Chapter 23

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We finally arrive at Driftveil City, and we see two Team Plasma with different uniforms fighting. The black one says, "C'mon! Let's have fun stealing Pokemon together, like we did before!"

"I can't." The white one replies, "I've learned the hard way that stealing from others is wrong!"

"Oh, come on! It's too late to start acting all goody-two-shoes now! People don't understand our just cause! Don't they call you a villain who was plotting world domination? Even though you quit Team Plasma, people are still really cold to you, right? So, you might as well just come steal Pokemon with us and take over the world! The people who are mean to you now will be groveling at your feet and saying how great you are!"

"I can't... My lord N will be sad... I can't do that to him..." This white one really still believes in what I think... that's so nice.

"N! Team Plasma's king... What a joke! He's nothing more than a traitor! He disappeared somewhere and abandoned us when we needed him!" The black one says.

"Hey!" Then Hugh also arrives and crashes into the black one, and he says, "Start talking, you Team Plasma trash!"

"Oww...You're gonna pay for that! Oh, yeah. Almost forgot... I'm not supposed to cause any trouble. I'll get you next time!" The black one starts to leave. Hugh yells, "You're not getting away!"

After Hugh leaves, I turn to the white grunt, "Are you alright?"

"I'm OK! We were friends when we were both in Team Plasma... But two years ago, Team Plasma split into a group that follows Lord N, who just wants to save Pokemon, and a group that follows Ghetsis, who plans to take over the world. You can hear the rest of the story in our home. It's on that little hill next to the Pokemon Gym."

After he leaves, Iris asks, "What is going on... Team Plasma splits into two parts?"

Cilan says, "This sure is going to be a mysterious taste..."

I frown as we head to the Pokemon Center, and we find Hilbert and Hilda resting there. Hilda says, "Ash! Guys! How are you?"

"We're fine. How many ribbons do you have now?" I ask.

"I have three of them, one less than you." Hilda says.

"Though what was going on? We find Hugh trying to chase after a man with a black suit..." Hilbert says.

"That's Team Plasma... the new one." I say, much to their surprise. "Team Plasma? But..."

"Team Plasma split into two groups now. One has the uniform you're familiar with, they are N's followers, and the black ones, they are Ghetsis' followers." I say.

"Ghetsis..." Hilbert growls. "I still can't believe he manages to escape prison..."

"We hear that the White Plasma has a base next to Driftveil Gym, we're heading there." Alice says.

Hilda and Hilbert are going to come with us, and much to their surprise, we find one of the Seven Sages, Rood, there talking with a grunt.

"Sir, they're the people I was talking about!" The grunt notices us, and Hilbert and Hilda rush to their grandfather. "Grandpa! You're here!"

"Hilda and Hilbert. It sure has been a while..." Rood says.

"But how? We thought you were going to prison..." Hilda says. "We were worried."

"It is thanks to Lord N, he frees all the Six Sages from prison." Rood sighs before turning to me. "It is nice to meet you again, Ash. Or should I say-"

I say, "Just call me Ash right now. I'll reveal anything after we get inside."

Rood then says, "If you're going to come inside, I would like to see what kind of person you are." He means Alice and the others, Alice asks, "So you want to battle us?"

"That's right. Do you find this acceptable?" Rood asks, and Alice steps forward to battle, with Pikachu and Absol against Herdier and Swoobat. The two Pokemon defeat his team with ease, and he says, "I apologize for testing you. Being former members of Team Plasma, we must deal with a lot..."

Hugh then suddenly rushes here, and he says, "He got away!"

"And that is? Your friend? He may join us." Then everyone gets inside the Team Plasma's Rest House, and we are surprised to find Minami and Lillie here, in their normal selves of course.

"Minami? Lillie? You're here as well?" Eve asks.

"Ash! Alice!" Lillie hugs me and then Alice, while Minami also greets them. Golly says, "What a surprise, I never thought to see you here as well."

"Things have happened." Minami says. "How's your journey doing?"

"Great. Though a lot has happened." I say.

Hugh says, "You guys are all Team Plasma too, right? Tell me, what makes you different from the Team Plasma back there?!"

Rood says, "More accurately, we're former members of Team Plasma. Because of the incident two years ago, we started taking care of the Pokémon that were separated from their Trainers as a way to atone for our misdeeds. And you are?"

"I'm Hugh. From Aspertia City... Five years ago, Team Plasma-I mean you-stole my little sister's Pokémon. I'm the pathetic trainer who wasn't able to stop you. "Separated"? What a joke! YOU were the thieves who STOLE them!"

Rood stares at him before frowning, "Is that so... My sincerest apologies..."

"Just an apology? That's it?! Where's my sister's Pokémon?! Purrloin! WHERE'S PURRLOIN?" Hugh demands.

"The Pokémon you speak of is not in this place. I imagine it is still being used by Team Plasma now. Just as you say, our apologies don't solve anything. But you can't move forward unless you admit you were wrong and apologize..." Rood says.

"Enough already! Apologizing isn't going to get my sister's Pokémon back! Guys! I'm going to the Pokémon Gym! I'll get stronger and crush every single member of Team Plasma!" After he leaves, Rood frowns, "Team Plasma made Trainers like him suffer... I feel terrible about it... How foolish we were..."

I say, "Indeed... Since now that you're here, it is time for us to tell the truth."

I sigh while closing my eyes, and I start to glow, much to those who don't know the truth. After the glow dies down, I'm now in my N form.

"Ash... don't tell me..." Hilbert gasps.

"Yes, I'm sure it is a surprise to some of you, but two years ago, I traveled around the Unova as N, the king of Team Plasma." I say.

"So all this time, we're traveling with the former King of Team Plasma, and you never told us about it?" Iris demands.

Hilda says, "No wonder Gigi really likes you... But why? Why would you go this far as to become the Team Plasma King known as N?"

Lillie says, "I assume you know a term: The Dark Phase?"

"Dark Phase?" Hilbert asks.

"A Dark Phase is something that happened to Aura Users. We might be Arceus, but we are also the blood of Aura Users. In Team Alpha, including us, seven families have the power of aura. When we suffer the Dark Phase, it will act the opposite of what we want and sometimes it will do harm." I say.

"There are ways to get rid of Dark Phases." Eve says, "If the desire in our heart is in minimal, we can just clean it with other people's aura. However, if it is a horrible one, we will need to separate the Dark Phase from our bodies to eliminate it permanently." Eve says.

Minami says, "Ghetsis, the Leader of Team Plasma... he's our father's Dark Phase. To get close to his side, our Mom gives the three of us missions to infiltrate Team Plasma as N, Anthea, and Concordia."

"Wait, so you are Anthea and Concordia? The goddess of Love and peace?" Hilda asks, and Lillie says, "We are. We have been them thanks to Double Team. However, we stayed there 7 years ago and we were surprised that our minds were still sane."

Rood says, "Team Plasma used to be a part of Team Alpha, as for we Seven Sages, each of us comes from one of the 19 families of Team Alpha."

Cilan says, "I've heard of Team Alpha... they are a special group who uses extreme methods to destroy all evil... I also heard that almost all the Champions are a part of the group as well..."

"Yes..." I say while changing back into my Ash self. "I apologize for what I said to you two years ago. But there was one time I believed that humans and Pokemon should be separated. I talked about how Pokedex and Pokeballs make them suffer, but now I'm using those things in my journey as well."

"We understand." Hilbert says. "When we think in your place now, I think we can relate to everything..."

Just then, I was tackled to the ground, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It's a Zoroark. "Zoroark... is that you?"

"You're finally back! I have been waiting for you for two years..." Everyone is surprised to see that this Zoroark can use Telepathy to talk.

"I'm sorry, Zoroark. But I did my promise, I come back after two years." I say. "You should meet Pikachu and Absol. They are my friends, just like you."

Zoroark decides to use Illusion to change himself into Pikachu, much to the Pokemon's surprise, and then it changes into Absol. Hilbert says, "So what are you going to do with this Zoroark?"

"It depends, he can stay with me or he can go back to the wild." I say, Zoroark of course wants me to capture him, so in the end, I decide to do it, only that he is not going to stay in the Pokeball like Pikachu and Absol.

Zorua: The Tricky Fox Pokemon: Dark Type. To protect themselves from danger, they hide their true identities by transforming into people and Pokémon.

Zoroark: The Illusion Fox Pokemon: Dark Type. Evolve from Zorua at LV:30. Each has the ability to fool a large group of people simultaneously. They protect their lair with illusory scenery.

Once we head outside, we turn to Iris and Cilan. I say, "Iris, Cilan. Now that you know about me from two years ago, what is your choice? Are you going to continue travel with us? Or are you are going to leave because I used to be the villain that harmed the Unova Region?"

Cilan says, "I know it is hard to believe you used to be the king of Team Plasma, but deep down you're still the Ash that we know."

"Yeah, and you're still acting like a kid as well. Of course that's not going to affect us at all." Iris says.

We nod as we thank the two of them, and since Hilbert, Hilda, Minami, and Lillie are staying there helping Rood, we also bid farewell to them.

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, Ash reveals the truth of him being N to his travel companions and the ones that he faced two years ago in the past. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be back to Team Rocket's mess.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Serperior, Emboar, Samurott, Watchog, Stoutland, Liepard, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Musharna, Tranquill, Zebstrika, Swoobat, Audino, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Swadloon, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Krokorok, Darmanitan, Maractus, Crustle, Scraggy, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Tirtouga, Archen, Garbodor, Zoroark, Minccino, Gothorita, Duosion, Swanna, Emolga, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scraggy, Cofagrigus, Garbodor, Zoroark, Foongus

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scraggy, Zoroark

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn, Stunfisk

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