Chapter 20

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The next day, it is time for us to explore Nimbasa City, and we meet up with Nate and Rosa there. Nate says, "It sure has been a while since the Battle Club Tournament. How are you doing?"

"Other than Team Rocket trying to steal our Pokemon, it's fine." I say. "So you get the gym badge yet?"

"I got it yesterday. Elesa is quite strong." Rosa says. "I heard that in Gear Station you can have Pokémon battles in the subway! So I want to test my skills."

"We just met them yesterday, since the Team Rocket problem did affect the Battle Subway." Alice says.

When we get there, Ingo says, "So you want to battle? It will be fine if it's a two-on-two."

"This is an a-MAZ-ing opportunity! How about we battle together, Ash?" Rosa asks. "Let's become the best partners ever and surpass the Subway Bosses! So I'll have you challenge the Subway Bosses with me, then!"

"Sure." I say.

Ingo says, "Having a battle in a place like this is a little irregular, but this must've happened for a reason. Battling in a different place will let me see different scenery, and I might learn something, too. Now, Emmet, if you have something to add, please!"

"Follow the rules and drive safely! We're headed for victory! All aboard!"

Instead of using the Chandelure and Eelektross like they did yesterday, they use a Gurdurr and a Boldore instead. Rosa goes for Pignite while I use Tranquill, and the two of us manage to win against them in the end.

"Bravo! The combination of you and your Pokémon is truly fantastic!" Ingo says.

"While I may have lost to you... I had a good time! Let's play again sometime!" Emmet says.

"Yes! Definitely! Next time, please ride the subway and battle with us there! Well then, we're off! All aboard!" Then they leave, and Rosa says, "They were so tough, even when they were holding back for us! That's the Subway Bosses for you! I want to get even stronger and battle the Subway Bosses when they're giving it their all!"

"Of course." Then we bid farewell to Nate and Rosa, Alice says, "I wonder, can the Battle Subway list as one of the Battle Frontier Facilities?"

"Maybe. It might have the format of one, but I've never heard Scott about this before." I say.

There is also a Big Stadium and a Small Court in Nimbasa City. The stadium hosts baseball, soccer, and football games, while the court hosts tennis and basketball games. If they're not playing, we can actually battle the trainers there. We also watch the a sports event between the Gurdurr 11 and Team Darmanitan, as well as play a game of tennis at the Small Court.

There is also the Pokemon Musical, and when we enter there, we find a man who is the owner of the theater. "What do we do here? We use Props to make your Pokemon fashionable and glamorous! Do you want to join in and play Dress Up? To get you started, here's a Prop Case!"

We receive the Prop Case, but I already have one so I decide to give it to Golly, when Golly notices the Prop Case used to belong to Hilda, she was surprised. "Can I really accept this?"

Then he start to tell us another memory.


Leaving the Prop Case behind... Huh. Did Hilda do that accidentally or on purpose? Whatever the reason, there's no doubt that Hilda had a great talent for coordinating Pokémon Props! Open the Prop Case-and voilà! Colorful Props for Pokémon! Aw, yeah! It's time to play Dress Up! The Top Hat is an elegant Prop that adds class to any Pokémon's head! How about Blue Barrettes on a Pokémon's ears? The Square Glasses are eye-catching. They nicely frame a Pokémon's face! Maraca, Maraca, Maraca! It's a sharp look for a Pokémon's arm. The Umber Belt accentuates a waistline. Belts are decorative as well as useful. Putting a Tie on a Pokémon's body makes it look dignified or charming-or both! There's nothing to worry about. If Hilda comes back, we'll return this trusty Prop Case in a trice. In the meantime, we see in you a worthy successor to Hilda. Yes! You'll do! With your talent and this Prop Case, we foresee the rise of a future star! Props to you!

"Mmm, that takes me back!" The owner says. "I hope you'll be the superstar of a new generation! It's time to play Dress Up!"

Then Alice wants to dress Pikachu up for the Musical, so we decide to let her do it. Pikachu is taking the stage like a pro and we can hear a lot of comments.

"In this musical, it's not an overstatement to say that Pikachu was the lead role."

"The Pokémon used Props to convey such abundant expression, just as if they were actors!"

Golly laughs, "They don't know Pikachu is a real actor in the Pokestar Studios."

"Yeah." Alice giggles.

Before we leave, we receive a yellow prom for Pikachu, it is a rock star costume with Black stripes on it. Pikachu seems to like it.

As we go to the Amusement Park, we find a dropped phone on the ground, and it doesn't seem to have Rotom inside. When I open it, it starts to ring. "Um... hello?"

I ask, "Who is this?"

"I'm the owner of that phone. I'm using an old Rotom Phone right now, so it's audio only. Sorry." The voice says. "Thank you for finding it. Truth is, I want to come to pick it up right away, but... Right now I'm very busy with work, and I'm not in a place where I can stop and come get it. If you don't mind, could you hang on to it for a little bit?"

"Sure, I guess." I say.

"Really? You don't mind? Thank you so much. My name's Na... Er... sorry... Yancy. And you are?"

"I'm Ash, Ash Ketchum." I say.

"Ash? OK. When work calms down, I'll come pick it up, so please take care of it for me! Also... I'm sure you'll want to keep in touch until I can pick up my Phone. So I'll call your Phone often. Bye, then. Thanks again."

After she ends the call, Alice says, "This is quite weird...I wonder who's this Yancy person..."

"I also want to know it as well." I say.

Then we finally arrive at the Shining Roller Coaster, which seems to be the Nimbasa Gym. When we enter it, the gym guide says, "To ride this roller coaster, the first step is to get in the car. Next comes the platform! There, you can change where the coaster is going! Sometimes you continue by riding the cars of opponents you defeat. That's how you aim for the back!"

Then we all ride on the roller coaster, and we have been going everywhere and we also need to push some buttons to change courses. The first trainer that I met is Rich Boy Rolan. "Hey there! Are you cool riding a roller coaster? I'm going to overwhelm you with the speed I learned riding the roller coaster!"

He uses a Blitzle, so I go with Krokorok to defeat it with Ground moves. "Your way of battling... It's elegant! You've got style!"

Then he moves so that we can ride the Roller Coaster to another part of the gym. The second gym trainer is a Lady named Colette, who says, "Your roller-coaster ride is finally nearing its finale. I'm also a Pokemon Trainer who was toughened up by Ms. Elesa. I won't give up easily!"

And she uses a Flaaffy this time, but it is still no match to my Palpitoad. Once we're now at the end, we find a lady and she says, "Oh my! Did you come here looking for the Gym Leader? I'm sorry, you just missed her. She just left for the Gym."

"Wait, you're saying that this is not the gym?" I ask. "Did Elesa relocate the gym?"

"Looks like it's the case, so we have to find the real gym..." Eve says as we all head outside to search for the right gym. And it turns out that the new gym is actually not far from the old location. The gym guide is also there and he says, "What do you think? Surprised, right? This Gym is, speaking frankly, a glittering fashion show and a dazzling stage! In this Pokémon Gym, we'll have you proceed by defeating the Trainers waiting on the catwalk! By the way, Electric-type Pokémon don't do well against Ground-type moves... Oh! But Ground-type moves don't work against a Pokémon called Emolga, so please be careful!"

"Catwalk... Too bad that Flora is not here, or she's going to be acting crazy." Eve says.

"I agree. Considering we're both Valerie's daughters." Alice says.

Pikachu really wants to fight the battle, but I say, "Sorry, Pikachu. I think the previous gym battles I have been relying on you and Pignite a lot. I want to try with other Pokemon."

Pikachu frowns as he won't get to battle, and then we start walking on the stage, and a Beauty Nicola is stopping me from moving forward. "Welcome to Nimbasa Gym! A stylish Pokemon battle and fashion show created by Pokemon and Trainers is starting now!"

She uses an Elekid and a Flaaffy to battle, but both of them are easily defeated by my Dwebble using Rock Wrecker. "The show has just begun... What? Is it over already?"

Then the crowd is cheering while the gym trainer leaves, so I continue move forward until the second Beauty named Fleming stops me. "Are you beautiful as a Trainer? Surprise me!"

She uses Flaaffy and Blitzle to battle while I go with Servine, by using Leaf Tornado, I defeat them both with ease. "... Strong and beautiful! You captivated me!"

Then she leaves and we're now moving forward. The final gym trainer is Beauty Ampere. "The show is coming to its finale. Now, I'll see if you are worthy to stand on the same stage as Elesa!"

She uses Blitzle and Elekid to battle, so I use Palpitoad to defeat them with ease. "Such strength and beauty. You've got what it takes to share the stage with Elesa!"

At the show Elesa struts down the runway in the latest Unova fashion. I have to admit she's astounding on the stage. The fans are cheering and I say, "She's great, right, Pikachu?"

Pikachu nods, but then Elesa notices me and says, "I'm tangling all over! Is that a Pikachu! I've never seen one of course! You shine like a star! Is that Pikachu yours?"

"Of course. My name is Ash." I say. "I'm here to challenge you to a Gym battle for my fourth badge."

Then Elesa smiles while says, "Thank you for coming, Ash. Now everyone! Prepare to watch me glow!"

The crowd is cheering, and Elesa says, "My beloved Pokémon and your Pokémon shall compete! We're going to see whose star shines brightest!"

It is a four-on-four battle, and Elesa says, "Feel the spark and feel the tangle! Watch me mix and tingle!" The crowd is cheering as she sends out her first Pokemon, a Flaaffy.

"Dwebble, I choose you!" I decide to go with my Rock Type first. Flaaffy starts with a Thunder Wave, and Dwebble quickly reacts by scuttling behind its rock-hard shell to block most of the electricity.

"Nice, use Rock Slide!" I say. Dwebble emerges from its shell and causes rocks to cascade down upon Flaaffy. The nimble Flaaffy jumps to the side to avoid the majority of the rocks, but a few still strike, causing moderate damage.

"Discharge now!" Elesa says as Flaffy creates a shower of electric sparks that blankets the battlefield. Dwebble attempts to protect itself by retreating into its shell once more, but it is still hit. Then it goes for X-Scissor, hitting Flaaffy. But much to my surprise, Dwebble is paralyzed.

"Oh no..." I gasp in horror.

"Now use Discharge once more!" Elesa says, and I have Dwebble go for X-Scissor, and in the end, the match is a draw.

"A draw in the first turn..." I say.

The second Pokemon is Zebstrika, which is a powerful Electric Type. I send out Palpitoad as my second Pokemon.

"Not so dazzling, but he's using his head." Elesa says.

Palpitoad uses Mud Shot but Zebstrika dodges. Zebstrika uses Flame Charge which hits Palpitoad and sends him flying. However, Palpitoad stands back up with no signs of damage. Zebstrika uses Flame Charge once more and it hits Palpitoad once again, but he stands back up unfazed.

"But why is Elesa using Flame Charge twice?" Iris is confused. "She knows that Fire-type moves aren't effective..."

"She's aiming for the speed boost." Golly says.

Palpitoad uses Hydro Pump but Zebstrika, with its speed having been boosted by its Flame Charge attacks, dodges it easily. Zebstrika attacks with a Double Kick, but Palpitoad dodges. Zebstrika lands its next Double Kick on Palpitoad.

"I know Palpitoad is a tough and resilient Pokemon, but how tough is he in that state?" Elesa asks. "Now for the final act, use Quick Attack!"

But much to Elesa's surprise, Palpitoad stands up. "Alright! Supersonic!" I command, and Zekstrika is confused, then Zebstrika is hit by a Mud Shot followed by a Hydro Pump which knocks it into the wall and takes it down for the count.

"Zebstrika, you're down with grace even though you're covered with mud..." After she recalls her Pokemon, she sends out her third Pokemon, Emolga.

"Emolga is an Electric and Flying Type... this is not going to be good for Palpitoad..." I mutter.

Palpitoad starts off with Supersonic, but Emolga uses Acrobatics to dodge and then attacks Palpitoad. Palpitoad tries to attack again, but Emolga counters using Attract, which hits, and due to Palpitoad and Emolga being of opposite genders, Palpitoad becomes infatuated with her.

"Great... now it's infatuated..." I mutter with a frown.

Emolga uses Aerial Ace and knocks Palpitoad out, and I mutter, "You can't be serious..."

I remember that most of my Pokemon are male, so the best bet is to use Servine, but there is also the Flying type weakness, which I have to worry about.

When I send out Servine, I manage to let Emolga waste a move when it uses Attract. I say, "Servine. Use Grass Pledge to stop Emolga from getting closer."

Servine nods before trying to attack, but Emolga is swift enough to dodge the attacks, much to my horror. I have Servine uses Leaf Storm, which manages to hit, but it doesn't seem to do much damage. Emolga attacks Servine using Acrobatics and then finishes her off using Aerial Ace.

I can also see how Alice is trying to stop Pikachu from trying to use Thunderbolt when it's nervous. I frown as I need to think. Besides Pikachu, the ones I have right now is Krokorok and Scolipede, the two of them can't win against a Flying Type. It is then Pikachu yells, "Come on Ash! What are you doing?"

"You got any ideas?" I ask back.

"Let me battle! You know how I beat that Mauville Gym with no problem!" Pikachu says.

"Okay... if you want to, then you'll have one." I say as I send out Pikachu. Pikachu starts off with an Electro Ball, but Emolga counters with her own Electro Ball, causing both Electro Balls to cancel each other out. Pikachu uses Quick Attack and sends Emolga into the wall, knocking her out.

"You two are shining bright. So bright that I can hardly look straight at you both. Like a million shooting stars! So if that's the case, I'll have to make sure we shine a million times brighter than you!"

Then the audience start to say about her using a powerful Pokemon, Elesa says, "Now it's time for my Electric Queen. The bright light is on you!"

When a Joltik appears, we are surprised. "That Pokemon is your powerful Pokemon?" Alice asks.

"I was thinking about a crazy Electric Type Pokemon..." I mutter.

Elesa takes initiative and has Joltik uses X-Scissor, but it is so fast that Pikachu is sent to the wall. "Uh oh..." I gasp.

Pikachu dislodges himself from the wall and returns to the field, then it goes for Energy Ball, Pikachu dodges the attack, but Joltik appears from behind and hits with another X-Scissor.

"X-Scissor once more!" Pikachu has been worn out after being hit by the Pokemon multiple times. "So where's your sparkle now?"

"Pikachu! I know you can keep battling, please!" I yell. Pikachu is now back and I have Pikachu use Iron Tail, and Pikachu's accuracy manages to slam it to the wall. Joltik is battered into the wall, knocking it out.

"Alright! We did it!" I say.

"Well... Now you... you're an even more wonderful Trainer than I expected. Your sweet fighting style swept me off my feet! Take this!" Elesa says while giving me the fourth badge.

"If you have four Badges, including this Bolt Badge, Pokémon up to Lv. 50, including traded Pokémon, will obey you." She says. As I'm about to leave the catwalk, she says, "Wait! Please walk with us."

We are surprised as we are walking with Elesa to the entrance of the gym. Then she says, "A shining example of a Trainer... Since that's what you are, you should be able to collect all the Gym Badges and reach the Pokémon League! Then, you and your Pokémon will shine even brighter!"

We nod as we all head outside of the gym and bid farewell to Elesa.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the gym battle and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be heading east first then west.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Servine, Pignite, Dewott, Watchog, Herdier, Liepard, Musharna, Tranquill, Zebstrika, Swoobat, Audino, Conkeldurr, Palpitoad, Swadloon, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Krokorok, Darumaka, Maractus, Dwebble, Scraggy, Sigilyph, Yamask, Tirtouga, Archen, Trubbish, Minccino, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scraggy, Yamask, Trubbish

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scraggy

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn

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