Chapter 2

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As we continue to walk, we notice that Iris is coming along with us. Golly asks, "Why are you coming along with us?"

"Excuse, me, it's not I'm coming along you, it's you who're coming along with me." Iris says. "Get it?"

"There is only one road, so I guess it is fine." I say with a sigh as I try to walk past her, but she says something that surprises us, "Who said you can walk right in front of me?"

"No one, and what's the problem with that?" Alice asks.

"Look, I figure since you don't know the Unova Region, I'll help you out." Iris says.

"We didn't ask for help and Ash has already come to the Unova Region 2 years ago." Eve says while rolling her eyes.

"Golly, Eve. There's no point in fighting." I say before noticing the Oshawott. "It's Oshawott!"

"There you are!" Oshawott is happy to find me, Alice asks, "You're trying to find us? You know, thank you for helping us back there."

"You're so cute!" Iris tries to hug Oshawott, but he quickly jumps out before climbing onto my shoulder. Good thing that Pikachu is now on Alice's shoulder.

"Everyone has started the journey except for me! And you seem to be the guy who can take me along!" Oshawott says.

"Wait, so that means you're from Professor Juniper's Lab?" I guess that is fine for me. Though as N, I have experience in handling Tepig and Snivy, Oshawott is a first...

"But we still need its Pokeball." Eve says, "And it should be back at the Professor's Lab. It's a good thing I'm a Professor in training."

She takes out the small transport machine and calls the professor. "So that's where Oshawott went. I was worried since Oshawott left without letting me know."

"Oshawott has been following us." I say.

"Well Ash, if it won't be a bother, will you take care of Oshawott from now on." Professor Juniper says, "I'll send its Pokeball right away."

We get the Pokeball and Professor Juniper gives us a final warning, "And Ash, since Oshawott has a tendency to disappear, keep an eye out."

And speaking of it, Oshawott disappears, much to our horror.

Oshawott: The Sea Otter Pokemon: Water Type. The scalchop on its stomach is made from the same element as claws. It detaches the scalchop for use as a blade.

While we are moving, we fall into a pit and Golly asks, "Who dug the hole here?"

"It's a Sandile." We look up to see a boy who is helping us out of the hole. Eve says, "It's one of the Dark Type Pokemon that I wish to catch in this region."

The boy introduces himself as Dan, and his family owns a spa resort hotel, although their spa isn't open currently to due the Sandile. Their special attraction feature is a natural hot sand pit, where guests are given a sand bath by covering them with a layer of sand. He explains that the Sandile wearing sunglasses appeared one day and made the rest of the usually peaceful Sandile act irrationally.

"Guys! Look over there!" We find Oshawott lying in the sane having a sand bath.

"Oshawott?" I ask. "Hold on, have you been lying here this whole time?"

"It's so comfortable..." Oshawott sighs in happiness.

"I guess this is one happy Pokemon..." Alice sighs.

Just then, Sandile appears and it tries to take Iris' Axew, Iris is trying to get Sandile to open the mouth, and after we do it, he decides to grab Pikachu and Oshawott instead. And much to our horror, Team Rocket comes with a type of crane.

"Great... another day dealing with Team Rocket and their crazy machines..." I mutter.

"Don't they ever give up?" Iris asks.

They try to get away by throwing smoke grenades at us, so we try to locate them until we find them surrounded by Sandiles. All of the Sandile use Dig at once and Team Rocket is forced to flee. The Sandile's leader is free.

After Team Rocket's gone, we find Sandile brings Pikachu and Oshawott to a group of Pokemon.

"The geyser is about to erupt, you have to get out of here as soon as possible!" Sandile says.

Just then, more geysers pop out of the place and we find all the Pokemon are too scared to move, and they are surrounded by boiling water. Under the heat, the rock they are standing on begins to crumble.

As I'm about to send Magnezone, the Sandiles are already trying to make themselves a bridge. The Sandile leader bites some rock places his body in a vertical position, and allows another Sandile to climb upon him and bite his tail. This process is repeated with many Sandile. The Sandile swing themselves down to form a bridge for the stranded Pokémon to climb over to safety. All of the Pokémon are too scared to cross the bridge though so I run over the bridge to give them a pep talk, with Pikachu backing me up.

Just before all of the Pokémon get across, the rock underneath where the end Sandile is standing falls away. I have to grab the end Sandile to stop me from falling into the water. Suddenly, another large geyser goes off and threatens to fall on top of me.

Oshawott leaps up and uses Water Gun to deflect the falling water, but he begins to fall helplessly towards the boiling water.

"Oshawott! Return!" Alice quickly takes out the Pokeball and return Oshawott.

Left with only one arm to hold on, I lose my grip on the Sandile, but before it is too late, Iris grabs my wrist and saves me, clinging to the Sandile. The Sandile bridge returns to its vertical state, pulling the Trainers with them, and collapses.

In the end, we get to try the spa hotel's new hot spring, which was created when the sand pit was filled in by the new thermal springs released from the geysers, well, the girls are. I'm just wandering around looking for Pokemon.

Arriving a Accumula Town, the first thing I'm going to do is to join the Pokemon Contests. I say, "Okay, here I come, my first ribbon."

Iris says, "So Alice, what is a contest?"

"You don't know? It is a tournament to show off the moves of a Pokemon." Alice replies.

"Well, I only focused on gym battles when I was travelling." Iris says.

I'm registered for the contests, and we learn that the contests in Unova are triple battles. My choice will be Absol, Pikachu, and Pidove. The three Pokemon are working together to create sparkles around the air, and the crowd is happy to see our performances.

Iris says, "If the rounds are like this, it is boring."

"There are battle rounds, too. Just keep watching." Eve says.

In the battle rounds, I have been coordinate with my three Pokemon. Since this is Pidove's first Contest battle, I have her relax and be the one attacking while Pikachu and Absol supporting. Once I defeat my opponents, I get my first ribbon.

After that's done, Iris says, "The Contests looks so cool, but I still prefer the original battles. Since you're here, why don't you try out the Pokemon Battle Club?"

"What's the Pokemon Battle Club?" I ask.

"Of course, you don't know what those are." Iris says.

We arrive in front of a large green building, and we both enter. Iris explains how the battle club works on a computer inside. Four panels appear on the screen and Iris chooses the top left one with a picture of two Trainers. She goes on and says this is the Trainer's profile as pictures of Pokémon with their Trainers appear.

We also meet the owner of the Battle Club and he says, "We'll take care of all your battle leagues. Welcome to the Battle Club, and I'm the manager."

And like usual, a lot of trainers are interested in my Pikachu and Absol, so they want to battle me. Of course, I defeat them all with ease, and I also have some other Pokemon with me.

But then, an alarm arrives and we learn a mystery Pokemon has stayed in the storage room. "It doesn't seem like something has stoeln..."

"So what's going on?" I ask.

"The food in the storage room has been stolen a lot lately." Don George says. "And there are a bit of the Pokemon sighting too."

We are all gathered in a room where a monitor shows the building's rooms in a 3D view. The video shows Team Rocket leaving the building in a hurry.

"Team Rocket again..." Golly growls in anger.

"Who's Team Rocket?" Don George asks.

"They're a bunch of bad guys who steal Pokemon and murder people..." I say. "My Mom is one of their victim."

But we also notice the black shadow, and Eve says, "That looks like an Umbreon if you ask me."

"I don't think so, it's too small to be an Umbreon." Alice says.

We decide to search for the mystery Pokemon by using food as a trap, and we leave Pikachu and Oshawott to guard the food. In the end, I gasp as I know what the Pokemon is.

"A Tepig..." I gasp with surprise. He tries to eat the food, but he cannot as he has a rope tied around his mouth.

"Tepig! Wait up!" When Tepig is trying to run, I hold him and carry him in his arms. "You don't have to be scared."

I help free the rope and give Tepig some Pokemon food, and I start to growl and mutter, "To think someone will do such a thing to Tepig..."

We bring it back to the Battle Club, and Don George says, "I remember this Tepig. A trainer once visited our Battle Club and simply abandoned this Tepig. Tepig loses a battle and the trainer doesn't want a weak Pokemon, so he ties it to the stick. I untie the Tepig, but he disappears before I can get the rope out of his mouth. Tepig is trying to look for its trainer, but it is wandering around town."

I say, "I can feel it... the Tepig's suffering... how can someone do such a thing?"

Just then, Team Rocket attacks and tries to steal Pikachu. And Tepig wants to battle beside us. I order an Ember attack and Pikachu is freed. The Tepig wants me to capture him, and we decide to capture it.

Tepig: The Fire Pig Pokemon: Fire Type. It can deftly dodge its foe's attacks while shooting fireballs from its nose. It roasts berries before it eats them.

That evening, I say, "I remember this place... this is where Das has the speech... with the other six sages."

Alice says, "You mean Ghetsis, right?"

"I was there, and that's when I found Hilbert and Hilda. I challenge them to a battle to hear their Pokemon's voices." I say. "All happened while I was still in the Hoenn League."

"Tomorrow we'll be getting to Striaton City." Eve says, "Since there is no more gym there, what are we going to do then?"

"I'm still going to meet the gym leaders. Apparently they have some connections with Dia, Palmer, and Gina I want to find out." I say as they nod.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Ash has an Oshawott and a Tepig. I hope you like it.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Tepig, Oshawott, Patrat, Pidove, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:


Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Archeops, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

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