rocket, and they also reveal that their automatic train system has also been hacked. While all trains have been ground to a halt, Team Rocket's ghost train is still able to use the connecting lines used to keep trains moving.

"There's no way of knowing where the Ghost Train is now, but since they're using the Connecting lines, the fact is they can't move directly to wherever it is they're going. Which means they're taking a circular route." Emmet says.

Then we decide to set up an ambush at a central location known as D3. We go to find the mail carrier car, to be able to use that to get to the location quicker. Cilan puts on his Subway Conductor hat and begins to operate the car to get them to the location. We stumble upon what looks like Team Rocket's ghost train, however, it is a fake and it causes the mail cart to be derailed.

"Who would've thought they use a decoy..." Alice says.

"So where's the real Ghost train?" Iris asks.

The Subway Bosses call Cilan and ask if he has seen the ghost train yet. Cilan says no, but there was a car headed their way. Team Rocket's ghost train passes us by. "I know there's going to be more decoys."

I say, "Maybe Team Rocket has already left the radar... they might have gone above ground."

"But isn't Subway staying underground?" Golly asks, and Alice says, "Ash is right. We just need to find where the ghost train enters to find where they are exiting."

Ingo and Emmet support the theory by pointing out that the subway trains all originate from the Anville Town railyard. With this knowledge, Ingo and Emmet plan to join up with us, racing down to a spare train car.

We continue to run along the tracks until we find Ingo and Emmet catching up to us on their crew car, powered by Emmet's Eelektross. We also hop on to chase after the Ghost Train. When we get out of the underground, we find Pikachu and the others on top of the subway car. With Team Rocket's helicopter and train trying to take them.

"They try to scoop up the subway car. Can you make it go faster, Emmet?" I ask.

Then he nods while Eelektross uses more power to speed up the train to insane velocities. "Hang on, guys! We're here!" Iris says.

"We're going on the train." I say. "Golly, Alice, let's go."

"Right." We all use our Psychic to get to the train, and Ingo also has his Chandelure to use Psychic to lift the others. Once we arrive, we greet our Pokemon before I try to fire Flash Cannon with Golly using Flamethrower to speed up the train.

"We're speeding up!" Cilan says. Axew attempts to use Dragon Rage to help, but the helicopter chopper simply flies up and picks up speed, making the Pokémon's efforts moot.

"They're going to catch up!" Eve says.

"Pansage! Use Bullet Seed!" Cilan says as he has Pansage change the car's track orientation. Alice is now helping us control our Pokemon to attack the helicopter while we're moving the train faster.

Servine uses Leaf Storm to attack the chopper's main blades. Pikachu's Electro Ball attack destroys the four cargo hooks on the helicopter, forcing it to back off. The train is still trying to catch up, and Chandelure joins the fray and uses Will-O-Wisp on the locomotive, destroying it. But much to our dismay, Team Rocket manage to get out of the train with their jet packs before they can send flying again... since when they have something for them to escape like that..."

Alice says, "I have to say that this time Team Rocket really has made a good plan."

I say, "Maybe it's because Giovanni's back in action that they are able to do such things... but there's only a few times left before the 1000th time."

"Still trying to kill them?" Eve asks.

"I tried to think of sparing them after some time, but after our Mom's death, not anymore." I say.

We finally arrive at Anville Town, and we decide to explore the place before heading back, and I also meet a girl who lost her Pansage. After finding it, she says, "Oh, my silly Pansage. A person with green hair told me that Pansage's dream is to become a railroad conductor! But... That guy... Can he talk with Pokemon?"

Alice asks, "You again?"

I say, "Yeah, I think I've met this girl once before." Then we decide to let Cilan marvel the trains before we all head back to Nimbasa City.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Team Rocket tries to steal their Pokemon but failed once more, and this also wraps up the important parts in Anville Town. The next chapter will be continuing the Nimbasa City exploration.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Servine, Pignite, Dewott, Watchog, Herdier, Liepard, Musharna, Tranquill, Zebstrika, Swoobat, Audino, Conkeldurr, Palpitoad, Swadloon, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Krokorok, Darumaka, Maractus, Dwebble, Scraggy, Sigilyph, Yamask, Tirtouga, Archen, Trubbish, Minccino, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scraggy, Yamask, Trubbish

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scraggy

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn

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