Chapter 5

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As we continue on Route 3, we find a Blitzle roaming in the area, one of them likes Pikachu's electricity and decides to join our team.

Blitzle: The Electrified Pokemon: Electric Type. Its mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use their flashing manes to communicate with one another.

And then we're inside Wellspring Cave, and I know for sure this used to be one of my hiding spots. I also decide to capture myself a Woobat, who also followed me 2 years ago until I release it.

Woobat: The Bat Pokemon: Psychic and Flying Type. Suction from its nostrils enables it to stick to cave walls during sleep. It leaves a heart-shaped mark behind.

Once we're done here, we are about to enter Nacrene City until we hear a voice, "You guys! Wait just a sec!"

We turn around and we find a girl who can't stop herself and she crashes me and Alice into the river.

"Ash! Alice! Are you alright?" Eve yells.

After getting out of the water, we decided to warm our clothes and the girl keeps apologizing. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me... I feel totally awful..."

"It's alright." Alice says.

"So what are you doing here?" Cilan asks.

"I want to have a talk with Ash." Then she takes out the Rotom Phone and Professor Juniper appears.

"Hey, Ash. Still on your way to Castelia City, right?" Professor Juniper asks.

"Yes, but I get a Ribbon for the contests already." I say.

"Congratulations. But that reminds me, I forgot to give you a badge case, Bianca has it."

After the girl introdues herself as Binaca, she tries to give me the badge case, but it is really dusty. And just when she tries to hand it over, a Minccino grabs it and takes it away. I know for sure that Minccino really doesn't like dusty things.

Binaca wants to capture the Minccino, so she brings out her Pignite to help out. After Minccino takes out Bianca's Pignite and then our Oshawott, it runs off with the Badge case again.

Bianca lures the Pokémon out of hiding by rubbing one of Cilan's shiny spoons in the dirt. When Minccino shows up to "rescue" the spoon, Bianca is determined to catch it and pulls a dusty Poké Ball from her bag. Minccino sees the dirty Poké Ball and can't resist giving it a shine. And much to everyone's surprise, the Poké Ball activates and captures Minccino.

Once we get to the Pokemon Center, Bianca and I have a battle. We're using one Pokemon each, and I decided to try Blitzle to battle the Pignite. Pignite's Heat Crash proves powerful, but with Blitzle's Spark attack, Pignite is down.

"Bianca may have more badges than Ash, but what matters is the strength." Alice says.

Bianca then vows that the next time we meet she'll be stronger, and then she leaves. Eve says, "She sure can move in her own phase..."

"I agree." I say.

When we arrive at Nacrene City, we find a lot of warehouses and art everywhere. We decide to check out the museum because Golly wants to check it out, only to find that it is closed.

"Excuse me? Anybody there?" Eve asks, and it is then we hear a scream, and the husband of the former Gym Leader Lenora rushes out.

"Sir, are you alright?" I ask.

"In there! It's horrible!" We see nothing inside, and he explains that he's being chased by a Dome Fossil. We find the story to be a little bizarre, and inside we investigate only to find that the Fossil is back on its display.

"But how? It was chasing after me a few minutes ago..." Hawes says.

Hawes explains that the night before, he and the staff finished setting up the secret artifacts exhibit late at night. He had stayed behind to make sure everything was in order before the grand opening when the lights went out, and when he made his way to the light switch he heard footsteps and sobbing. A flame appeared and chased him out of the museum. The next morning he returned to the museum with the rest of the staff but they found nothing out of the ordinary, he postponed the opening of the exhibit until the haunting was resolved to protect guests. When the rest of the staff left, he went back inside which is when he was chased by the Dome Fossil and met us.

Iris says, "It's gotta be a curse! There's no doubt in my mind that an angry spirit put the terrible curse in this museum!"

Golly says, "Curse can also be a Pokemon move... I wonder if it is going to be a Ghost Type Pokemon I can capture."

"There's no such thing as a curse. I think science has the key and scientific perspective is what we need." Cilan says.

"But what about your wife? Where was she?" Eve asks.

"Lenora is not here, she's going on a business trip." Hawes says. And I realize that even though I know him, I haven't talked to him before. Which is why he introduces himself to us.

When we continue moving, Iris and Cilan are not with us, so I decide to explain. "You see... one of the seven sages, Gorm, who is Dawn, Tox, and Lucas' grandfather, was asked by my father to take the Dragonite skeleton."

"Is it because they think it is Reshiram or Zekrom?" Eve asks.

"It might be the case, Hilbert and Burgh come to stop them, though." I say. "To move the skeleton is not an easy feat. That's why he has this one to help out."

We walk to the replica of Cofagrigus, Golly says, "Is that a Cofagrigus? I really want to have it."

"Then you'll have to get a Yamask then evolve it." Eve says. "And what do we have here? A replica of Yamask's mask."

I look at the mask and I say, "I don't think that is just a replica. You think so, Golly?"

"I feel it as well..." Golly says. "Maybe this is a real deal and the Yamask is lurking somewhere."

Alice and Eve shiver a little before we all meet up with Iris, Cilan, and Hawes. Cilan says, "There's nothing suspicious..."

"But I still think something is not right for me, but I can't get anything out of this..." Iris says.

Golly says, "Maybe we should stay a night in the museum? Since Ghosts like to be in nighttime."

We all agree with it and set up the camp, and it is then we feel a strange chill and dark mist appears. I say, "That's probably Haze..."

"I know some Ghost Types like using Yamask." Golly says.

Then we find a suit of armor appears, Cilan still wants to prove that there is someone manipulating inside the armor. I try using Pikachu to attack the suit, which breaks and then reassembles itself.

"So Psychic?" Alice asks.

"I guess so. We just need to find the Ghost Pokemon around the area." Golly says.

Then there is the Will-o-Wisp chasing Hawes around, and then the rain also comes and Eve asks, "So it can use Rain Dance as well?"

"There's something wrong with the sprinklers..." Cilan says as we sweatdrop. Just why those two don't realize that we both are already explaining the answer?

Golly says, "The Mask... I think we should go there."

As we all go to the mask we find that the mask is crying. Golly says, "I know it... it's a Yamask."

The mask starts to flow and bash the mirror, and it is then the Dragonite skeleton also moves. Hawes says, "Not again!"

As Dragonite begins punching the glass of the display, Cilan sends out his Pansage and has it use Bullet Seed which causes the skeleton to fall apart, as well as produce a strange cry. Hawes opens the display to check the condition of the mask when it suddenly flies across the room places itself on Cilan's face and takes control of him.

"Oh no! Cilan is possessed!" Alice says.

"I shall punish you!" Then we hear the voice and he tries to use Will-o-wisp on us. Iris says, "You say that it is a Yamask, right?"

"Now it is confirmed. I think that because the real mask is locked away." Golly says.

"That mask is a real deal." It is then Lenora arrives, and Hawes is overjoyed to see his wife has shown up just in time.

"So tell me Hawes, where did you get the mask anyway?" Lenora asks.

He replies that he found it lying on the ground as the staff workers were carrying in the items for the exhibit. He assumed it was thrown in as an additional artifact, despite having only ordered the Cofagrigus replica.

"You know better than that." Then the Yamask reassembles the Dragonite skeleton and Lenora sends out her Watchog, which illuminates the room with a blinding light.

Golly says, "Yamask, please. He's already sorry. So please just show yourself."

It is then Yamask leaves Cilan and shows himself. Lenora explains that Yamask must have been among the items for the exhibit and must have somehow dropped its mask, which Hawes took as a replica and put on display. She adds that when Yamask realized the whereabouts of its mask, it must have thought it was taken from it.

"Yamask is actually a cute Pokemon." Golly says. "I really wish to have one on my team..."

Then Golly decides to capture the Pokemon with the help of Gastly, and then she does it. And for thanks, Lenora decides to give me a battle despite not having the gym badge anymore.

Lenora sends out Lillipup first while Ash sends out Tepig. Lillipup uses Roar and Ash sends out Pidove. Then she switches into Watchog and uses Mean Look. But Ash knows the strategy and defeats Watchog with an Air Slash. And Lillipup is defeated by Tepig's Flame Charge.

Then they decide to also tell us another flashback.


Lenora is at the office when Burgh arrives, "Why hello, Burgh. What's up? Suffering from artist's block again?"

Burgh says, "Hmm... Bones, perhaps..."

"Bones...?" Lenora is confused. "This is a museum, so of course we have bones. What are you looking for? Your next motif?"

"Maybe... Or maybe not... Many Bug-type Pokémon have hard coverings, right? Their so-called exoskeletons. So I don't quite understand bones. Not at all, actually."

"So, did you think you would understand something about bones if you came here? Sure thing! Make yourself at home! If you'd like, I can have my husband explain them to you."

Then Burgh nods before asking, "Hmm... Well, for starters, what do bones mean to you?"

"When I was little, my dad worked in a mine, and he would always bring home bones he dug up. I was just a child, but I was brought under the spell of bones. What did the bones look like when they were part of a living being? Why are they shaped the way they are? Things like that captivated me."

"Oohhh... I kind of understand. I'm also fascinated by the functional, efficient designs of Bug-type Pokémon, such as the shape of their legs."

It is then another person walks in, the Driftveil Gym leader Clay. "Hey there! What's everyone all gathered up for?"

The two are surprised to find him, and Burgh says, "What brings you here?"

Clay says, "Found a Fossil in Twist Mountain. I came to have Lenora look at it and see if ya wanted to keep it here or somethin'."

"Clay. What do bones mean to you?" Burgh decides to ask Clay instead.

"Hmm? Well now... No matter who ya are or when ya die, bones are all that'll be left of ya. When ya think about it, it's amazin'. Even if ya die, ya can make money! Some Fossils are worth a lot, ya know!"

"I can't tell if you're kidding, but of course, you would think that way. Burgh is trying hard to think about what bones mean to him. Don't be so flippant! So what kind of Fossils have you got there? Let me see."

"Here ya go! Whaddaya think? It's gotta be worth a mint as a specimen or as a collectible! Which is it?" Clay shows the Plume and the Cover Fossils.

"Well, I mean this in a good way, but it's an ordinary Fossil. If it isn't worth much as a specimen, you can't sell it for much. But I'm curious about the soil attached to the Fossil..." Lenora says after examining.

"What do you mean?" Burgh asks.

"It's very subtle, but it's a bit different from the soil I usually see from Twist Mountain." Lenora says.

"That so? Guess my Twist Mountain still has unlimited potential! All right! I'll keep on diggin' my Clay Tunnel! Here, Burgh! That plain ol' Fossil's yours! Have a look at it and think about what bones mean to ya." Then Clay leaves.

"Thank you, Lenora. I guess it's OK that I have my own perspective on what bones mean to me, right?"

"Why not? You, me, Clay... We all have a different way of thinking about what bones mean to us. It would be kind of creepy if we all felt the exact same way, right? Anyways, I feel sorry for this Fossil. It's just resting, minding its own business, and everyone is saying this and that about it." Lenora says.

"I know. I'll thank this Fossil for using it as a motif for one of my works. See you, Lenora."

(Flashback Ends)

"You seem all right, but it's natural for people to have different opinions. Don't fight over it-enjoy it. Consider why they might think like that!" Lenora says after finishing it.

"Thanks a lot." I say.

Then we also notice that there is a Fossil Restoration Machine in the room, and Lenora decides to give us two Pokemon from the fossils: A Tirtouga and an Archen.

Tirtouga: The Prototurtle Pokémon: Water and Rock Type. About 100 million years ago, these Pokémon swam in oceans. It is thought they also went on land to attack prey.

Archen: The First Bird Pokemon: Rock and Flying Type. Said to be an ancestor of bird Pokémon, they were unable to fly and moved about by hopping from one branch to another.

We thank her, leave the gym, and bid farewell. But on our way, we are surprised to find Hilbert and Hilda. "Hilbert! Hilda, long time no see."

"Ash! Guys! It's been a while." Hilbert says as she greets us, and Hilda says, "Wait, you're Iris and Cilan. What are you doing here?"

"We're traveling with Ash, how are you guys?" Cilan asks.

"It's quite fine for us." Hilda says. "I'm taking part in the Contests."

I say, "That sounds like a wonderful choice."

Hilbert says, "So how are you? Still, trying to get the gyms and contests? I heard from Nate and Rosa that you're doing that."

"Yeah, so far no badges but a ribbon. Striaton Gym and Nacrene Gym aren't official now, so we are heading to Castelia Gym." I say.

Just then, Hilda's Tepig Giga suddenly jumps onto my arm, and Hilda says, "Will you look at that, it seems that Gigi likes you."

I really don't like keeping a secret from them, I say, "You're right."

After some chatting, we decide to enter the Contest Hall and prepare for our Contests. I use Snivy, Pikachu, and Infernape for the rounds and the Flamethrower, Volt Tackle, and Leaf Storm combo really attracts the crowd. Hilda uses Reuniclus, Alomomola, and Stunfisk to go through the next round.

When we go to the battle rounds, I have to admit that Hilda is doing great in contests as well, but I have Snivy use Attract to stop their movements and my score is higher than Hilda, and I get my second ribbon.

When we are back outside, I ask, "So you probably know about my Mom's death and also how I inherited the International Police, right? I wand to know if you have any information regarding Team Plasma and Team Rocket in the Unova Region?"

Hilbert says, "Wait, you're saying that Team Plasma is back?"

"As for Team Rocket, I think they're at the Desert Resort, I don't know what they're up to..." Hilda says. "But what do you mean Team Plasma is back? I mean.. it sure has been two years since we last met N..."

"I know you probably miss him, he has been missing for two whole years with nobody seeing where he is." Hilbert says. "But Ash, I think you really should meet this N. Because he really likes Pokemon and he somehow reminds me of you."

"Is that so." I say. Then we bid farewell and Iris asks Cilan, "N is like Ash? Because I don't think that's the case..."

"Maybe there is something we don't know about yet." Cilan adds.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, you can see that Ash meets Hilbert and Hilda again. I hope you like it.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Patrat, Purrloin, Musharna, Pidove, Blitzle, Woobat, Tirtouga, Archen, Zekrom, Egg

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Yamask

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn

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