Chapter 21

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We're now riding on the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel, and we really like the view. Alice and I are sharing the same car and she asks, "So this is where you battled Hilda and took her Tepig?"

"Yes, I revealed to her that I'm the king of Team Plasma and I also wanted her to know what Tepig really wants. It sure brings back some memories..." I say.

Just then, we get another call from Yancy, and with Alice by my side, I decide to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hi... Is this Ash?" Yancy asks.

"I am, so?" I ask.

"Wow, so you're a boy, Ash? It's a little annoying that we can't see each other, right? Just so you know... I'm a girl. Tee hee." I look to see Alice staring at me, I know if I make a wrong move our relationship is ruined.

"Relax, Ash. You're already having a harem, and I'm sure there are still more girls who want to be with you, like Lisia..." Alice says.

Then we decide to talk about our hobbies, and she says, "So Pokemon Battling is your hobby, Ash? I see. That sounds kind of fun. Maybe I should take it up, too."

"So you're not a trainer?" I ask.

"Well, I am, but, I seldom do battles." Then we also decide to talk about the Pokemon, and she says, "Really? So you like every type of Pokémon? Many of them are cute aren't they? Oops! My colleague is calling me. I have to get back to work! Talk to you again. Good-bye."

After she ends, Alice says, "You know, I really want to see this Yancy in person."

"Me too." I say with a nod as the Ferris Wheel ride is ending. However, just as we head to the Big Stadium, we find Hugh facing some Team Plasma grunts.

"Hold it! What are you guys up to here anyway!" Hugh demands.

"Nothing... We're just standing here. So what did we do to you that you're bothering us with questions?"

"You didn't do anything. Not to me, at least... But I can never forgive Pokémon thieves like you! Just to let you know... You're about to feel my rage!"

"Yeesh.. Trainers sure are unruly these days. Is that it? You're mistaking your Pokemon's strength for your own? I couldn't care less about a runt like you, but I don't like being messed with!"

It is then Hugh notice us and says, "Ash! Cover me!"

We battle the grunts and defeat their Pokemon, they are surprised to find that they've lost. "You've got to be kidding! And I bullied it so much over the last two years to toughen it up, too!"

"We give up! I can't believe we lost to kids! Just because you're strong, I'll tell you this...We, Team Plasma, are searching for something... When we find it, that's when our secret weapon will be able to use its true power! Farewell!"

After they run away, Hugh says, "Five years ago... Team Plasma stole my little sister's Purrloin. It had been given to her as a present. I was only a little kid... I couldn't do anything... So... So that's why I have to get stronger!"

We widen our eyes, a Purrloin who was stolen 5 years ago? That means he really has suffered. Hugh says, "Good work! I knew you had good instincts! Well then... Listen up! You fill up that Pokédex. Keep getting stronger and stronger, and back me up! I'll be counting on you from here on out, too!"

Then he leaves, Eve says, "If someone stole a cute dark type like Purrloin, I'll also be mad as well."

"That sure is something..." I frown.

We then head east to Route 16, considering that we heard from Elesa that the Driftveil Bridge needs some fixing because of Team Rocket. We decide to do some Pokemon capturing and Pokemon Training, and we find two Pokemon having a strong rivalry with each other: A Gothita and a Solosis.

"Both of them are Psychic Type Pokemon, maybe we should capture them?" Alice asks.

"That's nice." I say. Solosis and Gothita notice the two of us and they want to battle, but then they get into a fight once more. Alice and I decide to command each other them to battle each other, and in the end the match is a draw. The two of them eventually decide to join our team.

Gothita: The Fixation Pokemon: Psychic Type. They intently observe both Trainers and Pokémon. Apparently, they are looking at something that only Gothita can see.

Solosis: The Cell Pokemon: Psychic Type. They drive away attackers by unleashing psychic power. They can use telepathy to talk with others.

And at the Dark Grass, we find an Emolga and I realize that I haven't captured the Pokemon yet. So with Pikachu's help, we manage to capture the Emolga in the end.

Emolga: The Sky Squirrel Pokemon: Electric and Flying Type. The energy made in its cheeks' electric pouches is stored inside its membranes and released while it is gliding.

"So what is that forest?" Golly asks.

"It's Lostlorn Forest. It is a place where people often get lost for no reason..." Eve says.

"That sounds creepy..." Alice says.

Yancy calls again and we decide to answer the call. And we decide to talk about some other stuff to know each other. "Hi... Is this Ash? Really? So you listen to music often, Ash?"

"Yeah, pop music is fun to do." I say.

"Pop Music, did you say? I like music, too. It makes me smile just listening to it."

Then we also talk about Pokemon Kinds, in which she reveals that the same kind has been a favorite to her other friends, and then she wouldn't have guessed how I spent my holiday, and then she also wants to find some time to play games with me. It is then she ends the call because her colleague is calling her.

Inside Lostlorn Forest, it's like the name implies, we eventually get lost with others, but it is thanks to the three Elemental Monkeys that want to help us out, that we manage to find the others.

"Iris, Cilan. There you are." I say, "But where's Golly and Eve?"

"We don't know, we're still finding them as well. You guys really are kids, running off like that." Iris says.

"Excuse me?" Alice rolls her eyes.

"How about we try to find the exit first?" Cilan asks as we all head outside, and that's when the three Elemental Monkeys wanting to join our team.

Pansage: The Grass Monkey Pokemon: Grass Type. This Pokémon dwells deep in the forest. Eating a leaf from its head whisks weariness away as if by magic.

Pansear: The High Temp Pokemon: Fire Type. When it is angered, the temperature of its head tuft reaches 600°F. It uses its tuft to roast berries.

Panpour: The Spray Pokemon: Water Type. It does not thrive in dry environments. It keeps itself damp by shooting water stored in its head tuft from its tail.

"It's also a good thing we have the Fire, Water, and Leaf Stone to evolve them." Alice says.

"Yeah. Let's do it." I say.

Simisage: The Thorn Monkey Pokemon: Grass Type. Evolve from Pansage with Leaf Stone. Ill tempered, it fights by swinging its barbed tail around wildly. The leaf growing on its head is very bitter.

Simisear: The Ember Pokemon: Fire Type. Evolve from Pansear with Fire Stone. A flame burns inside its body. It scatters embers from its head and tail to sear its opponents.

Simipour: The Geyser Pokemon: Water Type. Evolve from Panpour with Water Stone. The tuft on its head holds water. When the level runs low, it replenishes the tuft by siphoning up water with its tail.

"We're finally out." We find Eve and Golly out of the forest, and I ask, "You two are alright?"

"Even better." Golly says, but then much to our surprise, Eve and Golly turn into a Zoroark, with the real deal coming behind them. "Did we scare you?"

"Totally... you found two Zoroark?" Alice asks.

"Yeah. They're so cool." Eve says. "So what's east?"

Cilan says, "The east is the Marvelous Bridge, which links to Route 15. However, the elevator seems to be broken so we can't go there..."

"Then the Driftveil Bridge must be done by far, so let's go there." I say.

When we get there, we meet up with Bianca once more, she says, "Heeey! Nice timing! I was wanting to give you this!"

She gives us an HM for Fly, much to our surprise. "Ta-da! It's a Hidden Machine, Fly! When you use this move outside of battle, you can go to places you want to go, like a Pokémon Center. By the way, do you know about Hidden Grottoes?"

"Hidden Grottos?" I ask with confusion.

"OK! Then I'll explain! Sometimes you can find a grotto among trees, where Pokémon like to hide. That place is called a Hidden Grotto. Makes sense, right? Wait! ... Over there! I heard something from that direction! I have good ears. Hey! Come with me!"

Then we find a Hidden Grotto nearby, and she says, "The sound is coming from somewhere around here. Wow! Here it is! There's a gap, and it looks like we can fit through! C'mon! Let's go have a look!"

After we enter the Hidden Grotto, we find a Foongus there. "A Foongus!" Golly says.

"Hey, a Pokémon! A Pokémon that hides in a place like this might be pretty amazing! Amazing! This is a huge discovery! An incredible find! I'll go check a lot of other trees to see if there are more Hidden Grottoes!"

After she leaves, Golly decides to battle and capture the Foongus. After leaving the grotto, we manage to arrive at Performers Square, an area famous for musicians and dancers.

As we look around, we find Trip in the middle of the fair. "Trip!"

"Oh, it's you again." Trip says.

"Hey, how's it going?" "Good, looks like you're doing well as always."

I ask how many badges he has, and he already states that he already has five badges. He also says that Alder is actually around here, and Cilan didn't know that Trip has met Alder before.

We are shocked to see Alder trying to flirt with Officer Jenny? I mean, he acts differently when trying to teach Rosa some basics...

"Alder, can you have a battle with me?" Trip asks.

"Of course. Here's my Pokemon. Bouffalant! Let's go!" When he sends out Bouffalant, Trip decides to go with Serperior. The battle between Alder's Bouffalant and Trip's Serperior begins with Solar Beam, Alder tells Bouffalant to rush toward Serperior, but Solar Beam is dispelled upon striking Bouffalant.

"I knew it..." Trip mutters. "Bouffalant's ability is Sap Sipper, right?"

"But why? Trip knew it and uses a Grass Type move anyway..." Cilan says.

"That's right! Bouffalant's ability's Sap Sipper, so that it increases the Attack power instead of damage. My Bouffalant is now unstoppable thanks to you."

"You may think so, but I'm going to prove you're wrong." Trip says.

"You have to take your best shot, not proving it." Alder comments.

Frustrated, Trip orders Dragon Tail, which hits Bouffalant's afro, but it is once again unfazed.

"Now show me what else you have got." Alder says.

Serperior uses Leer to lower Bouffalant's defense, then jumps into the air and attacks with Dragon Tail. Though Serperior is airborne, Dragon Tail strategically hits Bouffalant's unprotected underside, knocking it away. However, Bouffalant lands on its feet, surprisingly unscathed by the attacks.

"Bouffalant's fine?"

"Excellent power and speed, and a well-executed attack. Ordinary Pokemon will be defeated for sure, but you're battling a former Champion! Now use Head Charge!"

Bouffalant charges forward, and Trip desperately tells Serperior to dodge, but Serperior is struck and knocked out, giving Alder the win.

"Wow... Alder defeats him with one attack..." Golly says.

"And you said you defeated him even with unevolved Pokemon?" Alice asks me.

Trip then says, "Alder. I didn't stand a chance against you. Can you tell me what I did wrong in our battle? I must have been lacking something."

"You really didn't do anything wrong. You weren't lacking anything." Alder says.

"But you beat me, you kept me from proving to you how strong I've become." Trip says.

"So what if I did? Thinking back, you ask me the same thing a while ago. But do you have any admiration for a man like me?" Trip gasps. "Winning, losing, strength, weakness, in the end you and your Pokemon will determine all that. There's no easy answer to what you ask. But if I have to choose one thing, I'd say look at all the things you've learned on the day you started your journey right up until today. That maybe the answer you're seeking."

"Everything I've learned..." Trip mutter.

"Do you care for this Pokemon? It's obvious for me is that Serperior of yours really care about you. And that doesn't do it without the bond of you two. Are you feeling the bond? Then all and well. My psychology is that gaining trust is important than losing or winning. Perhaps that's where your true strength lies."

Trip nods and asks if they can battle again, Alder nods.

Then Alder has talked to us, he is happy that we have become strong and showing our true bonds, after that, we bid farewell to Alder and continue moving.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the Route 16 and Lostlorn Forest part. The next chapter will be Route 5 and some evolutions.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Servine, Pignite, Dewott, Watchog, Herdier, Liepard, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Musharna, Tranquill, Zebstrika, Swoobat, Audino, Conkeldurr, Palpitoad, Swadloon, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Krokorok, Darumaka, Maractus, Dwebble, Scraggy, Sigilyph, Yamask, Tirtouga, Archen, Trubbish, Minccino, Gothita, Solosis, Emolga, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scraggy, Yamask, Trubbish, Zoroark, Foongus

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scraggy, Zoroark

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn

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