Chapter 25

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We are surprised to find the Cold Storage now changing into a place known as the Pokemon World Tournament. When we explore this place, Hugh and Clay are waiting for us.

"Here we are! Whaddya think? Great buildin', huh? Here's where the Pokémon World Tournament takes place! Ain't she purty? Follow me, tads!"

We enter the building and we also find Cheren here. "This time, I'm gonna have ya participate in the Driftveil Tournament. Anything goes in this here tournament! Eight people will be participatin', and if ya win three times, yer the champion!"

Cheren sighs before asking, "Why did you call me here, too? I'm busy looking into something!"

"Ya know somethin', Cheren. The one who's gotta show everyone what Pokémon battlin' means-is you. And yer pal ain't here, either! I'm countin' on the power of youth, 'cause everyone likes up-and-comin' stars! OK! Whenever yer ready, get on over to reception!"

"Man oh man... You never change, Clay. But the tournament itself does look pretty fun! OK! I'll go register!" Cheren leaves, and Hugh also leaves as well after saying, "C'mon! Let's have some fun. We'll battle, plain and simple!"

I turn to Alice and ask, "Do you want to participate in this one instead of me?"

Alice says, "Sure, I can do it."

When Alice enters the Driftveil Tournament, she picks Zoroark, Musharna, and Conkeldurr for the tournament. As we are in the audience, we find Lillie there as well.

"Nice to see you again, Lillie. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm invited to watch thanks to my uncle Colress." Lillie says. "He's one of the participants in the Driftveil Tournament."

I say, "Uncle Colress is also here... that's interesting."

The first round is Alice battling Hugh, Hugh says, "Clay sure likes things loud and flashy, doesn't he? Well, whatever... It's time to go all out!"

"You're right." Alice says.

Hugh's Pokemon are Servine, Simisear, and Tranquill. However, all three of them are defeated by Alice with ease.

"Man! I lost... You've become way too tough! But, I'm gonna get stronger, too!" Hugh says, "Still... Your Pokémon sure look like they're having a lot of fun when they battle."

In the top 4, Alice is battling Cheren this time. Cheren says, "I'm as thrilled as I can be to battle here against you, considering you and the first challenger I battled as a Gym Leader, Ash, share your Pokemon. I'm sure you've learned something about Pokémon during your journey. Now, I'm going to see if your bond with your Pokémon has grown stronger!"

He uses Stoutland, Cinccino, and Watchog to battle, and since all of them are Normal Types, Alice wins it easily with Conkeldurr. "Fantastic! You and your Pokémon have grown much stronger! I made it where I am because Pokémon were by my side. Perhaps we need to think about why Pokémon help us not in terms of Pokémon and Trainers but as a relationship between living beings."

The final one is Colress, Lillie's uncle, against Alice. He says, "As a researcher, it is the truth and the ideal way things should be that I seek. The latent power of Pokémon... What is the best way to bring it out? If possible, I want it to be the trust between Trainers and their Pokémon, just as it has always been. I look forward to you teaching me that this is indeed true!"

He uses Magneton, Elgyem, and Klink, and Alice smiles as she picks the right Pokemon to battle against Steel and Psychic Types. In the end it is her victory.

"Well done! I learned much from this battle!" Colress says.

"The winner is Alice!" We all cheer for Alice, who smiles as she wins the tournament.

"Just as I expected! Your Pokémon must be happy to be by your side! You bring out the best in their power!" Colress smiles.

Now that the Driftveil Tournament is finished, we greet others and Alice is also awarded with some Battle Points. Clay says, "An outstandin' battle, runts! Now everybody's gonna want to join in on this here tournament an' show their stuff!"

It is then we notice that Roxie is also here. "Hey! You two! Haven't you got any wild and crazy Pokémon battles to show me?! Guess I'll have to enter the tournament myself and rock the audience right outta their seats!"

Is she really here just to tell us? I think she's probably stop by when there's a concert nearby. Clay says, "See what I mean? People are pourin' in already! If the strongest Trainers from all over join in, it'll raise up everybody's level of skill! An' then, li'l ol' Driftveil City will grow even more and make a heap of money! So keep on bustin' those battles and rilin' everybody up! See ya!"

After Clay leaves, we all head outside, Cheren says, "I barely recognized you guys. You are way different from when we battled in Aspertia City! Traveling with Pokémon makes everyone grow so much..."

It is then we spot some Team Plasma grunts, the black ones, running past, and Hugh yells, "What was that just now?! I'm going after him! Guys, cover me!"

Colress and Lillie also come outside and Colress says, "Stop. There's no reason for you to stick your necks into something so dangerous!"

"The Pokémon I'm looking for-my little sister's Purrloin-it might be with them!" Hugh says as he runs off as well.

Cheren says, "I'm going, too! I've got his back!"

After he also leaves, Colress shakes his head. "I don't understand. That's not courage, it's recklessness! Does he think anything is possible simply because he has Pokémon with him? No, no... That's not possible. All Trainers and Pokémon are bound to one another by Poké Balls... Then maybe it is this bond that will allow Trainers to overcome the impossible if they trust their partner Pokémon."

Lillie says, "Ash, I think you guys should also check them as well..."

"You're right. I also have some questions that I need answers to find." We then rush to Team Plasma's Frigate, which is actually at the dock.

Once we get to the deck, Hugh says, "This ship... Why is it so cold?"

"And... It seems like it's disguised as an old sailboat... But that can't be it, right?" Cheren asks.

It is then a grunt walks forward. "Why should you care? By the time we're done with you, it won't matter anyway!"

More grunts arrive and Hugh mutters, "You guys... Seriously, is this Team Plasma's base?"

"Correct answer! So that's why, as you can see... There are so many of us here!" The grunt says.

"Is this all? I think you need more backup." Hugh taunts back.

"Ha ha ha! Oooh, I'm so scared, big tough guy! OK! Pulverize these punks! Plasmmaaaaa."

Hugh says, "Hey, just to let you know... I'm about to unleash my rage!"

Then we are now battling the grunts, and none of them are our opponents, and it is also thanks to them that our Fossil Pokemon evolve into their final forms.

Carracosta: The Prototurtle Pokemon: Water and Rock Type. Evolve from Tirtouga at LV:37. They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap from one of them is enough to open a hole in the bottom of a tanker.

Archeops: The First Bird Pokemon: Rock and Flying Type. Evolve from Archen at LV:37. They are intelligent and will cooperate to catch prey. From the ground, they use a running start to take flight.

After all the grunts are beaten, they are all shocked to learn what's going on. Hugh says, "That's the last of 'em! Well now... Why don't you tell me everything you know about Purrloin?"

Cheren says, "Good idea... There are a lot of things I want to ask about as well."

"What is going on?" Much to our surprise, we find Zinzolin, one of the seven sages, here. He seems shocked to see me here.

"Oh, good grief... You're the person who was shivering in the Cold Storage, right? Wasn't your name Zinzolin? You're going to have to tell me what you're planning to do with this ship." Cheren says.

Zinzolin isn't interested in Cheren as he says, "I wonder who it is, well if it isn't Ash Ketchum."

"I see you still remember me. And you have realized that it was me who released you along with the seven sages. And you're still working with Team Plasma?" I ask.

"I haven't forgotten the deed you helped me. However, I'm sure that you also want to destroy me because we're just a Dark Phase." Zinzolin says.

"Dark Phase? You mean this guy is also a Dark Phase?" Golly asks.

I say, "That's right, I intend to destroy you because you're in a dark phase. However, your daughters here should know the truth! Isn't that right?"

"Daughters?" Everyone is surprised and I say, "Alice, Eve... this is your Dad's Dark Phase."

Alice and Eve are horrified as Alice asks, "No... it's impossible... our family's dark phase should've been destroyed..."

I say, "Apparently, he was saved by my Dad's Dark Phase... and you know. So what are you planning then?"

Zinzolin says, "Once again, we will use the legendary Dragon-type Pokémon and we will rule the Unova region! Curious Trainers, we shall not let you run around as you please!"

Then he yells, "Shadow Triad! Get them out of here!"

I was surprised to find Dia, Palmer, and Gina arriving in their Shadow Triad outfits. Dia says, "By the way, we are not your..."

"I know! But kick them out of here now!"

Gina says to us and says, "We're sorry." Then all of us are now back at the decks. Hugh says, "The Shadow Triad? What's their deal, anyway! AAAAH! Team Plasma! Where did you vanish to!" He runs away while trying to search for them.

Cheren says, "The Shadow Triad... With their superhuman powers, they can immobilize people and then disappear! But I'm more concerned with what Zinzolin said... "Once again, we will use the legendary Dragon-type Pokémon and we will rule the Unova region!" What could that mean? The legendary Dragon-type Pokémon Reshiram and Zekrom aren't in Unova anymore... There's something I want to look into, so I'm going to head to Route 6! Be careful out there!"

After he leaves, Eve asks, "Ash... is it true... Zinzolin... is our father's Dark Phase?"

I say, "Yes, so we're not only dealing our Dad's Dark Phase, but yours as well."

Cilan says, "This Dark Phase was very confusing, but I'm also confused about the Shadow Triad as well... did you know them beforehand?"

Golly says, "We know very well of them... you can say you also meet them without their masks as well."

Iris says, "Seriously? To think all of you have high connections with Team Plasma..."

"And it is something that I don't like as well. Zekrom is with me, while Reshiram is still away from the region... I wonder... what kind of Pokemon is Team Plasma aiming for this time..." I say.

Back at Driftveil City, Alice and I are alone in Team Plasma's Rest House. Alice asks, "Ash... are you alright?"

"You see... I've been worried about the Team Plasma grunts who believed in me... But it seems they know what they can do for Pokémon in their own ways. Compared to them... What was I doing?" I say.

"Are you in your N persona again?" Alice asks with a frown.

"What I really should have done was tell people about how Pokémon feel...! The legendary Dragon-type Pokémon knew that. It lived long and known many people. It knew humans and Pokémon have lived and will live together. It knew that in this relationship, humans' actions have an enormous impact on Pokémon. That's why it helps the one who searches for truth... the one who opens the way to the future."

Alice says, "You're right. It's not necessary... Separating black from white and humans from Pokémon! If you think in terms of each individual life, this world was in a state that couldn't be divided any further. Possibilities are born out of combining and fusing these different lives! There are some things we can understand only by doing this. It will give form to unseen things. These formulae will restructure the world and make it richer!"

I smile and says, "You're right. From their Poké Balls, I can hear the many different feelings Pokémon have about their Trainers! More than anything, I can hear their joy that they me people who need them! I'll go... For Pokémon, for Trainers, and for all lives... And for my friends who saved me!" Then I change back into my Ash persona and says, "Thanks, Alice. I really need that."

"No problem." Alice smiles. And it is then Yancy calls again. This time she shows her face and says, "Thank you for the other day! I was surprised you were my age! I was guessing you would be older by than me from your voice. It made me a little nervous on the phone, you know? I'm kind of relieved that I can relax from now on when we talk."

"That's great. So what do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"My hobby is cooking. When I hear about good food, I go and check it out for myself. Lately the Casteliacones in Castelia City are getting quite popular, so I've been wanting to try one... But there is a long line every time I go there, so I haven't tried it yet." Yancy says.

"You're right about that, it sure is a problem." I say. "What about Pokemon?"

"I like Normal-type Pokémon a lot! They can become whatever they want to be if they work hard. Don't you agree they have that kind of charm? Besides, there are so many cute Pokémon among them!" Yancy says, "Think I should get back to work now. Talk to you later, Ash. Bye!"

After the call ends, Alice says, "You know, a lot of girls really like you. I know it is not just the three of us."

"Yeah... I wonder what I'm going to do about it, then..." I sigh before we decide to take a rest.

Here is a new chapter, and a lot of things have happened and now Alice and Eve know the truth of Zinzolin. I hope you like it.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Serperior, Emboar, Samurott, Watchog, Stoutland, Liepard, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Musharna, Tranquill, Zebstrika, Gigalith, Swoobat, Audino, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Swadloon, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Krokorok, Darmanitan, Maractus, Crustle, Scraggy, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Carracosta, Archeops, Garbodor, Zoroark, Minccino, Gothorita, Duosion, Swanna, Emolga, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scraggy, Cofagrigus, Garbodor, Zoroark, Foongus

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scraggy, Zoroark

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn, Stunfisk

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