Chapter 24

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When we arrive at the Pokemon Center, we're surprised to bump into Cilan's brother, Chili, who has come to challenge Cilan to a battle. Cilan agrees, but when Chili and his Pansear lose to Cilan and Pansage, Chili blames the loss on Pansear, who angrily runs away. Speaking to their other brother Cress who is still back at the Striaton Restaurant, Cilan learns that Chili had a long losing streak recently. He asked Cress for advice but took offense when Cress responded bluntly and honestly and left the place in a huff.

Cilan offers to help by evaluating Chili and Pansear's compatibility as a team. He proclaims their matchup to be perfect—they both like to eat when they're frustrated or angry, and they both have fiery temperaments—and then suggests that Chili teach Pansear a non-Fire-type move for the sake of balance. They begin by learning SolarBeam, and we join in for some special training.

It takes some real effort and patience, but Pansear is successful. Chili can't wait to battle again, so I offer to battle him with Samurott. Chili and Pansear put Cilan's advice to good use, but Samurott is still able to win despite the Solar Beam works. With his confidence bolstered, Chili bids us goodbye and heads back to the Striaton Restaurant.

When we arrive at the Driftveil Gym, we find Hugh and he says, "Challenging the Gym, huh? Nice! Keep getting stronger! Let me tell you, though, Clay's tough! Even if all you have to use against Ground types is Water-type Pokemon, you might still be in for a rough fight!"

After entering the door, we find the Gym Leader Clay. "Now who might you be!" He says.

"My name is Ash, and I'm here to have a gym battle with you." I say.

"I'm sorry, but I've got business to take care of right now." Clay says.

"You're kidding! What's the matter?" Golly asks.

"We're out of Revival Herbs. This is no time for a gym battle." Clay says.

"That's the king of all healing herbs. It heals even the most injured Pokemon." Iris says.

"Then how about a deal? Bring me some Revival Herbs and I'll battle you!" Clay says. "Take it or leave it, this gym is closed until you gave me some revival herbs!"

"He sure is a busy gym leader..." Cilan says.

"So where should we get some Revival Herbs? I wonder if Driftveil Market has sold some..." Eve says.

When we get there, we find the Heartbreaker Charles, he helps us ask around and we learn that the Milos Island is where Revival Herbs were growing. There are Legendary Pokemon living there, so we decide to have a look.

Once we arrive on Milos Island, we meet an older woman. We ask her about finding Revival Herbs, and she says that Lewis will be able to help us. We travel a great distance to find him, but Lewis sadly tells us that he can't find any Revival Herbs either...there hasn't been any rain for a very long time, and all the herbs have dried up.

Lewis and his Gothorita have planned a rainmaking ceremony to appeal to the Legendary Pokémon Landorus, whose presence is said to make the land fertile. But the Legendary Pokémon Tornadus and Thundurus appear instead, and immediately start attacking each other and us as well.

"Why is Tornadus and Thundurus so angry?" Iris asks.

"At this rate, they'll destroy the island!" Lewis says.

"But why?" Alice asks.

"Something must have happened to the obelisks!" Lewis says.

When we get to the shrines, we find that the obelisks are destroyed. "Does that mean what I think?"

"There's nothing to stop them... Who could've done such a thing?" Lewis asks.

I think I might have a clue as to who in the right mind will do such a thing. We try to stop the two Legendary Pokemon, but they are too powerful.

"There's one thing left. We can try to summon Landorus. Landorus is the only being who can stop those two." Lewis says. He also reveals that it can only be summoned by a Shrine Maiden. Alice volunteers to be the Shrine Maiden, and with Gothorita's help, begins to send her appeal to Landorus.

After Landorus appears, it tries to stop Tornadus and Thundurus. However, the attack manages to hit Axew and Gothorita, so Lewis decides to use one of the last Revival Herbs to heal both of them.

And it is then, all three Legendary Pokemon are trapped in impentrable boxes. The Legendary Pokémon use their attacks to try to break free but to no avail.

"Team Rocket...You again..." I say. "So you're the ones who destroyed the obelisks!"

We are now angry at them and we try to attack the boxes, however, we manage to destroy the helicopter first before they can get away, and they have no choice but to retreat once more.

After Team Rocket gets away, the Legendary Pokémon continue their fighting. Landorus appears to have hurt himself, and Tornadus and Thundurus take advantage of the situation, attacking him further.

We decide to bring another Revival Herb to help Landorus and heal him, then we finally manage to calm Tornadus and Thundurus down.

Sunlight falls upon the land and sea while the Legendary Pokémon begin to revive everything. Tornadus summons rain, Landorus plants the seeds, and Thundurus sets fire to them causing the Revival Herb plants to sprout fully, die, and blow away to other areas. The Pokémon repeat this process. Lewis thanks the Legendary Pokémon for their help, and they go back to the sky.

With a bag full of Revival Herbs, we head back to Driftveil and the Driftveil Gym. We wave goodbye to Lewis as we head off.

On our way back to Driftveil City, we also met a Roggenrola at the nearby cave. After finding Team Rocket trying to cut the water supply and using a bunch of Roggenrola for the weapon, we defeat them and send them flying this time. Roggenrola also decides to be captured by us.

Roggenrola: The Mantle Pokemon: Rock Type. They were discovered a hundred years ago in an earthquake fissure. Inside each one is an energy core.

Now we're back in Driftveil Gym, we meet the gym guide who says, "Welcome to the Driftveil Gym! Gym Leader Clay uses Ground-type Pokémon! Well, just between you and me, Ground-type Pokémon aren't good against Water-type attacks. They also don't like Grass- or Ice-type attacks! Oh, and in this Gym, the area you walk on will light up. Where you've been is a hint for where you need to go!"

When we step on the elevator, we are all now underground as we enter the underground mine. The first trainer is Worker Noel, and he says, "My Pokemon dig because they believe they're gonna find something, and they battle because they believe they're gonna win!"

He uses a Baltoy only, so I use Krokorok to defeat it in the end. After moving on the conveyor belts, we arrive at the second trainer, a Worker named Tavaris. "The one you meet when you get on this conveyor is none other than me!"

He uses a Drilbur, a Baltoy, and a Sandile, so I use Samurott to defeat them. "Looks like the conveyor brought in a strong Trainer like you!"

The third worker who stops us is Niel, he says, "Just because you work hard doesn't mean you're gonna get what you want! But if you don't work hard, there are many things you can't do. Let me show you how tough my hard work has made me!"

He uses a Baltoy and a Drilbur, so I use Samurott again to defeat them. "Everything went dark all of a sudden!"

The fourth trainer is a worker named Friedrich. "When I say dig, you say, "How low?"

"How low?" I ask with confusion. He uses a Sandile, while I use Lapras to defeat it with ease. "You didn't notice the pitfall at my feet while we were battling?!"

The fifth trainer is a worker named Pasqual. "Me and my Pokemon are professional tunnelers! My Pokemon can't be outdug or outburrowed! We have no rival!"

He uses Drilbur and Baltoy to battle, so I use Krokorok to defeat them with Crunch and Stone Edge. "And to think of all the walls we've broken down up until now... To hit a wall like this..."

The sixth trainer is a Worker Tibor. He says, "I have a riddle for you! Do you know what is distant but close?"

"I don't know." I say. He uses a Sandile and a Drilbur while I go with Servine to battle, and Servine manages to defeat them with ease. "The distance between winning and coming close to winning is so close, yet so far!"

And after we find Clay, he says, "Well, kid. You're back! Find any Revival Herbs?"

"Here!" I show them the bag, and he thinks its good quality.

"Harrumph! Kept me waiting, didn't you, kid? All right, time to see what you can do!"

Like the previous two gym battles, it is a four-on-four. Clay sends out his first Pokémon, a Krokorok.

Pikachu seems to be pumped up, I say, "Hold on, Pikachu. We've got a problem. This is a Ground Gym, you're Electric type moves won't be affective against it."

I send out Samurott as my first Pokemon. I have it use Aqua Jet, but Krokorok dodges by using Dig, causing Samurott to crash into the wall.

"Use Sandstorm!" Krokorok leaps out of the ground and unleashes a Sandstorm, causing sand to fly furiously on the field. As Samurott is buffeted by the Sandstorm, sand gets into his eyes, blinding him.

"It's got sand in its eyes!" Golly says.

Krokorok uses Bite on Samurott. Samurott tries to attack with Razor Shell, but with sand in his eyes, Samurott just blindly swings his scalchop around wildly. Krokorok attacks with a Stone Edge, and Samurott takes a considerable amount of damage. Samurott barely stands up from Krokorok's attacks as well as Sandstorm's effects.

Now this gives me an idea, before Clay can finish it, I say, "Samurott! aim at the field and use Hydro Pump!"

Samurott rapidly spins as he fires off a Hydro Pump to create a water geyser which causes a downpour, effectively stopping the sandstorm as well as washing out his eyes.

Krokorok digs underground but Samurott fires a Hydro Pump into its hole, flushing it out into the air. Samurott proceeds to use Aqua Jet which scores a hit on Krokorok, then finishes it off with a Razor Shell.

"Way to go, Samurott." I say.

"That is just his first Pokemon, Ash hasn't won yet." Alice says.

Clay suddenly laughs and says, "You may be young, but those attacks show that you have spirit! Now think its time to teach this whippersnapper some manners! Sandslash! Let's get to work!"

As the Pokemon appear, I say, "I wasn't expecting a Sandslash... oh well."

Samurott wants to keep going, and it fires the Hydro Pump, but Sandslash goes for Crush Claw, stopping the Hydro Pump from hitting. Then it uses Bulldoze to slam Samurott to the wall.

"Now there's the essence of power..." Cilan says.

I have Samurott uses Razor Shell to wrap it up, but Sandslash fires a Poison Sting that causes one of the four Scalchops off his hands. "It's right behind you!" I say.

But Sandslash goes for Gyro Ball, knocking Samurott out of the battle. Clay says, "I said that you have some guts, but now it seems that it is coming to an end."

"It's a one-on-one match. Let's see what happens!" I say as I send out my second Pokemon, which is Lilligant. Lilligant goes for Petal Dance, which countries the Gyro Ball from Sandslash, and after a Spore to make Sandslash fall asleep, Lilligant defeats it with Solar Beam.

"Tch... now you've really done it! Onix! Let's get to work!"

Really? An Onix against a Grass Type? My thoughts are proven wrong when it uses Bulldoze to lower my Lilligant's Speed and finishes with Iron Tail, I decide to go with my third Pokemon, Serperior.

"Now let's see what you can make something out of it!" Clay says.

"Serperior! Attract!" I say, which causes Onix to become infatuated. "Now Vine Whip!" I yell, and Serperior continues to attack before using Leaf Blade.

"Stay strong! Onix!" Clay yells, but in the end, Serperior finishes with Grass Pledge.

"Why you little whippersnapper... you're starting to make me mad! Now there's one thing I will not tolerate is an unfair battle!" Clay yells.

"What are you talking about? That's just my strategy..." I say.

"Strategy? A whippersnapper like you should forget about strategy and attack it all! I guess I just have to use my secret weapon then! Its power is different than the rest of my Pokemon! Excadrill! Let's get to work!"

"It sure looks powerful..." Alice says.

"It's huge..." Iris says.

"It also has Steel Type, so it's totally different." Eve says.

Serperior starts off by using Vine Whip, but Excadrill counters with a Rapid Spin, deflecting all of the hits. Serperior tries to attack with a Leaf Blade, but Excadrill easily overpowers Serperior with another Rapid Spin.

Serperior tries to use Attract, but once again, Excadrill stops the attack with Rapid Spin. "That didn't work... Grass Pledge!" "Rapid Spin again!"

Again, Rapid Spin overpowers her move. Excadrill unleashes a devastating Horn Drill attack, instantly knocking out Serperior.

"That sure is a one-hit KO move..." Golly mutters."

"Its power is out of this world..." Alice says.

I say, "My goal is to become a Pokemon Master. I'm not going to give up now."

"You still don't get it, whippersnapper!" He picks the pickaxe up and says, "Take it a look at this pickaxe! I started digging this mine along with Excadrill when I was still a whippersnapper! And now look how big it is! But you think you're already to become a Pokemon Master? So my job is to show you how tough the road to the top really is!"

"Listen, when I told you I'm going to become a Pokemon Master, I know what I mean! And I'll prove it with my last Pokemon!" I say. "Roggenrola! I choose you!"

Everyone is shocked at my choice. Roggenrola is just a Pokemon that I captured recently and it is also a Rock Type.

"Sandstorm! Go!" I yell, but Excadrill digs underground using Drill Run and then attacks Roggenrola from under its feet before it quickly digs back into the ground and repeatedly attacks with Drill Run. Roggenrola is tossed across the field, taking each successive hit. After being pummeled by multiple Drill Runs, Roggenrola is winded, but still standing.

"Roggenrola is getting beat up bad..." Eve says.

"I have to call its endurance..." Cilan says.

"I see that this Roggenrola of yours got guts." Clay says.

"Roggenrola! Are you okay?" I ask, and then he tries to use Drill Run once more, but Roggenrola starts to glow and evolve into a Boldore.

Boldore: The Ore Pokemon: Rock Type. Evolve from Roggenrola at LV:25. When it overflows with power, the orange crystal on its body glows. It looks for underground water in caves.

"Boldore!" I gasp in delight.

Excadrill attacks with Drill Run, but Boldore catches Excadrill before it could hit it. Boldore and Excadrill both try to wrestle the other to the ground, but both are equally matched. Suddenly Boldore's crystals begin to glow.

"Well this is a whole new challenge." Clay says.

"Let's try this! Rock Blast!" Excadrill takes the attack and stands up, but drops down to one knee.

Boldore's crystals continue to glow, and I say, "We'll show one more move! Rock Smash!" "You show your Rock Smash as well!"

As both Rock Smash attacks collide, a huge shockwave shakes the ground. However, Excadrill winces from its damage and Boldore takes the opportunity to overpower Excadrill and slams it into the ground. As the dust settles, Excadrill is on the floor, knocked out.

"Alright!" I cheer, "Boldore, you're amazing!"

Then Boldore suddenly jumps onto me and knocks me to the ground. Clay says, "Phew... You're really something! Little whippersnapper Trainers who pack a real punch keep showing up one after another. Mrmph. Here! Take this!"

And I get the Quake Badge from Clay. "So this is your fifth Badge, huh? If that's so, Pokémon up to Lv. 60 will obey you. Well, I suppose... Come thisaway!"

When we follow Clay out of the gym, he says, "Good dancers are crucial for putting on a good show!"

Then he leaves the gym, much to our confusion. But when we get outside, we find Clay and Hugh. Hugh says, "You got a Gym Badge, too! I knew you could do it! You know... my partners are the reason I was able to get that Badge. But I'm sure there's more connecting us to each other than Poke Balls! If that's all there is, the stolen Purrloin's feelings will never be what they were!"

"Oh, so you two squirts know each other, huh? You both aren't bad, so I wanna show you something." Clay says.

"Wait! I just remembered. Clay... Why? What's the reason? Why have you forgiven Team Plasma?" Hugh asks.

"There's always room for folks to grow and change, isn't there? And, if you only go after what you think is right, you might end up rejecting all thoughts and opinions other than your own. That's mighty dangerous." Clay replies.

"Hmph... Is that one of those compromises adults are supposed to make? Whatever! I'm gonna fight Team Plasma! Oh yeah, what were you wanting to show us?"

"You ever heard of the Pokémon World Tournament? Trainers from all over the world gather on up to see who's toughest!" Clay says.

"Pokemon World Tournament?" We ask with confusion. "Well then, I'll be waitin' for you at the south end of town!"

After he leaves, Hugh says, "A tournament to decide who's strongest, huh? Right on! It's time for some special training!"

Then he also leaves, and we all decide to head to the Pokemon Center first. Alice also helps me evolve Boldore into a Gigalith.

Gigalith: The Compressed Pokemon: Rock Type. Evolve from Boldore by trading. Compressing the energy from its internal core lets it fire off an attack capable of blowing away a mountain.

Here is the Driftveil Gym chapter. And because of this I decide to put Roggenrola's capture earlier. But it can be found in Relic Passage which will be after the PWT. I hope you like it.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Serperior, Emboar, Samurott, Watchog, Stoutland, Liepard, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Musharna, Tranquill, Zebstrika, Gigalith, Swoobat, Audino, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Swadloon, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Krokorok, Darmanitan, Maractus, Crustle, Scraggy, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Tirtouga, Archen, Garbodor, Zoroark, Minccino, Gothorita, Duosion, Swanna, Emolga, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scraggy, Cofagrigus, Garbodor, Zoroark, Foongus

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scraggy, Zoroark

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn, Stunfisk

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