Chapter 34

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As we are about to leave, we meet up with Professor Juniper and Bianca. Professor Juniper says, "Hi there!"

"Professor Juniper! It has been a while!" Hilbert and Hilda greet the Professor, who says, "Hilbert and Hilda. It's nice to see you two again."

Bianca says, "Hee hee! I used Fly, so it looks like I beat you here. Thanks for your help in Reversal Mountain!"

"No problem." I say.

"If you go straight past Lacunosa Town, you'll reach Opelucid City! But before you go, there's something I want you to hear." Professor Juniper says.

"What is it?" Alice asks.

"You'll know soon enough. Hurry now!" We follow the Professor until we arrive at a house with an old lady, she says, "You must be the ones who want to hear that old tale about Lacunosa Town."

"That's right. Please tell us."

"All right, my dearies. Please come in." When we enter the house, the old lady says, "Behind Lacunosa Town, there's a mighty big hole. Have you heard of the Giant Chasm?"

"Oh, I've heard that around the Giant Chasm, there have been brief temperature readings of -58° F! That's what Cheren told me, anyway!" Hilbert says.

"The road is blocked, so we can't get there right now..." Professor Juniper says.

"A long, long time ago, the Giant Chasm was created when a big meteorite fell from the sky. A really scary Pokemon was hidden inside that meteorite..." The old lady says.

"A meteorite..." Luke mutters.

"When darkness falls over the land, this Pokemon appears. A frigid wind follows it. It freezes everything around and eats people and Pokemon... That's why everyone was afraid."

"The Pokémon ate p-people?" Bianca stutters.

"So our ancestors surrounded the town with walls, to prevent the Pokemon from getting inside the town. Also, a rule was made forbidding anyone to go outside after dark... And that's the end of the old tale!"

"A fascinating story! I'll add it to my research records." Professor Juniper says, "Everyone, we should be going."

When we get outside, Professor Juniper asks, "Wasn't that an interesting folktale? The Pokémon's true identity may be unknown, but the power mentioned in the story is incredible!"

"I know... The power to freeze everything around it could even rival the power of the legendary Dragon-type Pokémon." Hilda says.

"Yes, Hilda. It's almost like Reshiram, who scorched Unova with blazing fire long ago." Professor Juniper says.

"What do you mean by that? What story?" Reisa asks, and we realize that some of them still don't know about the event 2 years ago.

"Reshiram is a legendary Dragon-type Pokémon that lends its power to the person it recognizes as a hero who seeks truth. It has a white body, and it can send forth ferocious flames!" I say.

"Professor, do you think there's a connection between the Pokémon from the old story and the legendary Dragon-type Pokémon?" Hilbert asks.

"The meteorite." Professor Juniper says.

"The meteorite?" We are confused.

"Reshiram was revived from a rock called the Light Stone. Let's suppose the meteorite from the story and this stone are one and the same... Take into account that elements from the same era were found in Dragonspiral Tower, where Reshiram was, and in the Giant Chasm... It doesn't prove anything, but it could be a piece of the puzzle. Let's not write it off as a coincidence just yet..." Professor Juniper says.

"If your theories are true, it should be a really strong Pokémon. What kind of a reason would there be for it to come out only at night? Like, if, like, it doesn't like sunlight or something like that..." Iris asks.

"Until we look into it more deeply, it would be hard to say anything about that. Now that I think about it, the name "Lacunosa" could be derived from lacunosus clouds, which are clouds that resemble a net or a fence. I wonder if the name is related to the part of the story where they built walls to protect the town from that Pokémon."

"Sorry, I rambled on a bit, didn't I? But could you ask Drayden about this, if you get a chance? I'm going to do a little fieldwork. Bianca, help out, OK!" Then we see Professor Juniper and Bianca leave. Hilbert says, "Oh, just so you know, Opelucid City's mayor, Drayden, wrestles with his Pokémon to toughen them up!"

"Yeah... but that sure is something..." Cilan says.

Eve says, "You know, after hearing everything, I think I might have a clue about the Pokemon..."

I say, "Yeah. Something that Alice or Lillie will definitely like."

We find Hugh near the gate, "What's up? Have you seen Team Plasma anywhere around here? I heard a rumor to that effect..."

Just then, we are surprised to find some Team Plasma grunts and Zinzolin is also there. "Dad..." Alice and Eve mutter with horror.

"Oh, for crying out loud... This is troublesome indeed, my curious Trainers." Zinzolin mutters.

"Zinzolin!" Hilbert and Hilda recognize him since he was one of the seven sages. Luke asks, "Who is this?"

"That's Zinzolin... let's say that he's the Dark Phase of Alice and Eve's father." I say.

"Dark Phases again?" Dawn groans, "It is starting to get annoying considering what Hunter J and Hunter E were doing..."

"So why the hell are you still in Team Plasma?" Hilbert demands.

"Perhaps I should satiate your curiosity somewhat. The reason I am still part of Team Plasma is this: I want to know how the world will change. Listen. Pokémon are nature. Poké Balls are civilization. Humans who are used to civilization don't relinquish it easily. Of course, both nature and civilization are important. But what will happen to a world taken over by Team Plasma? People will be forced to throw out Poké Balls—a product of civilization. I want to know what that looks like! And I want to enjoy it!" Zinzolin says.

"Shut your mouth. All I want is to get back a stolen Pokémon!" Hugh yells. "Give me a hand!"

"Sure... I guess we can just defeat some for sure." Golly says.

"Just so you know... You're about to feel my rage!" Then we all separate to battle the grunts while Alice and Eve are facing their dark version of father. Zinzolin is using Cryogonal and Sneasel, and both Alice and Eve know the two Pokemon very well.

After we manage to defeat all of them, Zinzolin says, "That pressure I felt from you just now... What was that?! More important, we must continue our search. Like that scientist said, it might be in Opelucid City! We'll play with you again later!"

Then they all retreat, with Hugh yelling, "Get back here!"

After he rushes away, Luke says, "So let me get this straight. Hugh is after Team Plasma because of her sister's stolen Pokemon?"

"Yeah, five years ago, Purrloin was stolen under the name of liberation." Hilbert says. "And that reminds me, Reshiram and Zekrom are still with you, right? Ash?"

"I have Zekrom but not Reshiram. I have to assume that he's staying at the Dragonspiral Tower as a Light Stone." I say.

"Reisa, Dawn, Luke, since you don't know this. But Team Plasma is actually a group separated from Team Alpha. Other than the grunts, there are the seven sages, which apparently... if Cynthia is here, the seven people who are related to most of us."

"What?" Everyone is shocked. I say, "Ghetsis, Gorm, Bronius, Rood, Zinzolin, Giallo, and Ryoku."

"Gorm is my grandfather... but..." Dawn says.

"Giallo is my grandfather..." Luke says.

"And Ryoku is mine..." Reisa says.

"Bronius is Cynthia's father, and then we have Rood, who is Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, and Rosa's grandfather... and the last two are the Dark Phases of our fathers." I say. "So far only Zinzolin is still in action with Team Plasma with Ghetsis... while Rood is at Driftveil City working to help trainers reunite with the Pokemon stolen by Team Plasma."

"This is slightly ridiculous..." I mutter.

Then we get a call from Yancy once more, and I decide to answer it alone. "Stop that! Hey! Sigh... Sorry... That was my sister and brother bothering me... They seem to get jealous when I talk to you, Ash. Ahaha! They are usually bratty, but I guess they can be cute sometimes."

"I see. So what do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"I found this shop that bakes really good cakes the other day. They bake things that taste mysterious. I've never tasted anything like them. Maybe we could go there together sometime soon... Arg! Hey, I said 'stop'! Sigh... Sorry, Ash. It seems that I have to spend time with them today... Talk to you soon." After she ends the call, we go back and Reisa asks, "It seems like someone is adding another person in the harem?"

"Just stop with the teasing..." I sigh.

When we arrive at Route 12, we immediately get a call from Yancy once more, much to the others' annoyance. "I bought a Soda Pop from this vending machine the other day. Guess what! I got an extra as a bonus. It's great, isn't it? Have you got a bonus before, Ash? I would have shared it with you, had we been together then."

"Having a bonus is interesting." I say.

"The stars last night were so beautiful... Did you see them by any chance, Ash? I saw lots of shooting stars, too. It really was a pretty night. I saw so many that I made many wishes. What? Ahaha! I can't tell you what I wished for... "

"Don't worry about it. Secrets are needed to be kept." I say.

"I was using the Dowsing Machine the other day and got something really awesome. I gave it to my dad, and he was really pleased. I'm glad you told me about the Dowsing Machine a while ago, Ash! ..."

Just then, I hear coughing and I ask, "Are you okay?"

"Sorry... I got a cold, it seems... Yeah... I'm really sorry. Cough... I guess so. I'll stay home and rest for now. But... Seeing your face should help me recover sooner, Ash. Ahaha! Talk to you soon."

After we're done, we explore the area and we find that there are a lot of Bug Type Pokemon around here. Insey would really like to be in this kind of place.

Then we arrive at Village Bridge. Like its name implies, it is indeed a village built on a bridge. Iris also reveals that this is where she met her Lapras, which is cool to know.

And on Route 11, I also get a call from Yancy there. "I went to the Battle Institute in Nimbasa City to take the Battle Test. I did a little better than the last time! I'll keep trying to get better results! I'd appreciate it if you could tell me about Pokémon battles, please?"

"Sure." Then we talk about some Pokemon battles until we change the topic. "I've been too busy and sleep-deprived lately. If it wasn't you I was talking to, Ash, I'd have fallen asleep by now. Ahaha! I'm on my break right now. Couldn't help answering 'cause I wanted to talk to you! It's voice only, sorry! Ahaha! ...My job keeps me busy, and I was just about to collapse... But hearing your voice is giving me energy, Ash! Oops! My break is over. I have to get back to work. Next time, I want to be looking at your face when we talk. Talk to you soon."

After that's done, we also meet up with the Legendary Pokemon Virizion. She says, "Ash Ketchum. I assume you've already met Cobalion on Route 13?"

"Yes, he's now with me. So I assume you're here for the same reason?" I ask.

"Of course." Virizion says as she gives me the customer Pokeball before leaving.

Virizion: The Grassland Pokemon: Grass and Fighting Type. Its head sprouts horns as sharp as blades. Using whirlwind-like movements, it confounds and swiftly cuts opponents.

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, Ash and the others learn about Kyurem, even though it hasn't mentioned yet. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be Opelucid City.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Serperior, Emboar, Samurott, Watchog, Stoutland, Liepard, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Musharna, Unfezant, Zebstrika, Gigalith, Swoobat, Excadrill, Audino, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Leavanny, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Basculin x2, Krookodile, Darmanitan, Maractus, Crustle, Scrafty, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Carracosta, Archeops, Garbodor, Zoroark, Cinccino, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Swanna, Sawsbuck, Emolga, Escavalier, Amoonguss, Jellicent, Galvantula, Ferrothorn, Klang, Eelektross, Beheeyem, Chandelure, Fraxure, Beartic, Accelgor, Larvesta, Cobalion, Virizion, Tornadus, Thundurus, Zekrom, Landorus, Meloetta

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scrafty, Cofagrigus, Garbodor, Zoroark, Amoonguss, Jellicent, Chandelure

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scrafty, Zoroark

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn, Stunfisk

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