Chapter 27

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Once we're done, we are now at the base camp, Eve asks, "So Professor Juniper, what is this about?"

"You see, we're trying to see if we can use the Pokemon Trade Machine by using the Chargstone Cave's stones." Professor Juniper says. "Since you and Alice are the ones who share Pokemon, doing a trade between you two shouldn't be a problem."

"If that's the case, we do have two Pokemon who need to trade to evolve." Alice says.

"But we should try to see the data of the pre-evolution first, and the way to show it is battling." Professor Juniper says.

When we send out our Pokemon, Karrablast and Shelmet. But Shelmet is still shy as he hides inside the shell, and Karrablast is still trying to break open Shelmet's shell.

"I guess they're like this... but you have to admit, Karrablast has great attack and Shelmet has great defenses. All of a sudden the machine that is recording the data of the battle malfunctions and we have to stop the battle.

"What's wrong?" Professor Juniper asks.

"We're having a lot of strange electrical readings. There're strange readings coming from the cage too." The assistant says.

We decide to check out the problem of the interference, and we find some Klinks around the area. Alice decide to capture a Klink because we don't have it yet.

Klink: The Gear Pokemon: Steel Type. The two minigears that mesh together are predetermined. Each will rebound from other minigears without meshing.

And as we continue moving, we also notice a Ferroseed who has been panicking. "A Ferroseed as well... this place sure has a lot of Steel Types."

"But I recognize this Ferroseed... it's nice to see you again." Then the Ferroseed tries to show us a Klinklang who has been moving in distress and is giving off excessive amounts of electricity. It tries to use Charge Beam, and Professor Juniper brings out a sound-making device that she uses to calm the Klinklang down.

"It's okay... take it easy..." Professor Juniper says as Klinklang calms down. And I notice a white tail stuck in the gears as I pull it out, revealing it to be a Tynamo.

"It's a Tynamo! Why is it stuck between the gear?" Golly asks.

Then we realize that Tynamo accidentally bumps into Ferroseed and Ferroseed uses Self-Destruct to cause Tynamo to be stuck inside Klinklang. After the misunderstanding, we decide to capture both Pokemon.

Ferroseed: The Thorn Seed Pokemon: Grass and Steel Type. When threatened, it attacks by shooting a barrage of spikes, which gives it a chance to escape by rolling away.

Tynamo: The EleFish Pokemon: Electric Type. These Pokémon move in schools. They have an electricity-generating organ, so they discharge electricity if in danger.

After we're done, we head outside and it's time for us to trade. After the trading process proves to be successful. We send them back out again.

Escavalier: The Cavalry Pokemon: Bug and Steel Type. Evolve from Karrablast by trading with Shelmet. They fly around at high speed, striking with their pointed spears. Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely.

Accelgor: The Shell Out Pokemon: Bug Type. Evolve from Shelmet by trading with Karrablast. When its body dries out, it weakens. So, to prevent dehydration, it wraps itself in many layers of thin membrane.

"Both of them look really cool." Iris says.

But even though they evolve, it doesn't stop Escavalier's battling spirit, but Accelgor manages to overcome the shyness and is also speedy. Once we're done, we bid farewell to Professor Juniper and enter the Chargestone Cave.

Inside the cave, we decide to also train our Pokemon. On the first floor, the ones who evolve are Joltik and Klink after defeating some trainers nearby.

Galvantula: The EleSpider Pokemon: Bug and Electric Type. Evolve from Joltik at LV:36. They employ an electrically charged web to trap their prey. While it is immobilized by shock, they leisurely consume it.

Klang: The Gear Pokemon: Steel Type. Evolve from Klink at LV:38. By changing the direction in which it rotates, it communicates its feelings to others. When angry, it rotates faster.

As we continue moving, we arrive at the bridge, and I say, "Chargestone Cave - I really like it here. Formulas express the forces behind electricity, its connection to Pokémon, and humans and Pokémon themselves."

"You're right about that." Eve says. "It sure sounds like an ideal place."

We continue to train our Pokemon and evolve them. Then we also have a few that evolve in the end.

Scrafty: The Shedding Pokemon: Dark and Fighting Type. Evolve from Scraggy at LV:39. Its skin has a rubbery elasticity, so it can reduce damage by defensively pulling its skin up to its neck.

Amoonguss: The Mushroom Pokemon: Grass and Poison Type. Evolve from Foongus at LV:39. It lures prey close by dancing and waving its arm caps, which resemble Poké Balls, in a swaying motion.

Eelektrik: The Elefish Pokemon: Electric Type. Evolve from Tynamo at LV:39. They coil around foes and shock them with electricity-generating organs that seem simply to be circular patterns.

And since we're in the Chargstone Cave, we find the Thunder Stone and evolve Eelektrik into Eelektross. Alice says, "You know, Eelektross is quite useful since it has the ability Levitate, which makes it a no-weakness Pokemon."

"Unless it is hit by Smack Down or Gravity is in effect." I say.

Eelektross: The EleFish Pokemon: Electric Type. Evolve from Eelektrik with Thunder Stone. They crawl out of the ocean using their arms. They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag it into the ocean.

And then we meet up with Bianca once more, she says, "Know what? I'm here at Professor Juniper's request! I'm researching a Pokémon called Tynamo! But there aren't very many, and they don't seem very strong..."

"That might be true, but once it evolves, it can become a no-weakness Pokemon." I say. And this gets Bianca's interest as she wants to continue researching about it, so we bid farewell as we get to the exit.

Once we arrive at Mistralton Gym, we find that Professor Juniper has already arrived. She says, "Hi, everyone. It's nice to see you here. I actually have something to give you."

She gives us a Master Ball, much to our surprise, and she says, "This Master Ball is the most powerful kind of Poké Ball. It can catch any Pokémon without fail. Journeys are about meeting Pokémon. Don't let a chance get away! Still, I'm amazed at how much Pokémon distribution changed in two years. That means my research will never end. Still, you could say that's what makes it fun..."

"Professor Juniperrrrr!" When we find the gym leader Skyla approaches, Juniper smiles, "Why, if it isn't Skyla! This is Skyla. She's Mistralton City's Gym Leader."

"We know." I say.

"Why are you surprised, Professor? You did ask for a lift in my plane to cross Twist Mountain since you can't reach Opelucid City by foot." Skyla says.

"Aha ha! You're right. But I have a quick favor to ask first. I want a look at the Celestial Tower. Do you mind waiting till I'm through? See you, guys! Be sure to always get along with all kinds of Pokémon!"

After Professor Juniper leaves, Skyla sighs, "Honestly! I can't tell if she's just laid back or if she's not paying attention to anything outside her head. The apple sure doesn't fall far from the tree. What's next? Are you coming to my Gym to challenge me? Or are you going to follow the professor to Celestial Tower and do some training? As long as I get to battle with a strong Trainer, I'm fine either way!"

After she leaves, we decide to head to the Celestial Tower first. On our way, we find an injured and barely conscious Cubchoo. We try to find some berries to help, but the storm from before causes most of the trees to fall. We finally find an Oran Berry, but we're suddenly accosted by three Beartic.

We're saved by a Mountain patrol named Cliff and his Mienfoo, and after we stay at his house, we decide to learn more about Cubchoo. The little Pokémon lives at the top of the mountain but was separated from its friends during the storm.

We hear from Cliff that there are two groups of Cubchoo and Beartic living on the mountain, and the Cubchoo we found is in fact part of a different group than the three Beartic from earlier.

While we explore the mountain, Cliff notices that all the local Berries have been destroyed by the storm. This seems to be the reason for the Beartic feud: there's not enough food to go around, so the two groups are fighting over it. After fixing the problem, the two groups are now working together, and we also capture the Cubchoo who wants to join us.

Cubchoo: The Chill Pokemon: Ice Type. Its nose is always running. It sniffs the snot back up because the mucus provides the raw material for its moves.

Since it is our first Ice Type Pokemon in the Unova Region, Alice kinda goes overboard with training and Cubchoo evolves into a Beartic.

Beartic: The Freezing Pokemon: Ice Type. Evolve from Cubchoo at LV:37. It can make its breath freeze at will. Very able in the water, it swims around in northern seas and catches prey.

We also meet up with Stephan, although he's still not happy that we call his name wrong again, he says that he's here for the Clubsplosion in Ambigan Town.

"The Clubsplosion? What's that?" Golly asks.

"Don't you know? It's a big competition sponsored by the Pokemon Battle Club. Hosted by Don George." Stephan says.

Now we're interested as we all heading to the Clubsplosion. However, on our way, we find that there is also a Contest held in the area as well. Stephan is also interested in it as he wants to watch our battle first. I use Galvantula, Gigalith, and Seismitoad to attend the contest. This time I'm showing the toughness and creating a dazzling Meteor shower. Once I advance, those three really give me a good performance to let me get my final ribbon.

Then we meet up with Nate and Rosa again, they are here to participate in the Clubsplosion held by Don George. There is also Bianca, Trip, Burgundy, Georgia, Reisa, and Hugh joining as well.

"Ash! You're here as well!" Reisa says.

"Nice to see you all again. I assume you got all the five ribbons?" I ask her.

"You bet." Reisa says while showing me. "And I assume you are as well?"

"Of course." I say.

Reisa says, "Just so you know, the Grand Festival of Unova is going to be held in the Undella Town, which is actually to the east of Unova. But don't worry, there is still a month for us to prepare."

"So all of you are going to join?" Nate asks.

"Golly and I decide to sit back this time." Eve says. "It seems most of them are Fighting users and we are Dark type specialists."

"In this tournament, everyone is using Fighting types because of their intense passion for combat." Stephan says.

"Mark will be excited to join this." I say, and those who know my brother agree with me. Bianca asks, "So who is Mark?"

"My younger brother, who likes to train fighting types." I say.

Rosa asks what Pokemon Trip is going to use, Trip just sends out Conkeldurr. We conclude that Trip must have evolved Gurdurr since he last saw it during the Club Battle.

Cilan looks pleasantly surprised to see Burgundy and asks if she'll be entering the tournament as well. She affirms it and also says that as a Connoisseur she will battle and win against him this time. Cilan then asks if she manage to increase her level and she replies glumly that she's still a C-class. She goes on the defensive, saying that she was too busy with training to study for another Connoisseur's test. Cilan says that it's a shame, which only angers Burgundy, causing her to stick her tongue out at him before leaving.

Georgia says that she knew that Iris would want to participate in the Clubsplosion tournament, which is why she entered earlier so she could defeat her. The two then get into a petty argument before Georgia breaks it off and leaves the scene, vowing that she'd show Iris what a real Dragon Buster can do. Iris only refers to her as another pain but Cilan thinks the mixture of different personalities makes for a good flavor.

The first round is Stephan versus Reisa, Stephan wins against her thanks to his Sawk defeating Poliwrath. The next round is Cilan versus me. I use Lucario to easily sweep through Cilan's Pansage.

Alice and Scrafty go up against Angus and his Simisage, and things look dire when Simisage pins Scraggy down and unleashes a relentless series of kicks—but then, under pressure, the tide turns quickly, and Alice wins.

Next up, Iris and Burgundy are about to face off in the fourth match. The two of them trade powerful attacks, and Burgundy tries to rattle Iris with some serious taunting—but Iris keeps her cool, and her Excadrill finally takes down Burgundy's Dewott.

Everyone takes a break for lunch at the Pokémon Center. Burgundy says next time, she'll get revenge on Iris and Cilan. However, Georgia says she'll be the one to defeat Iris, not Burgundy.

"Wow, things are heated." I say.

"Yeah. So Rosa, I heard that your opponent is Georgia again?"

"Yeah, but judging by her attitude, this time I'm not going to lose." Rosa declares.

Later on, Betty orders her Simipour to use Low Sweep on Getty's Simisear, knocking it out. Next is Georgia versus Rosa. She uses Bisharp while Rosa decides to go with Emboar. In the end, Georgia is defeated, she grunts at her loss and vows to win next time.

Hugh and Nate are fighting the 7th round. Hugh sends out Throh while Nate sends out Bewear. Hugh loses and when Nate congratulates Bewear, he is crushed by him.

"Urgh... I first thought it was cute..." Bianca says.

"Yeah, I am surprised that Nate doesn't have broken bones." I say.

Finally, it's Bianca and Emboar battling Trip and Conkeldurr. Emboar is clearly powerful, but Conkeldurr is adept at using its concrete pillars as a shield, and Emboar's attacks just can't get through. It looks like Trip has the upper hand when Conkeldurr knocks Emboar over with its pillars and then prepares to use Stone Edge. It is until some encouraging words from Rosa that Emboar turns the tide in an unexpected way. And just like that, Trip is out of the tournament, and Bianca claims the last spot in the quarterfinals.

The quarterfinal round starts the next day with me and Lucario up against Stephan and Sawk. Sawk is a tough competitor, but Lucario is extremely strong. We defeats Sawk using the long-range attacks, earning a spot to the semi-finals.

Next up, it's Alice and Scrafty versus Betty and Simipour. Confident after beating her brother in the previous round, Betty quickly dismisses Scrafty as a "runt" with no power, but Scrafty quickly proves otherwise. It manages to knock Simipour out, and Alice is on to the semi-finals.

Rosa's Emboar and Bianca's Emboar are battling it out in the next match, both of them are equal in power, but Rosa still wins in the end. Iris and Nate battle in the last round. Nate manages to defeat Iris and advance to the semi-finals.

Alice and I are facing each other. Scrafty has battled well against Lucario thanks to the training, but it still can't beat Lucario. As for the siblings, their battle comes to an end as Bewear slams Emboar to crash the wall.

Nate and I are fighting for the winner. Ash's Lucario has enough speed to hit Bewear, causing him to be knocked out. I win and I get a prize of Vitamins and also an Alloy Badge.

Here is a new chapter, and the Mistralton Gym battle should be taking some time before it happens. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be more things to do.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Serperior, Emboar, Samurott, Watchog, Stoutland, Liepard, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Musharna, Tranquill, Zebstrika, Gigalith, Swoobat, Excadrill, Audino, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Swadloon, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Basculin x2, Krokorok, Darmanitan, Maractus, Crustle, Scrafty, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Carracosta, Archeops, Garbodor, Zoroark, Cinccino, Gothorita, Duosion, Swanna, Sawsbuck, Emolga, Escavalier, Amoonguss, Galvantula, Ferroseed, Klang, Eelektross, Fraxure, Beartic, Accelgor, Larvesta, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scrafty, Cofagrigus, Garbodor, Zoroark, Amoonguss

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scrafty, Zoroark

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn, Stunfisk

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