Chapter 28

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When it is raining, we come across a giant mansion, and the door opens by itself. I say, "You know... this house is kinda creepy..."

"I just hope that we didn't run into a ghost house..." Alice says. Suddenly, a window flies open. Thinking it is the wind's doing, Cilan hammers the window down, but it just flies open again. Suddenly, a lamp starts floating and heads toward us, however, we dodge it. Out of nowhere, an assortment of items start attacking us. We run towards the exit, but some furniture blocks it. As the stone bust lies next to Cilan, he starts freaking out and runs away. We follow him to the next room, the dining room with a completely set table.

After Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, we find that the culprit is actually some Litwick. Golly says, "No way... it's Litwick..."

Eve says, "This is bad... I think we need to get out of here. Litwick is a Pokemon who drains life energy and takes people to the Ghost World..."

We try to run away, but to our surprise, we find Team Rocket in the basement. All of them have little energy and we notice that the four Litwick appear with large flames. They use Inferno to reveal the portal to the Ghost World.

"Not again..." I say.

"What do you mean not again? You mean you've faced this kind of situation before?" Alice asks.

"Yeah, it was also the day when Golly revived." I say.

We could've just gotten Team Rocket into the portal and finished it, but we decided not to since it's only the 995th time. Team Rocket and we call for a truce, and we agree to it.

Just then, two Lampent appears and they fire Shadow Ball at the four Litwick, causing them to be flung into the Ghost World, with the brick wall sealing them inside. The Team Rocket trio soon revert back to their normal, energy-filled selves as they run away.

"Lampent?" I ask with surprise.

"Sorry about those four, they have been pranksters for a long time." Lampent says.

Then we realize that the mansion is abandoned and how the Litwick has been doing this all the time. In the end, we decide to capture both Lampent and use the Dusk Stone to evolve them into Chandelure.

Litwick: The Candle Pokemon: Ghost and Fire Type. Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that it burns.

Lampent: The Lamp Pokemon: Ghost and Fire Type. Evolve from Litwick at LV:41. This ominous Pokémon is feared. Through cities it wanders, searching for the spirits of the fallen.

Chandelure: The Luring Pokemon: Ghost and Fire Type. Evolve from Lampent with Dusk Stone. It absorbs a spirit, which it then burns. By waving the flames on its arms, it puts its foes into a hypnotic trance.

After that's done, we also get a call from Yancy once more. "I want to become someone cool. I don't mean someone who appears cool. I'm talking about substance. I have a long way to go... But I believe I'll one day become someone with cool substance by working hard at my job. I'd support me."

"Of course we will support you." I say.

"You know, my dad and brother were having a Pokémon battle the other day. They were having so much fun! Then my sister started crying, saying she wanted a Pokémon, too. Took us some time to calm her down." Yancy chuckles.

"I know how it feels, we have a lot of siblings as well." I nod.

"Time flies when I talk to you, Ash. I must really be having a really good time! Ahaha! Calls from you are always welcome, you know. Think I should get back to work now. Talk to you later, Ash. Bye!"

After she ends the call, we continue to do some training and some of our Pokemon have evolved into their final forms.

Leavanny: The Nurturing Pokemon: Bug and Grass Type. Evolve from Swadloon with high friendship. It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings for Sewaddle.

Gothitelle: The Astral Body Pokemon: Psychic Type. Evolve from Gothorita at LV:41. They can predict the future from the placement and movement of the stars. They can see Trainers' life spans.

Reuniclus: The Multiplying Pokemon: Psychic Type. Evolve from Duosion at LV:41. These remarkably intelligent Pokémon fight by controlling arms that can grip with rock-crushing power.

And that night, we encounter a Beheeyem, who can make our wishes come true. However, we realize that we're trapped in a dream caused by Beheeyem, and he has an owner named Leon, who is the dream thief. He tries to steal all of our Pokemon, but it is thanks to our Gothitelle and Reuniclus that we manage to escape the dreams.

After we wake up, he tries to escape with our Pokemon, only to be stopped by an Elgyem, who uses Hypnosis to get him to sleep as we call Officer Jenny to arrest him. The Elgyem decide to join our team in the end.

Elgyem: The Cerebral Pokemon: Psychic Type. It uses its strong psychic power to squeeze its opponent's brain, causing unendurable headaches.

However, when we enter the Celestial Tower, we are shocked to see what's going on. All the people inside, including Professor Juniper, have become possessed by Beheeyem.

"This is creepy..." Alice says. "What should we do?"

"We have to run!" I say as we notice the group trying to chase after us while we climb up the tower. Once we reach the top with the help of Elgyem, we find a group of Beheeyem who explain that their UFO had malfunctioned and an important component of the spaceship fell off. The UFO crash-landed on top of the tower and once the Beheeyem got off the UFO, they hypnotized everyone to look for the missing component, which caused them to believe that they were Beheeyem as well.

We try to ask what the item looks like, and they reveal it to be just like an Amulet Coin. It turns out that Team Rocket found it yesterday and they try to use it to boost their robots, so we battle them and defeat them, getting the component back. Elgyem also evolves into a Beheeyem during the battle.

Beheeyem: The Cerebral Pokemon: Psychic Type. Evolve from Elgyem at LV:42. It can manipulate an opponent's memory. Apparently, it communicates by flashing its three different-colored fingers.

Once Professor Juniper and the others are back to normal, we ask, "Professor, are you okay?"

"Urgh... this sure is weird... Hi there! How were things with Skyla?"

"We haven't gotten the gym badge yet, but we managed to win the Clubsplosion at Ambiga Town."

"Well, if that's the case, I'll keep up the fieldwork until the plane is ready to fly. Oh yeah! Why don't you try using this?" She gives us a Lucky Egg. "Giving that Lucky Egg to a Pokémon to hold increases the amount of Exp. Points received in battle a little bit! Having strong Pokémon will make it easier to fill your Pokédex pages!"

After we leave, we try to head to Twist Mountain, where we find an archaeologist named Ferris digging up Fossils. With the help of Drilbur's Slash, the Fossil is successfully removed from a rock wall.

There is another girl named Sierra, who says, "The Twist Mountain is off limits to outsiders. What will Marhsal say when he finds you guys!"

Then we decide to go to Ferri's laboratory, and he tells us an unusual story: when he was a child, he actually met and played with a Tirtouga inside the mountain. He has a theory that time behaves strangely in certain parts of Twist Mountain...

Just then, Team Rocket has to come and take the Fossil for themselves. Ferris and I manage to get into the helicopter and we are captured. Their new scientist Dr. Zager comes and says, "I say you really caused a lot of trouble for us."

"So? What are you going to do with the Fossil?" Ferris asks.

They reveal that they manage to copy the data of Professor Juniper's Fossil restoration machine the other day and power up with the Chargstone Cave's rocks. Dr. Zager explains that they will restore the Fossil, get the revived Tirtouga to lead them to the time hole in Twist Mountain, and then capture the ancient Pokémon that live there before the time hole closes forever.

We are furious about the scheme but we're not able to do anything behind the force field. Zoroark's Night Daze and Pikachu's Thunderbolt aren't doing a thing. Dr. Zager places the Cover Fossil on a restoration machine in the helicopter and everyone watches as it is successfully restored into a Tirtouga. However, Tirtouga uses Ancient Power out of fear, destroying the helicopter. It quickly escapes, much to everyone's dismay.

When we find the Tirtouga, we try to help him by saving them from Whirlipede. I also have Carracosta help out. Then Alice and the others also arrive as we bring Tirtouga into the truck.

Then we meet up with the Elite Four member Marshal, he says, "I'm Marshal, one of the Elite Four! You look like you're a Pokémon Trainer with potential, but I can't let you into Twist Mountain! The inside collapsed, and you can't get through!"

"We have to go there, because of this Pokemon." Ferris says.

After learning the situation, he says that he'll accompany us but not let us go to the danger zone. And when Team Rocket ambushes us, Tirtouga also evolves into a Carracosta.

Suddenly, as Carracosta is fighting Team Rocket, it hears the voices of other Tirtouga and Carracosta and runs away into the forest. Although we try to run after it, Yamask uses Haze to stop us. We chase them to the Time Gate, and they are about to pass through. Marshal also shows his help by using Conkeldurr to battle Team Rocket, and in the end, Carracosta manages to call his friends to help them as we manage to defeat Team Rocket. However, they also got away instead of being sent flying.

With the danger passed, everyone passes through the Time Gate to say goodbye to Carracosta. As the Time Gate closes, we all bid farewell and return to our own world, with the portal between Twist Mountain and the ancient world gone forever. Sierra apologizes for not believing Ferris's childhood story of traveling back in time, while Ferris is simply glad to see Carracosta again.

We are also going back to Mistralton City because we still have our gym battle to do, and Marshal also wants to see what I can do and he also wishes me good luck for winning the Unova League.

"Finally... with this done, it is the 999th time." I say. "Now just one more and we can finally kill them off."

Alice says, "And all of our misery on our journeys will be done as well..."

Here is a new chapter, and the next chapter is going to be the Mistralton Gym. Since this is going to be Black 2 and White 2, so there won't be Brycen's gym. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Serperior, Emboar, Samurott, Watchog, Stoutland, Liepard, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Musharna, Tranquill, Zebstrika, Gigalith, Swoobat, Excadrill, Audino, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Leavanny, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Basculin x2, Krokorok, Darmanitan, Maractus, Crustle, Scrafty, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Carracosta, Archeops, Garbodor, Zoroark, Cinccino, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Swanna, Sawsbuck, Emolga, Escavalier, Amoonguss, Galvantula, Ferrothorn, Klang, Eelektross, Beheeyem, Chandelure, Fraxure, Beartic, Accelgor, Larvesta, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scrafty, Cofagrigus, Garbodor, Zoroark, Amoonguss, Chandelure

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scrafty, Zoroark

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn, Stunfisk

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