Chapter 29

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We are now back at Mistralton Gym since it is time for us to challenge my sixth gym badge. But just as we enter, a large gust of wind appears and is blowing at us.

"This is a realy strong wind..." Eve says.

"Hang in there..." Iris says.

It is also then the gym guide bumps into me. "Ow... Oh, I'm sorry! This Gym is a wind tunnel! When the propellers in back start spinning quickly, you'll be blown away like a certain someone just was! When you think the wind will blow, stay hidden behind a wall and wait for it to stop. By the way, Flying-type Pokémon have more weaknesses than you might expect, including to Rock-, Electric-, and Ice-type moves!"

So that's the gym test about...the first gym trainer is Pilot Fynn. "Strong winds, right? It represents the strength of us and our Gym Leader! This is a Pokemon Gym! Let's have a Pokemon battle!"

He uses a Swoobat, so I have Zoroark defeat it with a Night Daze. "I felt some intense pressure coming from you and your Pokemon!"

The winds sure is strong and I'm having a hard time moving forward. But I still reach the second trainer, Pilot Winslow. "My Pokemon is stronger than the wind. It's my pride and joy!"

He uses a Sigilyph, so I go with Absol this time and defeat it with ease. "It may be stronger than the wind, but my Pokemon isn't as strong as yours."

The third Pilot is named Elron, he says, "Right side clear! Left side clear! Battle flight is ready for takeout! Err... I mean, takeoff!"

Seriously... he uses two Pokemon, an Archen and a Unfezant. Pikachu and Klang are the ones who defeat both of them in the end. "Unfortunately... we are forced to land."

The fourth pilot is Ewing. He says, "Sometimes you need to be bold, while other times you need to be careful. You'll have to react accordingly if you don't want to be blocked by the traps in this Gym!"

He uses an Unfezant so I go with Magnezone, using Zap Cannon to finish it off. "I couldn't block your path... You're an impressive Trainer!"

And the final trainer is Pilot Chase. "If you can beat me, you'll be able to face the Gym Leader... You're too careless if you think that! Don't let you guard down yet!"

He uses a Ducklett and a Swoobat, and both of them are defeated by Magnezone once more. "How could this be?! I wasn't being careless at all!"

We finally reach Skyla, and she says, "Hee-hee! I've been waiting for you. You're a tough Trainer who can face the wind and not get blown off your feet! I'm kinda excited about this battle! Why don't you and I have some fun?"

"You bet." I say. "I choose you, Krokorok!"

"Now, Swoobat, take off!" After the two Pokemon appear, Alice says, "Even though Ground Type moves aren't going to affect Swoobat, Ash wants to use the Dark Type Advantage..."

"Now the key is how Ash and Krokorok will deal with aerial attacks." Cilan says.

Krokorok starts off by using Crunch, however, Swoobat dodges and retaliates with Air Cutter. Krokorok quickly uses Dig to dodge the attack to stay underground, out of Swoobat's reach.

"Ah, nice dodging." Skyla says. Swoobat flies low trying to predict where Krokorok will appear. Krokorok jumps from out of the ground and unleashes Stone Edge. Swoobat reflects it back at Krokorok with Gust but one manages to hit Swoobat while all of the others repelled by Gust are dodged by Krokorok. Swoobat recovers from its damage and fires off an Air Cutter attack, which throws Krokorok into the ground, knocking it out.

"Wow... Krokorok lost..." Iris says.

"If only the Stone Edge wasn't partially deflected, the flavor of the entire battle could've changed.

"I could've told you that for a Ground Type Pokemon, your Krokorok really battled hard." Sklya says.

"Now Cofagrigus, I choose you!" I send out my second Pokemon, and Cofagrigus starts with Will-o-Wisp, but Swoobat counters with its own Air Cutter. Cofagrigus uses Hex, only to be stopped by Swoobat's Gust.

"Ascend quickly!" Skyla says. I say, "Don't let it get away! Use Curse!"

Since Cofagrigus' Curse lowers its HP to deal multiple damage to Swoobat, Swoobat immediately faints after using the Air Cutter.

"So far every single event has been predictable. Let's see how you face Skarmory!" A Steel Type Pokemon I see...

"Skarmory is a Steel Type, but this is the first time I've seen it..." Cilan says.

I have Cofagrigus starts with Shadow Claw, but Skarmory dodges and go for Steel Wing, but just when Skarmory is hit, it starts to be tangled inside bandages. "Good, the Mummy ability activated. Now Ghost Types are super effective! Use Shadow Ball!"

"Dodge it!" Skarmory dodges the attack and then goes for Aerial Ace, when it keeps hitting Cofagrigus, I yell, "Destiny Bond now!"

Skyla is surprised as the moment Cofagrigus is down, Skarmory is also down with it.

"Now that's two Pokemon each..." Golly says.

"Galvantula! I choose you!" I send Galvantula into the field, while Skyla goes for Sigilyph. With the advantage of Galvantula's Electric type over Flying types, Galvantula starts off with an Electro Ball but Sigilyph quickly flies up to dodge. Sigilyph retaliates with an Air Cutter, which manages to hit Galvantula.

"Now time for Flash Cannon!" When it is prepared to fire the attack, I say, "Galvantula, String Shot!"

Just then, Galvantula manages to fire the silk and traps Sigilyph, causing the Flash Cannon to miss. "Now finish with Electro Web!" Then the attack hits Sigilyph and defeats it in the end.

"Never give up! To do so is an insult to the Pokémon who fight for you! Presenting my flying ace Swanna! Now take off!"

The final Pokemon is Swanna, which is both Water and Flying Type. "Let's focus on offense, Galvantula! Dischrage!"

"Use Aqua Ring!" Much to my surprise, Aqua Ring neutralizes Discharge. Galvantula tries to attack with Electro Ball, but Aqua Ring once again blocks it.

"That was a nice try, but I learned how to do this back when I became the gym leader. I studied my grandpa's old videos. He uses this move back at the day, the way I just did now. And because we have masted the move as well, I knew I can beat you and your Electric Pokemon!"

"Then let's try this! Use Leech Life!" Galvantula attacks with Leech Life, but Swanna flies up high and dodges. I notice there are rings in the sky, and I know what to do. "Galvantula! String Shot on the rings!"

Then Galvantula uses the rings to reach Swanna and gives a Leech Life.

Swanna attacks back with Bubble Beam which knocks Galvantula off of the rings then continues to attack with Hurricane. Hurricane throws Galvantula into the air and Swanna attacks with Brave Bird. Galvantula crashes into the ground.

"Wow... Galvantula got defeated..." Iris says.

"But that doesn't mean the battle's over." Cilan says.

"Tranquill! I choose you!" My final Pokemon is Tranquill, and I have it use Quick Attack, which clips Swanna. Tranquill unleashes an Air Cutter attack which Swanna dodges until one manages to score a clean hit on it. Tranquill quickly rushes back down to the ground and attacks using Gust, but Swanna counters and overpowers Gust with a Hurricane. Hurricane swallows Tranquill and throws her onto the ground, injuring her.

"Tranquill! You okay? You can do it! I know you can!" I yell.

Just then, Tranquill starts to evolve into an Unfezant.

Unfezant: The Proud Pokemon: Normal and Flying Type. Evolve from Tranquill at LV:36. Males swing their head plumage to threaten opponents. The females' flying abilities surpass those of the males.

"Since Brother's Unfezant is a Female, that means its flying abilities are greater!" Golly says.

With her new form and her newfound vigor, Unfezant attacks with Air Cutter but Swanna flies up to dodge. Unfezant chases after it, but Swanna quickly turns and attacks with Brave Bird, hitting Unfezant. Swanna tries to attack once more but Unfezant flies faster than Swanna, allowing it to escape the attack.

Swanna begins to tail Unfezant throughout the Gym but is unable to hit her. Unfezant snaps behind Swanna and uses her new move, Aerial Ace. Swanna and Unfezant fly around in circles trying to hit one another with no avail. Unfezant finally manages to lock onto Swanna and attacks it with Aerial Ace, causing an explosion. As the smoke clears, Swanna falls down to the field, knocking it out, and allowing me to win the match.

"An amazing aerial battle." Skyla says. "You're an amazing Pokémon Trainer. My Pokémon and I are happy because for the first time in quite a while-about two years, I'd say-we could fight with our full strength. This is an official League Gym Badge. But this is just a stepping-stone."

Then I get the Jet Badge, she says, "Wow, hot stuff! With that many Gym Badges, Pokémon up to Lv. 70 will obey you. I wonder what Professor Juniper is up to? I did promise her a ride in my plane..."

Then we decide to head outside, and Skyla says, "Time for a quick hop in my plane! Hey, where did Professor Juniper get to?"

Professor Juniper arrives and she says, "Hi there! I hope we can get some good research done on the other side of the mountain as well. That's right! I want you to take this flight, too!"

"We're going to take the flight as well? But what about my next gym battle?" I ask.

Iris says, "Considering that Icirrus City doesn't have a gym anymore, the next gym should be in Opelucid City, which is close to my hometown."

Professor Juniper says, "And there's someone I want you to meet in Opelucid City, but we can't get through Twist Mountain right now. We'll just make a quick flight over to Lentimas Town! I'll be waiting for you in Mistralton Cargo Service!"

"Hey! Professor! Wait up! Honestly... She just does everything at her own pace!" Skyla whines a little. "OK! You come, too!"

We all chase after them, and once we enter the Cargo Service, we find the two women. "Looks like the Professor's reached a stopping point in her investigation. Ready to hop aboard my plane?"

"OK, Skyla, we're ready. Please take us to Lentimas Town!" Professor Juniper says.

But much to my dismay, I'm crashed into a fountain nearby, and I don't need to think to know who've done it. "Bianca! Again?"

"Ash! Guys! You're here as well!" Bianca says.

"What are you actually doing here?" Eve asks.

"Hff...pff...I want to fly, too! I want to do some research in Reversal Mountain...hff...pff..." Bianca says.

"Bianca, you're here? You're starting to show the dedication of a serious researcher these days!" Professor Juniper says. "OK, everyone, off we go to Lentimas Town!"

"Hee-hee! Looks like everyone's here! Finally, it's time to fly the Unova skies!" Then we all board the plane as we all head to Lentimas Town, which is actually at the east of Unova.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the sixth gym battle. The next chapter will be about meeting old faces from Sinnoh and probably something special. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Serperior, Emboar, Samurott, Watchog, Stoutland, Liepard, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Musharna, Unfezant, Zebstrika, Gigalith, Swoobat, Excadrill, Audino, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Leavanny, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Basculin x2, Krokorok, Darmanitan, Maractus, Crustle, Scrafty, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Carracosta, Archeops, Garbodor, Zoroark, Cinccino, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Swanna, Sawsbuck, Emolga, Escavalier, Amoonguss, Galvantula, Ferrothorn, Klang, Eelektross, Beheeyem, Chandelure, Fraxure, Beartic, Accelgor, Larvesta, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scrafty, Cofagrigus, Garbodor, Zoroark, Amoonguss, Chandelure

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scrafty, Zoroark

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn, Stunfisk

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