Chapter 4

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We decide to take a rest in the forest, and Alice is now hungry. "Ash, can we stop for lunch, I am hungry."

"Sure. I guess it is lunchtime." I say as I decide to take out my cooking utensils and start cooking.

Cilan asks, "Hey, Ash. If you don't mind, how about I help you cook?"

"That will be nice." I say to him as we cook together. While we're cooking, Cilan asks, "So Ash, how long have you been cooking?"

"Since I was 7, we are a big family and we always need to help our Mom." I say. "Alice and I also got our Connoisseur badge when we're nine, though Connoisseurs is not really are jobs since we want to be Pokemon Masters."

"It's not easy to pass the test, so I can say that you guys really are special." Then after the food is ready, Eve, Alice, and Golly all like the food as Golly says, "The food tastes even better."

"I agree. Ash's already good, but with Cilan's help, the food is now on another level." Alice adds.

"You know, if I can eat this food every single day, maybe traveling with you doesn't seem so bad." Iris says.

"If you're still hungry, you can get seconds." I say, but I turn around and notice the food is gone.

"Hey, I remember I have cooked a lot..." I say... then I see the grass shaking, I decide to check and find that there is a Snivy eating the food. "It's a Snivy... it's one of the three Starter Pokemon."

I still remember the Snivy, now called Amanda by Hilda, and wonder how she's doing now... "That's good." Snivy says.

I decide to approach the Snivy, and I ask, "I'm glad you like my food. Are you a wild Pokemon? What are you doing here?"

"My last trainer is bad, so I left him." She replies. "You look like you are better than him, how about a battle?"

"Sure." I say as the others also arrive. "It's a Snivy..." Cilan says.

"Yeah, and it challenges me to a battle." I say. "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

But much to our surprise, Snivy goes for Attract, and Pikachu is now infatuated. "This Snivy can use Attract?" Golly asks.

"If that's the case, maybe a no-gender or a female will be better." I say while switching to Pidove.

"Pidove, use Gust!" I command, and Snivy just jumps out of the way before trying to use Attract, I say, "Sorry, but Pidove won't be affected by attract. Use Quick Attack!"

Pidove lands the attack on Snivy, and Snivy decides to go with Vine Whip, but Pidove dodges the attack. Then it switches into Leaf Storm, much to my surprise.

"Just how much level is this Snivy... that's Leaf Storm!" Eve says.

Then Pidove goes for Air Cutter, defeating Snivy, and I throw the Pokeball, capturing the final one of the Starter Pokemon.

Snivy: The Grass Snake Pokemon: Grass Type. They photosynthesize by bathing their tails in sunlight. When they are not feeling well, their tails droop.

After sending it back out, she says, "I admit, you really are something."

We are happy to have her, and then we decide to continue making lunch. We also learn that Cilan has not only a Pansage but also a Maractus and a Ferrothorn.

Then we met two Darumaka who are stealing the town's food. We chase them to a Clock Tower and find a Darmanitan who is using Psychic to hold the falling bell. After learning how Darmanitan and its Darumaka friends saved the clock tower, the townspeople decide to restore and maintain the old building, and allow the three Pokémon to live there.

Then Iris trains Axew with Dragon Rage, she has Druddigon to show him a lot of times, but it fails all the time. Then Axew is stuck on the Scolipede, and it is then Iris shows us that she actually has another Pokemon, which is an Excadrill, but it doesn't listen to her. Archeops kicks him and tells him to battle Scolipede, he reluctantly agrees and defeats the Pokemon then goes back into his shell.

Once we arrive at Luxuria Town, we notice the Contest is held there. I say, "Looks like there is a Contest held in Luxuria Town."

"Are you going to enter this one, Ash?" Alice asks.

Cilan says, "Contests, I can see a pretty flavor in those dazzling performances."

We sweat drop at this, and I say, "Well, although I get one ribbon, I want to take a break for now."

"Oh my god! You guys are here!" The four of us are surprised, we see that Reisa is actually here in the Unova Region. I say, "Reisa! It's been so long!"

"You bet, when I hear that you're going to the Unova Region, I also decide to come here to see if I can beat you in the Grand Festival." Reisa says. "Alice, Eve, great to see you again!"

"It sure is." Alice says. And both Pikachu and Absol are also happy to see her. I ask, "Reisa, you've met Golly, right?"

"This is the first time we meet face to face. I mean, who would've thought that you managed to revive a girl from death after 10 years." Reisa says.

"Wait a second... you mean Golly died once?" Cilan asks.

"Yeah, she was revived last year." I say. "Reisa, this is Iris and Cilan. Iris is the Unova Champion while Cilan is the former gym leader."

"A Champion, like Ash and my Dad." Reisa says.

"Your father is a Champion as well?" Iris asks.

"Of course, and he's also a famous Top Coordinator Wallace." Alice says.

"So you're attending this Contest, right, Ash?" Reisa asks.

"Sorry, but I have one ribbon and I just want to watch. I also don't like to get in your way for your ribbons." I say.

"You know I'm not the same crybaby you met a lot of years ago." Reisa rolls her eyes. "But I don't mind getting my first ribbon so I can be even to you."

Then we decide to go to the stands and cheer Reisa on. Cilan says, "That also reminds me, Ash. You have won four Grand Festivals in a row, right?"

"Yeah, it was not easy, but we've a lot of training." I say.

In the Appeal Rounds, Reisa shows her

Reisa also shows her new Pokemon, an Alomomola, a Frillish and a Lumineon. Alomomola's healing powers not only mend any physical injuries but also touch the hearts of the audience. Frillish's eerie and captivating dance reflects the enigmatic depths of the sea, while Lumineon's graceful underwater ballet creates a spectacle of dazzling lights and colors. The three of their combination gives Reisa the ticket to the second round with ease, and with the same Pokemon, she gracefully defeats the opponents and earns herself the first ribbon.

"That was awesome, Reisa." Iris says.

"Thanks. I've been training hard as well." Reisa says. "Now that we have one ribbon, I hope we'll see each other again."

"Same." I say as we bid farewell. Then we all decide to head to the Pokemon Battle Club, and that's when we find Trip, he already has two badges while I still have none. But still, we decide to have a battle and we have a 3-on-3.

Trip's first Pokemon is a Tranquill, so I decide to go with Pikachu. I have Pikachu use Thunderbolt, and Tranquill just dodges.

"So Pikachu can learn Electric-type moves. Tranquill! Use Work Up and Aerial Ace!"

The Flying Pokémon glows red and attacks Pikachu from the front and then the back with its Aerial Ace. Pikachu lies on the ground, but he picks himself up. Triip commands Tranquill to once again, use Aerial Ace.

I spot his attack pattern and I say, "Pikachu! Grab Tranquill!" Pikachu grabs hold of Tranquill's feet and it flies by and sends it crashing into the ground. Ash then tells Pikachu to toss Tranquill, and Pikachu responds and swings Tranquill into the air and out of control.

"Volt Tackle!" I yell, and Pikachu immediately powers up and heads straight to Tranquill. Trip screams for Tranquill to dodge, but it's too late and Pikachu scores a direct hit. Both land and Tranquill is left knocked out and unable to battle allowing Pikachu to win the round.

"This is the true power of my Pikachu, not the one that you've met back in Nuvema Town." I say.

"I guess so, but you're never going to beat my Servine." Trip sends out his second Pokemon, I have Pikachu use Iron Tail, while Servine counters with Cut, and it speeds along the ground and successfully blocks Iron Tail using the attack.

"Use Leaf Tornado!" The Grass Snake Pokémon whips up a tornado of leaves and grass and hurls it at Pikachu, drawing him into the vortex. As the tornado lands, it smashes Pikachu onto the ground and causes him to lie flat on his belly.

"Volt Tackle!" I say. Pikachu gets up, charges himself with electricity, and attempts to tackle Servine. However, just as Pikachu is about to hit, Servine side-steps and scores a direct hit against Pikachu with Cut, taking him out of the battle.

"So now it is a one-on-one." Iris says.

"I think it is time to bring out the big guns." I say while sending out Infernape. Alice says, "Ash... are you sure it's a good idea?"

"So you have some fully evolved Pokemon." Trip says.

"It is thanks to this Infernape that I manage to win a lot of battles in Sinnoh."

Servine starts off with Vine Whip, but Infernape blocks the attack and grabs the vine. Then he smashes it into the wall. Then he uses Fire Punch to end Servine.

"I have underestimated you. Frillish!" Trip sends out his last Pokemon. Frillish uses Water Pulse, which has hurt Infernape. Infernape uses Dig, which hits Frillish, but its ability is Curse Body, so Infernape can't Dig anymore.

He uses Water Pulse again, making Infernape confused. Then he uses Hex, causing Infernape to fall onto the ground.

"Poor Infernape..." Iris says.

"No, this is what Brother wants." Golly says.

Infernape slowly gets up and activates his Blaze ability, causing Trip to get shocked. "This is what I am waiting for, use Foresight and then Mach Punch!"

Infernape nods and hits Frillish with punches, knocking him out. Don George, who is the referee, declares me as the winner. Trip recalls his Pokemon and says, "I lost this time." And then he leaves.

When we stop to take a lunch break, we spot an unusual Dwebble, we watch it find a rock and carefully carve it into a perfect shape. But as soon as the work is finished, three other Dwebble appear and steal the stone away. We decide to help Dwebble get its home back. Dwebble is quite independent and wants to take care of things by himself, but it is thanks to Cilan that he manages to bond with the Dwebble and defeats the three others to get the home back. Dwebble also joins Cilan's team.

Then we come across a group of kindergarten students who have befriended a Trubbish after rescuing it from a junkyard. The students want to keep it in their class, but their teacher, Daniela, will have no part in it. She thinks a Trubbish will be impossible to care for, as well as being unsafe for the class. Alice and I decide to talk to the kids on behalf of the teacher, but after seeing how much fun the kids are having in their clubhouse and how much they really care about the Trubbish, we decide to help them instead.

When Daniela still refuses to allow Trubbish to stay, Alice challenges her to a battle. As they're about to begin, the secret clubhouse that the kids and Trubbish built out of junk starts to collapse. Abandoning the battle, we attempt to help Daniela and her Deerling stop the clubhouse from falling down. As we struggle to hold up the toppling wall of junk, the Trubbish saves the day with a powerful series of Sludge attacks. Seeing how much the kids care about Trubbish and vice versa, the teacher reconsiders her position and asks Trubbish to stay with the class after all. And for thanks, I get a Pokemon Egg as a gift.

I'll end this part here, the next chapter will be Nacrene City and the anime stuff, but no gym battles.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Patrat, Musharna, Pidove, Dwebble, Zekrom, Egg

Golly's Pokemon:


Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn

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