Chapter 46

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Back at Undella Town, we decide to go to Route 14, and when we continue moving, we find the Abundant Shrine in front of us. Golly asks, "So what is special about this place?"

"The land surrounding the actual shrine is a field of mounds of soil and a few bodies of water, this is the shrine where Landorus is resting." I say. Then we find some trainers and one says, "So you know what Landorus is like when it means business, huh?"

"Yeah! I do! It changes into another Forme and flies around the sky! Tornadus and Thundurus change Formes, too!... Well, that's the story, anyway."

"That's good, then!... You know, I've only heard about it in stories, too."

After two children leave, a person comes and says, "This little shrine is dedicated to a Pokemon called Landorus. They say that when Tornadus and Thundurus were whipping up storms that damaged houses and fields all over the Unova region, Landorus made them stop. That's a story from when my grandpa was just a little kid!"

Since we all know the story, so we decide to bring Landorus to the shrine, and an old man is standing there. "Wow! Wow! What an awesome Trainer! That Pokemon you're traveling with is Landorus in Therian Forme! A long, long ago. Tornadus and Thundurus started a rampage in Therian Forme. When everybody thought the Unova region would be ruined and gave up hope, Landorus, also in Therian Forme, appeared out of nowhere and stopped them. That's what they say."

Then he turns to the shrine and says, "Oh! Hey! Wait a second." And much to our surprise, he takes the Reveal Glass to us. "This has been placed in the shrine. Take this."

"The Reveal Glass?" We gasp in surprise.

"They say the Reveal Glass brings Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus back to their original appearance. However, I don't know whether Incarnate Forme or Therian Forme is the true Forme."

Once the man leaves, Cilan says, "To think that the item that Team Rocket tried to control... there was another one in the Abundance Shrine..."

"Yeah, but I don't think we need Meloetta to activate it though." I say.

We arrive at White Forest first, and this forest has some stands and some houses to explore. We decide to head to the White Treehollow where Benga challenges me to a battle there.

"So this is the White Treehollow... Iris, do you know the rules?" Eve asks.

"Yeah. There are 10 areas and you'll have to fight your way through until you find the Boss Trainer. After defeating the Boss Trainer, you can advance to the next area."

"I see... this is actually similar to Battle Pyramid in some way..." I mutter.

When I ask for the challenge, I decide to start with Area 1. I can't use any items or switch Pokemon because we're underground, so I have to be careful not to tire our Pokemon too much.

The trainers here are giving me hints to find the Boss Trainer, and there are some who give us hints that there is a Gate trainer who guards the gate leading to the Boss. This sure is confusing, but fortunately, they are easy to recognize. There are also doctors and nurses who can heal our Pokemon, but that's after we battle them first.

It's also a good thing that after completing one area, we can just leave and then return to the next area. After we completed Area 10, Benga is the Boss Trainer and he says, "Back in Grampa Alder's house. We promised, remember? We're gonna compete with each other. And see who's stronger!"

The three Pokemon he uses are Latias, Dragonite, and Volcarona. I am surprised that this guy has a Latias in his team, so I can't hold back and use my Legendary Pokemon Kyurem in its White Form to defeat all three of them.

"So exciting! You and your Pokémon's combination! Amazing teamwork! Places where humans can't go alone. Places where Pokémon don't think to go. You can go anywhere with teamwork. Between Trainers and Pokémon! Like you and me! I'm glad you understand that now!" Benga says, "Now you're done with the White Treehollow, I'll wait for you in the Black Tower."

After we finish, we get rewards like Pomeg Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Qualot Berry, Hondew Berry, Grepa Berry, Tamato Berry, or Rare Candy. Then we decide to head to Black City.

"Now this is really different compared to White Forest." Reisa says as we are now at Black City, every building in the area is dark with some neon lights around the city. Unlike White Forest where there are a lot of wild Pokemon, Black City has a lot of trainers wanting to battle.

The Black Tower has the same rules as the White Forest, but instead of going down, we're going up to the 10th floor. Once we get there, Benga says, "You and us! Our Pokémon! The strength we have! We'll give it our all! No holding back!"

His team this time is Latios, Garchomp, and Volcarona. I use the Black Kyurem this time to defeat him. Cilan says, "Weird... to think that he has two Legendary Pokemon..."

"But that sure is strong." Alice adds.

"So exciting! My grampa was the Champion! But Trainers like you are even stronger! We just need to keep competing! Then we can keep aiming higher! As Pokémon Trainers! And as people! And it's all thanks to our Pokémon! Come again! I want to keep aiming higher Hey! Hey! Hey! You'd better come to Grampa's house! You know where it is: in Floccesy Town! I'll give you something awesome! It's a promise, OK?"

Since there is a flying spot in Black City and White Forest, we decide to fly to Floccesy Town first. Benga says, "Hey! Hey! Hey! It was a promise! Between me and you! We had the best match! This is to remember it!"

He wants me to have a shiny Gible and a shiny Dratini, but the truth is that we actually don't need them... after we leave Floccesy Town, we decide to give those two Pokemon to Drandon and Lucine, since both of them like to raise Dragon Pokemon.

At Route 15, we are surprised to find Professor Oak there, who is looking for a Rotom as part of a research paper he's writing about the unusual Pokémon's various form changes, triggered by entering certain kinds of electric devices.

We go to the electricity playground for the Rotom, with a lot of Rotom devices for them to explore. There are three Rotom and they like the electricity from Pikachu, and are much more delighted when it's from Emolga, but not for Stunfisk. In the end, we help Professor Oak capture one, and then we bid him farewell as we continue moving on.

And then we arrive at the Poke Transfer Lab, as we head inside, we are greeted by a Professor. "Hi, hello! You came here. That means you are a visitor?"

"Well, you can say so... thought we were just stopping by since we're traveling." Eve says. Since she's also a Professor, she can help us out. After learning that I'm trying to beat Elite Four, they are delighted and they call a Professor known as Professor Andrew Park.

Professor Andrew Park then explains to us about the experiment that he's working on, which is called the Poke Transfer. Though he is very talkative when it comes to his research, and thanks to his assistants, she explains to us that they're doing what my Dad already has done to us. I mean, transfer Pokemon from other regions... Eve and Professor Andrew Park did talk a lot since their jobs are similar, so we have to drag her away so we can continue moving.

And I have another call from Yancy, since I have to tell her that I'm leaving Unova very soon. She is sad about this, but she understands, and we also promise that we'll meet each other again. Once that's done, we head to the Marvelous Bridge. Let's say that we meet the Magikarp Salesman again and when he recognizes me, he tries to run away. I still can't forget how he tricks us in the past in the other regions, Alice and Reisa are feeling the same thing as well, and then it just leads us back to Route 16.

In Lacunosa Town, we are back at the stadium where the Junior Cup is held. I say, "I wonder if Caitlin is here..."

Just then, a flower comes in front of them, when it blooms, a girl comes out.

"It's me who appeared when the flower opened up. You, standing over there... Ash Ketchum. It is a pleasure to meet you again." She bows.

"It is nice to see you, too. Last time I only got to battle you butler at the Sinnoh Region, but this time I'm going to win for sure." I say.

"Ah, yes. I still remember that match you had last year. You are a Pokémon Trainer with strength and kindness. What I look for in my opponent is superb strength... I'm counting on you!"

The first Pokemon she's using is Musharna, and I decide to go with Leavanny to battle. Leavanny manages to use String Shot to bind Musharna, but it uses Hypnosis and Dream Eater to defeat my Leavanny in the end. Just great... I start to remember what Tobias has done last year...

The second Pokemon I choose is Galvantula, and it doesn't seem to help a lot when facing the Musharna as well. The only thing that goes well is that it makes Musharna paralyzed with the Thunder Wave.

I've lost two Pokemon while Caitlin hasn't lost one, this is making me nervous. Reisa says, "Ash isn't doing well this time..."

"Yeah. I wonder if he can put it through..." Golly says.

My third Pokemon is Sceptile, since I know what Caitlin is playing and I should be able to use the same trick to beat Musharna. After being put to sleep, I manage to wake it up and Sceptile defeats Musharna with the Leaf Blade.

Reuniclus is her second Pokemon, it uses Recover to heal every time Sceptile deals damage on the Pokemon. But it is a good thing that Sceptile can learn a lot of moves and Recover only has 5 PP. In the end, Reuniclus is defeated by an X-Scissor.

Caitlin's 3rd Pokemon is Sigilyph, it defeats Sceptile with Air Slash, so I decide to go for Liepard this time. Liepard goes for Shadow Claw to deal some damage, although it was frozen in ice by the Ice Beam, it also finishes with Foul Play.

The fourth Pokemon Caitlin uses is Gothitelle, I know this one since she uses it in the match against Cynthia. It goes for Thunderbolt to defeat my Liepard, so my final Pokemon is Zweilous, and Zweilous evolves into Hydreigon and defeats Gothitelle with Tri Attack in the end.

Hydreigon: The Brutal Pokemon: Dark and Dragon Type. Evolve from Zweilous at LV:64. This brutal Pokémon travels the skies on its six wings. Anything that moves seems like a foe to it, triggering its attack.

"About time it finally evolves." Golly says.

"Yeah. I wonder what's Caitlin's final Pokemon." Cilan says.

"I can't believe it's come to this! I must have gotten complacent." Then much to our surprise, the final Pokemon is Metagross, which is also a Pseudo Legendary Pokemon. It is giving me a hard time with the Hammer Arm and Bullet Punch, but Hydreigon barely wins the match thanks to Tri Attack burning the Metagross and Dark Pulse.

"You and your Pokémon are both excellent and elegant. To have been able to battle against such a splendid team... My Pokémon and I learned a lot! I offer you my thanks."

I get the Psychic Medal from her, and then she adds, "Winning is important, but what's more important is whether I've done better this time. Because if I can't surpass myself, I can't get close to my ideals. I want to improve and win more elegantly, so I invite you to be my opponent again in the future if you wish."

We nod as we bid farewell to Caitlin. Then we decide to continue our exploration.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Ash beats the third Elite Four member Caitlin. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be more post-game content.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Serperior, Emboar, Samurott, Watchog, Stoutland, Liepard, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Musharna, Unfezant, Zebstrika, Gigalith, Swoobat, Excadrill, Audino, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Throh, Sawk, Leavanny, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Basculin x2, Krookodile, Darmanitan, Maractus, Crustle, Scrafty, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Carracosta, Archeops, Garbodor, Zoroark, Cinccino, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Swanna, Vanilluxe, Sawsbuck, Emolga, Escavalier, Amoonguss, Jellicent, Alomomola, Galvantula, Ferrothorn, Klinklang, Eelektross, Beheeyem, Chandelure, Haxorus, Beartic, Accelgor, Mienshao (Shiny), Druddigon, Golurk, Bisharp, Bouffalant, Braviary, Mandibuzz, Heatmor, Durant, Hydreigon, Volcarona, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Tornadus, Thundurus, Reshiram, Zekrom, Landorus, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krookodile, Scrafty, Cofagrigus, Garbodor, Zoroark, Amoonguss, Jellicent, Chandelure, Bisharp, Mandibuzz, Zweilous

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krookodile, Scrafty, Zoroark, Bisharp, Mandibuzz, Zweilous

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn, Stunfisk

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