Chapter 17

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"Graypelt! Lilyclaw! Graypelt! Lilyclaw!" The cats of AshClan cheered their newest warriors while Moonpaw watched from the medicine cat den. I'm the only apprentice left. Moonpaw watched, and though she longed to receive her full medicine cat name, she knew that it could take longer than normal apprenticeships. She glanced at Eagleclaw who showed no interest in the ceremony and was looking through the herb stores. I'll get my medicine cat name when I'm ready.

Moonpaw turned back into the herb store, their store was slowly starting to grow now that leaf-bare had released its icy grip on the forest. The days were gradually getting longer and the nights less chilly. Sickness was gone and the prey was returning. Finally. Moonpaw thought. She was glad that AshClan hadn't suffered so much, they had lost Tawnyfrost which had been tragic, and Goldenstar had lost a life, but they had also been blessed with three lively kits who would soon become apprentices.

Moonpaw knew that the warmer seasons would bring even more kits, Moonpaw had been watching her Clanmates to see was on the verge of becoming mates. The one that stood out to her the most was Lionpelt and Rainsong. The two of them were almost always together, it was obvious that the two of them were quickly falling in love.

Moonpaw had tried to see if either of her sisters were getting drawn into any tom cats but though Riverstorm was close to Lionpelt, she clearly had no thoughts of becoming mates with him. I don't know if Riverstorm will ever have kits. Moonpaw noted, then glanced towards Echoheart. She was congratulating Graypelt, waving her tail happily. Maybe? Moonpaw tilted her head. Echoheart would often fawn over the kits in the nursery, it was clear that she wanted some some day.

"Moonpaw!" Moonpaw as Eagleclaw hissed her name. She spun around to face her mentor. "If you're doing staring into the stars, we have to work to do."

"Sorry." Moonpaw ducked her head. "What do you want me to do?"

"We need to continue to restock our herb supplies. I want you to go out and get fennel and mallow leaves. We're completely out of mallow, and fennel isn't far off. Take a warrior with you to get some, there will be a lot to carry."

"Alright." Moonpaw dipped her head and stepped out into the camp, hoping she could enlist Echoheart to help her. Moonpaw quickly trotted up to her sister. "Are you busy?"

"Not really," Echoheart replied. "What do you need?"

"Someone to help me gather herbs, I know it's not the greatest task but--"

"Of course I'll go with you." Echoheart purred. "We never get to spend any time together, so I think this will be nice."

"Great." Moonpaw perked up and started leading her sister out of the camp and towards the river that marked the border with the gathering hollow.

"So what are we gathering?" Echoheart questioned with interest.

"Mallow and fennel." Moonpaw replied.

"What do those do?" Moonpaw felt warmed at her sisters genuine interest in her medicine cat life.

"Mallow leaves treat belly ache and fennel helped with pain in the hips, we use it for kitting with older queens especially." Moonpaw explained.

"There really is an herb for everything." Echoheart blinked.

"Just about." Moonpaw purred with amusement. The two of them reached the river and Moonpaw padded down the bank until she spotted the mallow. She was glad to see that it was growing well in the warmer weather. "We're not taking the flower," Moonpaw explained, pointing out the pale purple flower to her sister. "Just the leaves, and not all of them."

"It smells so sweet." Echoheart purred as she bit off several mallow leaves. Moonpaw picked up a few leaves, then continued farther down the river towards the LichenClan border. They reached the fennel plant which was also thriving.

"Bite at the base of the stalks, we use the juices inside." Echoheart nodded and followed Moonpaw's instruction. She also grabbed some fennel and the two she-cats were ready to go. They weren't able to talk as they both had jaws full of herbs, but they had a peaceful walk back together.

They stepped into camp and Moonpaw noticed Mousetail looking at them. "So you finally decided to give up and become a medicine cat, huh, Echoheart?" Moonpaw noticed her sister tense and get visibly annoyed. What's wrong with being a medicine cat? Moonpaw glared at the tom and lashed her tail. Learn some respect you arrogant toad.

Mousetail looked away and the two of them padded into the medicine cat den. "Good work." Eagleclaw praised, glancing at their stock. As they put the herbs into the herb store, Moonpaw looked at her sister.

"Mousetail was pretty rude out there."

"I'm used to it." Echoheart grumbled. "It's been happening more and more lately." She sighed. "It's not easy when your sister is Riverstorm and constantly outshines you, all the warriors have been flocking to her since they think she's just so cool."

"She's my sister too." Moonpaw pointed out.

"Yeah, but you're a medicine cat. You're not comparable to Riverstorm, she's a great warrior and she knows it. You're a great medicine cat but you're humble about it, I'm just a warrior trying my best and that's not good enough for this Clan I guess."

"You're focusing too much on what others think, Echoheart." The response came from Eagleclaw, both Moonpaw and Echoheart looked at him in interest. "What? You two chat like hens in my den I'm bound to overhear." He looked intently at Echoheart. "Your sister is an arrogant warrior, she's young and full of energy and thinks she can take on anything but someday, she will get a wakeup call that will bring her back down with the rest of us."

Moonpaw wondered what her mentor meant by that, but it seemed to help Echoheart a little. Her murky green eyes lit up and she raised her head. "Well, thanks for letting me come, Moonpaw." Echoheart dipped her head and stepped out of the medicine cat den.

"Warriors focus far too much on what their Clanmates think of them." Eagleclaw shook his head. "me They need to just focus on being themselves." Eagleclaw thought for a moment then sighed. "Regardless, we don't have time to focus on the relationships between warriors." But they're my sisters. Moonpaw argued silently.

"The moonstone meeting is tonight and we're already running late." Eagleclaw noted. Right. Moonpaw realized. I almost forgot. "Let's leave before they start without us." After Eagleclaw finished setting his herbs aside, he and Moonpaw hurried out of the medicine cat den and into the forest.

The journey was easy and they made it just as the moon was taking its place in the sky. "There you are." Sagefeather mewed, waving her fluffy tail. "It's not like you to be late Eagleclaw."

Eagleclaw snorted. "Still trying to get all my herbs back in stock. Let's go, enough time has been wasted." Eagleclaw pushed forward, taking the charge. We're the ones who were late. Moonpaw thought with a purr of amusement.

"How do you handle him as a mentor?" Moonpaw heard the quiet voice of Honeywing beside her. "He seems like such a grumpy badger."

"He's a great medicine cat." Moonpaw purred. "I'm happy to be his apprentice." Moonpaw knew that the others saw Eagleclaw as an ill-tempered rude tom, and many times he was but he was also a great medicine cat dedicated to taking care of his Clan.

Moonpaw followed her mentor down into the cavern where Eagleclaw suddenly stopped, facing the other medicine cats. "Before we begin," He spoke, Moonpaw looked at her mentor in confusion. "There's something I want to do." His intense amber eyes focused on Moonpaw. "For the past several moons Moonpaw has proved to be a kind, intelligent and quick learning apprentice. She took to herbs easily and is guided by not only her mind, but her heart as well. She's the best apprentice I ever could have asked for. I am often criticized for my temper but Moonpaw has the patience of a StarClan cat. That is why tonight, Moonpaw will be becoming a full medicine cat."

Moonpaw's jaw dropped. "Really?" She spoke up. "You think I'm ready?"

"I do." Eagleclaw dipped his head. "This leaf-bare wasn't easy, and thanks to your skills AshClan suffered very minimal loss. Your Clanmates already know your potential, as do I." Moonpaw didn't know what to say, she hadn't expected this so suddenly! "Are you ready?" Eagleclaw eyed her intensely, Moonpaw just nodded. "I, Eagleclaw, medicine cat of AshClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons." The other medicine cats watched intently, but Moonpaw's only focus was her mentor. "Moonpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Moonpaw made sure her voice was confident, she had been dreaming of this moment since Featherstorm guided her to the medicine cat den.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat." Eagleclaw stepped forward. "From this day forward, you will be known as Moonwhisker. StarClan honors your compassion, intelligence and dedication to your Clan. We welcome you as a full medicine cat of AshClan."

With her new name, Moonwhisker stepped forward, rasping her tongue along Eagleclaw's shoulder. Eagleclaw rested his muzzle on Moonwhisker's forehead for a brief moment before stepping back. "You've earned this." He added quietly.

"Moonwhisker! Moonwhisker! Moonwhisker!" The medicine cats cheered for Moonwhisker, and she relished in their praise.

"Now," Eagleclaw dipped his head. "Share tongues with StarClan for the first time as a true medicine cat."

Moonwhisker stepped forward, laying down before the Moonstone. She touched her nose to the cold, shimmering surface and darkness quickly took hold. When she opened her eyes she was back in the Spirit Woods, just outside the Spirit Tree. Before her sat Featherstorm, she looked on approvingly. "Congratulations, Moonwhisker." She bowed her head.

"Thank you." Moonwhisker returned the gesture. "I wasn't even sure I was ready."

"You always have been." Featherstorm praised, her gaze soon darkening. "However, as you and your sisters grow older your paths become more clear. If you don't act soon, one sister will be driven down a path that she will never return from."

"Can't you tell me which one?" Moonwhisker pleaded. "How can I help them if I don't know?"

"Keep watch for the signs, Moonwhisker." Featherstorm. "Not even I can see which sister it is. This path will lead to nothing but pain for not only your sister, but you and your Clanmates as well. I've seen spilled blood and a broken Clan. Act quickly, Moonwhisker, or you may lose both sisters."

"Wait!" Moonwhisker began to panic. How could one of my sisters cause something like that? "That doesn't make any sense! Riverstorm and Echoheart could never cause something like that!"

"I'm simply telling you what I've seen, Moonwhisker." Featherstorm lowered her head. "Follow the signs, Moonwhisker. It is not too late to save your sisters."

Moonwhisker watched helplessly as Featherstorm faded away, the Spirit Woods going with her. What am I supposed to do? How do I know which sister will fall? I need help!

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