Chapter 16

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For the first time in moons, Echoheart could hear birds. She slowly lifted her head and blinked away sleep. She was in the dimly lit apprentice den, and from the sound of birds and the gentle sunlight outside, she could tell it was still early. Graypaw and Lilypaw were sleeping soundly in their nests, while Riverstorm's was empty.

Despite being warriors for almost a whole moon, Echoheart and Riverstorm remaind in the apprentice den due to the lack of space. She knew Riverstorm hated it, but Echoheart didn't really mind. She was glad to finally be a warrior, and she knew Riverstorm was delighted as well. She was always out of camp, working hard.

Echoheart always admired Riverstorm's hard work, but it seemed as if their relationship had faded even further. When Riverstorm had been attacked by Falconclaw, Echoheart had begun to doubt her sister's intentions. She was reckless, not brave and it made Echoheart fear for Riverstorm's safety. She could easily get herself killed. Echoheart shook her head, she needed to stop worrying so much about Riverstorm. She's a warrior. She can take care of herself.

Echoheart stepped out into AshClan's camp and breathed in the early newleaf air. She was so glad that leaf-bare was finally over, especially have AshClan suffered the loss of Tawnyfrost. I'm glad it wasn't more. Echoheart thought to herself, glad that it had stayed out of the nursery.

Echoheart glanced over at the nursery where Featherkit was playing with Olwstorm in front of the nursery. Behind him, Hollytail watched carefully over Leafkit and Petalkit who were starting to wander. The two she-cats were barely a moon and a half old, but were quite small. They were just recently starting to wander around.

Moonpaw had explained to Echoheart that since they had been born a moon early, they would spent about a moon just sleeping with their mother, catching up on lost time. Now they were starting to find their legs and explore. They're so cute. Echoheart thought with a purr. Part of her longed to have kits of her own, but that seemed like such a far off dream.

"Hey, Echoheart!" Echoheart's ears twitched as she heard the call of Ripplestep and spotted her mentor padding up to her. "Goldenstar was wondering if you wanted to go to the gathering tonight." He questioned.

"Of course!" Echoheart rose to her paws. This will be my first gathering as warrior! She thought gleefully. She looked over at the crowd of AshClan cats starting to group up. She was glad to see Goldenstar back att he lead again after finally recovering from her sickness. Now if only the cold weather would go away.

They were early into newleaf and soon all the snow would melt away. Echoheart and Ripplestep quickly padded up to the rest of their Clanmates and Goldenstar led them out of camp. Echoheart walked beside her mentor, noticing that Riverstorm was up talking with Lionclaw and Hazelfern and Moonpaw was with Eagleclaw, talking about what herbs they needed to gather now that the weather was getting warmer.

Echoheart felt a sharp pang of loneliness stab at her heart. I feel like I don't belong anywhere. She looked at Graypaw who was talking up their upcoming assessment with Lilypaw and groups of warriors happy to be talking to each other. Everyone seems to have someone to talk to. Except for me. The thought felt bitter to Echoheart, she tried to shove her emotions away and focus on the gathering ahead of her. I should be happy. She reminded herself. This is my first gathering as a warrior. Echoheart forced herself to keep her head high.

AshClan arrived in the hollow, just after LichenClan. "Greetings, Goldenstar." Birdstar bowed her head at the AshClan leader. "Glad to see you back on your paws."

"Thank you, Birdstar." Goldenstar waved her tail. "Feels good to be back at my full strength." Echoheart sensed some hostility in Goldenstar's tone. She's making sure Birdstar knows that she isn't weak. Though Birdstar doesn't seem like the kind of leader to take advantage of sickness. Echoheart noted. The only leader who do that is Goldenstar.

It didn't take long for Cloudstar to arrive with MoonClan behind her. "Welcome, Cloudstar." Goldenstar welcomed.

"Thank you." Cloudstar replied, but gave a venomous glare at Birdstar who simply ignored the other leader. Is something going on between MoonClan and LichenClan? Echoheart wondered, she hadn't seen such hostility between the two leaders before. The final Clan to arrive was SunClan with Foxstar at the lead.

"Newleaf may be here," Cloudstar mewed. "But it's still cold so let's get this gathering over with." Cloudstar jumped on her tree, barely giving the leaders any time to respond. "We want to welcome two new warriors," She mewed, the other leaders hadn't even sat down yet. "Frostfire and Icestorm." The Clans cheered, but LichenClan stayed bitterly silent. Echoheart felt the tension high in the air. This is uncomfortable. "Other than that, fish are starting to swim and the rabbits are starting to run. All is well in MoonClan." She sat down and it was Foxstar who stood up next.

"Things are well in SunClan, we welcome three new warriors. Applespots, Sandfoot and Sunstream!" The Clans cheered again, this time LichenClan joined in as well. Echoheart spotted the three she-cats sitting with their heads high. "Prey is running well and SunClan is regaining our strength after such a harsh leaf-bare."

Foxstar sat down and now it was Goldenstar's turn. "Things are wonderful in AshClan as well, we are as strong as ever with the addition of two new warriors. Please welcome Riverstorm and Echoheart!" Cheers rang out and Echoheart fought the urge to duck her head, feeling warmed by the welcome she and her sister had received.

The final cat to speak was Birdstar. "With the new season comes new ktis, our queen Daisyfern has moved into the nursery. Along with that news, everything is well in LichenClan and our prey is running strong."

Cloudstar didn't even wait for goodbyes, the gray and white leader simply jumped down from her tree and started gathering her Clan to leave. "Something seems weird about Cloudstar and Birdstar." Echoheart heard Graypaw mutter to Lilypaw.

"Whatever it is," The stern voice of Dustclaw growled. "It is not our place to gossip about. Let's go." The Clans started to leave and Echoheart went to go search for Ripplestep. As she moved through the crowd, she collided with another cat.

"Sorry!" She hastily replied and rose to her paws, she figured it was another cat, but found herself muzzle to muzzle with a MoonClan cat named Cedarclaw. Cedarclaw had golden brown fur and handsome amber eyes. Her pelt suddenly started burning.

"It's okay, I should've been paying attention. I was just looking for my sister." Echoheart met his gaze and he stared down at her, his eyes wide. "S-sorry." He shook his head, breaking their gaze.

"No, no it's fine." She purred louder than she had planned to. "You're uh, you're Cedarclaw right? From MoonClan."

"Yeah." Cedarclaw replied, clearing his throat. "And you're Echoheart? The new AshClan warrior?"

Echoheart nodded. "Yeah, this is my first gathering as a warrior."

"Well congratulations." Cedarclaw waved his tail happily. "I became a warrior just a few moons ago."

"Cedarclaw!" Echoheart heard a harsh mew from a she-cat, she spotted a pale golden and white she-cat standing in the crowd.

"Coming!" Cedarclaw called to the she-cat. "Sorry, that's my sister." He dipped his head. "But it was nice meeting you Echoheart! I hope to see you at the next gathering."

"You too." Echoheart mewed, feeling like a dove watching him leave. Her heart skipping in her chest. Wow. She thought, then shook away the thought. He's from another Clan. Echoheart reminded herself before joining the rest of AshClan. You can't swoon over any cat who's nice to you. She told herself. Even if he is handsome. Her pelt burned. There's nothing wrong with me thinking a cat from another Clan is attractive. She assured herself.

She glanced at Riverstorm who was laughing at something with Cloverstrike and Lionpelt. At least I had a pleasant conversation with someone, even if it was short lived. That's what gatherings were for, afterall, being friendly with the other Clans.

Echoheart walked by Ripplestep's side as he talked to Berryleaf beside him, the two of them purring and their pelts brushing. I want that kind of closeness. Echoheart thought painfully. I want to be close to someone, is that so much to ask?

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